yourlocalpickle 8 days
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Cursed Rosie fact of the day #3
This mess of a person is actually in a happy loving inter-species relationship. An indestructible immoral jelly girl has her big human metalhead hunk with hair for days, and she loves every tiniest bit of him!
There's nothing fucked up about that, they are genuinely in love (even tho the relationship is...unusual) and will last through everything. Rosie loves her big fleshy guy, and Nikolai would do anything for the unhinged jello.
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yourlocalpickle 18 days
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nom nom
guys this was meant to be deep and spooky, if i catch any of you calling this vore, i'm castrating you all one by one.
but also ngl i deserve it.
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yourlocalpickle 2 months
[TW]: Very minor blood and some dark implications??
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Finally finished this bad boy!!! It's a little introductory comic, and I wanted to use my money-hungry surgeons for it hehe
Been making comics for A WHILE but they've mostly been in the webcomic format. Challenged myself w this one, and i'll be honest, really love the result, and it's so fun to do! I'm already making more, longer stories in this format, that's how much i enjoy it.
Wanted to see how much studying proper comic storyboards and layouts paid off, alongside with improving the framing, lineart and simplifying the visuals. (my old webcomic suffered from me overshading and rendering it way too much :( so i gotta teach myself to hold back)
They're 'print friendly' which literally means they were made to be printed out on cheap shoddy printer paper and that struggling printer most of us have at home. It adds extra texture, crunch and all the good stuff!
and yeah. guys i absolutely love making comics. lowkey my favourite storytelling medium
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yourlocalpickle 2 months
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Updating a rainbow haired mess
Her kid version and (primary) design is way cooler tbh, but she's getting some grownup lore now too and things are not looking out well for the fella
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yourlocalpickle 2 months
Trying to give more attention to my (fully) human ocs!!!
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(for once.)
Quick lore overview for each below, if anyone's curious
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to all and any who know me irl, there's a specific reason zuzanna's named the way she is, and it's purely because it fit her
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the last 5 are actually related to each other! (all of these guys exist in the same world, BUT lore is tight with these ones)
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yourlocalpickle 2 months
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A very lonely trashy train and some alien kids
The lady's called Kaya btw and she's like really miserable since forever
She was a cute kid tho
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Her parents owned an art school (you know those schools for kids and adults to take all different classes, from playing instruments, drama, art and dance) but eventually she remained as the last student.
And all she was ever focused on was playing the piano.
Let's just say that entering the adult life with this epic skill is kinda useless.
So now she works one of the most dangerous jobs in the entire City.
Lowkey one of my most depressing characters like ever
I have her entire story out on my artfight, if anyone's curious?? But you're in for a very sad life story.
Sorry guys, I'm incapable of making a wholesome oc who just owns a flower or a book shop, idk why
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yourlocalpickle 2 months
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We love a heartless mother with only the desire for financial growth in this household (as long as they're fictional ig)
See, normally I WOULD infodump here, but i'm trying to make something special with her, where she can actually shine. So for now, here are just some sketches of Polly. A medically certified girlboss
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yourlocalpickle 3 months
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my boy!!! he's on his way to win the war for all his rebel friends!
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yourlocalpickle 4 months
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Quiet bookworm at day, a wannabe cool hero at night. Waiko is enjoying the average MC experience - a struggle to balance a tween girl's life, and protecting innocent civilians in a (considerably low cost) disguise.
Her superpower? Just sheer determination guys. Hopefully she makes it big one day. But for now, none of the big and grown up adult villains take her seriously! She'll get them one day tho, and show them all!
Whew actually drew a background for once!! Don't get used to drawings this wholesome and innocent, I am not planning on pursuing wholesome sceneries for long. They need some spice yk? Also Waiko is a really old character, like I designed her back in 2019!
She's a (not so) regular human girl, living with her metalhead auntie, constantly anxious uncle and 3 cousins, who are all anthropomorphic chicken, with endless love for eggs and fried chicken drumsticks. Yk, the MC material.
She's trying to find out what happened to her parents, whilst learning about the recent war that struck the city. The streets are clean, painted over and bustling with life and greenery. Yet the conflict left its marks on all the 'grownups' and lead many of them down a very dark path.
