yoisickficasks · 6 years
I know it says in your name that you write yoi, but could you write black butler too?
uhhh i don't even write yoi, i just come up with prompts, and my description says as much.  so, uh, no, i’m yoi only and it’s just giving prompts, sorry.  i’m not into the black butler fandom at all
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
Do you have any ideas for Chris? I want to write a fic for him but I don't have any prompts to work on and I'm at a loss for ideas. Just vomiting, if you can, I'm trying to keep my siclfic blog scat free, so far I'm succeeding haha 😊
yeh!!!  hope this helps ya!
chris is staying with someone (significant other/friend of choice or yuuri & victor - i’ll leave that up to you!), and when he wakes up - late, much later than normal - he doesn’t feel like getting out of bed.  he’s sweaty and has chills and really doesn’t feel like eating, but his host offers him breakfast and he feels it would be rude to turn it down.  he rushes to get dressed and has a dizzy spell in the process that makes him slow down.  by the time he gets to the table, the food is cold and it only turns his stomach more.  he politely excuses himself about hallway through the meal to go throw up and manages to be pretty discrete about it, though his host does seem to notice the sweat on his brow.  chris tries to continue eating but once again has to excuse himself - only this time he either doesn’t quite make it or his host hears him, and thus he ends up being comforted (and thank goodness, to be honest, because putting up a front was really taking a lot out of him)
i’ll let you take it from there!  i’d love to read whatever you end up writing!!  good luck!
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
hi!! I love your blog. Hope youre doing well & finding inspiration
gonna be honest, i’m a little bit confused here, since this is a pretty fleshed out ask as is. i don’t actually write fics  so i’m not sure what to add to this! but thanks for the prompt anyway! let me know if i am misunderstanding something here!
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
i’m running out of ideas... if y’all want more prompts, feel free to send asks!  i may go quiet for a bit otherwise, just because i need time to find some more inspiration!  no worries though, i’ll be back :)
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
(a conversation held after victor has been out of commission for days with the flu)
victor: good morning, yuuri! i’m fine, now!
yuuri: good morning, Fine. i don’t understand why you would so suddenly change your name, but you still look like you’re about to throw up so how about you sit right down and let me make you some soup and we’ll see how that goes.
victor:  :’D
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
after growing his own hair out again (yuuri’s long hair made him miss it), victor wakes up one night sick to his stomach.  he doesn’t say anything, but nuzzles his head into yuuri’s side.  yuuri wakes up to hear victor belch loudly and moan.  he puts a hand to victor’s head and feels that it’s warm.
“you sick, vitya?”
victor shrugs, but the way he curls around his stomach gives him away, and yuuri knows that it’s time to return the favor.
yuuri grows out his hair while in russia.  he loves it long.  then he catches a stomach bug.
victor wakes up when makka basically drags him to the bathroom (she is very concerned about dad #2), where yuuri is silently sobbing, vomit all over his hair. yuuri isn’t done being sick, so victor ties his hair back without a second thought and stays with him until he feels empty, exhausted, and not ready to move from the bathroom floor just yet.  then, after making him rehydrate, victor washes yuuri’s hair (you know the way they do when you get a haircut?  somehow victor knows how to do that using the bathtub and some really expensive hair products), dries it, and then carries yuuri back to bed, along with a bowl because yuuri still feels nauseous.
sure enough, the bowl was necessary, but at this time victor is right there to hold yuuri’s hair out of the way (he didn’t tie it up again because he didn’t want to give yuuri a headache)
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
this goes with an unconventional and self projecting hc that victor could have anxiety and not know it.
at a party, some sort of banquet or something, shortly after yuuri and victor get together, victor disappears after giving yuuri the excuse of needing to go to the bathroom.  when he returns - a while later - he’s pale and sweaty.  his eyes are red and he has his hands clenched in fists so it’s hard to be sure but yuuri thinks that they’re shaking.
“are you sick?”  yuuri asks.  victor is surprised at the question, because no one’s ever noticed before.  he’s dismayed that his smile isn’t doing a good enough job so he forces it a bit wider as yuuri puts a hand to his forehead.  “you don’t feel like you have a fever...”
“i’m fine, yuuri!  really.  come on, now, let’s go talk to your potential sponsors.”
yuuri is quickly overwhelmed by the crowd and has to focus on keeping himself together, so he lets the matter go.
but at the next banquet, he notices immediately when victor is gone for longer than normal and makes his way to the bathroom.  that’s when he hears the sobbing.  he knocks on the door to the stall that he knows victor is in.  his heart feels like it’s dying when he hears victor desperately trying and failing to cut off the sobs.
“victor, it’s okay, it’s just me,” he says, but victor is still struggling.
