#they’re both canonically genderqueer and asexual
cant believe people are actually comparing the s2 ending of good omens to straight up queerbait… do you not have any media literacy?
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tr3ns-d3ath-d3ity · 2 years
"LGBTQA+ is one of the most accepting communities, you're not being targeted by other queer people!! 😤​😡​"
Aight, time for the list of things related to my queer identity I've been yelled at for by other LGBTQA+ people (for context: I am an oriented aroace, trans, queer, and polyamorous dude):
・Being a trans man.
・Identifying as queer/calling myself queer.
・Saying that gay And mlm are two different things, just like wlw and lesbian are two different things
・Saying that trans women are women.
・Being attracted to men.
・Not being attracted to women and people on the genderqueer/nonbinary spectrum.
・Being oriented aroace.
・Not being monogamous.
・Talking about genuinely loving men.
・Being aspec and having npd (quote the girl who yelled at me for that: "your npd made you aroace, you're just to selfish to commit to genuine love lol.").
・Not being lesbian.
・Not being pan.
・Saying that I support mspec gays/lesbians because it’s not my place to judge other people’s identities just because I may not fully understand them.
・Saying mspec, the multi spectrum, or multiromantic/multisexual (to include ply, pan, omni, bi, neptunic, uranic, and every other pluralian sexuality) instead of just bi.
・Saying that nonbinary people can present themselves as masculine, androgynous, neutral, or feminine as they want, and still be nonbinary.
・Literally just. wearing green eyeshadow????? (quote the person who yelled at me for that: “t hat's a lesbian color, bro, you're literally appropriating lesbian culture by that.")
・Presenting masculine.
・Using he/him pronouns.
・Referring to the D-Slur as tThe D-Slur (y'all want me to say a slur I can't reclaim?????).
・Saying that the og polyamory flag (the blue-red-black one with the yellow pi symbol in the middle) looks neat.
・Not using any of the new polyamory flags because I prefer the blue-red-black + pi symbol one.
・Asking if there’s a word for nonbinary people who are exclusively/only attracted to other nonbinary people.
・Hating non-men who fetishize achillean relationships.
・Being specifically Half-Asian and queer.
・Writing books about exclusively queer men/non-women, mostly to cope with trauma stuff (apparently if your writing doesn't consist of a trillion sapphics, two gay fathers that get three seconds of screentime, and the occasionally non-human nonbinary person, it's automatically bad writing???? Okay damn. Sorry for focusing on my own experiences, I guess?).
・Not necessarily wanting to get married or have a romantic/sexual relationship.
・Shipping two characters in a queerplatonic way instead of a sexual/romantic one.
・Headcanoning a popular fandom character as aroace.
・Mentioning aroallo people.
・Saying that straight asexuals and straights aromantics are LGBTQA+ since that's what the A stands for.
・Not being T4T (I just wanna love men in peace fuck off with your "but cis men are horrible!! 🥺🤢😱 Limit yourself to trans men because I said so!! 😤🤬🤬"-Bullshit).
・Using someone’s neopronouns.
・Supporting xenogender people.
・Headcanoning a canonically lesbian character as trans female.
・Saying that I want more representation of achillean, aroace, trans, and asexual men in media.
・Asking asking someone who knew I used he/him pronouns to not refer to me with they/them (like, girlie, that’s called misgendering).
・Mentioning that women can be aroallo.
・Saying that people who don’t label their genders/sexualities can be LGBTQA+ too.
・Saying that two pan women I know in reallife dating each other aren’t lesbians because... they’re both pan?
・Mentioning that queer men should always be welcome in queer spaces.
・Saying that amab nonbinary folks can be lesbian.
・Wanting to go on T.
・Jokingly referring to my tiddies and my pussy as boys.
And last but not least,
・Saying "people", "y'all", "esteemed guests", or "everyone present" instead of "ladies and gentlemen".
I dunno, homie, I actually do feel a little targeted here.
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beanieman · 2 years
YTTD Gender/Pronoun's And Sexuality Headcanon’s
Sara Chidouin - Sara is genderqueer and bisexual . 
Joe Tazuna - Joe uses he/they and is pansexual...but didn’t realize he was LGBT until Sara told him. They were talking about crushes one day and Joe was like “There’s this cute boy in my class!” and Sara isn’t judging but she also didn’t know he wasn’t straight so she asks “A guy? Are you attracted to both genders?” Joe is confused by her confusion and is like “Yeah!…Isn’t everyone either attracted to both genders or gay?” Sara had to have a long talk with him. 
Gin Ibushi - Gin doesn’t really think about his gender and sexuality at this point in his life. But eventually he figures out that he’s genderfluid after hanging around Reko/Alice/Sara for a bit and talking to them about gender. 
Keiji Shinogi - Keiji uses he/him pronoun’s and is a semi canon bisexual character! He has a lean towards men. 
Alice Yabusame - Alice is a trans man who uses he/him pronoun’s and is  demisexual and pansexual.
Reko Yabusame - Reko is a lesbian that uses any and all pronoun’s. 
Nao Egokoro - Nao is pansexual and uses she/her pronoun’s, but isn’t upset if she’s referred to as they/them or he/him. 
Kazumi Mishima - Mishima is trans and uses he/they pronouns. He is attracted to men, but chooses not to label his sexuality as to not be put in a box. 
Q-taro Burgerberg - Q-Taro is gay...but he hasn’t figured that out about himself. He’s so devoted to his career and helping the kids at the orphanage that he’s never really had time to explore his romantic options. But if he did he’d realize that he could only imagine himself being friends with women. He also uses he/him pronoun’s. 
