yoursalwaysfics · 4 years
new story
back to writing, babey
Weeping Dawn
Summary:  The tadpole inside his skull wasn't as powerful as Astarion had first thought. An assumption can be a dangerous thing, especially when more than just your freedom is at stake.
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yoursalwaysfics · 4 years
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Describe yourself using 10 pictures you already have. I think this sums it up surprisingly well lol (got tagged by several folks)
Idk who to tag, but let's go with: @masquerabe @fish-without-shame @mizukixtsukiyomi ....uhhh... everyone else has either already done it or I've just straight up gotten everyone's tumblr handle lmao if you see this and wanna give it a go, consider yourself tagged!
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yoursalwaysfics · 4 years
Are you able to get the new Animal Crossing game on release date?
Yep! I had originally preordered it at gamestop (because I like having physical copies of games and there's often some sort of preorder bonus), but with the state of things, I figured it would be best to cancel that and do a digital download instead. I'll be playing tonight at midnight~~
I know some people who ordered physical copies through places like Amazon are getting delayed deliveries since Amazon is prioritizing household goods/deliveries right now, but I hope everyone is able to get their copy as soon as possible! Lots of people have been looking forward to this game for a long time.
If we aren't already friends, hit me up off anon and we can play together if you're getting the game too!! 💗💗💗
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yoursalwaysfics · 4 years
So I'm curious...
How many of y'all are planning on getting Animal Crossing New Horizons??
If you are, let me know! I'd love to have more people to play with and visit once it finally comes out (March 20th)~~~
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yoursalwaysfics · 4 years
new story~
From Worlds Beyond
Crossover: Inuyasha/Witcher Pairing: Kagome/Geralt
Summary:  When Geralt finds that his ward has returned home with an unexpected guest, Geralt must join them on a journey to send the young woman back to her own world. If only Kagome didn’t have such a talent for attracting trouble along the way. Then again, Geralt always did a fondness for difficult women.
I’ve been sitting on the first chapter of this forever. decided to finish chapter 2 and post both together since chapter 1 is so short lol set in the game universe post-canon Witcher 3
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yoursalwaysfics · 4 years
guess who’s writing again
if it’s still your jam, A Black Cat’s Luck just updated and I plan on keeping the original daily update schedule until it’s finished~
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yoursalwaysfics · 5 years
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And they’re done! While there are details that could’ve used more attentions (ie the depth), I’m honestly pretty happy with this one.
Completed in 12 hours in Procreate.
✦ Interested in commissioning me? ✦
Or ✧ how about buying me a coffee? ✧ For two coffees, I’ll doodle you a thing—or a ficlet!
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yoursalwaysfics · 5 years
Hi, this is the fellow migraine sufferer again. I'm so sorry to hear the situation with your migraines hasn't improved. I'm in the same boat as you in that I have so many triggers and some of them are impossible to avoid. Has your doctor talked to you about trying Botox injections for migraine relief? I've pretty much tried every possible medication and treatment for migraines and Botox injections by far have had the most impact on lowering my daily pain level. Just a thought :)
botox got brought up and then dismissed :/ since I’m uninsured, it’d be too expensive. it would also only fix part of my problem since in addition to migraines I also get a lot of tension headaches which botox isn’t shown treat
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yoursalwaysfics · 5 years
Hi, fellow migraine sufferer again here. I forgot to tell you that neurologists and a migraine specialist are two completely different things. A doctor who is a migraine specialist has to have special training to be called such and typically only specializes in migraines so they know all about the latest treatments. In my experience a neurologist gave me completely wrong information and a migraine specialist corrected that and really helped me when it came to treatments. Take care.
I’m 30 years old, I’ve had migraines to varying degrees my entire life, and I do a lot of outside reading and research on my own about pretty much everything related to myself and my body to stay well informed. I know that a migraine specialist isn’t the same thing as a neurologist, but right now a neurologist is what I’ve got as there’s not a migraine specialist in my city. the nearest one is about an hour away, I’m uninsured, super duper broke, and can barely afford the appointments I’ve been making
I’m sorry your experience with a neurologist didn’t go well, and I’m glad you’ve found greater success with with a migraine specialist! but, in addition to being sympathetic and compassionate, my neurologist has been very helpful in as much as he’s been able to be. I just have a long history of building up fast tolerances to medications and having odd reactions to them, which makes it hard to find an effective treatment for me
I’m about to move to a new city however with a new pool of doctors, so maybe a new specialist will be closer to home :) thanks for the concern though!
