yknott81 · 5 years
Many black girls are familiar with being seen as more adult than our peers. 
Hearing comments like being told to “cover up” when I was going through puberty made me feel like I was older and more mature than my age. 
That perception of maturity gave me an awareness about the world that I wish I had come to a lot later in life. And I wasn’t the only one: I witnessed my friends being told these things, too. 
Comments like these undoubtedly contribute to the significantly higher suspension rates of Black girls compared to our white counterparts. 
It’s why our parents coach us from a young age on how to act like a lady and respect our elders; they know that the world stops seeing us as children long before we stop being them.
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yknott81 · 5 years
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Summary: You and Bucky nestle in each other’s arms as things wind down for the night.
Words: 1.2k
Genre: Fluff
A/N: This was written all in one sitting following the aftermath of a lot of romcoms and I needed an outlet to fulfill my swooning heart lol. 
One last final punch and the punching bag groans from the chain above, the bag barely holding onto the ceiling by a thread. It took a hell of a beating, but it wasn’t enough to be blasted to the other side of the gym and have sand leaking out like an hourglass.
Bucky pants, wiping the sweat from his forehead with his metal hand. He plops himself onto the gym mats, damp hair haloing around his head. Unraveling the tape on his right hand, he closes his eyes and catches his breath, exhaustion from his workout settling in and weighing down in his bones.
He would have slept right there in then, but his shoulders and back began to ache. The mat provided little to no padding and support.
Sleeping on the gym floor was too stiff.
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yknott81 · 5 years
Queer Eye for the Cap Guy ~ Bonus Scene 1
A/N: Hi lovelies. Happy Saturday! This is the first of two bonus scenes. This a scene that I really wanted to include, but it didn’t feel like it made sense as an on camera scene. I hope you enjoy. 
Summary:  Steve’s ready to pass the shield. Is Sam ready to accept it? 
Rating: K+
Warnings; Feels 
Word Count: 659
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Steve was sketching when Sam called him and told him he was outside. Leaving the sketchpad on the counter, he hurried to let him in.
“Hey Sam, thanks for coming.”
“No, problem, man. Is sounded serious. Is everything alright?” he asked, worried.
“Yeah, everything’s good,” Steve assured him.  “Coffee?”
“I’m good.”
“Let’s sit then.”
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yknott81 · 5 years
The Tower: The Queen of Asgard - 25
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The Tower: The Queen of Asgard An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1872
Warnings: None
Synopsis: The twins are now three and while the Avengers know that Clint and Thor are the biological father’s none of them know or care which blond, blue-eyed baby is related to which man.  When Riley gets the power to control wind and it becomes evident that she is the heir to the Asgardian throne, Elly, Steve, Thor, and Tony take the twins to Asgard to train her.
Not every Asgardian is happy with their king’s choice of consort, nor the impurity of the heir’s blood.  While others expect Thor to make things more official.  What’s clear is, the role of Queen of Asgard is not easily filled.
Author’s Note:  Written with the little free bird @fanficwriter013​
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Chapter 25: Dress Shopping
The following day things went into major Bonding Ceremony planning mode.  We had a week and a half for the whole thing to be prepared.  Thankfully most of the organization was not exactly up to us.  There was a date, venue, and chefs with an arranged menu all just built into the fact this was a royal event.  The high-priest was on call.  So we really just had to worry about the clothes.  Which was still an issue given the short time frame.
Because only Thor had friends and family to help him pick out his clothing the rest of us formed trios just to help decide on the designs.  We wouldn’t see the end result until the day, but that way we at least had some people who would be secret and some that we helped make the choice.
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yknott81 · 5 years
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Queer Eye for the Cap Guy ~ Part 8
A/N: Hi my lovelies. Happy Valentine’s Day! So we’ve reached the end of this story. I have two more bonus scenes coming at some point but I’m not sure when. But this is the end of the main story. Thank you all for all of your support during this story. I can’t wait to share more stories with you! 
Summary:  The Fab Five watch Steve’s dinner party and retirement party. 
