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Collage and Drawing by Hannah Day
I like the clear narrative to the collage and the highlights of colour
I think it works very well compositionally!
Really interesting composition with good use of white space and colour to focus on the key elements.
As you have described, the use of colour has a purpose. Not only the colour but the shape of the circular element helps this, drawing the eye to the centre. Again the other shapes do the same. Clear representation and narrative to the drawing.
As everyone before me pointed out, the composition of the elements and the use of colour are the strongest points of the collage. I like how dynamic it feels too. Makes for an exciting drawing!
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Collage and Drawing by Petya Tsokova
Comments: -  I think the "cleaning up" effect is really clear and adds value to the key structures which are emphasized in the solid section lines in your drawing. I think the muted colours are really effective too.
-  I like how you combine a few drawings into an interesting shape. It reminds me of a floating house. Also kudos with the styles you've been experimenting! -  The contrast between the solid base structure and the lighter 'floating' balloons at the top is really clearly shown and I like the overall whimsical feel to it. -  I love how playful it is! the layering in the collage creates so much interest, I could look into it in detail for ages. The clean up of the drawing helps to clarify the spaces, it almost seems more like a section of the collage itself - going deeper into the fundamental structure of the building. The colour changes make it feel like seasonal change also. -  You can see the development from conceptual drawing to a more refined idea. The use of line weights to highlight areas is good but could be expressed more. For example, reducing the opacity of other elements and varying the line weights to give depth.
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Collage and Drawing by Elina Rimikis
-I find it interesting how you've tied together a variety of perspective angles, and I like the clean aesthetic of the contrasting lines & background in your drawing
-There is something very Escheresque about your drawing in the way you have combined elements in different angles and styles. I like how the quality of the collage has been safeguarded when translated into the line drawing.
- A really interesting interpretation of your collage into a very technical drawing. It shows a lot of analysis and thought has been put into the process.
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Collage and drawing by Charis Boulton.
-  Interesting perspective and axonometric combination. Strong use of the collage technique. The layering of images really helps define the different parts of the drawing and the overlapping parts.
-  I really like your use of colour in the collage, and how you've balanced the stronger structural elements and lighter texturing in the line drawing
-  I like the use of colour in your collage and, then how you've used the dark tones in the drawing, I think this helps give it a sense of light and shade which brings out some of the spatial qualities of the drawing.
-  I like how balanced and neat the drawing feels - both as a collage and as a line image. I think it's interesting how you have highlighted the central element by keeping it clean against a very detailed background.
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My collage has turned out like a section. I think in my head it became almost like the depiction of a world below the surface and I've tried to emphasize the section cut though thickness of lines in the hand drawn interpretation. I was aiming to reduce the depiction of the tall structures above the surface and pull out key detail from the inhabited spaces below the surface by varying line weight. 
 Petya Tsokova: I like how you have flipped the buildings in the "underground" world. I think you are very successful in what you have set out to do - emphasize the importance of the central building and what's below ground through line thicknesses - it's a very clear and easy to read drawing. I think it's very impressive how you have achieved this through line-weight alone!
Rasha Kamhieh The level of detail in the line work, especially below ground is great - really easy to read! I like how you had a clear vision for the collage that clearly carried through to the drawing
Hannah Day I love how earthy it is! the collage really makes the building feel weighted, even though the heaviness comes from the trees above, maybe it's making me thing of gravity - heaviness from above... The drawing is super balanced and takes the essence of what I was saying about the collage and deploys it through line weights. My eye isn't however particularly drawn to the actual 'building' which is interesting, because there is interest in all of the drawing, even considering how thick the line weights are.
Charis Boulton I like the clear distinction between earth and sky with the elements growing upwards/downwards. Also the textures you have brought through to the hand drawing are very skillful!
Daniel Lam Clear definition of the drawings as sections. The line drawing focuses on the key elements of the collage. Line weights and perspective could be the next step to making the line drawing give off the same atmosphere as the collage.
Savini Rajapakse I think the representation of trees and nature is really interesting in this, and the drawing does have a very organic quality to it.
Elina Rimikis Exceptional level of detail in the hand drawing! I like how it is now a section but all the details remain visible.
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Collage & Sectional Drawing done by Nur Aisyah Khairuddin
1. Petya Tsokova: Your style of drawing is very interesting! I feel like it manages to recreate the grain of the texture of the collage without making it a literal interpretation, if that makes sense. I also like how you have maintained a cohesive colour palette between the collage and the section - it's a very subtle reference but it makes the drawings feel connected.
2. Rasha Kamhieh: I like how you have an almost sketch-like effect with your line work that adds great texture but still clearly emphasises key lines through the drawing :)
3. Hannah Day: I love the aesthetic of the collage, lovely and soft even thought there are some pretty bulky/heavy ideas going on! The drawing seems to complement that by almost being a fuzzy, data analysis/generation of what the collage is saying crystal clearly. It's actually quite nice how the collage doesn't really have any physical grounding too.
4. Daniel Lam: Interesting adaptation of the composition to create an entirely new representation. good selection of one collage element in the backdrop of the drawing
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Art Community Centre by Alexandre Braleret
Source: http://drawingarchitecture.tumblr.com/
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Catarina Sampaio Cruz, “The Image Factory”
Source: http://pr2015.aaschool.ac.uk/DIP-09/Catarina-Sampaio-Cruz
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Anny Stephanou, A city of extraneous narratives.
Source: http://pr2014.aaschool.ac.uk/DIP-09/Anny-Stephanou
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