That’s for me to know, and you to pray you never find out.
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Okay guys, I wanna hear your headcanons about this. 
What do you think is under Pennywise’s suit? (get your minds out of the gutter HAH, I mean his torso)
Normal skin? Grey? white?  Is his suit his skin/body and he can’t remove it?  Holes, marks, scars, teeth everywhere?  What’s your take on it? <3 
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What’s your opinion on your extensive female fan base?
The perpetual horniness of the human race never ceases to amaze me. Though I admit, I find it intriguing...
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Hiya, Kuddly. How would you like a balloon?
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You talk all kinds of big, but in the end you're just a cloooooooown... ;D
Silly little mortal, I am in this form because I choose to be. I can transform into things you can scarcely imagine, and if you aren’t afraid of me now-
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I’ve roamed this world for eons, I’ve seen things that would make your pathetic human minds collapse in on themselves, I have devoured entire worlds- all to find myself being referred to as something as trivial as cute by masses of earthwomen. I am Death, I am a God, and you would be foolish to not fear me.
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Hello, little humans. Come talk to the clown. If you introduce yourself, we won’t be strangers, will we? Don’t be afraid, I won’t bite. Much.
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