yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
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(Yeo One) ā€œLike Thisā€ + ā€œGorillaā€ + ā€œCan You Feel Itā€ + ā€œShineā€ // United Cube Concert 2018
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
The thing is why are people comparing Jimin and Taehyung comeback trailers in the first place. My ultimate bias is Jimin and my bias is Tae but it is really tiring how yall are ignoring that at least all the members had a comback song for each album except Jin but yall are focusing on these two individuals. Are Tae and Jimin bias people that pressed. To be honest my favorite one is Jhopeā€™s boy meets evil which is lyrically and visually profound and which turn me into a hard stan of bts instead of the soft stan I originally was. Iā€™m tired of people sleeping on other members (didnā€™t Kookie have Euphoria, so why the fuck are yall ignoring him). I donā€™t remember bts being a fucking duet!
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
You a fan of feeties?
not really but i support yoongi and his need to show his feeties offĀ šŸ¤§
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
Is is wrong that I feel uncomfortable with the whole BBMA thing? I mean the award is not even for their music its for popularity on social media and the "fans" they gained from the first BBMA aren't even real fans. They are bandwagon and pushed into the fandom and basically ruined the ARMY fandom. The new "fans" they gain are just going to be bandwagon which is not the people I would be proud of. I want people to become a fan of BTS for their music not just because they performed at the BBMA...
Anonymous said: I saw the tweet too and I was like that in the beginning when the news broke out but then I got over it. However I was reading comments on the tweet and saw some things about new fans. I do not agree with the gaining new people into the fandom because of BBMA. last time we gained fake toxic fans who jumped onto the bandwagon and only joined because they thought the boys were good looking. I am afraid that new people are going to claim ARMY meanwhile they couldnā€™t give two shits about kpop before
1. New fans arenā€™t all bandwagon fans. WE WERE ALL new fans before too, you gotta start somewhere thatā€™s not a bad thing. Any new fans gained will eventually like bangtan for their music because honestly, how can you not?
2. Even old fans can be toxic?! Gaining new fans is always encouraged, how did you think bangtan got this popular without gaining new fans I donā€™t get it. A fandom as big as ARMYs, itā€™s not our job to police people tbh. Not only is it impossible but itā€™s pointless. But we can always encourage more fans what they should do and whatā€™s the best way to support bangtan.
3. ARMY fandom isnā€™tĀ ā€œruined.ā€
4. Top Social Artist isnā€™t just about being popular on social media. It does focus on social media engagement as a whole but to be a nominee on there, you also have to ACTUALLY be charting on Billboard Charts. And Billboard charts is all about music and sales and totally not about JUST being popular online.Ā 
3. A lot of ARMYs had no interest in kpop before but they started to because of bangtan, thatā€™s a good thing. If they only like bangtan and not other kpop groups thatā€™s ok too.
4. What is even aĀ ā€œrealā€ fan?!
5. Even if bangtan doesnā€™t perform in BBMAs they will STILL gain new fans, thatā€™s inevitable and no one can ever control theĀ ā€œqualityā€ of fans we gain. We should always welcome new fans. What we can control is what influences them on ways how to really support bangtan effectively.
6. I just want to emphasize that any huge fandoms in kpop suffer from all these things you donā€™t like. itā€™s not only us and it has nothing to do with bangtan and where theyā€™re performing. Theyā€™re gaining a lot of popularity, thatā€™s just how it is. And I refuse to accept that I should hinder bangtanā€™s success just because we donā€™t like theĀ ā€œqualityā€ of fans we gain.
The thing here is that Iā€™m coming from a place where I was in the fandom wherein we can BARELY get 1 Million Youtube views in 24 hours, we get mocked by other fandoms without any means to defend bangtan from the likes of stupid plagiarism of hair color controversies because there wasnā€™t a lot of ARMYs then. We canā€™t even win music show voting online then. It was such a struggle and from then itā€™s always been my goal to support bangtan and show what they can do so that other people will take interest and hopefully become a fan.Ā 
Not wanting people to be a fan of bangtan is so unthinkable to me. And truthfully, all Iā€™m getting from these anon messages is that, youā€™re being a bit selfish. We should always want bangtan to succeed. I want bangtan to succeed, I want bangtan to be able to accomplish what they dreamed of. How we gonna do that if we donā€™t want them gaining new fans.
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
so many of you reblogged that post saying you dislike yoongiā€™s solo the most umā€¦ā€¦BLOCKED. you are all tasteless clowns, no offense but sfhsjshfjagahfjhs first love is a MASTERPIECE. itā€™s so striking and all over the place, yet precise at the same time. a controlled chaos. pisces creativity at its finest. he knows EXATCLY heā€™s doing in that song. the personification of the piano gives such an intimate tone to itā€¦ the build-up? amazing, bone-chilling, nerve-wrecking. surprising. it sounds like the beat will drop somehow after the first verse, but no. what Mr. Suga does is get back into story-mode. king of defying expectations. it doesnā€™t have a perfect flow, not as many rhymes, but thatā€™s the magic of it. you canā€™t predict it, and thatā€™s what makes it genuine. it has this human element to it, itā€™s more than a song - itā€™s a soliloquy. the way the ending comes full circle, complementing the begging. one word: satifying. the emotion-packed lyrics, ok? the way he gradually breathes heavier, leaving little to no space between sentences, to give the impression that heā€™s suffocating, gasping for air, in order convey the desperation and the pain. genius move.
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
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you did it
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
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If this ainā€™t the truth
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
hobi was really so happy and grateful every time one of the members came to his mv filming that he couldnā€™t stop hugging them and saying how much he loves all of them
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
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oh, the struggles
+bonus: /heart eyes/
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
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nj: ā€œhow much can I share to not look weak to my fans and still remain faithful to them? how much truth can I get off my chest?ā€Ā 
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yo0nmin93-95 Ā· 6 years
omg i cant beieve inwoke up to yoongi removing kanyes songs from his playlist šŸ˜Œ thank U god
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