yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
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Nightcrawler, (2014) | Director; Dan Gilroy.
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
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OCTOBER 15, 2018 🌸 🌺 🌸 🌺
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
Genevieve couldn’t help but laugh at the practically pointless rage he exuded everytime they had crossed paths lately. It was amusing on the better days, and annoying on the worst; but she wasn’t scared of him. “If just kept me on retainer an put me in charge of scene shop – oh wait,” Genevieve rolled her eyes, “That would make you my boss, can’t have that.”
She got up from where she was working to get some more paint, and poured some of them into a tray, letting a couple drops get on the stage for good measure. “What? Not a fan of my paint clothes, Doc?” She was alreay going to have to repaint the stage when the show loads into tech anyway. “Oh no, paint got on the stage, call the cops,” she taunted dryly while repositioning herself to finish the quadrant she was working on.
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Doc took a moment to look over Genevieve’s work, which was not half bad. Wasn’t exactly the last piece she made, but it was too soon to tell. He was somewhat aware of a painter’s process, though he had never personally dabbled himself. If it wasn’t up to par, he’d simply chuck it in a broom closet and call it a day.
“Yes, I’m calling the party police as we speak,” he joked, scrolling through his phone as he sent Franky four staggered texts, noticing one unopened in his inbox. Grace. Bridal chick, beach girl. Odd.
Doc focused back to the woman blatantly ignoring his orders. Keep the stage clean was literally all he needed her to do. The stress. Was it worth it? Nine out of ten times, no. But he was apt to let this roll off his shoulder because every time they had engaged lately, he could practically feel himself staring down an early grave. “Let’s both consider ourselves lucky I’ve got somewhere to be.” 
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Before he turned to leave, he had to ask. “What’s your problem lately? You’re constantly arguing with me. DEFYING my wishes.” He said, as though he was absolved from all blame. Hell knows he was equally responsible for their bitter interactions. But he wanted her to take some accountability before he did his own. “Huh?”
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
The clock ticked on as Kuzco waited, but he knew of Doc’s reputation, and Doc’s reputation. Two very different things. This was the man he sort of knew, late but ready with an apology or excuse, no surprise there. Kuzco took no offense, shaking his hand but jumping right into negotiations. 
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“He’e new, but he’s good. Really good. He can play piano and guitar, but throw something at him and he’d get there. Memorizes sheet music in no time at all, an hour, two hours flat. Depending on the piece- I’ve seen it myself.” He let his mind drift briefly to the sound of the piano floating in his ears at 2 am, groggy but something out a daydream, before snapping out of it. This was business. “Smart, quick-learner, listens to directions and he’ll have it done, whatever it is you need.” He’d leave out the sometimes clumsy, slightly chaotic energy Ben exuded for now. Chaotic good, but still chaotic. “Won’t talk back, I know the trouble you’ve had over the years…” Kuzco trailed off, giving Doc a knowing look. Kuzco knew absolutely nothing, but he could let Doc think he knew all about past help, not such a far reach, if he had to guess. “Not a flake or a no show. Whatever you throw at him, he can handle it.” 
Now came the important part. Kuzco leaned forward in his chair, elbows on the desk. “He won’t go lower than 4. Kid’s good, he deserves it. I want 5 but I figured I’d start low with you.” He smiled like he was doing Doc a favor, which he sort of was. “4.5… sounds like the sweet spot, don’t you think?”
Doc listened carefully as the other man spoke. Enough potential in the kid, but four grand seemed out of the question for someone who had never worked in the theater before. Roughly speaking, he could swing it. Money was overall not much of a problem, though with a production only going on for a month’s time, he had to factor in the wages of all his cast and supporting members. 