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yoursalwaysfics · 5 years
Hi, I just saw your post about your migraines & I was wondering if they have gotten any better? I was really surprised and sorry to hear about your situation. I'm actually in a very similar situation to your own in that I suffer from chronic daily migraines and have for an incredibly long time. I saw in your post that you said your treatments were not helping you so I wanted to give you some advice from my own experience. The best thing you can do is to see a doctor who is a migraine specialist.
Hi, this is the fellow migraine sufferer again. I just wanted to say that regular doctors in my experience have given me completely wrong information when it comes to migraines whereas migraine specialist have actually really helped me. Many things can trigger migraines (like stress, what food you eat, weather, sleep apnea) that you really need a migraine expert to determine what is causing your migraines so you can stop having them. Take care. 
hello, fellow migraine sufferer! first off, I’m very sorry to hear that you’re also in a similar situation. I know very well how much it sucks. I’m curious why you were surprised to hear about mine though lol but no, unfortunately, they haven’t really gotten better. I’m not sure which post you saw (since I know I’ve mentioned my migraines a few times), but I don’t know that I’ve ever really explained my migraines here. some of you already know this stuff, but for those who don’t, here’s a little info and/or an update!
I’ve gotten migraines most of my life, as early as 5 years old, but they were sporadic until I was about 18 when they started coming more consistently as I got older. the april before last (so the april of 2018) I started getting them almost every day. by june they were daily and I went to see my doctor. after 3 months, we both realized he was a little in over his head and he referred me to a neurologist over at a specialists office. I’ve been seeing him since december and I’m still not really any closer. I actually just recently had an MRI since the migraines themselves seem to be resistant to treatments (it came back clean though, no worries~)
but trust me when I say that I’m well aware of my triggers and I know that they’re my main issue because I’m overly sensitive and the list is long. certain foods, certain drinks, not eating often enough, certain types of light/light levels, certain sounds, certain smells, weather (humidity/rain/heat/cold/barometric pressure), fluctuations in my hormones. I eliminate and dampen what I can, but it’s impossible to avoid all of them.
sidenote: the reason I haven’t been active recently is because I moved at the beginning of february out to the boonies where I don’t have internet lol but the good new there is that I’m moving again in less than a month and should start being more active again! (hopefully)
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yoursalwaysfics · 5 years
Like him??? I LOVE HIM 💕💕💕💕💕 you are absolutely not a bad friend 😙😙💗
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I’m a bad friend because I completely forgot about @yoursalwaysfics ‘s birthday…so, uhhh, here’s your boi! <3
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yoursalwaysfics · 5 years
kagx secret santa preview!
@kazemari I’m you secret santa this year! I’m so very sorry this is coming in late. things just got really hectic around the holidays and have only just recently settled down. I’m still working on your gift fic (which is turning out to be kinda big lol) so here’s a preview of what I’m working on! I saw Gene from Ghost Hunt on your list and was instantly hit with inspiration~~ I hope you like it (even if it’s just a preview right now) <3 <3
Kagome ran. Even as her feet slipped on the dewy grass and branches and underbrush tugged at her clothes and hair, she ran. She tried not to think about who - what - was chasing her, but it was hard to ignore the sick feeling deep in her stomach every time a branch snapped behind her. She wanted to turn around, glance back for just a second, to see how close he was, but forced herself to stay focused on what was in front of her. It wouldn’t do her any good to see just how close he was, to see the red eyes or the clawed hand reaching out. It was a fear she tried to tell herself she didn’t have. She trusted him completely. But there was always a little voice in the back of her mind, whenever he was in battle or let his temper get the best of him, that wondered if the next time would be the time she wouldn’t be able to reach him. “That’ll never happen” she told herself. But she’d been wrong. Or right, depending on which inner voice she wanted to listen to. “Kagome.” The rough, guttural growl of her name sent shivers down her spine and forced her to look behind her on instinct. Instead of the demonic face she was expecting, only the deep dark of the surrounding forest greeted her. It was only as she was turning back around that she caught a flash of red and silver through the trees to her left. A short choked yelp left her as she nearly stumbled on her own feet to adjust her course. The only thought on her mind was to get away. It was impossible not to look back now. She needed to know how close he was, how much time she had left, but all she saw were flashes of silver in the moonlight that filtered through the branches. Barely enough to get any idea of how close her pursuer might be. ‘Please,’ she prayed. ‘Please just let me make it back to camp. The others will help me. Sango, Miroku, please!’ After checking over her shoulder once more, she was caught by surprise when she turned around. A low willowy tree branch came out of the darkness and slapped her in the face, just enough to momentarily stun her… just enough for her to be caught. Kagome was thrown to the ground as if she weighed nothing. She slid across the wet grass, feeling brush and rocks scratch and cut wherever they dug into exposed flesh. Before she had a chance to get back to her feet, a weight was on top of her pinning her down. Large clawed hands gripped her upper arms in a painful vice as a demonic Inuyasha kneeled on her chest, stealing away her breath. Looking up, she was horrified at the face glaring back down at her. Bright red eyes that glowed in the dark without so much as a hint of recognition. Sharp fangs snapped inches from her face as he snarled at her. Trying to move or wiggle free was useless. Inuyasha was bigger than she was and with so much of his weight on her, she couldn’t even take a proper breath. “Inuyasha,” she wheezed as tears streamed from the corners of her eyes, down her temples, and into her hair. “Please… please come back.” As Kagome’s vision started to fuzz, Inuyasha’s feral face began to flash between his and that of an old gnarled woman. Without enough breath to even scream, Kagome cried and prayed for a miracle. Just then, the weight pinning her down was ripped away as Inuyasha was pulled off of her. Kagome gasped, inhaling deep and coughing at the burn in her throat and chest. “Kagome!” Her name being shouted snapped her attention back to what was happening in front of her, but she could only stare in disbelief. Only a few feet away, Gene was standing with a struggling and thrashing Inuyasha in a tight grip. “Kagome!” He shouted again. “Wake up! Now!” As though she’d been launched out of her own dream, Kagome woke with a gasp and flew upright in her bed. Panting and trying to catch her breath, she saw that she wasn’t alone. The entire SPR team was gathered around her bed with varying looks of worry and concern. “Kagome,” Mai choked around her tears. Hugging her tight, her friend continued, “You were screaming and thrashing and we couldn’t wake you up.” Kagome was still trying to process what had happened when she noticed that Mai’s hug hurt more than it should. Gently prying the other girl away, she said, “Bathroom… gonna splash some water on my face. I’ll be right back.” She was still a little unsteady on her sore feet, but as soon as the bathroom door was shut behind her, Kagome pulled her shirt over her head. Standing in front of the mirror, she couldn’t take her eyes off of her arms. Wrapped around the top of each bicep were deep bruises in the shape of large clawed hands.
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yoursalwaysfics · 5 years
I love love love love love this!!! Before I started reading, I glanced down at the tags and saw Eddie and Venom and nearly screamed lmao what a wonderful gift to start my day with~~~ thank you so much, Bunny, this was such a fantastic treat 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Secret Santa Gift
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Here’s your Secret Santa Gift, I hope you enjoy it!
Keep reading
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yoursalwaysfics · 5 years
kagx secret santa list
things I’ll love:
ship art
art for anything I’ve written
sfw or nsfw (whatever you’re feeling)
mix and match, multi-crossover, poly-ships
pretty much everything is a-okay by me~
series/characters I’m into this is gonna get long. general reminder that if you’ve seen me write something for it, I’m into it. this list is just what’s most recently (or always) on my mind ♡ ♡  ♡
Daiya no Ace
Golden Kamuy
Hunter x Hunter
Hisoka (I’m sorry)
Illumi (sorry again)
Hypnosis Mic
Jakurai Jinguji
Kuroko no Basket
LoZ: Breath of the Wild
Steven Stone
Run With the Wind
Touken Ranbu (either series)
Eddie/Venom (kind of a package deal?)
The Witcher
YuYu Hakusho
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yoursalwaysfics · 5 years
That time of year again, kids! We've had a great time with this the last couple of years, so you should totally sign up~~
Hi there, sorry this is so late–busyness in my life didn’t permit me to do much on my dying computer. Anyway, here we go! Most of the rules from last year are still the same, so this post will be copy and pasted from last year’s exchange! I hope you don’t mind (;´д`)
Because this sign-up application is so late, the deadline will be much longer so more on that in a bit.
This is largely for those who are in the Kagome xover fandom, both current and inactive fans! Even if you’re not a fan of Kagome xover, you’re still welcome to participate too. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ What is not welcome is hatred and trolling in any shape and form to one or the other.
