thank you @neopronouns for the flag and name coining for apothibirette/apothibinary mlm + wlw...so i have some headcanons from some media i like for MY favorite (headcanoned) apothibirettes :)
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so in honor of @neopronouns making this lovely term for my facet (i'm bi, but a different complex bi identity: i'm attracted to all genders but binary men; nonbinary men are perfectly fine though, for some reason), i'm making headcanons for some characters i headcanon as apothibirette!
from top to bottom: charlotte lola from one piece, dan hibiki from street fighter (my projection headcanon bait for ALL of my main facets) and atsushi nakajima from bungo stray dogs (second most projection bait character, though mostly for me and laine).
hope you all enjoy the icons! i'm not very good at fancy icons due to erm. difficulty with spacial reasoning and like. artistic stuff involving skill in general, because i have like. a noticeable learning disability in those areas to the point i test as borderline intellectual functioning in every area but verbal skills. (yeah, i know, i'm special compared to a lot of autistic people, who tend to have marked skills in nonverbal areas but poor verbal skills...i'm different like that)
anyway, i hope you like my headcanons
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low vision agender: a flag for those who are agender and low-vision
[image description: the low vision agender pride flag. it is a seven striped pride flag with red stripes on the top and bottom, yellow stripes first from the top and bottom, white stripes second from the top and bottom, and a black stripe in the middle. end image description.]
+ bonus pride edits
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[image description: two pride flag edits of the low vision agender pride flag. in front of them are area from street fighter ex and ex fighting layer, and umino gurio from sailor moon. area is a white agender person with a braided hairstyle, purple bow ties in her hair, green eyes, brown coke-bottle glasses, and a purple jumpsuit with a heart on it. she is smiling confidently. umino gurio is a japanese agender nymboy with short, shaggy, blonde hair, pale skin, glasses with a swirly print on him, and a black gakuran with white buttons. around him are cherries. he is smiling in a goofy way. end image description.]
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Hi, may I request a few fictionkin, one sympath, and one endel flags? All are from the same series. Anyway, I'd like a Dan Hibiki endel flag, a kolin (from street fighter) kin flag (preferably her sfv design), a Rufus (from street fighter) flag, a hugo andore sympath flag, and a Seth (from street fighter) flag (either their sfiv or sfv designs are okay). I hope that's not too much trouble! I have kin of these characters to a strong extent because of psychosis, BPD, and plurality so these characters are very close to my heart.
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 7 horizontal lines. sizes in this order from top to bottom: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. colors in this order from top to bottom: dark brown, red-brown, tan, pink, tan, red-brown, dark brown. in the center of the flag is a pink circle outlined in dark brown. in the center of the circle is a dark brown synpath symbol, 2 interlocking diamonds, taller than they are wide. End ID]
[ID: a rectangular flag with 7 horizontal lines. sizes in this order from top to bottom: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. colors in this order from top to bottom: brown, grey-brown, light blue, pale blue, light blue, grey-brown, brown. in the center of the flag is a brown fictionkin symbol outlined in pale blue, the symbol is 2 intersecting circles with a key-like shape pointing up in the middle. End ID]
[ID: a rectangular flag with 7 horizontal lines. sizes in this order from top to bottom: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. colors in this order from top to bottom: grey, dark yellow, dull yellow, light yellow, dull yellow, dark yellow, grey. in the center of the flag is a grey fictionkin symbol outlined in light yellow, the symbol is 2 intersecting circles with a key-like shape pointing up in the middle. End ID]
[ID: a rectangular flag with 7 horizontal lines. sizes in this order from top to bottom: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. colors in this order from top to bottom: darkish blue-grey, blue-grey, grey, white, grey, blue-grey, darkish blue-grey. in the center of the flag is a darkish blue-grey fictionkin symbol outlined in white, the symbol is 2 intersecting circles with a key-like shape pointing up in the middle. End ID]
in order: hugo (synpath), kolin (fictionkin), rufus (fictionkin), and seth (fictionkin) flags ^^ didn’t make the endel flag since we don’t experience delusions and don’t feel comfortable making endels because of that 👍
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well. self indulgent, but most of the system aside from me has an endel of dan hibiki from street fighter. embarrassing, i know, but, psychosis just works in strange ways. anyway, most of the system also headcanons dan hibiki to have a complex dissociative disorder, specifically osdd1a, which causes him to have facets, and oftentimes, these facets are different versions of himself, but with different personality traits, different genders, etc.
and yeah. osddfluxic dan hibiki. because the gap between his personality in street fighter alpha 2 and the rest of the street fighter games is extremely stark enough (though not necessarily differentiated enough to suspect DID or OSDD1B in particular) to question, hmm...is dan hibiki a traumagenic osdd1a median system?