“sorry, yuuri, i’ll be–” victor can’t speak for a painful while.  then, “wait for me outside.”
“can you please let me in?” he begs quietly.
victor makes a distressed sound, and yuuri backtracks.
“you don’t have to, if you’d rather not!”  he says quickly.  “but... i’d like to help, if i can.  even if that just involves me talking you through this from out here.”
there’s a moment of silence, and then the door swings open to reveal victor, who looks about as bad as yuuri had imagined.  he’s a sloppy, shaky mess, and yuuri wants nothing more than to hug him, but only if it’s okay.  he waits for victor to make the first move, and when it does, it’s heartbreaking.
“yuuri... i think there’s-” victor gasps for breath.  “there’s something wrong with-”
he can’t even finish the sentence through his tears and the inability to breathe.
“there’s nothing wrong with you, victor.  can i touch you?”
immediately victor is reaching for a hug, and yuuri eagerly quickly grants it, letting victor cry into his chest for a long while.  yuuri talks the whole time, as the minutes tick by, and he tries to help victor breathe, but for so long he wonders if victor can even feel him, let alone hear him.
then the crying stops suddenly, and victor stills.  yuuri takes a good look at victor’s face and is not surprised when victor mumbles, “gonna be sick.”
yuuri helps him over the toilet and helps him through it.
when it’s over, victor washes his mouth out, splashes water on his face, and tries to tell yuuri that he’s fine now, ready to go back into the crowd - he’s been doing it since he was a kid.  yuuri isn’t buying it.
“do you realize you just had an anxiety attack?”
“no, i just-”
“you just what, victor?”
“i don't - i don’t know,” victor admits, his voice breaking.  “i never knew that it - that it had a name.”
yuuri softens, and touches the inside of victor’s wrist, a surefire way to get his attention without being alarming.  “let’s just go home tonight, okay?  i can explain it in detail on the way back, so that we can work towards preventing it next time.  and then you can sleep,” he says, knowing how exhausted victor must be.  “how does that sound?”
there’s a moment or two of hesitation, but then victor nods.  “yeah.  yeah, that sounds good, yuuri.  thank you.”
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
Post Puking Realness: gimme a character curled up on their sofa, wrapped in blankets and with a hot water bottle, moaning and whimpering about their tender abdominal muscles after puking so violently. Even better if they’re still feeling spewish but their body is just so sore and worn out….
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
does anyone have asks? i really liked coming up with that last one!
submissions are also welcome!
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
it’s the night before a competition and yuuri and victor are in bed when yuuri starts to feel really nauseous.  he’d been feeling a bit off the whole day - weak and shaky, but nothing he couldn’t handle.  they’d spent the previous day traveling so he’d attributed it to jet lag.  by now he’s worried that he’s getting sick.  he’s thinking about how he’ll have to compete tomorrow, how he can’t let victor down, etc.  and then all of a sudden he’s really worried, to the point of having an anxiety attack.  his desperate, gasping sobs wake victor up.  victor does what he can to help, and asks if yuuri feels sick because that sometimes comes with his anxiety.  yuuri nods and victor hands him a trash can - yuuri has never vomited from an anxiety attack before, but he often feels like he will, and knowing that he won’t make a mess either way helps.  this time, though, yuuri gets violently sick - and he doesn’t stop.
cue victor nearly flying into a panic because “it’s okay yuuri, it’s just anxiety, it will pass - but also is it normal to be this sick???  are you okay???” and then he feels the fever in yuuri’s forehead and realizes what’s going on
potential to add being sick from both ends because anxiety can mess up your digestive system to the point of diarrhea.
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
could i ask for a yuri p. prompt? if you don't want to you don't have to!
oooh a request!!  here ya go, love:
yuri p. and yuuri end up sharing a hotel during a competition because yakov took over coaching yuuri when victor got a stomach flu and having them room together saves money. they have a nice night because without all of the pretense that he has in public and around victor, yuri is more laidback. they fall asleep after watching tv together. when yuuri wakes up in the middle of the night, it’s to the sound of yuri puking all over himself. yuuri immediately goes over to yuri’s bed and helps him lean over the edge, then calls room service when yuri stops vomiting. yuri is quiet, but when yuuri starts to leave his side to get a cup of water, yuri latches on to his shirt and says quietly that he still feels sick and doesn’t want to be alone.
yuuri takes him to the bathroom, where he is sick all over again.  a couple hours later, yuri is exhausted and falling asleep on the bathroom floor, but still nauseous. room service has cleaned but yuuri’s bed is closer, so that’s where yuuri puts the sick teen.  he gives yuri the small trashcan from the bathroom just in case.  sure enough, he starts retching again soon enough, so yuuri starts to rub yuri’s back and holds the trash can steady.  in between dry heaves, yuri pulls yuuri into the bed for the extra bit of comfort.
yuri ends up falling asleep with his head against yuuri’s chest. yuuri gently takes the (fortunately still empty) bowl away and sets it on the nightstand.  he continues playing with yuri’s hair because he knows that the teen likes it but ends up falling asleep right there as well.
