youngmagickusr · 4 years
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wsteaks | paulandstorm | matthewamiller | pink | aoc
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youngmagickusr · 4 years
A Spell to Protect BLM Protesters
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Although magic is no substitute for genuine activism, not all of us are able to attend protests, donate money, or even be outspoken about our support. This spell allows you to magically lend your energy to the cause.
What you will need: 
a sheet of white, red, or black paper
a black pen
a protection oil, a protective essential oil like myrrh or rosemary, or salt water
Performing the Ritual:
Write the words “Black Lives Matter” in the center of your paper. As you do so, visualize these words forming a connection between yourself and the protesters who are a part of the movement. 
Draw a circle around the words, moving your pen counterclockwise.
Say: “I cast protection around those protesting on behalf of the Black Lives Matter movement. They are under my protection from anyone who would do them harm or oppose their goals.”
If you work with sigils, runes, or some other kind of magical symbols, feel free to incorporate symbols for protection and power into your circle.
Take a little bit of your oil or salt water on the tip of your index finger and use it to anoint the circle at each of the four cardinal points (north, east, south, west), starting at the top of the circle and moving clockwise.
Say, “May this [oil/salt] protect those protesting on behalf of the Black Lives Matter movement. May it shield them from harm and surround them with a wall of protection and light.”
Focus your energy on the paper, and visualize the protests going on around the country right now. Focus on sending your energy to those protests to protect and support those participating.
I’m a Reiki practitioner, so when I did this spell I also incorporated a distance Reiki session to send Reiki energy to those protesting, and to add an extra layer of protection. If you practice any kind of energy work, that would be a beautiful thing to incorporate into this spell. 
If you worship any deities associated with justice, feel free to call on them during this ritual. 
Finally, if you have an altar, fold up your paper and place it on your altar once you finish the spell. Keeping the paper in a sacred space will allow it to keep receiving energy, and you can come back to pray for/send energy to protesters again in the future. 
What to do next
If you can, donate to organizations that contribute to the cause, like Black Visions Collective, Reclaim the Block, or a similar local organization. 
If you can’t donate, raise awareness on social media and in real life. (For my fellow white folks: try to focus on sharing stories from POC, rather than talking over them. Yes, we should use our privilege to raise awareness, but we should do that in a way that keeps the focus on those who are directly affected by the issue.)
IF YOU ARE ATTENDING A PROTEST, be smart and be safe. Keep your face covered, don’t talk to reporters, don’t take pictures (especially if you use iCloud!), stay the fuck away from anyone with a camera, and don’t post about it on social media. 
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youngmagickusr · 4 years
a himbo must, MUST, be Kind, Beefy, and Stupid. 
only Kind and Beefy? thats just a hunk.
only Beefy and Stupid? thats just a jock. 
only Kind and Stupid? thats just a decent man! 
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youngmagickusr · 4 years
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youngmagickusr · 4 years
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In my grandparents’ time, it was believed that spirits existed everywhere… in trees, rivers, insects, wells, anything… I like the idea that we should all treasure everything because spirits might exist there, and we should treasure everything because there is a kind of life to everything. — Hayao Miyazaki.
scenery in SPIRITED AWAY / 千と千尋の神隠し 2001 | dir. Hayao Miyazaki / 宮崎 駿
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youngmagickusr · 4 years
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Witchcraft Books from GirlLoveLuna
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youngmagickusr · 4 years
hmm after extensive googling I can only conclude that the cause of my symptoms is that I have a body
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youngmagickusr · 4 years
when it is, ideas to do, the hellenic version and how to celebrate whilst in lockdown
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When does it occur?
In the Northern Hemisphere on April 30st to May 1st
In the Southern Hemisphere on October 31st to November 1st
What does it celebrate ?
The peak of spring and the fact that summer is coming
Honours the earth
Fertility, Sexuality and love
Light, life and growth for the coming summer
For Wiccans is the night of the sacred greenwood marriage
What crystals are important ?
rose quartz
What to decorate your alter with?
flowers (daisies and roses in particular)
green cloth or ribbons
hanging or sprinkling seasonal herbs (thyme, rose , fern)
using candles or incense with earthy scents such as wood or rose or jasmine
hawthorn branches
red, green and yellow candles to represent love, fertility, growth and summer
What activities can I do in lockdown?
