youremyboner · 9 years
Do you think that you’re a good person? Do others like you? Do you want others to like you?
“I’m the greatest person, of fucking course, I mean, I’m nice, I’m wise, it’s in my name goddamnit, I’m handsome, powerful, and I can give you the power to run the world or become the next Beyonce, i’m wonderful. What you wouldn’t love me ? PLEASE LOVE ME”
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youremyboner · 9 years
I didn’t receive your asks =/
Is anyone receiving my asks? Over the past three weeks–I’ve sent out a few to different people—and they’ve gone unanswered.
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youremyboner · 9 years
@sailor-cosmos you’re disgusting
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youremyboner · 9 years
“Come oooon, kiss me on the face, do it for the vine !!!”
Youremyboner 👄
Nope. Nope nope. EVERYTHING IS NOPE.
“I refuse this dare. I’d rather eat off my own hand.”
Poor Saphir there are just sometimes he shouldn’t agree to play truth or dare with the other clans members.
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youremyboner · 9 years
“Come on, be a big guy, make your brother proud and kiss me where you want” *winkwink*
Youremyboner 👄
Nope. Nope nope. EVERYTHING IS NOPE.
“I refuse this dare. I’d rather eat off my own hand.”
Poor Saphir there are just sometimes he shouldn’t agree to play truth or dare with the other clans members.
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youremyboner · 9 years
"You’re not going anywhere."
Tumblr media
“Get out.”
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youremyboner · 9 years
Send me a URL + 👄 and my muse will kiss them
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youremyboner · 9 years
Difficult Questions for Muses
(Please remember to use trigger warnings as and when necessary)
Do you think that you’re a good person?
Do others like you? Do you want others to like you?
What do you think others like or admire about you?
How do you know when you’re in love? (romantic or platonic)
Would you or have you ever killed? What would drive you to kill? 
Do you think that killing is ever justified?
Have you ever done anything that you feel to be very morally wrong?
Should all people be treated as equal, and have the same rights?
If you committed a crime, would you accept punishment willingly?
Is suicide ever the right choice?
Is euthanasia ever the right choice?
Is it right to have an intimate relationship with somebody you don’t love?
What could make you break your own moral code? 
Have you ever doubted your own beliefs? (Spiritual, philosophical)
Would you always be loyal to your loved ones even if they wronged you?
What would you consider a fate worse than death?
Why do you love the person or people you love? (romantic or platonic)
Do you agree with capital punishment?
Could you ever forgive your worst enemy?
What would you like to achieve before you die?
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youremyboner · 9 years
My blog never rp smut
With no one. Ever. Why.
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youremyboner · 9 years
Send 🍭 to surprise my muse with some candy!
Or, send 🍬 for my muse to surprise yours!
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youremyboner · 9 years
I thing I have talk a lot here about our financiary struggle with my mother, so I made a money pot, there is no goal, but know that any cents could really help us. For the all story you can read it here, it’s in a better english and I explain it better https://www.leetchi.com/en/Cagnotte/5978669/d50d38a3 If you even take the time to read it, thank you :3 i can’t draw anything to thank but I can still write fanfiction or I don’t know, make you some bows with the fabric I have home !
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youremyboner · 9 years
Who wants to meme with me. Please. I have no friends
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youremyboner · 9 years
“Kiss my ass”
Fun fact : Prince Demando has a foot kink ! Did you know @sailor-cosmos ? I beg you didn’t biatch
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youremyboner · 9 years
Nobody sent me any pregnant meme ):
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youremyboner · 9 years
I thing I have talk a lot here about our financiary struggle with my mother, so I made a money pot, there is no goal, but know that any cents could really help us. For the all story you can read it here, it’s in a better english and I explain it better https://www.leetchi.com/en/Cagnotte/5978669/d50d38a3 If you even take the time to read it, thank you :3 i can’t draw anything to thank but I can still write fanfiction or I don’t know, make you some bows with the fabric I have home !
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youremyboner · 9 years
Baby Ask Meme!
“I think I’m pregnant.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“I think I need to buy a pregnancy test.”
“I’m pregnant and it’s yours.”
“I’m not sure who the father is.”
“The baby’s coming!”
“…It’s twins.”
“I’m pregnant, but you’re not the father.”
“I’ve got somebody pregnant.”
“Shit, I’ve knocked her up!”
“I think we should adopt.”
“I want children.”
“I want a baby.”
“I don’t ever want kids.”
“There’s something wrong- I think it’s the baby!”
“Take me to the hospital, now!”
“I lost the baby…”
“Hey, meet ______ your son/daughter.”
“I’m having a baby!”
“We’re having a baby!”
“Surprise, I’m pregnant!”
“I think she’s pregnant.”
“I think she’s lying about the pregnancy.”
“I said you were the father but I lied.”
“I cheated on you and now I’m pregnant.”
“You may be their father but you’ll never be their dad.”
“My boyfriend/girlfriend left when I told them I was pregnant.”
“I’m not ready to be a mother/father!”
“I want an abortion.”
“I’m giving him/her up for adoption.”
“The doctor said there’s something wrong…”
“What do you mean ‘triplets’?!”
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youremyboner · 9 years
Fluff Meme: Pregnancy Edition
“$50 bucks says it’s a girl/boy.”
“Did you just say you’re pregnant?”
“I can’t believe this; we’re going to be parents!”
“____ I’m pregnant.”
“The doctor said this might help with the morning sickness…”
“I’m so excited to finally be a mother!”
“You mean I’m going to be a father?”
“I can’t believe you’re pregnant! I’m so excited for you!”
“I really like this color for the nursery, what do you think?”
“Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl yet?”
“Here let me rub your feet, I know they’ve been bothering you…”
“Pregnancy suits you…”
“Hello little one; we can’t wait to meet you..”
“He/She/They just kicked!”
“I just found out…we’re having twins…”
“Go on and take a nap, you and the baby/babies need your rest.”
“I’m so excited to finally meet our child/children, it feels like we’ve been waiting forever.”
“Wow….a few more weeks and our baby/babies will be here….”
“I love you and our baby/babies so much…”
“The clinic called with my results today; I’m pregnant!”
“I can’t believe we’re finally going to have a baby.”
“We should probably start thinking of names for the baby/babies now…”
“That’s our baby/babies heartbeat?”
“I just can’t believe I’m/you’re pregnant…it feels too good to be true.”
“I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather have a family with….”
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