Kai Satou - I’m continuing to spread my nonbinary Kai agenda! Also they’re attracted to men. 
Kanna Kizuchi - Kanna uses they/she and has just realized she’s a lesbian. 
Shin Tsukimi - Shin is an asexual gay man who uses he/they pronoun’s. I refuses to believe that I’m wrong about this one. /J
Ranmaru Kageyama - Ranmaru is trans and uses they/he pronouns. He’s wearing bandages because they were walking home from top surgery. He’s also the token straight character. 
Naomichi Kurumada - Naomichi is trans and gay. He uses he/him pronouns. 
Anzu Kinashi - Anzu doesn’t know what pronoun’s are and is a lesbian. (Jokes aside she uses she/her.) 
Mai Tsurugi - Mai is a trans lesbian that uses she/her pronouns. Good for her! 
Shunsuke Hayasaka - Shunsuke uses he/him pronoun’s and is aroace. 
Hinako Mishuku - Hinako is a lesbian demigirl. 
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Figueroth Faeth from Fantasy High is a bisexual-coded canonically sapphic genderpunk genderfuck nonbinary girl who uses she/her, it/its, 🎸/🎸s, and punk/punks pronouns, and it’s canonically dating Ayda Aguefort, a canonically autistic nebularomantic omnisexual autigender genderqueer girl who uses any pronouns!
They’re both best friends with all of the Bad Kids, including Riz Gukgak, a rabiespunk autistic asexual-coded transmasculine boy who uses he/him and it/its pronouns; Gorgug Thistlespring, a autistic nebularomantic bisexual transmasculine emocoric blackmortemgender cassgender man who uses he/him and they/them pronouns; Fabian Seacaster, a GNC bisexual man who struggles with depression and PTSD from Season 2 onwards and uses he/him and she/her pronouns; Kristen Applebees, an autistic gender-questioning canon lesbian; Adaine Abernant, an aroace-coded agender elf who uses they/them pronouns; and Adaine’s QPP Zayn Darkshadow, a GNC genderfuck ghostcoric mallgothcoric ghost who uses it/its and ze/hir pronouns!
dni transcript here
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
The amount of biphobia in the RWBY fandom is frankly staggering.
Honestly, yeah. I don't go into the main RWBY tags anymore for a number of reasons, including the godawful takes, lots of ableism or just uncomfortable red flags, the intense amount of worship directed to the mains and towards MKEK, the amount of bee shippers when I don't vibe with the bees, and the oversexualization of literally any woman character. But on top of all that, there was a lot of biphobia. Not long into my time in the fandom, I heard both "Blake is a canon lesbian and if you ship her with a man, you're a homophobe," and "Bumbleby is a non-existent ship and fans are just reading into things and then attacking the writers for queerbaiting because they're not doing what they want.' I heard both "I can't believe the writers are pretending Blake isn't straight when we all saw her be attracted to Sun," and "I can't believe people are pretending Blake was ever attracted to Sun when Bumbleby is clearly superior." I saw both "If you read anything into Qrow and Clover or Qrow and James, you're an idiot," and also "Guys, stop talking about your 'straight' Qrow ships, the man is a bi icon."
Yes, I've literally seen people say Blake or Qrow are bi, and then condemn people for shipping them with someone of the opposite sex or even talking about their possible feelings towards people of the opposite sex.
And meanwhile, Yang and Weiss are widely regarded as lesbians and people who headcanon them as anything different are sometimes shamed, while both of them have expressed attraction towards the opposite sex. And meanwhile, many other characters are being assigned 'straight' just because they've flirted with the opposite sex. "James was established as hetero the moment he arrived on screen," for instance, or people acting like Qrow flirting with Winter in V3 means he was definitely straight, or people acting like Ren and Nora couldn't possibly ever date someone of the same sex as them despite breaking up because "why can't we have one straight ship?" (Btw, if I was writing this on my phone, I'd use the vomit emoji to show how I feel about that last one.) Also bi isn't the only other option either. Characters can be asexual or pansexual or aro or demisexual. Characters aren't confined to heterosexual or homosexual, but they're also not confined to heterosexual or homosexual or bisexual. Also, people acting like everyone is cisgendered except the Happy Huntresses just because we've never had it confirmed otherwise is also a thing. Like, there's a number of characters who I could see as trans, non-binary, or genderqueer.
Some people don't even realize that's how they're acting or that's how their wording comes across. And I get that how the story writers present these characters plays a big part in their perception. For example, the first three seasons are written with a heteronormative lens that seemed to portray everyone as straight, and that's the status quo in today's society anyway. It's much easier for people to see Yang as queer than it is for them to think of Nora that way, and it's easier to say Yang has always been a lesbian than it is to admit that the writers likely didn't actually plan the bees from the beginning and are lying about it... Idk, I'm trying to be understanding towards it, while at the same time acknowledging that I do feel like this exclusionary language and 'either straight or homosexual' mentality I've seen has been a bit upsetting. Especially when it's used against people who are just making headcanons, or just shipping something that makes them happy, or are just angry at being queerbaited, and expecting MKEK to follow through on the 'support' they claimed they were giving while they were selling pride merch with Team RWBY plastered on it.
Long post short, I think the mindset of 'if they express attraction towards one gender, they're canonly only attracted to that gender' needs to die. And in the RWBY community specifically, making passive aggressive posts or going into people's comments or ask boxes to tell them they're shipping wrong because they have a different headcanon or want a different ship that doesn't fit the sexuality other people assigned a character... That really needs to die, too.