With newfound justice, a new kind of evil emerged. These new 'baddies' hiding under the night's cloak, causing so much trouble...somebody has to stop them!
Yeah Waiko's view of the world is still rather childish. Thankfully. Alas, she took on the role of becoming a 'hero', tracking down these 'baddies' and catching them!
Yet, anytime she appears, the first question they have for her is "Isn't it past your bedtime, missy?"
She's working on improving her reputation.
Also old 2019 reference sheet because redesign!
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Thank goodness I've improved since then, at least a little. I didn't know how to draw kids too much back then, and I had people mistake her for a teen way too much to make me feel comfortable :( so I think we finally fixed that?
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yourlocalpickle 4 months
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New oc! And a relatively wholesome one too! *she's a victim of the "I don't want to put clothes on this sketch" phenomenon*, but also she does wear heart shaped bikini. for work.
Philadelphia from Tommy Wiseau's The Neighbors was a big inspo ngl.
She's not a stripper. She's actually paid by the king, and responsible for maintaing a sort of day-night cycle in one part of their land! just wanted to draw big chunky heels.
So say hi to Jubie! And imma hide more info abt her and an infodump about swimsuit fish people down here.
Jubie is a monster, one employed by the King to work as a Lightbringer (WIP name). There's a specific type of monsters with a mutation, which leaves them with glowing hair and blood. (their hair's literally transparent veins with blood flowing through)
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(A drawing of different Lightbringers, in digital and with their hair out, so we 'get' the vibes. The yellow one is Inkie, one of Jubie's *besties!!1!*, the pink one tho is Morty, and she was made by a friend of mine @firefries !)
They glow so much actually, that yeah, they can light up entire streets. And there's an entire part of the City, placed in the old sewer system. They can't get any light down there. So these Lightbringers are paid to hang out and roam these areas, to simulate a sense of light. Pretty sweet job! Almost all Lightbringers are 'fish people' too, so they love hanging out in murky freezing waters! They wear fun or convienent swimwear 'at work', and to them, it's like getting paid for lazing around on a depressing beach. They also roam the streets, look for any lost or drowning citizens, and guide them to their destination. These fellas have not only glowing hair, but souls too, as they're some of the cheeriest and most excitable people to be around! Who wouldn't be tho, when they stop by an ice cream stand, that still counts as work for them!
Before though, these guys were hunted, to be used as lanterns for humans. For that, they started covering their hair with intricate scarves and 'socks', wrapped all around. These coverings were also used as bonus storage for items. Nowadays, even tho relatively safe, the Lightbringers kept the scarves. They're almost a part of their small culture, and took on a more fashionable direction - with many patterns, pins and bands, the customization and personalization options are truly endless! And these scarves aren't for fashion only. In my world, most people aren't born with the conditions they 'recieve', and so it was for the fish folk who's hair now glows. They were used to darker or 'normal' light, and their hair glows so brightly, it makes seeing in small places with them impossible. And they can't even sleep in so much brightness, it tricks their brains into thinking it's still day. So they wear the scarves essentially everywhere outaside of work. On sunny streets, in stores, at home, ESPECIALLY in bed! And they're quite proud of them!
So Jubie, obviously she LOVES hearts! and the color pink.
She's a very sweet and upbeat girl. A bit absent-minded and loud, but well meaning. She's convinced everybody around her LOVES shopping, getting bubble tea and makeovers! She's got that one way of saying "OH MY GOSHHHHH!" and is the girl who says "HIIIII!!!"
She actually doesn't have fingernails! so she just paints her fingers pink. she makes of it what she can.
She smells like bubblegum and artificail strawberry, all mixed with a hint of fish and mud stank. And oh! Originally, she's got remains of a carp rooted deep down (she was supposed to have a 'moustache' too, but it was messing with the head shape too much) And she's as stupid and indestructible as they are. She's an invasive species on her own. not in a mean way, she just wants everyone to be happy over things she loves and cares about! And once you let her in, she's impossible to get rid of. Also she's an omnivore and will devour literally anything (but mostly bugs and worms. she loves them when they still squirm the most, and she puts marmalade and sprinkles over top!)
