ylisseanxtacticians · 7 years
((Apparently I’m just faster in replying to private threads?? I’m very sorry to everyone who’s been waiting patiently for me to get around to them. If you want my Skype or Discord (yes I do use both of those), do let me know! I’ve been out most of the day, so I do apologize for that.))
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ylisseanxtacticians · 7 years
Another day off with zero free time...
Sorry everyone. I was really hoping to get to this today, but sadly I won’t be able to do replies today. If I can, it’ll be some time after 7 pacific / 10 eastern. Also, last night my laptop decided to reset itself and not keep my pinned tabs up like it was supposed to when it booted back up. As such, I might have lost some threads.
Out of what I could find, here’s what I know I have waiting across all five blogs, under the cut so as to avoid clogging anyone’s dash (posting this on all of them). Please let me know if I missed anyone, I want to keep track of everything I’m behind on!!!
Keep reading
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ylisseanxtacticians · 7 years
@ask-mark-and-lyn / @carrie-the-cleric liked for a quick starter.
Robin opened the door and took a look around, actively exploring one of the Outrealms for once, and eventually found herself in front of a chapel in Caelin. “Hello, is anyone there?” He called out, unsure if it would be alright to just barge right in. After all, he was a guest here, to the whole realm, let alone the chapel.
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ylisseanxtacticians · 7 years
Some of the food in the pantries, the rest of the food and drink in the refrigerator, and a few notes left on the table for later. Afterwards, she finally turned and crouched down so she and Viola were on eye level. “Yeah? I’m glad to hear that.” She reached out and ruffled the other’s head.
She knew her other daughter had somewhat of a sadistic streak, even if it was the not-always-entirely-harmless-pranking type of sadistic, but nearly gave a visible sigh of relief when she heard that they were just having fun. “What did you end up doing while I was out? Coloring, reading, watching anything?”
@violaandrose liked for a quick starter.
Robin was just getting back from a supply run and just walked in the door when she saw her precious daughter running over to hug her. “Hey Viola,” she greeted with a smile and nod. “Let me put everything away real quick, then I can hug you. How was your day?”
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ylisseanxtacticians · 7 years
@violaandrose liked for a quick starter.
Robin was just getting back from a supply run and just walked in the door when she saw her precious daughter running over to hug her. “Hey Viola,” she greeted with a smile and nod. “Let me put everything away real quick, then I can hug you. How was your day?”
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ylisseanxtacticians · 7 years
Starter call
((Alright, let’s kick things off right. Like this post for a starter. IM me if you want a specific muse/gender, otherwise I’ll default to F!Robin.))
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ylisseanxtacticians · 7 years
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((O.O jesus guys, I’ve been back for 10 minutes, tops! Like thanks but damn! Also, sadly I’m about to head to work so I may not be around until tomorrow morning (whether 1:30am Eastern or after I sleep). Though I will try to be around on my breaks today))
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ylisseanxtacticians · 7 years
“Morgan!” Charging at the young tactician Viola tackles the other girl to the ground in a hug. “You’re back!”
Morgan’s smile was brighter than it had been in a long time, and it would have to be surgically removed from her face as she was tackled, hearing her beloved’s voice again. “Hey Vee, sorry I’ve been gone so long! Did you miss me? You missed me, didn’t you?”
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ylisseanxtacticians · 7 years
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Guess who’s back! I’ve finally gotten around to reviving and semi-revamping this quad-muse blog of both Robins and both Morgans of Fire Emblem: Awakening! The art that would be used is not mine unless otherwise specified, and I’m happy to continue RP’ing with you all!
Rules || Muse Info || Verses
Of course, please do let me know if the links don’t work for you. Thank you!
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ylisseanxtacticians · 8 years
FF+ Viola
Answered here.
(Nsfw mention, handle with care)
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ylisseanxtacticians · 8 years
Send me "ff+" and a character name and my character will react to finding and reading a graphic and sex-filled fanfiction of themselves and that character.
requested by anonymous as reversal to this meme.
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ylisseanxtacticians · 8 years
Drabble request 2.
All things considered, this was definitely a good day. No war meetings or anything to get in the way, and she made sure to clear it with her mother. It was a day that she could fully devote to her girlfriend, and devote it she did.
Keep reading
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ylisseanxtacticians · 8 years
Morgan how hot am I?
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD HAVE MERCY
“I thought you knew this Vee?”
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ylisseanxtacticians · 8 years
Good point, too bad he was stuck with bad tacticians, someone like you as a tactician working with him would really save the continent from future suffering under the Grimleal.
"Mm, thank you for your sentiments, and as much as I'd like to agree, I'm not sure it would have changed that much. At least not if Gangrel gained the throne."
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ylisseanxtacticians · 8 years
If Emmeryn's father was trying to target regular Plegians, then yes, I would fault him. But its not mentioned that he was. Glad your enjoying the conversation!
“Even if he didn’t target them, they were still caught in the cross fire. His tactics were rather lousy, as you yourself stated. A war that carelessly gets civilians involved is simply inexcusable.” Robin shrugged. “After all, would you want to be the one to tell the families of another nation that their husbands, fathers, brothers, were killed because they were just in the way?”
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ylisseanxtacticians · 8 years
Chrom's father wasn't trying to mass genocide, he was trying to destroy the Grimleal, an organization of cackling supervillains that was actual trying to commit mass genocide by reviving Grima. There's no indication he was aiming for hurting regular Plegians like Mustafa, or Henry, as opposed to Grimleal like Validar, and Chalard. If he had won, he would've saved both Plegia, and everyone on the continent.
(2/2) Basically trying to destroy the Grimleal is no different then the heroes trying to destroy Gharnef's remaining Heretics in Mystery of the Emblem. They were an organization composed of only evil people, there was no grey area with them, they really were a bunch of supervillains wanting to commit genocide on humanity. The Exalt's problem wasn't that he tried to stop them, it was that he used lousy tactics, resulting in many Ylissean's losing their lives.
“While I do agree with you to an extent, I would like to point out that your initial question’s specific wording was when I was ‘back when the exalt tried mass genocide on Plegia’.” She placed a finger to her chin for a moment to make sure she had the correct verbiage.
“If I were Ylisse’s tactician back then, like I am now, then I would have found a way to target and remove only the Grimleal, and not the Plegian populace. The Grimleal can be compared to Gharnef’s Heretics, I can agree with you there. The simple Plegians? Not so much.” 
Admittedly, her lips curled upwards as she continued this debate. She enjoyed being able to argue her point with someone who had equally valid points.
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ylisseanxtacticians · 8 years
Morgan bit her lips. Gods damnit she knew she shouldn't have pushed her luck. "Hey Vee, wait up!" She hurried after her sister, wanting to make things right.
"Oh Morgan!" Viola saunters up before charging forward, Glomping the young tactician as she happily holds onto her, not caring who was watching. "Lets go for a swim, just me and you. We can have some fun together."
Good thing Morgan had just finished stretching, so she was at least somewhat ready for the glomping…which was also practically announced. She caught herself from falling and had an ear-to-ear grin. “Hey Vee!” She held her partner by the arms around her neck and nodded excitedly. “That’s a fantastic idea!” An idea hatched in her mind, and she chuckled before adding in a whisper, “shall we go skinny dipping, love?”
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