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花曇り(hazy weather in spring)
Apr.12,2020 watercolor size:242*333mm (F4) paper:water ford white (細目・300g/m2)
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Now that’s how you be an English teacher
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youmightfindmeanyway · 10 years
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Esta es mi ciudad Tampico,Tamaulipas esto es lo ha pasado el fin de semana y hoy lunes, el presidente dice que solo han sido 7 muertos cuando en realidad la cifra ya va en 18 y contando, como es posible que los representantes salgan en televisión y digan que todo esta bien cuando lo peor sucede mientras familias estan comiendo, en el super o en sus casas al medio día. Nadie hace nada ni el presidente municipal GUSTAVO TORRES, el gobernador EGIDIO TORRER CANTU y por ultimo y mas famoso el querido presidente ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO.
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youmightfindmeanyway · 11 years
An Irish Airman foresees his Death
  I KNOW that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate
Those that I guard I do not love;
My country is Kiltartan Cross,
My countrymen Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely end could bring them loss
Or leave them happier than before.
Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public man, nor cheering crowds,
A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.
William Butler Yeats
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youmightfindmeanyway · 11 years
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Acarreados hoy en el DF
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youmightfindmeanyway · 11 years
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youmightfindmeanyway · 11 years
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Concept: Disposable Food Bowl by Michal Marko
Designer Michal Marko created a disposable food bowl concept (with minimum environmental impact) while teaching society about new biodegradable materials. On the label it states: “Enjoy your food. Then put the seeds from under the label with gravel into the bowl and let it grow. After a week, plant bowl with a herb into the ground. The bowl will degrade and you can grown your own herb.” Can you imagine this bowl used in all fast-food restaurants? It would change our worldview. For this reason, I believe the concept is exceptional.
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youmightfindmeanyway · 11 years
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youmightfindmeanyway · 11 years
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Blow Out A Candle, Illuminate Your Mind
Featuring the stunning photos of Grover Schrayer, Kyle Hill shines light on a beauty you never knew existed: the waxbow.
The smoke that wafts from the just-extinguished wick of a candle is not mere ash and soot. It is a nearly-invisible cloud of vaporized droplets of wax. Head on over to But Not Simpler…to find out the physics behind this shimmering phenomenon.
A tidbit of wonder that’s been sitting under our noses, on our birthday cakes, this whole time. Keep your eyes open and your brains sharp … you never know when you’ll stumble on something amazing.
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youmightfindmeanyway · 11 years
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I swear, I will do this every single time one of my little brothers graduates from somewhere.
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youmightfindmeanyway · 11 years
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youmightfindmeanyway · 11 years
Estudiantes usaron sustituto.
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youmightfindmeanyway · 11 years
"your generation is too reliant on technology" my grandpa says. "no YOUR generation is too reliant on technology" i retort, pulling the plug on his life support to further prove my point.
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youmightfindmeanyway · 11 years
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(by elsvo)
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youmightfindmeanyway · 11 years
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youmightfindmeanyway · 11 years
I fukin love 14th century art art because everyone looks so shady and suspicious of ppl around them its AMAZING
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or just like they know something u dont and oh my gdfuck i cant
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youmightfindmeanyway · 11 years
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Lucifer (Morning Star) by Paul Fryer (Installation in the Holy Church in Marylebone, 2008. Anodised aluminium, silicon rubber cord, wax work figure, feathers/aluminium, concrete.)
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