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“You think four is starting low,” Doc acknowledged, amused with the thought. It could have been worse. He could have started with five. “I’ll tell you what,” Doc began, though he wasn’t sure what he was getting himself into. Franky could use an extra man behind the scenes. Possibly get him to do some other side work to make up for the costly new-hire. “I’ll throw fifteen-hundred for a start, get him going. See what he’s capable of, and if he can really produce what you’re telling me he can. You know, I’ve gotta witness it myself. Get the feedback from Franky. It’s a process, as I’m sure you understand. I’m taking a risk--” Doc paused. But he had a feeling it was a risk worth taking. 
“Fifteen hundred, we bring him in for the first week of rehearsal. See how our one week goes,” Doc held up a finger, as if to say he was not finished. Two highly regarded men with inflated opinions... there was room for clashing. “IF he can put out the way you say he can, I’ll throw the five. But I need to know he’s in it till the end of the production. If he wants to keep on board after that, and we have no issues, then I’d be happy to keep this a running gig. You with me?”
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
Knowing Doc and his ability to embellish the truth, Brooklyn doubted Doc was anywhere near getting clipped, but he gave the story an appreciative shrug just the same. “Tell me about it. I get called a monster every other couple that comes up here, yet I’m not the one acting like a raving lunatic.” A heavy sigh escaped him. He had years of getting used to the name monster, it wasn’t likely to break his bones any time soon.
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“I got another hour of this nonsense. Not fun, but it pays the bills. Get in there, have a blast; I clock out at 2. And this time, drinks are on you.”
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“Are you kidding me? I coulda swore I bought the drinks last time.” Doc said, trying to recall. Did he? He might have. He must have? “Fuck it. Fine. I’ll be back when the clock strikes 2. You dang jersey devil, you.”
Emerging from the club on the dot, he snuck up to Brooklyn and put an arm around him. “You gotta time card you gotta punch out? Or you just get to hop skip out of here?”
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
     “You think I wanted to find something that would cause us more trouble? We already have too much to do, I’m not about to do shit on purpose to make it so we never sleep,” Franky let out another sigh. He was already tired. Angry. Next show they were gonna do better background checks since clearly this crew couldn’t be trusted. At this point, Franky only trusted Doc, Genevieve and the cast – since they weren’t part of the crime. Hopefully.
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     “We could scope out the basketball court. Maybe the culprit didn’t notice the paint. Wishful thinking, I know, but it’s worth a shot. A place to start. Whatever. We can’t waste any more time if we want any kind of reve—–justice,” he caught himself there. Franky didn’t need Doc to know the dark thoughts his lack of sleep and stress were bringing him. Stretching his arms above his head, rolling his head to get the kinks out of his neck and shoulders, Franky tried to amp himself up a bit, “Let’s go get coffee and head over there. We gotta get this done.”
“Francis: I’m gonna be real with you for a second here.” Doc took in a deep breath. Clearly Franky was tired. He didn’t audibly sigh twice in a few given moments unless he was dying for sleep. And what were they doing wasting their time? Damage was done. Now Doc was just upholding a promise to a woman he wasn’t even sure was doing the work she promised. 
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“I don’t want to do ANY of this. At all. The scoping out. The finding our culprit. Because they’re not going to pay for the expenses. Right? That’s out of our pockets. More so mine. Not a debate. Also, and I cannot stress this enough... WE ARE NOT DETECTIVES.”
Doc did agree on the coffee idea. “What about this. We lock up here, we go get some coffee.  Because I feel like I’m not talking to the living dead right now. We’re gonna sit in there, like we’re really contemplating what we’re gonna do if we find this sonuvabitch.” Doc told him, resting his hands on Franky’s shoulders. 
“And we’re gonna not do any of it. If we happen to find out through the grape vine, that’s one thing. If you feel like maybe after our third coffee, this is what your heart truly wants, I will do it with you. But let’s not pretend like this is our top priority. We just posted roles. We’ve got a production meeting at 7:15.” He checked his watch. They’d have time between now and night time if they wanted to try and solve this case. “You’ve got me till then.” Doc assured him, though it felt like pulling teeth. “Whatever you want to do. Just know I will despise every minute of it.”