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yeeiguess · 3 years
So... bnha headcanons but I’m going to. Really go for it. Don’t be mean.
(Pronouns, romantic/sexual orientation, neurodiversity... includes neopronouns and xenogenders cause they’re literally so cool.)
Denki : ADHD (both inattentive and hyperactive), non-binary/genderflux/usually closer to femme than masc but can do both. They/them ! Quoiromantic, polyamorous, pan/bi. Lots of stimming (leg and head shakes, hitting their hands together, constant moving). Chokers help them ground themselves from the pressure. They get really bad headaches after using too much power.
Mina : genderfluid (pronouns change from he/she/they + ve all the time), ADHD (inattentive), chronic pains in knees and wrists. They have lots of really fun and colorful stim toys, and he stims a lot by playing with his hair and humming songs. Pansexual and oriented aromantic (pan) and polyamourous, ve really like the idea of queerplatonic relationships
Aoyama : genderqueer he/they/she/✨/pri. Neurodivergent (stims by rocking + lots of visual stims with glitter and shiny things, have noise cancelling headphones). He has social anxiety and anxiety about eating in front of people which is why he stays in the classroom at lunch. Loves to do makeup, light Academia/Prince fashion. Aromantic and romance-repulsed but could get into a qpr with some specific people ✨ feels really close to. Pri is also on the asexual spectrum.
Katsuki : anxiety and anger issues + PTSD, he/him but honestly don’t understand how gender works. He has a chewy necklace Kirishima gave him (he uses them too) and tangle fidgets but he doesn’t use them a lot in public cause he’s scared of judgment. Demisexual, more interested in men but also not really interested in people in general (pan ? Omni ?). Greyromantic
Izuku: Bi, autistic, special interested is heroes and All Might in particular and his muttering is a stim. He also cracks his knuckles all the time and taps his shoes together
Tsuyu: she/frog, froggender and anquille*. Bisexual and biromantic, autistic, more frog-like in appearance than in canon. Frog’s clothing style is mostly cottagecore.
Tenya : He/they, trans and autistic. Really likes structure, the hand chopping motion is a stim. They also put their glasses back on their nose all the time as a stim. Bi or straight, potentially polyamorous.
Tokoyami : he/they, agender. Asexual/aspec and pan. He likes to collect little rocks, sticks and shiny things like birds do. They put it all on their shelves after cleaning them. He’s a witch :) Dark Shadow uses it/its !
* From mogaipedia.org : « Anquille (or Anquigender) is defined as "a gender associated with warm, soft light, nostalgia, soft brown and earthy tones, physical warmth and soft blankets. It brings to mind comforting, peaceful feelings and the sensation of being a little sleepy. It may be associated with soft, gentle music and birdsong. From the French tranquille. Pronounced ‘Unqwil’ / ‘Unqwigender’. »
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caleocross · 4 years
im still not over voltron, so here are some of my head canons for the characters. 
part 1, part 2 (?)
first off, the main seven’s pronouns, sexualities, and overall romantic types:
- lance: he/they, he's not opposed to exploring his femininity and after learning that pidge is non-binary, he started to questions his identity and realized that gender is a societal construct that can fuck off. they’re my gender queer child. he's also bi. he doesn't necessarily have a preference when it comes to men or women or anything in between, so but they do see gender when they are thinking of dating someone, and it does play a role in his romantic decisions to some extent. 
 -keith: he/him, our local trans man, and he's homoromantic and demisexual. he's never had any experience ever when it comes to relationships, so it took him a long time to realize if what he's feeling towards men was gender envy or romantic/sexual desire (cough cough relatable). he does eventually settle on a label, and he'd pretty cool with that. post season 8, he'd start being more ok with exploring his femininity in a way that doesn't make him feel dysphoric. so what im saying is that post canon keith would totally wear makeup, crop tops, and skirts bc he can (lance probably helps him with this bc by the time keith starts being ok with this stuff, lance has already been out and proud about their gender queer-ness for quite some time. he's also a very good bf/partner) 
-pidge: they/them, non-binary, sapphic-romantic (is that a term??? idk, i'm trying my best tho i promise. basically, theyre romantically attracted to women), definitely asexual though. didn't really know/realize they were non-binary until they got to the garrison bc when they cut their hair and started using a gender neutral name that they realized that the uncomfy-ness they've been feeling all their life has been to do with their gender. so then they come out to the voltron crew as being non-binary in place of when its revealed to the crew that they’re katie. this then spurs the gender conversation with allura and coran, both of which have no concept of gender bc their aliens so why would they, and its all chill. they also help lance a lot with his gender crisis.
- hunk: he/him, cis man, pansexual. not much to say about him, he's just a super loving guy whose lowkey always having a pan-panic bc he thinks a ton of people are so attractive and it's terrifying. he also has anxiety™️, but i think that's a given. 
-shiro: he/him, trans man, this is one of the main reasons that he and keith bonded so much when they met, bc shiro was a very out and proud trans bi man, and keith respected him a lot for that (also gender envy™). shiro's bisexual, bc shallura is a really good ship, but shadam is also chefs kiss. 
-allura: ALIENS HAVE NO CONCEPT OF GENDER. so she uses she/they/its, mainly she/her, but they/its is pretty cool with them. i'm not gonna stray too far into neo-pronouns with the aliens bc i figure that their pronouns in their language are equivalized to something earth people can understand (bc of translators), plus i don't know enough about neo pronouns to get too into it, but yeah, allura is genderqueer, get over it. allura is also queer, bC LIKE I SAID, ALIENS HAVE NO CONCEPT OF GENDER BC WE GOT SCAMMED BY LIVING ON EARTH. so basically anyone they find romantically/sexually attractive is on the table.  
