yodkiller · 9 years
Technical Problems
I have a few more videos to upload from earlier experiments in projection mapping and also from the night of the performance but I am unable to complete this process on this computer. The only other option I have is going directly from Vimeo because my computer is too backed up to download my videos from my drop boxes. However, Vimeo won’t let me connect either of my drop box accounts to my Vimeo account. Thus, I will have to complete the additional posts at a later date.
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yodkiller · 9 years
This is the video I created from a few process recordings I did while learning Millumin on a more difficult shape. The shape is an object I made in Intermediate Sculpture. The video I am watching in the background is Young Americans, it was a long night and I needed something on to keep sane.
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yodkiller · 9 years
This is a video I made while practicing projection mapping again a few days before the performance. 
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yodkiller · 9 years
The Performance Setup
*All images of setup taken by Karina*
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Playing with one of the medium shapes.
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A section of Cody’s video
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Here one can see how we utilized cardboard to better understand where shapes needed adjustments.
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These are some of the smaller shapes.
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Dueling light, red verses blue, good verses evil, who will win?
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Video of the actual performance and also video of setup will be added in a later post as I could never get my posts to complete downloading when I attempted to make them with video.
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yodkiller · 9 years
Composition Control Panel in Millumin
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These were some of the shapes I added during testing. The second image is using the Universal Alterations. The second image is using the slice editor and the Corners Alteration option. 
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The lines are because I no longer have access to the full demo version.
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Here one can see how the composition mixes with dashboard.
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This is what the control area of composition looks like.
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yodkiller · 9 years
Building the IceBurg Model Construction and Actual Construction
The rock model before simplification in SketchUp.
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This was the point at which we had brought up most of the flat sections.
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The thing in my hand is one of the bone tools. The back of the object is open so either one of us can climb in to provide support and pressure. 
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One of the cardboard and ladder supports. If one looks closely at the picture they can see Jesus organized the faces into three main body sections and that the folding program prints a number along each edge so the builder knows which edges glue to which. 
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yodkiller · 9 years
Building the Iceburg Print Time
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This was when the sheets for printing wouldn’t show the vertex lines. Jesus found out that if he broke the file up into ten page segments then the program would display the vertex lines. I am not sure if he ever figured out why this error was occurring.
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This is the brand of paper we used from Walmart
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yodkiller · 9 years
Millumin and Dashboard
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The bar in orange is the row for your data that you wish to display. 
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The window on the side is the slice editor. In this particular project I used masks rather than slices to make my shapes but you still used the slice editor to determine where you want your masks to be displaying from if they were to be inverted. The slice editor is also being used in the project for what is being displayed on each slice which the masks then block out.
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The grey menu at the top is where the options to invert, add, subtract, and change the overall size of a mask applied to a layer can be made. The third icon on the left at the top is the mask tool and allows for Bezier control and basic pen tool abilities. 
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yodkiller · 9 years
Millumin, Program Comparison Final Thoughts
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This is what Millumin’s interface looks like. The slice editor, which is where one chooses the area of the image they want the shape to display and do minor alterations. This is also where new shapes are added for the drawing board. These are known as slices
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yodkiller · 9 years
Resolume4 Ressooooluuume
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In order to do the actual projection mapping adjustments in Resolume4 the user must go to Output and changed to Advanced. This is what Advanced setting.
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This is what the initial interface looks like in Resolume4.
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yodkiller · 9 years
Mapmaper, likes and limitations
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This is what Madmaper’s interface looks like. I got the image from here.
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yodkiller · 9 years
This is the video I mentioned in the previous post. In theory I would make the object on the wall of my studio the domain for the water.
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yodkiller · 9 years
Red Cube Begins
I began to watch a tutorial on how to make objects into fluids using blender. The first video I visited looked very informative but, at this point in my development, went much farther than I needed or was prepared to go. Using a second search I found this video. The first image on this post shows what my baked simulation looked like from the original video. Obviously there are some technical problems which I would have to learn more about before I could even know what to tackle first. The second image is from the simulation based off of the second video. What was particularly nice about this video, the instructor goes through all of the sub menues on the fluid physics section of the domain and explained what each section controlled.
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Instead of adding an image for the second tutorial I created a rendered video which I will post as a second part of this entry. 
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yodkiller · 9 years
Responding to Ways of Something E-1
“because paintings are silent and still, and because their meaning are no longer attached to them but has become transmittable, paintings lend themselves to easy manipulation. They can be used to make arguments or points which may be different, very different, from their original meaning and because paintings are essentially silent and still, the most obvious way of manipulating them is by using movement and sound. A camera moves in to remove a detail of a painting from the whole. Its meaning changes, an allegorical figure becomes a pretty girl anywhere. From being part of a strange, poetical world of metamorphosis, a dog can be turned into a pet.” 13:10 to 14:05 I believe this section, from Ways of Something, can be applied to target group formation. In particular, how target group formation works within governmental branches, media, public opinion, and political power to reproduce concepts of deservingness. Paintings as silent and still, references how some, less deserving, groups’ lack political power or representation. This dearth of power and representation effectively silences said group. Rendered invisible in regards to how they might want their own actions to be read, these groups are no longer attached to their meaning. Instead, any meaning may be transmitted and manipulated to influence policy and shift public opinion. Court decisions, political debates, and the media are all tools to easily manipulate rhetoric and representation for specific arguments and political points. Media, stereotypes (particularly in connection to visual signifiers), and sound bites are part of this “most obvious” manipulation that the quote above highlights. Not only are movement and sound used, these social and political rhetorical forces choose a detail to remove from the whole which, are the environmental and circumstantial experience of group members. And to stretch this comparison a little farther, the individual (dog) is turned into an entity to be controlled (pet). 
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yodkiller · 9 years
Projection Mapping
Whilst projection mapping images, with masks layer over top, onto a piece on my studio wall, I took a variety of videos. The final edited video was too large to upload to tumblr so here is the link to the Vimeo site. The video on in the background is Young Americans. I do not own the rights to this television show, but if you are looking for something easy to watch related to feel good teen dramas this is the show for you. Plus it’s short, at just eight episodes. It’s the  small things that keep one sane whilst trying to get layers straight, move objects on two screens, endlessly add points, and adjust lines. This is still a slightly rough projection. I ran into issues when I tried to change from the original image I was mapping with to a video. I believe the masks are no longer working properly due to my layers arrangement. I am going to go back in when it gets dark again to adjust my layer order and see if this makes a difference when using the video. 
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yodkiller · 9 years
Second version of Blender April Fools Placement. Description of process to come in a future post. 
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yodkiller · 9 years
April Fools Blender Placement
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