yoonaalligator · 10 years
[TRANS-YoonA NuYou june issue ]
[TRANS-YoonA NuYou june issue #1]
"If possible, I want to try out roles that are more boyish and clumsy because this type of image is different as what I appeared as a member of SNSD, it is really worth trying. I will also wish to challenge roles with more action."
[TRANS - YoonA Nuyou June issue #2]
Q: The most iconic part of YoonA is probably her smile which is very appealing and often give out a youthful energetic feeling to others. How do you keep your mood cheerful despite the hectic schedule?
YoonA: I am actually very shy in the past, but my personality changed a lot after debuting. The present me will try to keep my mood happy. I dislike awkward silence, so if I am more quiet, it is probably when I am the most stressful times. Therefore, I will naturally remind myself to bring out the more cheerful and bright side.
[TRANS - YoonA Nuyou June issue #3]
Q: What do you like to do when you have free time off work?
YoonA: Times when I don't work I will normally be exercising in gym, or learn something that do not require to be taught by teachers. Lately, I have been learning guiter by myself. Because even when Im alone I can practise it too. I am always surrounded by many pepple at work, so when i get the cjance to be by myself, I will make sure I spend the time wisely.
[TRANS - YoonA Nuyou June issue #4]
Q: Perhaps it is due to YoonA's iconic smile and her friendly personality, or it could also be due to her positive and healthy image that won the endorsement companies, her endorsements invitation have never stopped. If we count them one by one, her CFs include Fruit juice, Skincare, Cosmetics, Sportswear, Battery, Sanitary pad, Jewellry, Contact lens, Credit card etc. Do CF queen also have products she want to try to endorse just like how she want to try different roles in drama?
YoonA: Yes! I will like to take up home appliances and coffee CFs! In Korea, it seem that only top tier celebrities will be invited to endorse for such products.
[TRANS - YoonA Nuyou June issue #5]
Recently YoonA endorses for Cartier jewellery 'Amulette de Cartier' series and also a series of photos.
YoonA: This series' design is simple and feminine, and regardless how and what you match them with, you can easily exhibit your charms. This series used the idea of a lock as the theme for the design,I heard that a lock signify good luck! After putting them in, I have good feeling, that this year will be a year full of good luck. The design I particularly like is 'Black XS', I like shorter designs"
However awhile, YoonA said: "But the more i look at them, I find the longer design nice too, and those mini ones are also prettier the more I see them"
[TRANS - YoonA Nuyou June issue #6]
Q: YoonA who is usually busy with hectic schedules, if there is a genie lamp that can fulfil one wish, it will be......
YoonA: To go for a holiday with my family to Spain! I really really wish I can bring my family to there right now! Every time when I am flipping holiday magazines, I will see something beautiful that make me want to fly there instantly, and the place that make me mesmerised very oftenly, is Spain!
[TRANS - YoonA Nuyou June issue #7]
Q: in Year 2002, YoonA took part in SME open casting audition and got elected in. From then til now it has been 10 years. She said the most unforgettable year is 2009, because that year SNSD released 'Gee' which gained immerse popularity and also won them Golden Disk award. In the same year, she also finished You Are My Destiny which not only had high ratings and also won her the first award in acting field. So 2009 is the fruitful year to her.
Within 10 years, she has grew from a ordinary person to a superstar. So 10 years from now, where will she be?
YoonA: I think, 10 years later I will still be the same as present, doing my part well. So I will not change even after 10 years, I will still be the YoonA who will give my best in everything!
credit and trans by: mystarmyangel
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yoonaalligator · 10 years
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yoonaalligator · 10 years
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yoonaalligator · 10 years
[TRANS]《女友》 June Yoona interview Part 2
  With white & fair skin, long legs and hands, tall-built, these are the charms of Princess Yoona. If you want to say about something that represents her, it definitely has to be that signature smile of hers that captures people hearts (or something like influence people easily), which makes people feel cheerful and youthful.
She must have felt pressurized with such busy schedules, so how does she relieve stress to let maintain her cheerful attitude? 
  "Honestly, I used to be so shy. But I've changed so much ever since I became an artiste. Now, I would always try to let myself to be cheerful, happy and cordial. I don't like the cold atmosphere and also silent awkwardness, so if it happens to be a silent moment, then it must have been the time where I am really stressed out. So I would naturally remind myself to portray a cheerful and cordial side."