-coran: he/they, they're cool with with any pronouns tbh, but he/they is their main preference. coran coran the gorgeous man(?) is queer, and he definitely married to someone and had a child before the fall of altea, but that's besides the point bc the family would have perished anyways. oR CORAN WAS IN LOVE WITH ALLURA'S DAD, ALFOR, BUT WE'RE NOT GETTING INTO THAT RIGHT NOW.
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kazo0-boy · 4 years
Wow! I TOTALLY did not send this ask to myself on anon just so i could talk about my gender and sexuality headcanons for various Dream SMP characters!
Please keep in mind that i’m talking about the characters and not the creators themselves. All of these are headcanons or ideas i personally like. you can absolutely disagree but please don’t go after me for them. Also feel free to share your own
Okay so:
You can pry the nonbinary/genderqueer Ranboo headcanon from my cold dead hands. He absolutely uses both He/Him and Ender/Enderself neopronouns because frick you. Do endermen have a sense of gender? who knows but certainly not Ranboo. He’s said he supports nonbinary headcanons so im absolutely running with this
I know a lot of people view the egg plot as having very much MLM undertones and i hella understand that- i see it as well. but i also love the headcanons that BBH and/or Skeppy is arospec and they’re in a queerplatonic relationship. As an aromantic i feel there is not nearly enough Arospec headcanons for characters and i very much am projecting my aro experience onto BBH
It goes without saying that Big Q, Karl, and Sapnap are polyamorous. like that’s not even a headcanon- theyre in a canon gay polyamorous relationship. I headcanon that both Karl and Big Q are pan, and Karl is on the ace spectrum (theres a tweet of him saying he might be aspec so im taking the headcanon from that). And Sapnap is bi or polysexual. Also I saw someone mention Karl using Honk/Honkself neopronouns and i frickin love that idea so at the very least his interdimensional being skin uses them
Like their irl counterparts Eret, Niki, and Puffy are bi! And Eret does not gvie a heck what pronouns you use for them (personally i just default to they/them but they use all), and Antfrost is gay
Techno is a Triple A-battery (Aromantic Asexual and Agender)
Tubbo is a He/They. Ponk also gives me He/They vibes
Wilbur is Bi/Pan
Foolish does not know nor care about gender
The only characters i can definitively see as cishet are Philza which tbh doesn’t say much considering he was with a freakin Samsung fridge. Also Connor
Soooo yeah nobody asked for these but i’m sharing anyways
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draftingtides · 4 years
I’ll Find the Words
Words: 1343 Characters: Jonathan Sims, Martin Blackwood Relationships: JonMartin Warnings: Brief mentions of Martin’s mum being transphobic and generally unpleasant, Jons afraid Martin’s going to react badly to his asexuality but theres no actual aphobia Other Tags: Cottage Fic, Curtain Fic, Coming Out, Trans Martin Blackwood, Nonbinary Jonathan Sims, Canon Asexual Character, Getting Together, Canon Atypical Discussions of Emotions, Domestic Fluff, Post MAG159 Pre MAG160 Summary:  Somehow maybe now I'll find the words to say Never thought I'd see the day —Brian David Gilbert, "See The Day" In a cottage in Scotland, they finally get to talk.
Jon wakes slowly, the dredges of some re-lived statement slipping out of his mind. His face is half-smushed in his pillow, but through his free eye he can see Martin across the bed, still asleep. Sunlight filters in through the lacey curtains and draws patterns across the quilt and their hands, which rest only inches away from each other.
Following the slow rise and fall of Martin’s chest almost lulls Jon back to sleep. For the first time in too long, he takes a moment to just lay there and… breathe; to feel his lungs contracting and expanding, his body pressing into the mattress. He closes his eyes and his eyelashes brush against the pillow. He doesn’t have anywhere to be. He doesn’t have anything to do. He can just exist.
A shift of the fabric makes him open his eyes again. Martin is awake now, watching him. Jon watches back. Neither of them says a word.
I really loved you, you know? Loved, past tense—but everything is past tense in the Lonely. It was once-there-was-someone-or-something-but-now-it-is-gone-and-I-am-on-my-own. It still lingers, still hovers on the edge of Martin’s being. His hair is shock-white where the Lonely leeched all the colour from it.
Jon’s limbs are heavy from sleep, so his movements are clumsy when he reaches out and puts one hand in Martin’s hair. Martin sucks in a breath, but his expression doesn’t change, nor does he ask Jon to stop, so Jon doesn’t move. Martin’s hair is soft as candyfloss, soft as a cloud.
“I love you,” Jon says, pleasantly surprised when his voice doesn’t tremble.
Martin’s eyes go wide like saucers. In a voice as steady as Jon’s and soft as his hair, he says, “I love you, too, Jon.” He puts his own hand on top of Jon’s and tugs it down to press a kiss to his open palm. “I love you,” he whispers again, so quietly this time that Jon’s not even sure he was meant to hear it.
Jon twists his hand in Martin’s so he can twine their fingers together. “Would you like breakfast? We can make pancakes.”
Martin squeezes his hand. “Yeah. Yeah, breakfast sounds great.”
Daisy doesn’t have any syrup, so they make do with butter and honey on their pancakes instead. 
Martin fixes them both tea. If he notices Jon watching him while he does so, he doesn’t say anything about it. Jon accepts his cup with a murmured thanks.
The table is a tiny thing, and it’s no difficulty at all for Martin to link his left hand with Jon’s across it.