Jubie's full and real name is Jubilee Giggles, and whilst everybody gives her weird looks for it, girlie simply used her right and picked a name, which in her eyes sparks hapiness and makes everybody smile.
Jubie also survived The War. She feels for all her brothers and sisters, and comes to mourn them every 6 months. She has lost her own sister and parents. Being left alone and orphaned were another reason for her switching to such a stupid name. She does not want to be reminded of the family she's lost, and in this new world, everybody is grieving for their own loss so much, they won't ever care for her relatives and what they meant.
Jubie has 2 besties so far!! Inkie, a fellow Lightbringer, and Pogo, an actually succesful actress who's on a path to stardom! Together they meet up all around the sewers, and when they're not shopping and enjoying life, they play beach sports, like volleyball! Jubie's also constantly looking for a new gf/bf (nobody can keep up with her!) so those 2 are her cheerleaders in this journey.
Jubie also has an apartment! This queen can provide for herself, and she shares it with another Lightbringer! (He has yet to be designed, but I am SO tempted to name him Chad...) The Chad guy? Just like Jubie looks suitable for pole dancing, Chad flat out looks like a stripper. He works on fixing the electricity and pipes all around the sewers as additional income besides lightbringing. And he's well known for looking like a handyman stripper. Bro's pants keep falling off all the time. And just like Jubie, there's not much in his brain left. Those 2 share a braincell, and they always leave it at home too. Their household is visited often, and all the neighbors know them, for their unmissable glow and appearance. Jubie's friends love to come over to look at Chad, and Chad's friends love to see Jubie too. And through all this, Chad and Jubie's relationship is as asexual as it gets. They see each other as very good friends (besides the fact they both can't clean up their clothes and they always argue over who's the messier one. It's a tie every time.) And they help each other with fixing their scarves every time - because you can never see if the top part is covered well enough! And mutual haircare is actually seen as a very comforting and sweet activity for the fish folk!
Also I said she wasn't a stripper? The heels were drawn before when i was convinced I wanted to draw her in a jean miniskirt. Times change. The shoes were too funny to be erased. But honestly, Jubie knows how to do striptease. So does Chad. They don't mind earning money on the side. And they can order the fanciest fish food in the town when it works out! So it's a steal! And thanks to Pogo's connections, both of them acted in *adult* movies. They thought it'd be fun (also tbf the genre and culture around these things in my world is...different. Half the time there are flamethrowers and mlg effects edited in) and also aren't capable of remembering more than a4 page worth of text/lines.
They stupid, but mean well.
Fish people.
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yourlocalpickle 5 months
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My girl Fizzle!!
Don't mention the 4 fingers hand PLEASE I was painting over a very rough sketch and just having fun and now she built like a cartoon character
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Also awkward uncropped/unedited fugly version
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yourlocalpickle 5 months
I just realised so many of my recent drawings turned out purple/pink/weird ass color and like ????
It was cool as an exercise but augh not vibing too much with it all being like thay now :((
Anyways I'm dead and busy writing more stuff for my TTRPG
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yourlocalpickle 5 months
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the polygon tool is honestly such a cool thing
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yourlocalpickle 5 months
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Hell yeah alien children that go to earth only to realize how parentless they are.
Also you can't tell which is which.
A peak of character design I believe-
Also guys can you tell I tried to make it like those overly bright and kinda glowy old scifi posters? Probably not, but I wanted to play around with light a lot
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yourlocalpickle 6 months
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Honestly idk which one I like more, the one with or without makeup
Nat is looking soft and gentle for once
I also realised he will probably need a therapist in the comic but that's just a little inconvenience ig.
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yourlocalpickle 6 months
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There's just something so incredibly satisfying about seeing your digital works irl, may it be printed, or just on a screen. It gives that extra crunch
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yourlocalpickle 6 months
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kinda underwhelming but here's something small and lineless just for fun (and also the pinks)
also she's called val and i wanted to make small tweening animation out of her but uh wrist pain and no time
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