youngkopa · 2 years
Send “fancy” for a starter where my muse is wearing a beautiful dress.
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youngkopa · 2 years
Send “wakey wakey” for my muse to stumble into the room, barely awake, bedhead all over the place, and still in their sleeping clothes.
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youngkopa · 2 years
Send “shove” for my muse to shove your muse.
Send “aggressive push” for your muse to shove my muse. 
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youngkopa · 2 years
Send “plucky” for my muse to pick a flower and give it to your muse.
Send “flowering” for your muse to pick a flower and give it to my muse. 
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youngkopa · 2 years
Send “I think I wanna marry you” for my muse to react to your muse saying it.
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youngkopa · 2 years
What cute/special nickname would you give my muse?
Be it a play on their name or an essence of their character. What would your muse call them?
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youngkopa · 2 years
I want to come back but I don’t know where to start. I’m just to shy.
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youngkopa · 2 years
I really got to rewatch Oliver and Company…to get my muse Oliver back into character ack. I also hope to one day rp with a Georgette. That would be fun. And here I go rambling again.
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youngkopa · 2 years
Slowly thinking of coming back. Might be selective of how many posts I can do. It overwhelms me if I do to much. I also do rp on discord if anyone wants it. Just ask.
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youngkopa · 2 years
Does anyone rp on discord? I rp there more often now. If anyone wants it just dm me.
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youngkopa · 3 years
Still not back. But if I’m to be honest. I’m kinda nervous to come back. I have little motivation and if I do come back I would have to try to keep up with replies and I’ve been more busy as of late. I’m more active on discord however. But just letting you all know I’m still alive.
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youngkopa · 4 years
PS: if you want my discord as I’ll mostly be there just dm me.
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youngkopa · 4 years
Update: I apologize for my lack of oh what’s the word? Attention here on tumblr. It’s just I haven’t found the motivation to get to those replies as much as I should have. It pains me to say this. I know I want to rp with you to but it’s just frustrating when you try to think of a reply and my mind isn’t working with me. So I’m going on indefinite hiatus. But I will not delete this blog! I repeat I will NOT delete this blog!
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youngkopa · 4 years
Also I’m still on hiatus. I never really post a long one like a did just now so, sorry about that. Soemtimes I like to babble and talk a lot.
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youngkopa · 4 years
Sorry for my lack of absence everyone. It’s just I’ve been feeling some anxiety due to the constant need to wear a a mask each time I go out. It’s also hard to breathe in those masks to. I’ve often felt shortness of breath, don’t worry I don’t have COVID as I have taken the test this past week and it came back negative. In my area there is also a change in the weather and I’m very sensitive to it. Anyway I’ll try to be back soon but I still need to clear my head and calm myself down a little. I’ve avoided the news but not baseball news as baseball is my sport. Anyway (again) hope you all have a pleasant weekend and a good day. For those in the west coast stay dry! More rain ahead!
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youngkopa · 4 years
Seriously stop reblogging from me! I’m not a meme source. Thank you! It’s in my rules!
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youngkopa · 4 years
Hey everyone, still on hiatus but feeling less stressed and anxiety. Been avoiding the news and politics. I’m doing fine but still need more time to clear my head.
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