Now, here we go!
There will be a sign-up application process, starting today (December 10th) through December 17th. Hopefully that will give everyone enough time to sign up and for this post to spread!
Also, we’re inviting anyone from outside Tumblr to come and join! If you have any friend who are interested, send them my way~
If you want to join, please shoot me a message! I’ll add you on the list! As it is secret santa you will be expected to both get and give a gift.
If you’ve signed up, please do link us a public post of what pairings you would like for a gift (More details for this example below) so we can put up a post ourselves linking back to everyone’s (without spoiling whose secret santa or whatnot). But, please do be flexible!
Please give your secret santa a decent list to choose from too!
After the sign-up, I will assign who gets who (via number randomizer). This will be in progress until December 20th.
Once you get your secret santa you can then get started working on your gift!
You have until January 31st to finish. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) I would be happy to extend the deadline though, if asked. Still, hopefully that will be enough time to finish your secret santa! I don’t know if you can still call it secret santa, but hey it’s still a gift exchanging
Now with the dates out of the way, here’s some basic rules/guidelines.
Please be kind to everyone. Trolling and hatred are not appreciated.
Please leave your submit box open–or at least open them during the deadline week. I will make a reminder post when it’s due.
Try to make your list at least 5 Kagome crossover pairings (for flexibility). You can rank them, and add on what sort of relationship you would like to see from these pairings ranging from familial, friendship, romantic, to even n-sfw.
If you wish to do/ask for n-sfw, you can, but please do keep your secret santa’s comfort in mind, as well as yours. So, make it obvious if you are okay with n-sfw or not in your list!
I’ll leave in my example here as a general guideline for you to follow. Hope it’ll helps!
Please make it clear that you are or are not okay with fanworks (including fanart AND writing) of your fanfictions, if any! Also mention if you’re okay with them being n-sfw too.
If for whatever reason you cannot submit your gift to your secret santa, you can submit to me and I will post for you and tag your secret santa.
It is up to you if you wish to keep your anonymity, but we do suggest that you wait at least a day or two before you reveal yourself. You can try signing out from tumblr or try another browser to submit to preserve your identity?
You may either draw or write, in whatever form! Do try to put in some effort though.
If you ever get stuck (and trust us, we know how painful writing/drawing blocks can be), we are happy to help you and provide suggestions!
Once you received your gift, please use the tag: #kagx secret santa so we all can see it!
If the receiver did not get their gift on the deadline (or shortly after) and we are not notified of the gifter’s absence, please let us know and we will reassign another willing, available secret santa (if it comes to that). You might have to be a little more patient for your gift though.
You’re welcome to make more than one gift, and not necessarily just to your secret santa but also to your favorite writer/artist/fan/person too! It’s all about showing appreciations. ❤
I think that’s about to cover everything? If there is any question, suggestion, or problem, please feel free to contact me.
Tag obligation: @bunny-wk-fanfic  @yoursalwaysfics  @mizukixtsukiyomi @crystal-nyx @patrineptn @fish-without-shame @purpleorchid-8863 @fictionalxlifexreality @kagomes-lover @fenrae-l @moonydazedbun
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yoursalwaysfics · 5 years
Secret Santa in our little fandom community is always a super good time, and it’s definitely a case of the more the merrier! be sure to let Belle know if you’re interested in participating~~
Secret Santa 2018🎅
So is anyone interested in Secret Santa this year? Send an ask and/or reblog to share if you do! I’ll be happy to host it again. :)
For those interested in looking back, check out the tag, kagx secret santa ! I’m currently on the mobile atm so if my tag is wrong, let me know❤️
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yoursalwaysfics · 5 years
hey hey, folks!
I know it’s been a while and I’ll probably give a general update later, but this post isn’t about me. it’s about my very very sweet and lovely friend, @fish-without-shame. 
you all probably know that I don’t share things like this often, but Julianne is such an amazing friend and person that I really want to help her out. she has been busting her butt and working so hard for a long time now to become a teacher, and she’s so close!! but she’s coming up on one of those rough transition periods right in the final stretch.
I know times are tough and things are pretty tight for a lot of people, but if you have a spare couple of dollars, anything at all, that you’re able to give, it would be so incredibly appreciated! and if you can’t donate, maybe you could give this a reblog just to help pass the word along~ I would appreciate it and I know Julianne would too!!
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