When he finishes eating, Jon pushes his plate away. “I… I’ve been thinking. About something Peter Lukas said.”
Martin’s expression tightens, but he nods for Jon to continue.
“He said we don’t know each other very well. And I… it’s true, I think. At least for me.” He focuses on a point just to the left of Martin’s face. “But I would like to know you. I want to know everything about you—not because of the Eye, just—just for me. And for you.”
Martin’s breath hitches. “I want to know everything about you, too.”
They leave the dishes in the sink and curl up on the couch, facing each other, never unclasping their hands.
“What do you want to know?”
Jon considers. “Is there anything you want me to know first?”
Martin bites his lip and looks to the side. “I’m trans.”
Without thinking, Jon says, “Oh, I know.”
Martin turns sharply back to look at him. “What? How?”
“Um. When I caught you in your pants when you were staying at the Archives? You didn’t have a shirt on and you were wearing your binder.”
Martin exhales and runs and a hand through his hair. “I thought you thought it was a tank top.”
“I did, at first. But it had the trans flag colours on it, and I recognised them. I didn’t want to do anything rude or—or transphobic, so I did a little research after that, and that’s when I figured out it was a binder.” Jon resists the urge to stick his hand in his mouth and chew on his nails. “I, ah, I’m trans too? Um, genderqueer.”
“Oh! What are your pronouns?”
“He/him, I think.”
Martin sighs, relieved. “That’s good. I hate to think I’d been misgendering you. He/him for me, as well.”
“When did… when did you start figuring it out?”
“Around fifteen or sixteen? I couldn’t really start transitioning until I was an adult. Mum was… not supportive.” He looks away. “I think I must have looked too much like my dad.”
Jon rubs his thumb over the back of Martin’s hand. 
“I got top surgery last year, after she died. I… I was scared I wouldn’t like how it would look, after—after I realised how much it would make me look like him? I didn’t want to have that association every time I looked in the mirror. But I decided to go through with it, and I don’t think it makes me look like him. It just makes me look like me.”
“You look lovely, Martin,” Jon tells him sincerely, and Martin flushes to the tips of his ears.
“What about you? When did you figure it out?”
Jon recognises the attempt to divert his attention for what it is, but he doesn’t comment on it. “Just a couple years ago, actually. I came across the term while I was researching after I caught you in your binder, but I didn’t really… connect it to the way I felt until later. I also found another word?” This time, he does bring his thumb up to his mouth to chew on his nail. “Asexual.”
Martin nods and squeezes his hand.
“It means… not having sexual attraction. Which isn’t the same as romantic attraction, um, they’re separate things. So someone could be asexual and biromantic, which is like bisexual except romantic instead of sexual. It’s—um—” Jon gives up on the nail and just bites down on his whole thumb. “It’s—some aces—that’s shorthand for asexual—some of them like sex? But some—they just—it’s not—”
Jon shuts up.
“Are you asexual?”
He nods slowly.
“And you don’t like sex?”
He nods again without meeting Martin’s eyes. “I don’t even like kissing on the mouth.”
Martin tugs Jon’s hand away from his mouth and holds it with his own, so they’re holding hands on both sides. “Hey. If you don’t want to have sex, or kiss me, I’m not going to make you. I didn’t fall in love with you because I thought the sex would be good.”
“But you like sex.”
“I—well, yeah. Probably. But—”
Jon looks up. “Probably?”
“I’ve never actually… done it? I never exactly had a lot of time, between working and caring for my mum. I’ve never even had a boyfriend.”
“My point is, I’ve gone my entire life without having sex. I can go the rest of it, too. Especially if it means I get to be with you.”
“Oh.” His eyes start to sting. “Um.” He pulls one of his hands free of Martin’s to wipe away the wetness on his cheeks.
“Do you want a hug?” Martin asks gently, opening his arms a bit.
Jon nods and falls into them without a second thought. He’s not a loud crier, but he muffles the little sounds he does make in Martin’s neck. Martin rubs Jon’s back and rocks them a little, making quiet, comforting shushing sounds.
The strong wave of emotion peters out eventually, but Jon doesn’t move from Martin’s hold. 
“You okay?” Martin murmurs.
Jon nods. “Thank you.”
Martin giggles a bit. “We really just started out with the the heaviest stuff, didn’t we?”
Jon laughs and holds Martin tighter. “Should I have asked for your favourite colour instead?”
“It’s brown. Like your eyes.”
Jon splutters and retaliates with, “Mine’s pink. Like you used to dye your hair,” and grins when Martin’s cheeks colour to match.
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scarletwelly-boots · 4 years
In honor of Pride, I’m sharing my LGBT Disney headcanon identities. Some have maybe one detail in their narratives that I took and ran with, and some are more commonly considered queer or queer-coded (or at least have more signs that I picked up on). Happy Pride!
Mulan: Genderfluid. I know that canonically she had reasons to pretend to be a man and that after she was discovered she dressed more typically feminine, but I have read some truly fantastic Genderfluid!Mulan fics, and as a genderfluid person who has grown up fascinated by Mulan, I like to view her as like me.
Shang: Bisexual. C’mon, did you not see his face when Mulan kicked him over that first time?! Boy was in love with her before she was outed. 
Ling/Yao/Chien Po: Poly. Yes, I know they have a whole song about girls and in the sequel they marry a bunch of princesses, but they were super close friends and had really good chemistry, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they all got together. 
Sebastian: Gay. That blue crab in the Under the Sea number is his boyfriend. And my name is Bastien and I’m gay, so Sebastian is also gay. I don’t make the rules. 