Rating: T
Warnings; Language, feels, not much else 
Word Count: 2763 
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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(image from google) 
Carpe Posterum ~ Seize the Future 
“Antoni, henny, what delicious treat did you make for us today?” Jonathan asked as he leaned on the counter in the loft.  
“Chocolate mousse with chocolate from the best shop in Brooklyn with fresh whipped cream.”
“It’s time to check in with our favorite Avenger,” Bobby announced excitedly.  
“Are we ready?” Karamo asked as he grabbed the remote.
They settled themselves on the couch and started Steve’s reveal.
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yknott81 · 5 years
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How so? For starters.
American finance grew on the back of slaves
Economic Consequences of Segregation
GI Bill: White male affirmative action program
Predatory Lending in Black Communities and Black Wealth
African-Americans With College Degrees Are Twice As Likely to Be Unemployed as Other Graduates
America’s giant wealth disparity is driven by a history of racist redlining
Black Graduates From Top Colleges Face Discrimination In Job Search, Salaries
A Black College Student Has The Same Chances Of Getting A Job As A White High School Dropout
40 Acres and a Mule Would Be at Least $6.4 Trillion Today—What the U.S. Really Owes Black America
Racial Bias and Interstate Highway Planning
Race, Opportunity and Uneven Development in Urban America
Racial Bias in Hiring: Black Sounding Names vs White Sounding Names but please white people, tell me how you’re the true targets of racism.
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yknott81 · 5 years
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one night, the commandos see something, a flicker of something none of them dare name, between their captain and their sniper.
‘i think we should just ignore it, dugan. it doesn’t really make a difference. we’re still a team, right?’ gabe asks, eyes flickering over to where cap and barnes are sitting at the bar as he does. there’s so much there; it’s in the way they move around each other, the look in their eyes as they stare at one another. 
‘i mean… does anyone here have a problem with it?’ falsworth comments. gabe quickly translates, and dernier waves him off in a way that tells gabe that he’s got no quarrel with it. ‘speak now or forever hold your peace, gentlemen,’ morita says. they stay silent, and falsworth raises a glass. the rest of them follow suit. ‘swear yourselves to silence, gentlemen. cap and barnes deserve this. we owe ‘em that much.” they drink, and the moment passes. none of them mention it again. they don’t mention it when barnes and cap go missing for hours, only to sneak back into camp in the middle of the night. they don’t talk about the way the two of them slide their sleeping mats ever so closer together when they’re out in the field. they don’t talk about it, until the day after they receive the news that cap’s plane went down, with him on it. “to the captain, and to barnes. may they find each other again, in every eternity.”
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yknott81 · 5 years
Catch and Release - 9
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Catch and Release: A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word Count:  1744
Rating:  E
Square filled:  @star-spangled-bingo​ - "It’s really important to me that Cap never finds out about this.“
Warnings:  Insecurity, Negotiating sex
Synopsis: When you overexert yourself on a mission with Steve and Bucky, the boys admit to having fantasies that involve you.  Fantasies that you share.  But with one Super Soldier needs intimacy and the other is still dealing with being touch starved, exploring those desires without anyone catching feelings is a little tricky.
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Chapter 9: Caging the Beast
After the failure of your first real request to try something specific with them you’d spent the day with random thoughts popping in your head of things you might like to try.  They were all really one-on-one things though.  The thought popped in your head that maybe some voyeurism might be good.  Watching them. Having one of them watch the two of you. Or maybe if one of them was fucking you, while the other was fucking them.  It was distracting, to say the least.
You went back to your apartment that night a little worked up, but at the same time feeling that you need to make sure the three of you didn’t fall into the habit of just falling into bed with each other every night.  They needed time together and you needed time alone to remember they weren’t yours.
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yknott81 · 5 years
grilled cheese
pairing: chef!bucky x plus!reader
warnings: fluff, fluff, fluff, a little self-depreciation. mostly fluff.
word count: 2746
Description: chef!au; you can tell a good chef by how he makes his grilled cheese.
for @captainscanadian​;; the cbc 1k writing challenge 
just a taste masterlist
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“May I have the… king burger and a side of the Parmesan truffle fries please?” This food truck was your favorite in the city, it just so happened to be parked right outside of your job, and definitely served up some spicy creole flavors. It had gumbo and jambalaya by the cup, a burger that shouldn’t work as an ode to kings bread but it did and fresh beignets straight from the fryer if you had a sweet tooth. 
