yourmomsjewel Ā· 1 year
Long time..no talk yall
Anyways heading to another grade this year, its like a huge transition so im a bit excited. Anyways I cut those people that I had ā€œdramaā€ with off, I wont ever have to see them again or anybody else form that god forsaken school in my life (prayerfully).
Nothing has been happening besides some drama that my cousin was involved with, ig until the next school year starts I can tell yaā€™ll about that.
So my cousin is a fucking player, like literal man whore so its not surprising he has some kind of girl drama. This gurl heā€™s talking to heā€™s been kind of leading her own a bit, I cant help but feel bad for her since I also get attached with people easily so when he told me how he literally was about to fight her and laughed in her face because she was upset about heh fact he was talking to another girl aka his ā€œfirst loveā€ made me really scared for my future relationships. Anyways heā€™s still with his ā€œfirst loveā€ and him and the other girl still talk but they donā€™t fw each other like that since ALLEGEDLY she was going for his friend, but i forgot to mention as a get back he decided to get with her best friend in return and is SHOCKED that their ATTACHED, LIKE WTF.
Im telling yaā€™ll if he wasnā€™t my cousin I would literally think if him as a obnoxiously mysterious playboy (In a bad way)
Oh yea I also forgot to mention the girl that got attached to quickly the first time that got with his best friend, HER FUCKIN SISTER TRIED TO HIT HIM UP LAST YEAR , SHES LIKE 20 SOMETHING AND LETS JUST SAY HES STILL A MINOR.
IM TELLIN U LITERAL MANWHORE (I get why tho I mean if he wasnā€™t my cousin Iā€™d go for him too(in a non Alabama way yall chill)
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yourmomsjewel Ā· 1 year
I need to vent real quick( not serious or triggering just me being annoyed)
Iā€™m so tired of reading fanfics in here with a white character x black reader and their always a drug dealer, a gangster or a plugā€¦ LIKE HUH
Why tf would Eren Yeager, a German dude be using aave, and itā€™s always misused or overused
Now donā€™t get me wrong, if your into your VERY WHITE boyfriend being a drug dealer just because your black itā€™s fine, no judgment, hell girl I encourage u to be comfortable with ur own people and own slang being used, I really do understand.
But the thing is I canā€™t find one without itā€¦itā€™s like whenever I see ā€œ(so and so) x black readerā€ they always have plug right beside it, LIKE I DONT SMOKE WEED AND I DONT WANT MY BOYFRIEND TO BE AN AGGRESSIVE GUN TOTING THUG.
The goal is to put the character in a more cultured setting I understand that. You want your boyfriend to be from the hood(black).
Can I have a story with a black reader where itā€™s obvious Iā€™m black because of the description of my skin or the extra steps for my hair, not because I always use aave,constantly have a nasty attitude and have a toxic relationship with my plug boyfriendā€¦ AGAIN NOT ALL OF US SMOKE WEED.
Atp I feel stereotyped
Like the only representation I get is nothing like me, if I try to read something a bit softer that doesnā€™t specify the race, itā€™s always obvious that the reader is white or just pale, like sorry but I canā€™t put my thick 4C hair into a damn messy bun or pigtails, when the character im reading the fanfic about calls me the prettiest girl in the world, ik their talking about a light or fair skinned girl with light eyes and straight or very slightly curly hair, their not talking to me or about me..it literally sucks.
Me complaining about it doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not black enough or white washed because I want a peaceful picnic with my bf whoā€™s just a nice college student, my Afro out as he compliments my glowing dark skin or smthšŸ˜’.
You can call me white washed or say that Iā€™m self hating but idc, can I just not be expected to be in a toxic relationship where every interaction I have with my bf Iā€™m smoking weed with him, or fighting another girl because she look at ā€œmy manā€ funny.
Anyways ik this isnā€™t what I normally post but I just wanted to vent
I would actually write my own fan fic butā€¦I hate writing dialogue because im lazyā€¦maybe if I get bored enoughšŸ˜‹
But my ceremony is soon and I need to go dress shopping soooā€¦.yea
Xoxo have an amazing day yallšŸ’•āœØ
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yourmomsjewel Ā· 1 year
yā€™all my school is boring asf, AND WERE TESTING, and Iā€™m no longer friends with the people I told u about.
There was no confrontation or a fallout or anything like that, I stopped talking to them and they didnā€™t talk to meā€¦.soā€¦.anyways luckily thereā€™s like only a few more weeks left of school so I actually canā€™t wait to leave this hell tbh.
Boring school,no more friends and testing(my life couldnā€™t get any worse tbh.
Thereā€™s been a few fights but idk the story and they were all boys(boy fights have no type of backstory ,itā€™s either disrespect or over a girl and idrc about any of that)
Also theres an end of the year dance and I really wanna go but have no one to take or go with.
Ig there was a situation where this girl was talking to this guy over spring break and the boy denied that he ever liked or wanted to be her friend/boyfriend, donā€™t have much evidence or story about this but itā€™s kind of boring so I may drop itšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.
Anyways thatā€™s all for today please wish me luck on my state testā¤ļø
Have a good day my gemsāœØ
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yourmomsjewel Ā· 2 years
These bitches are pissing me off.