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
Doc watched the broad flip off Brooklyn. He would have loved to rearrange her attitude, but his goal was to get inside Alderaan. 
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“Fairly sober. You can breathalyze me if you’ve got the means,” Doc doubted he did. A bouncer with a breathalyzer? A perfect set up for a corny comedy, sure. “You all right out here? You sound like you could use a night away. All the animals are out tonight. Almost got clipped just walking across the street.” Not the truth, per se, but a little lie never hurt. It did help to make conversation.
“What time are out of here?”
"No, no you can't get in," Brooklyn growled to a highly intoxicated couple staggering nearby. "You're drunk and you aren't going inside." He turned away from them, rolling his eyes and ignoring their cursing him out as they left. "Now I hope you're not wasted too, I need a break from some of that shit."
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
“No, no-- I’m not checking on you.” He said as he hurried by her, using his smart watch to ping his phone. He knew he left it here. It had to be here. And of course she was there. Like a demon in the night, she was there. “Glad you’re doing what I am LITERALLY paying you out of pocket for.”
Only once Doc found his phone-- where it sat in one of the dressing rooms he had been in earlier, during a VERY heated discussion with one of his actors-- did he care to see what she was working on. 
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“You better not get any of that shit on my stage. You hear me? Or am I talking to the fucking ether? You’re covered in paint-- I already have someone cleaning the entrance hall of the painted shoe print. If I need to come in here and have things fixed because you were careless with the brush, we’re gonna have a nice little chit-chat, the two of us.” Which really just meant Doc would blow up like a balloon. And Genevieve would-- he didn’t even want to imagine. “That goes without saying though, doesn’t it? Do not make a mess on my stage. Capiche?”
Genevieve eventually grew bored of toying with Doc’s clearly high stress levels regarding the backdrop and had actually started on the remake. Granted this time she had the full intent of putting a protection spell on the finished product, she was not going to be making a third drop for that man. Cans, on top of cans, on top of cans were stacked against the back wall of the stage.
She was practically covered in black and white paint, she was going for a noir classics vibe. It had only been a few days since she started, so too much of it hadn’t been completed, she had was just about to wrap up the top corner when she heard the door open. “What? Come to check on me, darling?” she smirked, “I’m here, obviously.”
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
Entering the Town Hall took him a few extra minutes. Stopping in the parking lot to discuss with some die-hard how much they enjoyed him on Broadway a few years back. He gloated for a few before he had to make his move. As flattered as he was, he gave them a polite exit, as he had a meeting to attend, “Which I’m already running a little late for, I apologize.” 
It hadn’t stopped the clerks from giving him big hello, one who even greeted him with a hug. Got a little feelsy. Pointing him in the right direction to meet Deputy Mayor Kuzco. He gave a knock on the door before entering.
“Sorry-- I know I had every intention of being in the door by 2, but,” he started, a little laugh as he dragged on. “You know how it goes,” he was sure Kuzco knew to some degree. He was a reputable face in this town, after all.
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“How you doing, pard?” Doc shook Kuzco’s hand firm before taking a seat across from him. With more auditions at 3:30, Doc knew this wasn’t meant to be an all day affair, besides, the Deputy was a busy man. As much as Doc would have loved to talk with him on a more personable level, “We’re here to talk negotiations, right? Let’s dive in. I’ve kept you waiting long enough. So the kid in your post. You’re managing him? Or, tell me a little bit about his experience with music. He only know piano, or would you say he’s versatile? He flexible to work under direction?” 
Doc wouldn’t be working so much with the kid, but he knew it wouldn’t kill their act to hire a music assistant or whatever his partner needed--that’s how Franky got started. But Doc wanted a good feel for him before he put a price tag on it.
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
     “Don’t make me hit you,” Franky glared at the Lassie like tease from Doc. It was a normal interaction for them, so it didn’t bother him as much as he let on. Plus, he’d give Doc a pass considering they were both on edge with the backdrop mess. Holding up his phone, a picture of a shoe print in red paint on the screen, “Looks like someone tried to hide some evidence from us. Whoever our culprit is made even more of a mess,” he sighed, running his free hand down his face. 