  Perhaps, the trust would be because of Yoona's signature smile that really makes one feel close to her, or is it her positive and healthy image that caught the sponsers attention and so her endorsement are always oncoming. Touching on this, her CF includes: Juice, Facial cleanser, Make-up, Sports attire, Battery, health surface (pads), jewelry, contact lenses and telecommunications etc. Would the CF queen also have the eager to try something new just like in the drama industry? "Yes! I would wish to try out CF of electrical appliances and coffee! In korea, electrical appliances and coffee CFs seems to be for the more experienced and top stars only."
  Recently, because of Yoona's Cartier CF, she had the opportunity to wear Amulette de Cartier series of jewelry for the shooting. "The design for this series is very simple, yet very feminine, no matter what type of clothing you match with, it can still simply portray out one's charm. The point of it is a lock design, I heard that lock represents good luck! After wearing it, it feels as though I had an intuition that it would be a great year ahead. My favourite series would probably be Black XS, I like shorter designs." Shortly after saying these, she said "After looking for long, I also like the long designs, and also those mini, small designs are also really pretty." Women are indeed fickle minded?"
  "I specially like simple, elegant and generous designs, I dislike those that attracts people attention, therefore, Cartier designs of this series suits me so much."
  Yoona fashion sense have all along been fans and young girls role model, they would wear clothings like her style and all. Her pure and quiet image receives much love from people, so be it whether the clothing of dramas or the clothing she wear while performing with SNSD, or even those that she wears for events, young girls in korea would follow. If you want to match clothing with Amulette de Cartier jewelry, she says " Wear a long black pants with white top, it would definitely match well and look nice! Or maybe wear a monochrome skirt, matching a long necklace would feel great!"
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yoonaalligator · 10 years
This excerpt from koala's article made me smile: "Jaejoong is doing a decent job in Triangle, Yoona was awesome in Prime Minister and I, I actually like Taecyeon’s effort in Wonderful Days despite his panned saturi, Bora is serviceable in Dr. Stranger, Seung Ri is entertaining in Angel Eyes, Im Seulong rises above the risible material in Hotel King, Lee Hong Ki killed it in Bride of the Century, I’ve heard only raves for Lee Joon in Gap Dong, even Kim Hyun Joong held his own and sometimes even carried the underwhelming Age of Feeling. The laundry list above is just recent examples of idols not stinking up the joint..." Glad that Yoong's acting in PMAI change her view over IM ACTRESS!!!!! 
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yoonaalligator · 10 years
[TRANS] 《女友》 June Yoona interview Part 1
    Yoona says that in 10 years, she doesn't change, however, she can allow herself continuing with the cute concept...
  Korea girl group "Girls Generation" are well known in the whole asia. The group members have their own charming point, but the most outstanding one goes to Yoona, there are even fans and media who address her as the one of the sweetest looking in SNSD, whatmore being the No. 1 beauty of Asia.
  Working towards acting in drama, she has shown great achievements, 2009 drama ( You're my destiny) was a record breaking drama in terms of views and as a result, she caught the attention of many people in korea and overseas. Last year, she worked with an experienced actor, Lee Bum Soo in a romantic romance mini drama (The Prime Minister & I), it was also rather popular, acting as couple, the two went to KBS drama awards and clinch the "Most Popular Couple" award.
  Yoona: Being a singer, I am representing Girls Generation. But when I'm acting, I am by myself, so I have to be responsible for all my actions. Singer and fans can interact through the stage whereas acting have to wait till the show have finished filming and shown on TV, then we'll get the response and feedbacks, these simply explains the difference between a singer and actor. I have just started my acting journey, I definitely need to spend more time to learn more things.
  Yoona have a cute and sweet look which makes her the goddess in the eyes of many fans. With this image, definitely more or less restricts her in the role she is acting in. She herself said," I've always act as a someone pure and kind. If allowed, I would like to try out role where I can be less feminine and something more free. This is something totally different from SNSD image, so it's worth a try. I would also wish to try roles that requires more action and fighting scenes."
  With the thought of wanting to get rid of her sweet and pure image, seems like she does wish to strive a different image from what she is like as a singer in the acting industry. In fact, her latest drama "Prime Minister & I", where she acts as a paparazzi, it's already slightly off her usual image, but it still seems as though she is not pleased with it but wants something stronger, that explains why she yearns for roles that are total contrast of her singer image.
  *It may not be the exact same word as the original article but the meaning/gist of it is there so apologise for any slight mistake or difference*
  cr taengchoding
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yoonaalligator · 10 years
Hey ! this is funny . . 
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