yoo-hoo-hoo · 17 days
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sam reid as lestat de lioncourt in interview with the vampire - season 2, episode 3 🩸
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 23 days
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I wanted to forget him, and yet it seemed I thought of him always. It was as if the empty nights were made for thinking of him. And sometimes I found myself so vividly aware of him it was as if he had only just left the room and the ring of his voice were still there.
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 6 months
Louis and Lestat (2022) as Louis and Lestat (1994)
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I love drawing Jacob Anderson, he’s so pretty 🥰
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 9 months
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Armand would totally add a "sir" at the end of that sentence.
(Original comic)
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 9 months
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bluebeard’s wife
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 10 months
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Jacob Anderson for Young Hollywood Interview
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 1 year
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Oh yeah Marius can do that because “omg amadeo I love you so much so i will never come back to you lol bye oh no you’ve got my painting”
So we agree that Marius is the one paying thieves to steal back his artwork from Armand bc he doesn’t want to just talk to him himself and ask for them back, right?
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 1 year
I had a DREAM that AMC’s “Night Island” will be released in December
Well let’s see if I can predict the future 😂😂😂
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 1 year
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How I imagine Lestat on the front cover
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 1 year
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#Lestat being the reason for Louis smile
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 1 year
i don't know why this made me laugh so much. excellent observation skills, armand. that's a picture. sure. SURE. *hes driving me mad*
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louis is so deep and armand is just a walking questionmark like ?? dude that's a picture.
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 1 year
During the chess scene when claudia won. Why do you think made lestat so angry. Is it cuz claudia was smarter than he thought. Or was it cuz he was scared cuz she played him and he didn’t see it coming. Or maybe he is afraid of her winning and him losing louis?
Ohhhh ok, so... there are layers to this one once more.
And my personal theory re the "broadcasting" plays into that. Imho, obviously.
Now. Sam has said that by then he could hear what they said to each other - however, Claudia and Louis make a very important distinction during that chess game: Louis "says": "I don't like what you're feeling right now." There is a distinction between sending out thoughts, and another receiving them - and not doing that, and another reading your thoughts and feelings. That is directly from the books, too, from Memnoch. So lets get back to the chess game with this in mind.
Lestat and Claudia start the game, she uses the Immortal strategy, which ultimately defeats him. (Have I said how much I adore that they went and learned those matches?!)
Lestat and Claudia snipe at each other, while both think something else. The actual words are not that important here though. Claudia's thoughts we can hear.
Lestat we can only observe.
So let's observe. Claudia says to Louis (broadcasting): "I've been having a thought the last few days."
Louis: "Yeah? What's that?"
Claudia: "I think he killed Magnus."
And... Lestat looks up, with this look (actual slow blink up):
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There is nothing else for him to react to, but he quite clearly does.
I found the extra shot of his hands when the game continues quite interesting. He literally keeps them under the table, on his knees. In a way bracing himself. Extra shots are important and they always mean something. Imho they literally used those to show us his hands.
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This is Lestat looking up at her when she says: "If you're going to beat Lestat, you have to become Lestat."
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Again, there's not much for him to react to prior, but he does, if you rewatch. He's assessing.
And then his expression here, when she repeats that she is going to kill him - and Louis says that he will destroy her if she'll try. That's vague pride at Louis and some amusement.
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And then right after, when she says: "I can kill him."
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The amusement is gone, there is a vague worry, and possibly some abject pain. He wonders if she really can. This is prior to Claudia making her next move(!). The shift in expression is there, but it did not come from the game.
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And then, when the game goes on, and he is worried now, and she says: "And want to tell you something else Louis."
He looks up, again, after that comment:
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That's attention. To her. Not the game.
And this is his expression when she says: "The secret is, you want to kill him, too. And you will enjoy doing it."
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And Lestat is taken aback, by that.
And.... Louis... does not respond.
That must have been quite the sinking feeling, the abject rush of adrenaline. Louis does not object to her wanting to kill him(!)
And this is Lestat's comment, after that: "You've won." And he does not only mean the chess game.
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And Claudia's response is: "I'm tired."
Now, I don't know about you, but what kind of response is that to the previous statement? Except of course she knew that they were doing a layered game here, that it was all about more than the game itself.
Her saying "I'm tired." signals she is "done" with their game. With their life. With the shit game they've been playing the last few years.
His "Well, finish the game." after is as much prompt to do so literally, as it is a prompt for her to try.
Now. Here.
Because he knows she is planning to kill him now. And that she has pulled Louis in on it, at least enough.
His literal best chances are for her to try, now.
Him flipping his shit after is as much canon temper outburst as it is serious worry, which we know will then slip into paranoia after(!). He's also furious she would dare to rise up against him. He's furious that Louis just acquiesces. He is furious that he is in this position. He is furious she won. He is seriously worried she's won.
And we know that Claudia will stop talking to Louis like that, after, too. That she knows he can hear them if they do that. Which is why she stops doing it (for the most part, with a few very noticeable and planned exceptions, imho).
This is Lestat's face after he throws off the chess board and looks over to Louis, who ignores him (and his outburst).
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That's worry.
Not anger. Worry.
He knows. And he goes full blown paranoid after that. And tries to beat her at the game.
And loses.
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 1 year
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Interview with the Vampire comics by Innovation (1991) + AMC’s Interview with the Vampire Season One (2022)
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 1 year
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 1 year
devil in details.
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 1 year
Does Lestat know all about voodoo magic?
This is from “Merrick”.
AMC’s IWTV is too good for us tbh
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yoo-hoo-hoo · 1 year
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"Maybe as the years pass," he said, "desire will come again to me. I will know appetite again, even passion. Maybe when we meet in another age, these things will not be abstract and fleeting. I'll speak with a vigor that matches yours, instead of merely reflecting it. And we will ponder matters of immortality and wisdom. We will talk about vengeance or acceptance then. For now it's enough for me to say that I want to see you again. I want our paths to cross in the future. And for that reason alone, I will do as you ask and not what you want: I will spare your ill-fated Nicolas."
I gave an audible sigh of relief. Yet his tone was so changed, so strong, that it sounded a deep silent alarm in me. This was the coven master, surely, this quiet and forceful one, the one who would survive, no matter how the orphan in him wept. ~ TVL
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