youcancallmelxcia · 4 years
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Yasmeen Ghauri and Christy Turlington photographed by Irving Penn for Versace Fall/Winter 1992
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youcancallmelxcia · 4 years
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youcancallmelxcia · 4 years
uh yeah i’m a pretty big history buff *picks up rock* this has probably been here for a long time. *touches ground* old people once stood on this ground. maybe even dinosaurs
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youcancallmelxcia · 4 years
I support crying culture
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youcancallmelxcia · 4 years
i’m barely even alive im just here clicking buttons
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youcancallmelxcia · 4 years
Might fuck around and accept the things I cannot change
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youcancallmelxcia · 4 years
theres only one gender and im not telling you what it is :)
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youcancallmelxcia · 4 years
hey vampires, demons and other terrors of the night it really isn't necessary to go to all the effort of kidnapping me to your castles and forcing me to be your bride i'll come willingly if you just ask
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youcancallmelxcia · 4 years
Lawyer who is like visibly trying not to cry and teary-eyed and snifflign and drawing shaky breaths and hands trembling and constantly wiping his nose on his sleeves but he’s winning the case
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youcancallmelxcia · 4 years
*feels sad about something* oh well, at least I have my superior taste in arts & culture
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youcancallmelxcia · 4 years
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80s eye makeup
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youcancallmelxcia · 5 years
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i wanna be the doctor
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youcancallmelxcia · 5 years
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my life in a comic strip
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youcancallmelxcia · 5 years
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dead but cute? (insta)
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youcancallmelxcia · 5 years
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Lucy Liu for Marie Claire China (April 2020)
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youcancallmelxcia · 5 years
Euskara is fun!!: postpositions (part I)
Basque uses postpositions instead of prepositions. Let’s see which ones they are and how to use them ^_^:
- aitzin / aurre = in front of, before                            errota aitzinean gertatu zen [it happened in front of the mill]                           zure aurrera joango da [(s)he will go in front of you]
- alde = pro smth, side or part, difference              ekonomi askatasunaren alde nago [I’m pro freedom in economy]              osasunaren aldetik txarto dabil [(s)he isn’t doing well health-wise, literally “on health’s side”]              mendi aldera joan zen [(s)he went to the mountain side]              gure aldean gutxi daki [compared to us, (s)he knows litte]
- antz = kind, aspect, quite              ametsan agertu ziren behatz-antz batzuk [in the dream, a kind of fingers appeared]              aitaren antza du alabak [daughter looks like his father]              larri antzean dabil [(s)he is in quite an emergency]
- arte = among, until             ikasle artean hezi behar da umea [a child must grow among students]             hamarrak arte zineman egon nintzen [I was at the movies until 10 o’clock]
- at / kanpo / landa / lekora = outside, out of          hemendik at! [go away from here!]          futbolaria jokoz kanpo zegoen [the football player was offside]          herritik landa dabil [(s)he’s out of town]          Donostiatik lekora bizi da [(s)he lives outside Donostia, somewhere else, away from Donostia]
- atze / oste = behind, after              katua gurdi atzean ezkutatzen da beti [the cat always hides behind the cart]              amaren ostean pasatu naiz [I’ve passed behind / after mum]              ekaitzaren ostean dator barea [after a storm comes a calm]
- aurka / kontra = against              esklabotasunaren aurka nago ni [I’m against slavery]              nire alde ala nire kontra zaude? [are you with or against me?]
- azpi / pe = below, under                     balkoiaren azpian babestu ginen [we sheltered below a balcony]                     langileak nagusien pean bizi dira [workers live under bosses]    
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youcancallmelxcia · 5 years
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Won’t You Be My Neighbor (2018) Dir by Morgan Neville
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