“I swear, this crew is trying to give us heart attacks at young ages. Now we gotta hunt down whoever made this shoe print.” Franky hadn’t slept much since the disaster happened, fueled by coffee and the desperate desire to figure out who the hell did this. Revenge was looking real nice. At least he had Doc to go through it with.
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“Oh, come on man.” Doc groaned, less than pleased they had a lead. It was why he had scoped out that door wedge for as long as he had. He didn’t want to find the perpetrator. Not really. And give Genevieve the satisfaction of knowing-- far from what he wanted. 
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“WHY'D you have to find something compelling, Franky baby. Now we’ve gotta search the town for floppy big feet. I hate feet.” Dreams from his childhood instilling this irrational fear of giant children clomping down the hallway towards him. He knew it truly didn’t drag him into real fear these days, he had gotten past it. But it did come up every now and again. 
“What kind of shoes are those? Can you make out a pattern-- are they Nikes?” He pointe at the infamous checkmark. “Do they make Nikes that big?” Doc asked, and paused. “Oh yeah, they definitely do. Duh. Wow. Basketball.” Basketball. It would come to him down the line like a daunting slap in pure darkness. “What are you thinking we do, pal? I doubt whoever it is, is going to be out wearing painted shoes. Interrogations? Or just keep an eye out for big feet and suspicious looks.”
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine I keep my eyes wide open all the time I keep the ends out for the tie that binds Because you're mine, I walk the line
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
Investigating the pivotal backdrop disaster was proving to be more time consuming than he had previously planned. He thought it would be a simple revelation. Someone would come forward in the following days and confess. Though Doc had himself to blame for no confessions-- he had proven to both the staff and the actors he wasn’t the greatest when it came to calm, collected confrontations. Bygones.
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“What’d you find?” Doc asked, slowly pulling his attention away from the piece of wood he was examining. The triangle shaped piece of wood in question was used as the door wedge, providing little to no evidence in this case. But there were very few things to examine in this entrance hall. Franky, however, seemed to be onto something. “What is it, boy? Has Timmy fallen in the well?” 
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
Chloe immediately felt her face turn pink with the praise. “Thanks, Doc,” she replied, accompanied by a delighted giggle and an exaggerated curtsy. “Um… Well, lately I’ve been feeling a little adventurous, I guess. Trying to feel myself out.” She raised a brow with a laugh. “That didn’t sound right, but you know what I mean.”
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Being her first time going for a lead role, she had second thoughts in hindsight. Maybe the song choice had been wrong for going in as Roxy, and what if Chloe wasn’t right for the role in the first place? Maybe she should have gone smaller… Again.
No. She was done thinking like that. She wanted Roxy, and she finally, for once in her life, gave a leading role performance. “I’ll look forward to it,” she said with a grin, stepping down the steps with fragile confidence. “I assume bribing Franky to tell me what your notes say is off limits?” she joked.
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“My notes?” Doc asked with a laugh. The notes of which he made for everyone else would have elated her, or highly concerned her. Maybe it would have put in to question the true state of his mind-- which if his notes were a window, everything on the inside seemed rather dim. Even a little psychotic at times. But these were things easy enough to hide. Only glimpses of it came out when he was pushed to his limit. But for a man with a short-temper, maybe it slipped more than he realized. Genevieve was certainly a witness. 
“Good luck with those, they’re locked up,” he told her as he pointed to his temple. “Gonna have to do a little more than bribe if you want those notes.” He teased. Though the images of her on the stage would remain with him all night long. 
“Feeling yourself out is good,” he said as he started following her, scooping up his clipboard on their way, being sure to cling it close to his chest so she wouldn’t see the self-banter that took place in the margins. “You always do exceptional work... even as a tree. I think it’s time you prepare for something a little bigger than a supporting role. If you want it.” 
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yourhuckleberryx · 4 years
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