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
yuuri, living at victor’s place, is listening to music through his earbuds on the couch while victor does some work at the kitchen table.  victor gets up and yuuri doesn’t think much of it until he hears a strange noise that just barely breaks through the sound of his music.  he takes his earbuds out and hears retching noises.
“makka?”  he assumes it’s the doggo, because this happens sometimes when she eats to quickly.  if he hadn’t been so caught off guard, maybe he would have noticed that today’s sound is quite different than the usual.  instead, he watches makkachin walk towards him from the direction of their bedroom (why would she be over there when he and victor were over here, yuuri wonders vaguely), only for her to stop part way, whine, and run right back to where she had come from.
oh, yuuri realizes, the bathroom is also over there.
“victor...”  the name leaves his mouth in a whisper and yuuri rushes to the bathroom, where he finds his sweaty, shaking, mess of a fiancé with his arms and, in fact, his entire upper body draped unceremoniously across the toilet.  victor belches hollowly, but manages to bring up a small stream of what yuuri assumes to be bile.
comfort ensues
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
When silent tears run down their face because actually crying would further worsen the pain
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
the one who was fine does his skate second and doesn’t do so well.  the other man watches anxiously, feeling bad because he’s sure it’s because he kept him up all night.  he’s prepared a speech to cheer him up when the skater leaves the ice, but instead the skater walks right by him to a restroom where he is violently sick with either vomiting, diarrhea, or both.
turns out he caught the bug.
(bonus points if the diarrhea started while he was skating, but just wasn’t visible because his outfit is dark)
at a competition where yuuri and victor are competing against each other
reporter: “both skater katsuki and skater nikiforov look a bit off today…  perhaps the competition is causing a rift?  hope everything is alright with them!”
when asked, they both force smiles and say that everything is fine, though it’s not even believable.
what they’ll never admit is that both of them have been up all night because one of them was sick (puking and/or diarrhea) the whole night and the other was up taking care of him.  writer’s pick on who was sick.
the sick one skates first and his skate is simplified but he makes it through, just barely.  the other is so proud (was also very worried and is now relieved) and waits for him with open arms when he finishes.  the skater leaves the ice and immediately falls into the other man’s arms, exhausted.
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
yuuri is having an off day.  when he messes up the step sequence that is usually so easy for him, victor decides he needs a break.  “yuuri, i’m going to the bathroom.  take a rest until i get back.”
yuuri is panting with his hands on his knees, so when his response is no more than a nod, victor assumes he’s just too exhausted for anything else.  he later kicks himself for not being more concerned.
as soon as victor is out of eyesight and earshot, yuuri, who’s been dizzy for a while, is overwhelmed with nausea.  what feels like everything he’s eaten in the last week hurdles up his throat.  he covers his mouth, but a thin stream of vomit sprays through his fingers and onto the ice.  he suppresses a retch but his head is hurting and the world is spinning and he falls to his knees as a larger and more forceful wave of vomit sprays from his lips and his nose.  he coughs violently and heaves again and again, but there’s hardly anything left so it’s just bile coming up.  and then it feels like his whole stomach suddenly slides out of his ass in a liquid rush.  yuuri ends up laying on the ice, curled in the fetal position, as his stomach continues to cramp, attempting to expel more diarrhea, but it’s mostly just gas along with a few spurts of liquified shit.  he passes out and when he comes to victor is freaking out because he just found his fiancé laying on the ice in a puddle of his own diarrhea and vomit.  seeing yuuri awake, confused, and on the verge of tears, victor tries to pull himself together.
“oh, sweetheart, don’t cry.  it’s going to be okay, but i need you to not cry.  you’re very sick and i don’t want you to get dehydrated, okay, love?”
but really he’s not fooling anyone - not even himself.
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
character A has awful, awful cramps but cannot seem to find a way to gracefully remove themself from the conversation and figures that the pain will go away after a while anyway.  instead, they find themselves pale and paralyzed as diarrhea begins dripping down their leg.  that’s when the nausea kicks in...
food poisoning at a banquet, lots of sick skaters
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yoisickficasks · 6 years
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i love each and every one of my 5 followers so very much!  here’s a hug for each of you, take your pick!!
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and an extra because vitya is too cute:
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