ask-jiaxu-blog · 11 years
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You mean my former coworker who poisoned ex-Emperor Shao?
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He's alright.
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 11 years
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Nothing is hard when you've got my unparalleled intellect.
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 11 years
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Do you really need to ask?
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 11 years
Time to clean out the old inbox
DW8 needs to come out soon so I can learn more dance moves.
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 11 years
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Of course it is! Would you expect a man like me to enjoy anything else?
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 11 years
Hey, you over there! I have a distinct lack of things to do lately, so I was hoping you could help me out.
Well, we can talk about what it's like to have other strategists steal all our credit.
How is Zhuge Liang doing, by the way?
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 11 years
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I missed you too!
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 11 years
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Why thank you! Just for that, I'm going to show you the greatest of all my dance moves.
Dong Zhuo and Zhang Xiu forbade me from ever doing this in front of them because they were worried it would cause a riot.
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 11 years
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Guo Jia shows up late to council meetings, usually reeking of wine. He often forgets his pants.
He sleeps through half of the council, then wakes up just long enough to shout out some plan that just came to mind. He then wanders away to drink off his hangover. Usually, he pops back in just to remind us that he already supplied us with a plan.
He then disappears for days at a time.
In short, he is an absentminded drunk, who never takes his job seriously.
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The man is my hero.
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 11 years
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Hey, you're right! I do!
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 11 years
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Zhuge Dan?
Wasn't he that general who never won a battle?
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I'll pass.
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 11 years
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Well, Xi Zhicai was before my time. I never met the man.
Xun Yu and Xun You...They're very smart, but did you know neither of them can dance?
I've heard that Cheng Yu eats people, so I don't invite him to parties.
Nobody cares about Liu Ye.
Guo Jia is always late.
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Sima Yi and Jiang Ji are an adorable couple.
Oh snap, yes I did.
Bitches, I'm back.
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 12 years
So, I'm thinking of blowing the dust off of my old bones and answering some long overdue questions.
Honestly, I was starting to run out of dance moves. Now that I've got a new game coming out (yes, it's all about me) I'm hoping that I'll pick up some new tricks.
But first, I've got to work on my moves and answer old questions. Stay tuned.
Or not. Whatever.
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 12 years
OOC: Sorry Anon
So, while attempting to work on a reply to a question, I accidentally blocked someone. Here was the question:
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I can't seem to unblock whoever this is (probably because, since they were anonymous, Tumblr won't show me who it was).
So first: sorry about that. I'm going to try and fix it. it was a complete accident and I have nothing against you (as far as I know; I have no idea who you are)
Second: I think that I can unblock you if someone sends me your name/url/whatever.
Of course, since this person is blocked, I don't think they will actually see this when I post it, so if y'all could reblog this until whoever this is sees it and we can get this fixed, that'd be great.
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 12 years
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I am as well as always. Thank you for asking.
Sorry if I disappoint you, but there really haven't been many ladies in my life.
...Though that doesn't mean I've never been in love.
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 12 years
Sorry for the lack of responses from me. I've been having technical difficulties. Everything should be taken care of now, though. I'll try to catch up on questions.
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ask-jiaxu-blog · 12 years
You've probably noticed that I have been rather quiet lately. I've been having some technical difficulties with my computers.
Feel encouraged to keep the questions coming.
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