yourspace-demons · 14 days
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Doodles :)
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yourspace-demons · 2 months
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Here’s some doodles of my overconfident jerk of a son :)
No one asked but here’s some little facts about him :)
- He has a cat named concrete who he just picked up from the street when he was a kid (despite his fathers wishes, the cat stayed)
- the cat is an American shorthair
- one minute they’ll be throwing hands at each other the next they’ll be sleeping together on the couch
- he is very scared of squids
- he loves rainy weather, especially when it’s thundering
- he loves dueling (maybe a little too much to where either Ivy or Daniel have to drag him out before he gets too injured)
- his favorite animals are penguins and lovebirds
- he dislikes his eye color which is why he wears the shades
- he’s able to change his behavior depending on the circumstances and adjust his actions to get what he wants (other wise known as self monitoring)
That is all for now 🏃‍♂️
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yourspace-demons · 2 months
Every time I post oc content I have to fight the wave of cringe that rises from within me 😭
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yourspace-demons · 2 months
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I’m figuring him out more :)
Some characters that inspired me 🤭
Hitoshi Shinso- My hero Academia
Gojo Satoru- Jujutsu Kaisen (more specifically teen Gojo)
Anakin Skywalker- Star Wars
Manolo Sanchez- The Book of Life
Jim Lake Jr.- Troll Hunters
Aki Hayakawa- Chainsaw Man
I have many ideas to the point I started a Google doc for him- none of my past ocs have made it this far 🏃‍♂️
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yourspace-demons · 2 months
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"The family's little tradition"
Seems like Andrew learned a little something about her ancestry and their practices
But it's been centuries, I'm sure it won't cause any trouble for our little Gryffindor...right?
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yourspace-demons · 2 months
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Some MC gummies:^)
(If you’d like me to remove your MC let me know🙇)
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yourspace-demons · 2 months
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I figured I should finally fill this chart out after having it sit in the gallery for months now 💀
More in depth explanations
Colby- At first Alonso really disliked the twins since they picked on his friends (he would get his revenge in the dueling club) but soon ended up becoming friends with Colby after taking care of the dragon with him- he can tolerate him is all- can’t really hang out with him if he’s always with his brother
Lottie- she’s one of the very few people Alonso will allow to stay with him in his own little hideouts when he needs his personal space - it’s just a tree out in the field with all the birds he’s taking care of . Normally if someone he doesn’t like joins him he will straight up leave or ask them to leave him alone but he enjoys her company and allows her to be there with him. Often draws alongside her to let his emotions out, she kinda introduced that to him and he’s grateful for it
Fisher- Alonso absolutely cannot stand him whatsoever and will often pick fights with him. He doesn’t hesitate to strike first if the bullying keeps going past certain boundaries, more so about his friends, he couldn’t care less if he’s the one being picked on. He often gets detention because of this
Robyn- Alonso doesn’t really think much of her, he definitely likes how competitive and excited she gets for anything Quidditch related he can relate to her as he also gets competitive- but for dueling instead sometimes goes out and plays a match or two with her, when he isn’t tired that is-
Kevin- Again doesn’t really think much- more often leaves him to his books and such. He sometimes tries to help him with his confidence in dueling by doing some friendly matches. He tries some playful taunting to try and convince him- doesn’t really work tho and backs off immediately
Cassandra- At first he didn’t like her since she made fun of his outfit- literally wearing his school uniform at the time- He surprised her slightly when he actually responded with a snarky remark instead of shying away like their other classmates causing some interest to form. His interest was sparked when she invited him to a duel (he thought she disliked him) -he barely won the duel- lied and said it was easy to get a reaction- after that they formed a mutual rivalry. Somewhere between Y2 and Y3 they grew from tolerating each other to being close friends- however they agreed to keep it a secret from everyone
Daniel- With all the adventures they’ve gone on it’s no surprise Alonso is really close with Daniel and isn’t afraid to get into fights for him- seeing as he’s his first real friend. He finds it hard however during Y3 to continue being there for Daniel after all the choices he’s making and choosing to hang out with Elliot more often- (During this Alonso ends up hanging out with Cassandra more) He gets really hurt when he gets pushed away from helping him - that emotion quickly turning into anger and a more of ‘Do what you want’ attitude- Despite that however- he won’t hesitate to throw hands with either Gridley or Elliot- even throwing a threat at both of them if they think about hurting his friend. Toward the end of Y2 is where Daniel ended up forming a small crush on Alonso however can’t focus much on that while dealing with Y3 stuff
Ivy- Much with Daniel, Alonso becomes really close with Ivy after Y1. He sees her more of a little sister and is protective of her- not that she needs to be protected. They sometimes go off and have study sessions and she helps him with homework, especially charms homework. They spend more time together after Daniel goes off with Elliot, they agree to be there for Daniel but won’t hesitate to call him out on his choices.
Not sure if you guys can see the weird little purple lines underneath some words- I don’t know how to get rid of em-
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yourspace-demons · 2 months
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Caught red handed
Isn’t really canon to his lore- but I just draw him however he pops up into my mind 🧍‍♂️
I think I finally figured him out- like how I wanna write him and his personality etc- I’ll post something later on tho 🏃‍♂️
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yourspace-demons · 3 months
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‘Perhaps dancing isn’t so bad after all’
Alonso normally hates dancing as he doesn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of the whole school despite being decent at it, but there’s a few people that can drag him out to the dance floor :)
*cue camera shifting over to Daniel standing in a corner, arms crossed looking rather annoyed that a certain someone took his dance partner*
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yourspace-demons · 3 months
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I’m still trying to figure out his character but I definitely am getting ideas 🤭
Gotta remind myself I can do sketches and not everything has to be fully colored-
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yourspace-demons · 3 months
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Fishy AU sketches My OCs+some canon characters:)
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yourspace-demons · 3 months
lonely birthdays, lonely valentines
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alt ver under the cut!
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yourspace-demons · 4 months
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This was originally gonna be a simple sketch but here we are🧍‍♂️
Just my boy yall 😊 not sure if imma pair him with anyone later on but for now he chillin 🦈
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yourspace-demons · 4 months
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I have concluded that my dude is not photogenic 😭 every single time I try and take a picture he blinks and andkandk-
Yes getting that outfit has hurt my wallet and soul-
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yourspace-demons · 4 months
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Him 😊😊‼️
That is all 🏃‍♂️💨
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yourspace-demons · 4 months
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Just some sketches I was able to do this weekend 😸
Can’t wait for what this season has in store for us 🏃‍♂️
Sad I made it to GM global on the last day
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yourspace-demons · 4 months
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I think I lowkey got possessed guys 😼
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