ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
what’s your archetype?
via. repost, don’t reblog.
your archetype is the realist.
traits: practical, understanding, honest, brutal, logical, creator, intelligent, sensible, down-to-earth, reasonable
the realist is most commonly used to symbolize the highest possible outcome in a dire situation. they are the ones who have everything planned, and hand out reality checks as if they were pamphlets to those who need them--which, quite honestly, is everyone who isn't a realist. although they can be harsh (brutal truth over merciful), they are nurturers and care more than they let on. realists tend to do things that will lead to the best outcome, and use their knowledge of reading people to manipulate situations and problems in order to get out of a rock and a hard place.
fictional characters that are realists: hermione granger, dana scully, thorin oakenshield, lestrade (from sherlock), leia organa, willow rosenberg
other personality types that go with this: ravenclaw, horned serpent, poseidon, artemis.
Tagged by: @nakajimx ( thank you, sweet person. )
Tagging: Anyone that wants to do it.
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
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Ho Ho… Huh.
How problematic for me was it to collaborate with December? That tall ass man making its way through that Christmas shopping crowd, sighing at the noise, the kids stepping on my expensive shoes, the cashiers taking too much time and that “jingle belling .. (I’m not sure ?) ” song. I still couldn’t learn how to carry around the Christmas spirit along these past years - call me grumpy, call me stiff, call me Grinch, I will always be the man in suit who’s taller than your christmas tree but still has no clue how to help you decorate it. Time passed by and being surrounded by all of you, I finally understood that perhaps, the spirit of these holidays isn’t to celebrate “Christmas” itself but to take a moment and bless all the people who, everyday, stayed by my side. The ones who helped me becoming better person, a more considerate and less selfish one, a more patient man, more tolerant, more open. I may say it once a year but yes, to all of you, from the bottom of my heart thank you.
Those precious friends, you are part of it, Masaki.
I know we just found each other again, I know we haven’t been in each other’s lives for so long but being with you reminds me of the simplest and happiest times. We both grew up, we both went through things that made us grow up but I needed that, to be reminded that yes, in the past, everything was light and good. How beautiful you are now, talented, kind and precious, yes. I may not be as good hearted as you now but I’m looking forward to that good influence you will have on me. Let’s spend more time together from now on.
A perfume for you ( x ). La vie est belle by Lancome. I just happen to love the pristine, delicate scent of it, I hope you will wear it and like it as well.
A few Christmas treats I found for you. Chocolates, I ate an entire box to be sure they were tasty enough for you before buying them, I may get sick soon but no regrets : ( x ). White chocolate little christmas trees, a pure taste for a pure being ( x )
Merry Christmas Saki.
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
I think once you’ve thought about how a person sleeps, how they’d feel pressed up against your back, or your head on their chest, how compatible your bodies would be in the same space of a bed — once you’ve thought about that, you’re fucked.
All These Things You Wish You’d Say  (via h-o-r-n-g-r-y)
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
👰 💘 💯
👰 Would my muse ever get married?  Oh, absolutely so.
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it? She is a huge romantic. She likes to cook, she would clean the persons house, do laundry, little things. 
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date? Driving to an secluded beach, picnic dinner with candles, dancing by moonlight. Nights in would be something simple; Watching movies, cuddles under warm blankets, just having fun together.  
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
Masaki honestly couldn’t think of a more perfect day than what she and Nakajima had just spent together; sharing stories of old times and the two young kids, drinking hot chocolate and cooking. She had really never imagined him ever being any sort of cook and to be quite honest - he really wasn’t. But she was not about to ruin anything about their shared day; and after all, it was the thought that counted. Seeing him standing in the kitchen and wearing that apron was truly something she would not soon if even forget. Her first kiss and childhood ‘love’ had certainly grown into a most beautiful man in deed. She wouldn’t lie and say that from that first day he had found her teaching her children that she wasn’t intrigued, to say the least. Since her return to Japan she had not really thought all that much about the boy from her past, but for one time that she had heard the name of Nakajima Industries pop up on the news and Grandma quickly changing the channel. The two women laughing a bit but nothing more of him or even of Nakajima industries until that day; he was suddenly just standing there - tall, proud, handsome. And today, cooking and wrapping presents with him. It all seemed like something from a dream to her. From time to time, catching herself glancing at him at the most inopportune times, just to get a glimpse of him doing something that she was certain was so absolutely out of character for him. She would store this day amongst her treasures, her memories of him. Sitting on the floor, wearing a christmas green cashmere sweater and black jeans cuffed just below her knees, Masaki dutifully wrapped the last of the presents. Hearing him cursing, she shook her head at such language then quickly looked up at hearing him calling her by the name only he referred to her as; Saki. He had remembered. She blinked at the sight of him, looking almost like a present himself. She giggled as she stood, walking to him.
“Look at the mess you’ve made..” she playfully chastised, brushing off his cheeks with her fingertips, her eyes canvassing his face. “Seems that tree got the the better of you, Jima..”  
*Continued from ❆ for @nakajimx 
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
RPers, please reblog this if you’re okay with ICONLESS threads!
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
👍 Does my muse prefer to be asked on a date, or would they rather do the asking?-----Masaki is an old fashioned girl. She would prefer to be asked. But I think when she feels comfortable with someone, she may be a bit bolder and ask. 
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
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ymt-msk-blog · 8 years
It’s the love of people around us that keeps us whole. In absence of that love, we begin to fall apart.
bibliophilic-loner (via himexdere)
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