[image description: three pictures of dan hibiki behind the osddfluxic flag by pridory. in the first picture, he is making a shocked face and is bleeding. in the second picture, he is smiling and eating a meat bun of some sort. in the last image, he is smiling and giving a thumbs up. end image description.]
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some self indulgent aki icons for sexualities and genders i headcanon her as...from right to left, top to bottom: sinister aromantic, autixenic, morsrspiderlilyeon. this assassin is so xenic, autistic and aspec. to me
[image description: nine icons of aki from street fighter 6, with three using the sinister aromantic flag by @zeldaro, three using the autixenic flag by @blood-moon-night-coining, and three using the morsrspiderlilyeon flag by @local-yurei. she is a white haired chinese assassin with a thin build, a black snake-skin qipao, black snake-skin leggings, and snake skin fingernail decorations. in the first images, she is posed next to a bunch of red spider lilies. in the second images, she is smiling creepily and biting her nails. in the last images, she is smiling with a puff of poison around her in a heart shape. end image description.]
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some self indulgent orientation headcanons for aki from street fighter! on the first three icons we have partnering anattractional, and on the last three icons we have uranic oriented aroace, both flags being by @isobug! aki is such a neat character and she's very unique for both a female character and a street fighter character, let alone a villain, and i love how bizarre and creepy she is while still having a sense of blue and orange morality.
[image description: six icons of aki from street fighter with the partnering anattractional and uranic oriented aroace flags. she is a chinese, pale skinned assassin with white hair, a black snakeskin qipao with a gray mesh shirt under it, black snakeskin leggings, and long fingernails with decorations on them. in the first pictures in each photoset, she is posing stoically next to some red spider lilies. in the next pictures, she is smiling maniacally. in the last pictures, she is grinning and producing poison from her fingertips. end image description]
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sakura is a transfem intersex person with ovotesticular syndrome! she is also a lesbian
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Requested by: @sunkern-plus
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and a final headcanon: sakura is a transfem intersex person with ovotesticular syndrome! she is also a lesbian
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lars alexandersbur is a nonbinary genderfluid transfem lesbian who uses they/them pronouns for most people and allows her girlfriends, alisa and xiaoyu, to use she/her for them.
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Requested by: @sunkern-plus
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another request! sorry i send you so much requests btw. lars alexandersbur is a nonbinary genderfluid transfem lesbian who uses they/them pronouns for most people and allows her girlfriends, alisa and xiaoyu, to use she/her for them
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Alisa and xiaoyu from tekken are t4t and sapphic
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Requested by: @sunkern-plus
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A request: Alisa bosconovitch and xiaoyu long are t4t and sapphic?
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transphobes: going on T will make you infertile!!!!!! you'll never ever be able to get pregnant ever if you go on T!!!!! it will RUIN your uterus!!!!!!!!
literally every transmasc sex ed: Testosterone Is Not Birth Control we are literally begging you to wear condoms and be careful because you can absolutely get pregnant if your uterus is otherwise functioning. please for the love of God don't think T will keep you from getting pregnant because that's not how testosterone works
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Filia Medici from Skullgirls is a bisexual blankgirl who uses she/her pronouns!
She's in a QPR with Painwheel, a pansexual pinkgender flowergender naturasonusic genderstalgia boasunic beachesqe girl who uses she/her and fae/faer pronouns!
Peacock is a toongender hammerspacegender veiaprinum boomgender jawsgender violenciagender weaponigender dangerthing lesboy who uses she/her, he/him, it/its, and they/them pronouns!
She has a mutual crush on Marie Korbel, a maidluvian genderlady saudeinic biovoidic gendervoid ay sapphic who uses she/her and one/ones pronouns!
dni link
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Rufus from Street Fighter is a butch polyamorous mspec4mspec bisexual agender person who uses he/him pronouns!
His girlfriend Candy is a polyamorous mspec4mspec pansexual nonbinary trans woman who uses she/her and they/them pronouns!
dni link
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just for some projection-based icons, here’s some icons of dan hibiki, my main endel, with my main (at the moment) genders: maximatrois, genderfree, and epicene!
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