yoei-pw · 5 years
A woman on Facebook summed up my feelings on Australia's current fire crisis perfectly:
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yoei-pw · 5 years
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A Small Guide to Journaling by Eintsein
Something you may or may not know about be is that I journal. However, only recently have I gotten the hang of it and stayed loyal to the habit of journaling. Here are some tips and tricks on how you can journal successfully. Hope you like it :)
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yoei-pw · 5 years
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spn || 3.08    #winsync
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yoei-pw · 5 years
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yoei-pw · 5 years
Runaan and his husband, Ethari.
Runaan and his husband, Ethari.
Runaan and his husband, Ethari.
Runaan and his husband, Ethari.
Runaan and his husband, Ethari.
Runaan and his husband, Ethari.
Runaan and his husband, Ethari.
Runaan and his husband, Ethari.
Runaan and his husband, Ethari.
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yoei-pw · 5 years
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When assassins are sent on a dangerous mission, Ethari enchants one of these flowers for each of them. As long as the assassin lives and breathes, their flower floats.
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yoei-pw · 5 years
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“Wrackspurts, Harry, your heads full of them!”
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yoei-pw · 5 years
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Draco excited to see Harry 🐣
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yoei-pw · 5 years
3 Reasons why I wrote CALL DOWN THE HAWK.
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yoei-pw · 5 years
the raven boys as tik toks…. part 2! 🤠
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yoei-pw · 5 years
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This is the piece I made for the @thezinezone‘s Strange Constellations Zine.
I loved looking for details to add. Also, I always wanted to draw Monmouth and this was the perfect chance.
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yoei-pw · 5 years
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1. Virginia Woolf, letter to Vita Sackville-Wes, March 1928
2. Ronan Lynch to Adam Parrish, Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
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yoei-pw · 5 years
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The raven bunch plays the Get Down Mr. President! game:
Gansey always loses. Always. Even when he’s trying to be the one to start the game. Others would just ignore him and wait until he’s distracted enough to target him again.
Ronan always manages to get to Gansey first, even if he’s the farthest away from him. He could be standing at the other end of the room and he’d still be first to reach him. It’s because Ronan loves to be able to tackle Gansey to the ground without being lectured afterwards. And the ensuing hugs are nice too.
Over the time Blue developed some sort of Raven Boys Bullshit sense. She can always tell when her boys are up to something. The women of 300 Fox Way aren’t sure how she’s doing it except Gwenllian who says that back in the day she could always sense when her father and people from his court were being idiots.
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yoei-pw · 5 years
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yoei-pw · 5 years
special vtines drarry request: the ideal drarry date. bonus points if draco cries, either from his feels or the sex or because he hates himself
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yoei-pw · 5 years
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“Ronan stared into his breathtaking eyes, lifting the boy’s hand to his mouth to kiss the back of it… His lips lingered longer than necessary but he couldn’t help it.”
my piece for the raven cycle big bang! from @manonblaccbeak‘s incredible cinderella au burning glances, turning heads. i am in love.
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yoei-pw · 5 years
remember that adam approaches blue, asks her for her number, sends her flowers, and rings her up and asks her out. that he goes to collect her for their date, tells her she looks nice. remember how often he thinks about how he wants to hold her hand or touch her hair or entwine himself with her. remember how often he actually does do those things and how ridiculously pleased he is to be doing so. remember how, when he’s sad, he lays his head in her lap. remember how he sticks up for her when she’s cat-called, how he doesn’t really understand why she’s upset, but states that he cares about her so he wants to. remember how, when he confronts blue about hers and gansey’s deception, he’s explicitly upset because their happiness would always mean more to him than anything he felt for blue and he’s hurt they didn’t give him that chance. remember that he had severe self-esteem issues that caused him anxieties about what someone like gansey would think of him, how they would react to him or judge him, but that, despite those fears, he stopped when he found gansey broken down on the side of the road. remember that he spends much of his limited time helping gansey to fix his car, that he feels immense pride for gansey when he manages to fix something on his own. remember that he makes sure gansey gets his burger the way he likes it. remember how he distracts gansey with homework when gansey is anxious. remember how devastated he was to find out gansey’s fate, that he became hellbent on finding glendower so he can save the friend he frequently expresses his love and admiration for. remember how he thinks gansey is wonderful, that he loves gansey so much. remember that he’s happy blue and noah get on so well because noah is ignored so often, or laughed at, that he’s happy there’s someone in the group now who takes notice of him. remember his fierce defence of noah, that proclamation that no friend would ever have hurt him that way. remember that in the midst of everyone’s unease, it is adam who lifts his hand, bumps knuckles with him.
remember that the consequences for him sneaking out are violent and dangerous, yet he goes out in the middle of the night to help look for ronan. remember when he projects into ronan’s dream to help him save matthew. remember that even though he’s so exhausted and barely keeping his head above water he helps ronan with greenmantle and his sleeping cows. remember that he gets cabeswater to play ronan’s electronic music, that he revels in making ronan smile. remember how he gives opal his watch to help her feel better, that he hates the idea of her in cabeswater, that he brings her out. remember how he felt soft and fuzzy after his kiss with ronan, and describes himself as senselessly happy. remember that he’s devastated for ronan after they find his mum, that he wishes he could do something to stop ronan turning around and seeing it, to keep him safe for a moment longer. remember how he climbs into ronan’s car so he won’t be alone in his grief, he doesn’t force ronan out or to talk, because he knows that’s not what ronan needs. remember how he can’t bear to be blindfolded, hearing the sounds of ronan being unmade. remember how natural it was for him to put his fingers through ronan’s when ronan was upset, to let ronan press his face against his neck. remember how he initiates kisses, and naps with ronan, and clings to him in their mud pit. remember that he was ready to not go to college for ronan, the thing he worked so exhaustingly hard for, that he got very upset about ronan not caring what happened to him. remember that he drives ronan’s car, thinks about how it smells like him, listens to his thumping music.
remember that adam knows more than anyone what a privilege love is as he went without it for so, very long. remember that he thinks about love often, that he feels so lucky to have it and that he doesn’t ever want to lose it. remember how he feels when he does lose his first love cabeswater. remember how he feels when he loses persephone, how he likens it to a scab that won’t ever fully heal. adam parrish is so wonderfully compassionate, so full of the love he knows he’s privileged to feel and have. he’s affectionate and giving, always looking for and giving it, both physically and emotionally. the way he loves is so distinct in its thoughtfulness, like his very own language that spills out over him and onto his friends and boyfriend, similarly to the way cabeswater reaches out its branches and wraps adam up its love; fitting, given it was through cabeswater that adam realised ah, this has been what love was the entire time and im never letting it go.
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