So my main ā€œfriendsā€ werenā€™t here last week so I sat alone and without their friends because I donā€™t really know them like that and I legit thought that they didnā€™t like me.
So today when I walked in and my main ā€œfriendsā€ are finally back I had to wave for them to acknowledge me, AND ONLY ONE DID, LITERALLY ONLY ONE FRIEND ACKNOWLEDGED ME AND THE OTHER ONE JUST IGNORED ME, the friends that I didnā€™t sit with just donā€™t like me in general now.
One thing about me is Iā€™m not gonna just sit there while you guys are talking and didnā€™t even say hi or something, I legit moved to my favorite spot in the bleachers because Iā€™m not gonna miss out on that for you guys that are blatantly ignoring me. Seeing this post u must think Iā€™m overreacting, and I know it sounds like I am, but I swear to you Iā€™m not.
Itā€™s like whenever their with their other friends Iā€™m just like a second fiddle. And we used to be close Idek what happened. The mood or vibe just switched over so quick and Iā€™m legit sick of it.
I donā€™t wanna bring it up because their just gonna say that they donā€™t get to see them as much as me but still, if I know that you favor them over meā€¦thereā€™s a problem, you shouldnā€™t be all dim and quiet with me (claiming ur sick), when just a sec ago you were over here screaming and cackling with them.
I fr fucking tried, I legit tried my best to endure this, I GAVE THEM SO MANY BENEFIT OF DOUBTS, but there is no excusing anymore, I miss being the lonely quiet kid.
I donā€™t wanna be their friends anymore.
Yā€™all please give me advice about this, Iā€™m legit puzzled, I do need a group for group projects, but I can find that anywhere else, so I donā€™t really NEED them. Iā€™m not gonna officially break it off Iā€™m just gonna become distant and hopefully theyā€™ll catch the hint.
P.S.- I think they made a separate gc without me and left me in the old one to make it seem like thatā€™s the only gcšŸ˜’.
Anyways sry for the vent gems šŸ’Ž
If you have school have a good day, and donā€™t tolerate fake friendsā¤ļø
U deserve betterāœØšŸ’•
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yourmomsjewel Ā· 2 years
These bitches in the bathroom literally just peeked over my stall, I have beef with them because of some shit my ā€œfriendsā€ use to say about them and the fact I stopped being friends with them because my ā€œfriendsā€ stop being friends to them, BECAUSE they were being fake made them pissed at me sooooā€¦ā€¦.
But thatā€™s not the point, I donā€™t talk shit about them I just hang with people they donā€™t like, and for the longest fucking time theyā€™ve been talking about me behind my back and I remember one time I was just chilling on a locker that was right near mine and I didnā€™t realize that I was on somebody elseā€™s locker.
The girl said so fucking rudely ā€œyour kind of on my lockerā€ and rolled her eyes. Maybe I was taking it out of proportion since Iā€™m not a fighter, hate talking shit (ironic for my page) and I donā€™t like to be or sound mean, idk she was just being kind of rude in my opinion.
Anyways back to it, I heard them whisper ā€œis she in hereā€ since I always go in the bathroom during lunch, itā€™s loud and I donā€™t really have anyone to sit with so yea, so to confirm they pushed on my stall and decided to climb on the toilet, WHICH I HEARD THEM DO, and peak, I was going to pull my pants up but it was kind of too late, Iā€™m just glad they didnā€™t take a pic or smth.
Wtv, they blew them being in the bathroom during lunch anyways since they were loud and got caught, I almost got caught too but luckily it was just them, Iā€™m tired of hearing them make fun of how lonely I am or giving me dirty looks, itā€™s so stressful, my ā€œfriendā€ said I should confront them but I donā€™t like to argue and I really donā€™t like to fight, aka Iā€™ve never fought a day in my life and idk how to, so whatever.
ANYWAYSSSSā€¦ā€¦.what are yā€™all doing for spring break, for me itā€™s coming up in 2 weeks after this one, I wanna go to New York again just for a change of scenery, from south to north is a big change.
Bye my gems šŸ’Ž āœØ
Also please give me advicešŸ˜•
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yourmomsjewel Ā· 2 years
Damn yā€™all nothing is happening at school, like literally a big pile of nothing,just screaming,yelling and unnecessary arguments about nothing.
I swear Iā€™ll dig through the mud to find something to talk about but until thenā€¦.
What is going on with Hailey Beiber and Selena Gomez? I heard there was some kind of beef and that Hailey is racist!?
Idgaf about Hailey or Selena that much but I just wanna know what the tea is tbh.
Have a good weekend luvs,Cyu next time <<<333
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yourmomsjewel Ā· 2 years
Tbh it is 1:00 AM and I got school at 5:00 butā€¦
So there is this dude that weā€™re gonna call JJ, JJ is a HUGE weirdo that I used to date UNFORTUNATELY. FYI he rides my bus in the morning and afternoon, one afternoon on the bus he ALLEGEDLY gr*ped this gurls thigh that was like a year or two younger than him.
I believe the girl wholeheartedly because he did the EXACT SAME THING TO ME.
The next day the police came to school and I asked this bitch I donā€™t like about it and she told me ALL about It.
I am literally disturbed, my friend wants me to speak up but when he did it to me it was right after winter break so I think itā€™s too late.
Moral of the story f my school and f JJ
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