we as a group project made a quiz about what mcu archetype are you.
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cant believe people are actually comparing the s2 ending of good omens to straight up queerbait… do you not have any media literacy?
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"We ran out of stories about Ray" we never even got to meet his brother lmao
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I don’t get the Ikaris hate but then this happened to Wanda in AOU in the beginning too. I see him as an anti hero if nothing else. After all Ajak is also a villain by that logic since she had helped the celestials from millions of years and destroyed how many planets willingly? Maybe if she hadn’t told him her have loved the humans as she did but because she did he pulled away gave up the love of his life so it was obvious he wasn’t just gonna be okay with her changing her mind 🤷🏻‍♀️
I still have so much to say about Ikaris, so this is an insanely long reply. Sorry, this probably isn’t what you were looking for.
I mean, I get the hate, I do. Ikaris betrayed his family and he hurt them, it’s justifiable to hate him I guess. But it’s still annoying to see people act like he didn’t have any motivations for what he did. Before Ajak told him about the emergence we see him just as carefree and happy as the rest of them. We see him do things like marry the love of his life at a human ceremony, or protect the little girl in Babylon and speak to her in her own language as a way to assure her she’s safe. Before Ajak tells him everything, he’s actively engaging in human activities and speaking with humans. Ignorance is bliss, and Ikaris clearly had the same level of empathy and compassion as the rest of the eternals before he knew the truth. But one of Ikaris’s core traits is his devout faith. He trusts Arishem, believes in him, follows his mission devoutly because he’s assured in his purpose on earth. Then Ajak tells him his true purpose, and his worldview must have shattered entirely. He has to reconstruct his entire understanding of his faith and his purpose. And he has to do it alone, because he loves his family far too much to make them suffer the same pain that he does when he learns the truth. And then he sits with that pain and confusion for years, all while having to watch Sersi fall further in love with humanity and the world around her. So he pulls away. He’s loyal, and trusts Arishem. He’s a good soldier, it’s part of his identity. His family has broken apart, the world continues to change and evolve around him, and he no longer has the purpose he thought he did. So he clings to the one thing that remains true, he is a soldier, he is a protector of his family and of the celestial that grows stronger with each passing year. And overtime, that one truth becomes the only thing he has. Ajak was trying to free him by telling him the truth, because Ikaris has always been far too dedicated to his mission and she thought if she told him why they were really there that Ikaris wouldn’t feel as though only the mission mattered. What she failed to realize is that Ikaris needed the stability of the mission, he needed one thing to always hold firmly to. And yes, that one thing could have been his love for Sersi or his family, but even that was always at risk of changing. The more Sersi fell in love with humanity, the more her and Ikaris’s relationship changed.
But he never would have told her the truth, he loved her far too much to have her endure that pain. So he leaves, which ultimately isolates him further. He shuts down. He has to have a reason for abandoning the woman he loves or else it’s all pointless, and he wouldn’t have been able to process that, so he pins all of his faith on Arishem. He believes in the end everything he’s sacrificing for the mission will pay off. Maybe on the next world he won’t have to know the truth, maybe he and Sersi can fall in love again and Ikaris could stay by her side the way he wanted to. But he has to get through the emergence first.
And then Ajak changes her mind. She never factors in the burden that she placed on Ikaris, and Ikaris is upset because he’s given up everything to keep Ajak’s secret and now she wants him to change in a heartbeat. Ikaris is good, and loyal, and committed to his duty. He follows orders because he was created to do so. And I’m sure that when Ajak changes her mind, he realizes just how much of a pawn he is in the grand scheme of things. Just moved around the board and expected to follow orders, his own wants and wishes never mattering. Because here Ajak is, just telling him they’re going to stop the emergence and tell the other eternals the truth, and it’s spoken like a fact. How Ikaris feels in that moment doesn’t matter, it’s never factored in, and I’m sure he must have been hurt by that. To keep the truth for so long, never telling the others because he didn’t want to hurt them, and here Ajak is saying she’s going to tell them anyway, doesn’t matter how Ikaris feels about it. And if Ajak truly loved him, wouldn’t she have cared about how he felt? Wouldn’t she have talked to him about how knowing the truth has hurt him? Can’t she see he’s in pain and alone because he’s been following her orders this whole time? Doesn’t she care?
And here’s where the doubt creeps in. Maybe Ajak never loved him at all. He’s a good soldier, that cornerstone of his identity that he’s been clinging to is the very thing that makes him expendable in the end. He’s a good soldier and he follows orders, and so why would he go against Ajak? Why would Ajak think he was capable of betraying her? Ikaris feels that maybe he was never loved at all, not in the way she loved the others. And how could Ajak love him? He’s become a robot after all. Not like the others, no attachments, no life, nothing that makes him feel human. How could Ajak love something as heartless as him? And of course, how could she love him once he gives into that heartlessness, and does something that’s unforgivable?
In the end, he’s the perfect soldier. It’s all he’s ever really been.
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Regardless of any opinions on The Suicide Squad, seeing James Gunn tweet about PDM wanting people to feel sorry for him - hence bringing up his closeness to Milton - is so fucking frustrating and insensitive! People with mental health problems face enough stigma about opening up as it is - with this fixation on ‘looking for attention’ so commonly being used as a grounds for being dismissive of whatever we’re going through - and then he has to go and add fuel to the fire with this shit?!