Ursula: Trans. Listen. This is the epitome of queer-coded villains. She was designed after a drag queen. I’m not saying all drag queens are trans, but a lot of historically labeled drag queens have since turned out to actually probably be trans. And there isn’t a point where she’s not presenting as a woman, so she’s likely not just in drag. 
Melody/Henry (Prince Charming): trans. OH MY GOD. This is my most bonkers Disney conspiracy theory. I’m sorry in advance for the long story with this one. So a year or two ago I fell down a YouTube rabbit hole about Disney theories and crossover theories. One theory was that there was (albeit conspiracy-esque) evidence to suggest Ariel is Prince Charming AKA Henry’s mom. The main reason I remember is that both are ginger, but I know there were other details. So the video creator was trying to figure out what happened to Melody between Little Mermaid II and Cinderella, but never thought Melody and Henry might be the same person. My theory based on this: Henry IS Melody. After LM2 he realized he was trans. It fits with the crossover theory without needing to explain why Melody was not at her potential-brother’s wedding. I know there’s a lot of conditions for this to work, but I think it makes more sense than the Melody and Charming are siblings but Melody is inexplicably MIA theory.
Lumiere and Cogsworth: Gay. Come on. Obviously. I will also accept that Lumiere is bi/pan and in a relationship with Cogsworth and Babette or w/e her name is. Doesn’t work as well with the live action BatB, but maybe Cogsworth is married and Lumiere is dating the feather duster and they’re also dating each other?
LeFou: Gay. Like even before the live action this much was obvious. Gaston should’ve A.) treated him way better, and B.) opened his goddamn eyes and stopped chasing Belle. (I’m on the fence about Gaston’s possible queerness though.)
Hades: Gay. I recently heard that James Woods, Hades’s VA, is homophobic. So now I’m headcanoning this out of spite in addition to, I’m sorry MF-er, but you played this guy ridiculously queer-coded. He’s gay. Deal, Woods. 
Timon/Pumbaa: Do I even have to say it? They raised TWO kids together!!! Gay!!!!
Scar: Gay. That lion was queer-coded to hell and back. I know there’s issues with villains being queer-coded, but if he’s gay, I’m counting him. 
Terk: Lesbian. Duhhh. She’s voiced by Rosie O’Donnell, of course she’s gay! Also all of her friends are guys, which I’m not saying makes you gay, but makes her butch-ness pretty damn overt.
Shere Khan: Gay. Sorry, I might ship him a leeetle bit with Scar. 
Baloo/Bagheera: These two were Timon and Pumbaa before Timon and Pumbaa. They’re gay. No, I will not take constructive criticism.
Jafar: Gay. Man, there is a huge problem with queer-coding villains in Disney. I know he sexually harasses Jasmine, but there could be a few reasons for this (other than the fact that he’s a jackass and needs to STOP): performative heterosexuality or bi. Or power-hungry AF and not caring what he has to do to get it. I’m leaning toward that one.
Genie: Pan or Ace. I could see him going either way. I think he gets a girlfriend in the tv show, so likely either pan or panromantic asexual. 
Elsa: Queer. Obviously.
Side note: I ship Elsa and Cinderella in the Wreck-It Ralph 2!verse. The bedroom eyes they give each other in the loungewear scene?! My gay ass felt that. 
Merida: Ace. C’mon. She’s literally an arrow ace! Isn’t this a thing? “I’ll be shooting for my own hand”???? Girl is ace AF.
Buzz/ Woody: Do I have to say gay? Is it not obvious? Get out of here with that Jessie/ Bo Peep shit. I can play in the poly sandbox just like with Lumiere and Cogsworth. And we do not acknowledge TS4 in this house. That movie was a disgrace. 
Jessie: Lesbian. I’ll take bi or pan if you want to insist she’s in a relationship with Buzz. She’s a cowgirl though.
7 Dwarves: Are they brothers? Or just roommates/coworkers? If they’re brothers, absolutely disregard because I’m not an incest shipper (okay, with the exception of Thorki). Otherwise, poly.
Donald Duck: genderfluid. Have you not seen that post going around of all the times Donald wears a dress and it’s not as a punchline? Donald is genderqueer in some capacity.
Live action BatB Stanley: genderfluid or bigender. He seems pretty chill about wearing typical men’s clothes, but when Madame de Garderobe gives him a dress he’s fucking thrilled. Stanley is me when I put on a binder. Genderfluid.
Kuzco: Pan and bigender. He’s very queer, both gender- and sexuality-related. Like he dresses as a woman in a whole scene and I don’t remember him putting up much of a fight about doing it? I could be wrong.
Feel free to add your own.
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angstsplatter · 6 years
Bex Taylor-Klaus has been ignoring categories for their brief but illustrious career. Taylor-Klaus, who uses both she and they pronouns (I’m using they for purposes of this article), has stolen queer hearts with roles like Bullet on The Killing, Sin on Arrow and Audrey Jensen on Scream. Through their craft, they explained in an interview with Autostraddle, they hope to bust open boxes so they can play any type of role that comes their way and make it their own.
About their own gender, Taylor-Klaus chuckles when they share, “‘Pick two, they’re small!’ is something my family always said when I was growing up, even if the things were…not small. Why pick one when you can have two? I would love to use [my platform] as an opportunity to bring more gender nonconforming and nonbinary and genderqueer characters into existence. Time’s are changing, this is what’s on the menu.”