mediate with the crystals mentioned
make daisy or flower chains and crowns for good luck
braid flowers into your hair
make mayday masks from items in your garden or draw them from paper
make a small mayday pole and dance around it by yourself or with people your isolating with
if in isolation with them, have sex with your partner : it’s a traditional aciticity done today because of the sacred wedding but it’s also a celebration of love and fertility (only if legal and you feel comfortable ofc)
spend time with loved ones you’re in lockdown with or via ft
make baked goods and give them to friends, family and neighbours
create a wish box and put inside all your hopes and wishes for summer
cleanse your tools
wear red,green and pink and get dressed up even if you can’t go anywhere
practise self love
have a milk bath
make amulets for yourself and people you love
give rose quartz as gifts to those you love
send your loved ones handwritten letters
make sigils and herb pouches for a good summer
Be with nature : go for a walk if safe
Learn about herbs or nature if you are unable to be with it
masturbate and perform sex magic
make fresh juice from summer fruits
leave offerings of milk,honey, oats, lavender and rose for the fae: it’s their day too!
make oat based products : they’re sacred to beltane and are good for luck,hope, safety and love
What spells and rituals should i perform?
good luck
protection of the home
What Hellenic Gods are sacred today?
The day honours Lady Maia as it’s about summer and the earth growing
Apollo as it’s the beginning of summer and the days will start to become longer and sunnier
Dionysus as it’s the coming summer and beauty of nature is about to hit its peak : also the rising of Dionysus
Demeter was traditionally worshiped on this day
Aphrodite due to her being a fertility and love goddess
Hestia for cleansing the home and protection
What are some Hellenic things to do?
Do something to take care of the earth
give offerings to Apollo : traditionally fruit and cypress branches decorated with flowers were used or put on temples
cleanse the home : thank Hestia for keeping you safe
Look into all the gods and goddesses celebrated and connect with them
Learn about the rising of Dionysus or even reanact it
Give offerings to Demeter and perform a ritual for banishing poverty in her name
Traditionally there is a greek blessing that says “May you have all the goods of May” along with a curse that says “ May all the hours of may find you” : say these to people with the intention linked to it
I hope you find this helpful! What are your plans for this Beltane in lockdown?
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youngmagickusr · 4 years
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youngmagickusr · 4 years
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I want to look absolutely fucking feral, making my own clothes with the resources around me and having like 16 pockets for all my herbs, crystals, and daggers
Edit- if you’re seeing this please consider checking out my new cottagecore / goblin/gremlin blog RoanokeAutumn for more posts like this, for this current blog only posts dark academic things now. Thank you!
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youngmagickusr · 5 years
Mental Illness is Not Psychic Power
That’s a doozy of a title, ain’t it? But it’s true, and it reflects the lies I was told by my earth-and-spirit-loving pagan and witch communities growing up. For those that don’t know, I’m a lifelong witch of 25 years from a generational family that’s been practicing witchcraft for 200 years. My parents are also pagans. My father is a legal, ordained High Priest.
And despite all that spiritual education, I still grew up hearing these two phrases: “Mental illness doesn’t exist. All you need is to connect with nature and your spirituality.” “You’re not mentally ill, you’re psychic!”
Sounds a lot like “You’re a wizard, Harry!” And just like Harry Potter is a pile of fiction, so are these statements. Let’s talk about it.
Keep reading
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youngmagickusr · 5 years
Ward Types and Components
For the purpose of this article, “ward” is defined as: a wall of energy with a purpose. These are different types of protective wards and components. 
Anti-Detection: Prevents you/your area from being sensed by hostile forces in the first place. 
Reflection Ward: Repels any outside magical attacks.
Wall Ward: Simply prevents entry/provides a barrier, just like a regular physical wall does. 
Offensive Ward: Damages the intruder upon entry/touch. 
Redirect portal: Entering this ward will teleport the intruder to another place. 
Illusion Wards: Mess up the intruder’s senses in some way. Can make the ward much thicker than it seems to be, or even cast the illusion of being somewhere else. 
Binding Wards: Condense into a binding that will limit the intruder’s ability in some way. 
Minor Hex/Debuff: Cast a curse on the intruder. This can be temporary, wearing off as soon as the intruder leaves or a short time afterwards, or permanent (as can be). 
Sensor:  This component senses anything and feeds that information to the other wards/to other security systems in place. 
Warnings: A ward component whose only purpose is to warn the intruder. This component contains a prerecorded message. Usually of impending doom if the intruder proceeds. 
Energy Drainer: A component that drains the energy of the intruder, so as to tire them out. Can also be used to redirect hostile energies elsewhere, where it cannot harm you. 
The more detailed and aggressive portions, and the portion on recommended ward layers, have been cut out for the safety of the community. To see the complete version of this and other articles on advanced magic, please join my Patreon here. 
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youngmagickusr · 5 years
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Dolce & Gabbana
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youngmagickusr · 5 years
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I saw some great pigeons the other day
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youngmagickusr · 5 years
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youngmagickusr · 5 years
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youngmagickusr · 5 years
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Anti anxiety.
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