yourkashishwrites · 9 days
a mf who cares about you gone always show it.. even on the days you don’t understand each other or communicate properly
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yourkashishwrites · 13 days
“My biggest fear isn’t that you’ll lie to me one day or that you’ll cheat on me. My biggest fear is that you’ll wake up before me one Tuesday morning and instead of leaning in and kissing me on the cheek, you’ll look at my sleeping body and start to notice all of my flaws. My crooked nose, my chapped lips and the stretch marks spread along my stomach and thighs like a road map. You’ll think about my random spouts of jealousy and the fact that I talk too much. You’ll remember how annoying it is that no matter what, I’m always right and just how selfish I can be sometimes. You’ll walk into the kitchen, brew a cup of black coffee, stare at the pale morning rays of sunlight entering the window frame, and come to the conclusion, that for no particular reason at all, you don’t love me anymore.”
— things that keep me up at night
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yourkashishwrites · 14 days
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yourkashishwrites · 22 days
I might be boring, but I will sit with you at 2 am and listen to your problems.
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yourkashishwrites · 22 days
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yourkashishwrites · 23 days
إذَا أردتَ شيئًا تُحِبُّه ، فَلا تعصِ اللّٰهَ فِي الوصُولِ إليهِ ؛حتَّىٰ لا يكونَ سببًا فِي حِرمانِكَ مِنهُ ، فإنَّ مَا عندَ اللّٰهِ لا يُدرَكُ بِمعَصيتِه
"If you desire something you love, do not disobey Allah in reaching it, so that it does not become a reason for you to be deprived of it. For what is with Allah cannot be attained through disobedience."
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yourkashishwrites · 24 days
being in your early twenties is like [grocery shopping alone] [having instant noodles for dinner] [remembering random details about that one friend you haven't spoken to in five years] [feeling overwhelming guilt for every purchase that isn't strictly "necessary"] [having midday naps] [finding out through facebook that the girl who was mean to you in high school has a husband and a baby] [falling a little in love with every stranger on public transport] [pretending you're not afraid of being alone] [wondering when you'll feel like a fully realized person] [listening to bands you liked in middle school] [blinking and it's suddenly december] [failing to imagine yourself ten years from now] [feeling like you're running out of time]
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yourkashishwrites · 25 days
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yourkashishwrites · 28 days
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Anaïs Nin, The Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1931–1934
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yourkashishwrites · 28 days
My grandpa once told me 'if you get on the wrong train, get off at the nearest station, the longer it takes you to get off, the more expensive the return trip will be.'
He wasn’t talking about trains.
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yourkashishwrites · 28 days
sorry for how I acted when there were multiple noises happening at the same time
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yourkashishwrites · 28 days
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Alice Oseman, Radio Silence
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yourkashishwrites · 28 days
things i like
being alone
doing things on my own
keeping things to myself
being by myself
no one knowing anything about me
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yourkashishwrites · 1 month
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Frida Kahlo, from a letter wr. c. November 1933, featured in The Letters of Frida Kahlo: Cartas Apasionadas
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yourkashishwrites · 1 month
And when they asked me how I knew it was love, I simply told them; I craved for your company more than I craved for my solitude.
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yourkashishwrites · 1 month
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yourkashishwrites · 1 month
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Julieta, 2016
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