They have found creators in their network who are receptive to doing projects with them that incorporate gender nonconformity. Even when they aren’t working with a gender bending script, they bring that energy into their work. Pidge, their character on animated series Voltron: Legendary Defender, has a certain something about her. Though the character is canonically a woman, Taylor-Klaus conceptualizes the character as asexual and nonbinary.
So when fans tell Taylor-Klaus at cons that the character has helped them come to terms with their own gender fluidity: “Those are the best days.”
I’m crying, all of this makes me so happy in so many ways. <3
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whatwouldfrogsdo · 7 years
would you be able to tell us what your headcanons are for each character? (from the pride icons) i don't know all the flags off the top of my head! thanks :)
anonymous said:
what are the flags behind nursey in your pride icon?
anonymous said:
What are the flags you used for nursey and ransom in your pride icons?
Pride flags used:
Rainbow Flag (Bitty, Dex, George, Kent)
Bi (Holster, Ransom, Whiskey, Tango, Ford, Tater)
Pan (Jack, Lardo, Nursey)
Ace (Shitty)
Trans (Chowder, Whiskey)
Genderqueer (Tango)
Grey-A (Nursey)
Polyamory (Ransom)
From this post and this one. I’ll put my headcanons and a bit of chatter about them under a read more because it got pretty long.
Nursey: Panromantic (Pan flag in the heart) + Grey-Ace
(it was a while ago that I did his icon and only after I posted it and someone else asked what it was that I realized that this actually isn’t a universal flag, it was one someone made up a couple of years ago and hasn’t been normalized in the community, but it seems like the only one that has been is the Asexual one and honestly I think Nursey would love to have one that wasn’t the mainstream one and was a bit more specific to him. I do actually also headcanon Nursey as not really knowing where he stands on his own gender and thinking gender labels and the binary are complete bullshit but eventually just telling himself to chill over it constantly and not quite getting around to questioning if he is genderqueer/agender/what exactly. And because I had already started on the icons and would have to make their faces a lot smaller to be able to fit a third layer of flags on, I didn’t try, I simply went for 2)
Ransom: Bi + Polyamorous (Blue, Red and Black stripes with the pi sign)
I will go down with Poly!Ransom honestly. I know I’ve hinted at this in fics before, about him, March and April being together all three of them (somehow Bitty got the wrong end of the stick because March is more open about PDA and more likely to be at Samwell on weekends after volleyball season’s ended because she’s from CA and April is from MA and you never assume your bro is dating two girls at once). At that point (at Samwell) his relationship with Holster was bordering on queerplatonic, not that they labelled it as such, but then he moves to Boston with Holster and they’re both busy and suddenly getting down to Samwell at a time when March and April are free becomes difficult and- well he talks about that a bit in this fic (though bear in mind it was written before N crushed our dreams of NHL!Holster). I’m still not sure how I headcanon his endgame with Holster being, but Ransom probably finds someone else as well.
Holster: Bi
For the record in my fic Fresh (more about that later) when he says that he knows of 4 members of the SMH who are LGBTQIA+ he is one of those 4, and so is Ransom. Bros don’t keep their sexuality from each other, bro (but also, like, no need to tell the rest of the team, bro. Love them and all, but they don’t need to know this right now). He takes a long time to train himself out of the sports culture mindset of always only ever attempting to wheel girls, even after accepting with himself that he is into guys as well.
Jack and Lardo: Pan
I don’t have much explanation for Jack except for how I read it from canon, particularly the time he was telling Bitty about his past experiences. Lardo, also, I don’t have much explanation for except that’s just how I see her.
Shitty: Ace
Again this is one I don’t have much explanation for? But I see it anyway. One time he and Lardo had sex because they’re such close bros that if Shitty’s gonna feel comfortable with that with anyone when his libido is pretty high it would be Lardo, but afterwards they agreed that was the weirdest thing they’d ever done and went back to being queerplatonic bros.
Chowder: Trans
For more on this headcanon go and read Fresh. It’s still a WIP but it’s a lot easier to direct you over here than write out the millions of headcanons I have about how Chowder is trans.
Bitty, Dex, George and Kent: Gay
Obviously Bitty’s sexuality is canon (shout out to the one person who tagged their reblog of my icons with how pleasantly surprised they were at his until they remembered it was canon), and the other three are prominent enough in fanon as being gay that I probably don’t have to give this much explanation. George as a lesbian means a lot to me because with the ratio male:female in omgcp it’s so easy to end up shipping the few girls with have with guys in the comic (I mean. I’ve done that with Ford. And I do love any and all people in the fandom creating content where she is a wlw and having relationships with women) and especially when you throw canon relationships into the mix it leaves very little scope for having a lesbian character but George is there and she obviously has a wife? Isn’t that canon now? (It’s probably just fanon but still)
Tater: Bi
Tater going to America because of homophobia in Russia, and then finding his sanctuary with the Falconers with their Lesbian Assistant GM and even though he’s still not going to be out in the NHL, he just feels a lot safer and happier in general, and he wants Jack to know that they’ll have his back. But he’s still going to say that he doesn’t have a girlfriend, rather than a partner (gender neutral) because he is bi, he would date women, and he doesn’t want the media getting suspicious.
