you-once-said · 25 days
this sucks so bad i need to [remembers suicide jokes only worsen my mental health] put on the best talent show this towns ever seen
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you-once-said · 3 months
people are saying do it scared, but you also gotta do it alone. you'll miss out on so much you want to do if you wait til someone will do it with you. do it scared and do it alone.
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you-once-said · 3 months
you spend so much time trying to make yourself more palatable that in the end you taste bland. forgettable
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you-once-said · 5 months
"if i was orpheus i would simply not turn around" yes you would. if you were orpheus and you loved eurydice, you would. to love someone is to turn around. to love someone is to look at them. whichever version of the myth — he hears her stumble, he can't hear her at all, he thinks he's been tricked — he turns around because he loves her. that's why it's a tragedy. because he loves her enough to save her. because he loves her so much he can't save her. because he will always, always turn around. "if i was orpheus i would simply —" you wouldn't be orpheus. you wouldn't be brave enough to walk into the underworld and save the person you love. be serious
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you-once-said · 5 months
How do you process grief?
by running from it until it finds me in the middle of a sunny street on a beautiful day
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you-once-said · 5 months
"Do I deserve this?" "Am I worthy of this?"
So irrelevant. Do you want it?
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you-once-said · 6 months
There is supposed to be a place where no one can reach you. Traditionally, the home, but now we settle for the ocean, the airplane, the summit of a mountain, the middle of a lake, the shower, the womb, the grave
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you-once-said · 9 months
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someone made this for me on Twitter a few years ago and I still think about it a lot. I don’t remember who it was but thank you very much
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you-once-said · 9 months
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Eyvind Earle (1916 - 2000)
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you-once-said · 9 months
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Happy Christmas Eve! 🎄
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you-once-said · 1 year
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New Secret Knots comic, "The River". I hope you like it!
The Secret Knots comics are made possible by my patrons. Check out my pledge tiers if you'd like to be one of them.
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you-once-said · 1 year
my personal curse is the knowledge that I function best with rigid structure and strict routine but am almost totally incapable of independently establishing or maintaining that structure and routine
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you-once-said · 1 year
Really fucked up actually that the "you are valid" culture which, usefulness and uh, validity thereof aside, was intended to provide some some perspective for people who may have been blamed for harmless things they could not control morphed into "if strangers on the internet do not constantly tell me I'm good and perfect they are the oppressor" and "even constructively and gently telling me that I hold some power and responsibility to seek a better situation is an unspeakably cruel act."
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you-once-said · 1 year
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it’s a love song by & for a species that does not exist. do you understand
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you-once-said · 1 year
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you-once-said · 1 year
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I've seen this before, but it's been years and it just came across my Twitter in its dying days. The words are from a favorite author of mine, Maggie Stiefvater, and they are the words I most need to hear when it comes to dealing with chronic pain and illness. I didn't need this the first time I saw it, six years ago. I need it now. Maybe you do, too.
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you-once-said · 1 year
people are so obsessed with the idea of fake friends. look lots of people aren’t going to like you and also aren’t going to hate you so much they feel the need to pick an actual fight with you so they’re just going to be like. friendly. when you’re around each other because that’s what adults do. and probably not invite you to their birthday party. this is not a grand betrayal you do this to other people too
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