Re-Loud Neighbors
Dear Tired and Confused,
I understand that you are trying to be a good person to your neighbors and that you don't want to be that one person that everyone sees as a buzzkill. However, you need to be able to prioritize between your social life and your well-being. I get that you don't want to jeopardize the friendship that you have with your neighbors, but from what I see they aren't trying to be as friendly to you. If they truly cared about you as a young, hard-working college student, then they should have no problem with turning down their music simply for you to sleep. It's sleep and everyone needs a good rest. I can tell that you are a caring and considerate person by the way that you went about asking for help with solving this problem and I am wholly sympathetic to the dilemma you're in, but my advice to you would be to ask your neighbors in person one more time. If they continue to ignore you, you will have to either report a complaint or learn to deal with the problem another way. I know you may not want to do this but you'll have to learn to look after yourself because if you don't no one else will.
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Loud Neighbors
Dear College Student,
I’ve been a student at ISU for a semester and I love it here. I love the campus, I love the atmosphere, and I love my roommate. However, my neighbors are a different story. They’re great people don’t get me wrong, but they’re just always so loud. Even after quiet hours start they’re still playing loud music and they have their friends over all hours of the day and night. I’ve asked them to try and keep it down but they don’t always listen or answer me at all if I text them. I don’t want to call and make a noise complaint because they’ve been good friends to me besides this one issue, but at the same time it is effecting how much I sleep and I have early classes. Please help, I don’t know what to do.
Tired and Confused
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