“Would you like something to drink?” The men who worked it were just a plus, the two of them both terribly handsome, the one currently taking your order was smooth. Impossibly smooth. The gap in his front teeth was incredibly endearing, but the wedding band on his finger and the sweet tone he usually used with you led to you believe his marriage was a happy one. 
“We’ve got the Big Shot Pineapple back in,” A sweaty bottle placed on the ledge, “I know that’s your favorite.” And you did love some pineapple soda, but you’d been trying to eat healthier, and ignoring the fact that you were ordering a burger and fries you fought yourself for a moment on whether or not this soda would be too much. 
“Stop pressuring her, Sam.” The man behind him joked, “She’ll get the soda if she wants it.” A smirk on his lips. Your heart skipped a beat. It was no secret to your coworker behind you, Nat, that you had a crush on Bucky Barnes. His strong jaw and bright blue eyes, that tight bun on the back of his head and his fucking biceps. Those strong arms that were wrapped in colorful tattoos. You’d sat near the food truck every Friday since it’d started parking here two months ago and watched him work. 
The kind smile he’d give people, the funny remarks as he cooked their food. The sweat dripping down his face as he lifted the lid off the pot of jambalaya to spoon out a portion. You’d drool over whatever you’d ordered that day watching him work. 
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yknott81 · 5 years
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yknott81 · 5 years
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yknott81 · 5 years
Lifelong Love Song (6)
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Bucky Barnes x OFC Madeline Anka (face claim for Madeline is Lauren Bacall)
Written for @nacho-bucky​​ writing challenge and the prompt will be in a future chapter.
Summary: On the night of his eighteenth birthday, Bucky seeks out a higher form of life - but he hadn’t expected to find an angel in the middle of a smokey bar. One glance and one night, and his whole life will change… for better and for worse.
Word Count: 3929
Warnings: Mentions of smutty times. Some fluff with dad!Bucky. Umm… definite angsty territory, especially as Bucky receives a certain letter in this chapter… I got the dates and other historical information from THIS post, but if there are inaccuracies it’s on me lol.
A/N: The comments and love I have been getting for this series, and Bucky and Maddie especially, have made me beyond happy, thank you to everyone sticking with this story!
Reblogs and/or comments are always appreciated and held dearly to my heart!
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yknott81 · 5 years
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yknott81 · 5 years
Queer Eye for the Cap Guy ~ Part 7
A/N: Hi my lovelies! This story is back too!!! I’m really excited So just as an FYI there will be one more main part of this story. and then I have 2-3 “off screen scenes “ that will come out after the story is completed. I hope you enjoy! 
Summary:  Steve gets to see his new place and the Fab Five get to see the new Steve 
Rating: T 
Warnings; Language, Manly tears, feels, 
Word Count: 3042 
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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The Fab Five Reveal (Retired, Refreshed, and Ready to Live)
“Are you ready to see the new space?” Karamo asked as they pulled up to the building.
“Yes, I can’t wait to see what Bobby did with the place.”
“Well, we’re here.”
Karamo honked before hopping out of the truck and leading Steve to the side door.
“Boys, we’re here,” Karamo called as he cracked open the door.
“Come on in!”
Steve stopped dead in his tracks as he crossed the threshold.
“Oh my god. Holy – wow.”
He was vaguely aware of the fab five gushing over his new look, but he honestly tuned out as his eyes darted around the room, first, tactically and then in awe.
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yknott81 · 5 years
Because of Tumblr’s complete lack of response to what has happened to me, I am starting a petition for them to change and/or update their policies on Bullying and Harassment. In the seven years I have used this platform, I have never once seen them side with the victim. They always side with the bully. 
As the users of this platform, the consumers of their content, it is our right to be protected. Why offer the opportunity to report abuse if you aren’t going to do anything about it?
It’s time to take action and tell Tumblr we want change.
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yknott81 · 5 years
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yknott81 · 5 years
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