The Taddies: All bi; trans!Whiskey, Genderqueer!Tango
If it weren’t for the gender headcanons and aforementioned struggle with getting three flags onto the icons I might have put the polyamory flag on these three too because PolyTaddies or whatever they’re called in fandom are my jam. Which is also why they’re all bi (and nobody gonna try and tell me my girl Ford isn’t sapphic even if she’s in a relationship with a trans man and an enby). Tango’s pronouns change a lot, and the whole thing is more confusing for him than for anyone else in all honesty. (W: just stick to things that you can remember to respond to. T: People can use nouns as pronouns??? English is so cool. F: English is your mother tongue. T: But not my grandmother tongue?? Is that Spanish or Tagalog? I have two grandmothers. W: *facepalms*)
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mellowmagpie · 7 years
Okay, so I read Demons at Deadnight by AE Kirk, and the series (while funny and enjoyable) is overwhelmingly entirely straight. And, since there is basically nothing in the tag, here. Take these queer head canons. I have a lot of them.
Logan and Blake are bi
They had total crushes on each other when they were kids
It has since turned platonic
I don’t like the idea that Blake is the “promiscuous bi”
I think he’s lost bc his best friend/first love has a huge crush on someone
And Blake is just flirting like crazy with everyone, hoping something will stick, because he doesn’t want to be left behind
Blake could also be poly, I’d buy that 
but it would take some more development
Logan is definitely genderqueer
The way he is described is SO CODED
Jayden is asexual
This is canon in everything but name, honestly
He just reads so blatantly ace and obviously autistic
C’mon, AE Kirk, you know the words. Use them.
Ayden is a Straight Boy
I don’t think I can read anything onto him
Same with Matthias and Selena
Although, Matty could be a transboy
Now that you mention it
Nitara x Fiamma
(This goes with my other hc that Rory has a twin and they’re both the divinicus)
Christiano and the airplane/shower scene was typical “there’s a new male character” AE Kirk narration
Remember Rose? And Blake? And neither of them turned into love interests. It’s just a staple of the series.
Christiano’s attitude about Aiden is “Ummm your doppelgänger is dating my friend and the fact that you have a bf is making me very uncomfortable”
Read: Not a love interest
Read: Could still be bellator
Read: let’s keep it platonic tho
Tristan is my baby
He will get his own post
Luna and Danica will be together by senior year
“Gal Pals”
Fight me
Last but not least: Aurora is bi
She leans more towards guys but by the way she describes girls sometimes, I think she’s definitely bi
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settiai · 7 years
General “Dear Creator” Letter
First of all, relax! I'm far from being picky, and I can pretty much guarantee that I'll love whatever you decide to create for me. These are nothing but guidelines, for you to take to heart or ignore to your heart's content. Also, hey! You're writing me fic or drawing me art! That's automatically a good reason for me to love you, no matter what. So, please, keep that in mind. Trust me, you can pretty much do no wrong. ♥
.:: General Likes ::.
Storywise, I adore plot; in fact, the longer and more detailed, the more I like it. That said, I also have no problems whatsoever with PWP or meaningless fluff or plotless humor. I love gen, but I also have strong feelings for f/f, f/m, m/m, threesomes, and poly relationships in general.
Hurt/comfort is my OTP of genres, whether it's physical or psychological. It doesn't matter if it's gen or 'shippy, I love it. That said, I tend to prefer men being the ones injured rather than women or nonbinary/genderqueer individuals (unless, you know, you're writing about a same-gender pair/group or one without any men in it, at which point I'm not picky about which ones gets hurt and which one does the comforting though it's always nice if it's not the character you would automatically suspect).
I'm all for nonsexual romantic relationships as well as sexual ones. I'm a big fan of stories where two people are extremely close and obviously love each other, but they're not actually in a traditionally romantic relationship. Or, if they are in a romantic relationship, it's not a sexual one (or, at least, it's only rarely sexual). Aromantic and/or asexual relationships of various types can be fun to explore. But that doesn't mean I have a problem with porn, if that's where your muse takes you! Porn's fine with me too. Believe me, I'll never turn down smut.
Let's see...
Strong female characters. Reversals of typical gender stereotypes. Families that are made instead of being related by blood. Crossdressing. Geekiness. Actions having consequences. Characters wearing glasses, whether they're needed or not. Books. Libraries. Happy endings (interpret that any way that you'd like). Women saving the day. Banter. Handcuffs, ropes, and other such restraints. Foreplay. Pegging. Cunnigulus. Embarrassing drunken confessions. Character A being in a compromised state and Character B purposely protecting/not taking advantage of/watching over them. Competency. All of these are awesome in my book.
.:: General Dislikes ::.
I tend to love most canon characters, including ones most people dislike, so character bashing (even if it's subtle) is a big turn-off for me in fic. If you really hate a character, I'd really prefer you just say they're elsewhere if you don't feel comfortable trying to write them. (It’s not as much of an issue with art, obviously, as you can just not include them in the artwork.)
I'm not typically a huge fan of noncon (although it's not a trigger for me), but I don't mind dubcon as long as the fact that it is dubcon is realized by the characters. This is especially true when it comes to sexual situations that involve alcohol and/or drugs. (See again: actions having consequences.) I don't mind mpreg as long as it's in a fandom with fantasy/sci-fi elements, but I'd prefer if A/B/O dynamics not be involved. When it comes to smut, bodily excretions/fluids that aren't a day-to-day part of sex being used erotically usually isn't my thing. While I don't mind it if that's where your muse takes you, D/s dynamics usually don't do much for me.
For the most part, I don't enjoy fanworks that are extremely dark or depressing. Fandom tends to be my escape, so for the most part I like fic and art to be less gritty and more... well, light-hearted. Or, if it is a bit darker, to at least have hints of hope. I don't mind if it's mentioned that bad things have happened, but it's nice if there's at least a hint that things will be better again someday.
First-person and third-person are both fine with me for writing, although I do ask that you avoid second-person if possible. I also prefer past tense over present tense when possible, but I'll read both.
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