Then again maybe I shouldn’t be surprised as he treated PTSD as stellar ‘joke’ material
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like… saying the severally abused, mentally-ill character only showed sympathy for milton because he’s attention seeking and wants pity is weird asf…. but maybe im just looking too far into it but idk man 🤷 (not to mention how queer-coded he is)
this… doesn’t sit right with me… (context: this is from jgunn’s twitter)
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this… doesn’t sit right with me… (context: this is from jgunn’s twitter)
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not the selfcest, marvel wtf
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why do all the wanda crit posts have to be pro tony
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i love john but what the fuck was with when he looked ray dead in the eyes and chose someone else over him? john knew damn well that not only was this one of his only chances to say ray, but also that ray was being tortured. and he just?? chose someone else? not saying that if i was in that situation that i wouldnt have chosen astra but john had this whole monologue about how he wasn’t going to fail ray like he did desmond and astra and went to hell specifically for ray, only for him to look ray in the face and chose someone else.
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what was up with when mick would constantly make fun of ray and put him in danger but when ray asked mick to clean up after himself once (because there were rats, which could’ve caught diseases like the plague) mick nearly broke rays wrist??
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Why are people Big Ol’ Meanies for calling Mick dumb, but Mick can repeatedly talk about Ray – his friend who has been there for him many times – being an idiot and a screw-up to his face and make him feel as though he has to be someone else, knowing Ray’s suffering from depression and general anxiety and PTSD, and somehow it’s still “poor Mick”?
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You know what gets me most about the way certain Mick fans go on about Rip’s rant in Marooned?
Even if we take the fact that Mick has betrayed the team four times off the table.  Even if we take the fact that Mick betrayed eight innocent people just because Rip hurt his feelings…
What really bugs me is that at this point, Mick has said so much worse.  And these people say nothing.
Yes, Rip’s “IQ of meat” comment was mean.
But so was Mick repeatedly calling Ray a moron when Ray was going through confidence issues when his suit was broken.
So was Mick asking Kara if she can see through clothing, and pushing when she was visibly uncomfortable.
So was Mick calling Kara “Skirt”.
So was Mick outing Sara to Jonah Hex without her permission, calling her an assassin to the JSA (especially when he knows how she feels about having been forced into that role), and other similar comments.
So was Mick repeatedly threatening Martin with bodily harm when the latter tried to suggest Mick tell people about his hallucinations.  Or when Martin tried to refuse to perform brain surgery.
So was Mick telling a just de-programmed Rip that he “liked him better when he was killing people.”
So was Mick telling John Constantine that Leo’s “girlfriend is a man”.
So was Mick mocking Zari for keeping Ramadan and repeatedly pushing pork onto her.
And those are just the ones that I can think of off the top of my head.
Of course, if you ask these fans all of these comments are forgivable.  Mick’s mentally ill, he’s aphasic.  He’s poorly socialized.  He doesn’t know better.
The fact that Rip explicitly suffered a week in a depressive state at the beginning of Marooned is completely irrelevant of course.
Mick fans can pull diagnoses after diagnoses out of their asses to excuse repeated incidents of sexism, homophobia, biphobia, islamophobia and just plain cruelty.  While  Rip fans are continually made to answer for one mean moment, even on our own damn gifsets, even after this canonically depressed, canonically suicidal character finally succeeded in offing himself.  
Is it any wonder why so many Rip fans are bitter?  
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tell me why they kept mick rory out of all characters to stay since s1 but not ray? or jax? or even stein?
mick hasn’t been very plot relevant for a long time and is a dick, meanwhile jax and stein are really enjoyable characters and ray leaving was extremely forced
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also that whole episode with trying to redeem damian AGAIN is so odd?? especially how he’s treated ray like shit since arrow
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and c*ity isn’t the best person either, though that’s a separate post.
While I’m on the topic of Sara, the way she treats the team (as well as a lot of people) is really shitty. She’s continually hypocritical for one thing (like constantly trying to change time to save her family but holds a grudge against Zari when she does the same). And she’s a dick in general too? Like when she threatens civilians constantly. Her behavior towards Ray, Zari, and Gary is probably the worst. Like not even noticing when Ray had gotten kidnapped and tortured for possibly weeks. Or constantly abusing Gary for just being concerned. Or her behavior in general towards Zari during s3. Or constantly treating Ray like shit when he’s just trying to be nice. :(
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While I’m on the topic of Sara, the way she treats the team (as well as a lot of people) is really shitty. She’s continually hypocritical for one thing (like constantly trying to change time to save her family but holds a grudge against Zari when she does the same). And she’s a dick in general too? Like when she threatens civilians constantly. Her behavior towards Ray, Zari, and Gary is probably the worst. Like not even noticing when Ray had gotten kidnapped and tortured for possibly weeks. Or constantly abusing Gary for just being concerned. Or her behavior in general towards Zari during s3. Or blaming the other Legends for Ray’s possession because they weren’t on the ship when she was the one out on a date. Or constantly treating Ray like shit when he’s just trying to be nice. :(
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