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#When Your Future Husband Fixes Things For You Cause He's Tall
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Abbott Elementary + no context
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Omg full version!!!
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Tom Hopper as Luther Hargreeves The Umbrella Academy ☂️ The Final Season Teaser
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9-1-1 Lone Star as -> The FRIENDS Theme (Extended Version)
I got bored and decided to make... whatever this is, because I was sad no one else seems to have done it yet.
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Thanksgiving is a week away and I do not have the time to write a Thanksigiving story (even though I'd love to, we need more Thanksgiving settings) so instead, I present some 126 Thankgiving head-canons:
Owen has deigned himself the host of Thanksgiving and everyone tells him to finally take advantage of the chance to eat as unhealthily as he wants to.
Nancy and Tommy both agree to bring dessert - Tommy brings homemade blondies and Nancy brings store bought vanilla cupcakes. "Don't look at me like that, TK. I did "bring" them."
Carlos calls Andrea to let her know that she's invited to the 126 thanksgiving and Andrea tells him that she already knows, Owen invited her first.
Grace reprimands Carlos over how long it's been since he's been online and she's been stuck kicking everyone's ass in Overwatch all by herself.
Mateo, Carlos, TK, Paul, Judd play touch football after dinner. Owen is invited to join but he's still the only one gnawing on the vegan turkey roast that no one else wanted to eat.
Judd keeps nodding off after dinner to the sound of Spaghetti Westerns while Charlie lies on his lap. He keeps waking himself up and telling everyone that he's just resting his eyes.
Paul is in charge of the dinner party playlist - it's a jazz mix with Miles Davis, Bill Evans, Nat King Cole, Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald and Chet Baker. He finds a way to sneak Frank Sinatra's Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas somewhere in there.
Marjan's recently started taking pottery classes with Joe and she brings over homemade dishes to hold the sides. Marjan's looks perfect, Joe's not so much.
Tommy and Andrea have both been obsessed with the same telenovela and Grace has to tell them both to stop spoiling it; she hasn't caught up just yet.
Carlos, without a doubt, plays peek-a-boo with Charlie.
TK spends a good ten minutes trying to convince Tommy's girls to ask Tommy for a bearded dragon so Lou II can have someone to play with.
Paul and Mateo break the wishbone - Mateo wins and wishes for more wishbones.
Both Owen and Judd agree that Carlos should be the one to carve the turkey, something Gabriel always used to do during the Reyes Thanksgiving.
Mateo and Nancy are both cheating at Phase 10 and the other one knows it but they both don't mind.
On the drive back home, TK makes an awful pun about the 126 being #SquashGoals and while Carlos acts like he hates it, he not so secretly loves it.
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Make it a performance. I want you winning an Oscar at the ESPYs next year.
Ted Lasso | 1.03 -> 3.12
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I’m just gonna say that our sweet man Marcus does not get enough love.
Man is passionate, kind, helpful and handsome.
I adore him
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THE T-BIRDS Richie, Gil, Potato and Shy Guy.
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies - S01E04
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so I love rise of the pink ladies, fun show, good characters and tonight’s finale was amazing! My only issue is that they’ve not brought who we’re supposed to assume is Danny Zuko’s older brother Frankie. I’m fine with the character and all that but I’m worried that this is going to turn into another Jane love story gone wrong, I loved Richie and I will be devastated if he doesn’t come back. It would be worse if they just replaced him with another T bird bad boy. I think Jane should have the chance to not be pulled apart by boys and work on herself. Either way I’ll watch it a season 2 happens but I hope that’s not the case.
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Bucky Barnes + moments of softness/vulnerability
THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER | dir. Kari Skogland (2021)
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jamie’s two teds
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the thing i cannot stop thinking about is the fact that jack was reading the article and said
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im sure more people than just me thought this 'reality show guy' was jamie. and maybe keeley thought that too. because she knew exactly who she sent that video to. so seeing him at her door, and him saying he wanted to apologize for something he didn't do- because she either thought it was him that was the 'reality show guy', that or that he had her videos.
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and the way that they talk, she lets him speak, and he tells her everything. two exes who became friends who have intimate past relationships with each other and have moved on. two people that respect each other and love each other, even if it's not the same way anymore. and honestly, this is so refreshing to see.
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they needed each other. they needed this to keep going or to move on, or just to heal.
and i think it's beautiful.
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just gonna leave this here…
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More single dad steve 💫
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