yoursweetesthershey · 3 years
Self-love is my Hope
Rivera, Hershey Mae F. June 10,2021
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The essence of existence is hope. Many of us would be unable to live a peaceful existence if we did not have hope deep inside our hearts. Life can be unpredictable, difficult, and even infamous at times. Many times, things go out of hand and beyond our control. Hope motivates us to keep fighting and increases our chances of improving our lives.The core of life, hope, keeps our eyes wide open for a better tomorrow. I understand how difficult it is to maintain inner faith in the face of adversity, but those who never give up hope are the ones who make it to the finish. Many people have various of choices that they tend to do in order to define their hope. And my hope is how I maintain to love myself while I unbelievably battle with dilemmas.
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As we venture in our own lives battleground, make an effort to keep your eyes dreamy. Hope not only provides you the courage to face adversity, but it also makes the road ahead seem less difficult. And from there love for your selves grow. For other people self love is an exaggerated term, and they frequently overlook its significance. People desire to be flawless, and perfectionism is regarded as a more valuable trait or characteristic than self-love. It's easy to image someone listening on a ted-talk, get a puppy for a companion, or read a book but when we talk about self-love, bit's much more than that.
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I can say that traveling defines "self-love". Although traveling sounds money, I'm allowed to indulge and pamper myself because I'm in a new place, a cliché right? But its a way how I really feel the essence of being me. I really believe that travel enriches you intellectually and compassionately, rather than financially. Not to add, wandering this world allows you to reach your entire potential and discover what genuinely makes you happy. Of course after getting tied up with my little breakdowns. We're all her for a reason. We must seek out that purpose and allow it to embrace us. By doing so, we strengthen our ability to deal with any obstacles that come our way. Travel is one of my way off keeping my self loved. By leveraging my own life experiences to encourage other to take the travels of their dreams makes my heart melt. Well, it's my way of coping up and I'm happy to tell them they might as well get over life's challenges for a while.
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Travel also helps me open up with other people. I have a hard time trusting others, primarily because I am afraid they may lie to me or take advantage of me. And, unfortunately, some people have done exactly that. It's quite difficult to avoid becoming jaded. Strangers have also spoke to me on planes, a bus, or a ferry and its amazing how I easily engage with them. On my journey to Bukidnon, for example, I had one woman stayed with me on the ship canteen the entire time I was eating aline and soothe me everytime I feel dizzy whenever the ship seems to bounce a bit due to the waves. Traveling reminds me that most people are good by nature. And yes, they do. I'll keep my word.
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Hope allows us to overlook the pain of the present. Our chances of success increase when we remain optimistic about our future and believe that we must struggle to overcome obstacles. It occurs as a result of our efforts to remain mentally strong and deliver our best efforts. The essence of hope is usually incredibly pleasant. And self-love is one of this pleasant things. It serves as motivation to live our lives to the fullest. As a result, make your hope as powerful as possible. It will give you the strength and motivation to pursue your dream for as long as you live. Nothing can pull you down if you have a strong desire, hope, and faith. It allows you to focus on your life and whatever is ahead of you. Give your self the love it deserves, heal it with the thing you seem to be effective and give it your time.
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yoursweetesthershey · 4 years
The Novel Corona Virus also known as COVID-19 has resulted into schools shutdown all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom.
As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms.
Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information, and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus have caused might be here to stay up until the future as a new factor to easily educate the people.
With this sudden shift away from the classroom setting in many parts of the globe, some are wondering whether the adoption of online learning will continue and take place to persist post-pandemic, and how such a shift would impact the worldwide education market.
Even before COVID-19 affect the world, there was already high growth and adoption in educational technology, with global edtech investments reaching US$18.66 billion in 2019 and the overall market for online education projected to reach $350 Billion by 2025. Whether it is language apps, virtual tutoring, video conferencing tools, or online learning software, there has been a significant surge in usage since COVID-19.
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There are, however, challenges to overcome. I am currently enrolled on an online class course and that aside from the problematic situation that we have right now I'm also facing the dilemma of having to adjust and be able to effectively learn my lessons. As a student I've been having a hard time attending my online conferences due to the absence of a reliable internet access. I also experience technology struggle to participate in digital learning. I do have the gadgets that are needed yet without a stable internet connection I can't easily accomplish my activities.This gap is seen across countries, between income brackets, and families all over the world.
As mentioned by The World Economic Forum, those who do have access to the right technology, there is evidence that learning online can be more effective in a number of ways. Some research shows that on average, students retain 25-60% more material when learning online compared to only 8-10% in a classroom. This is mostly due to the students being able to learn faster online; e-learning requires 40-60% less time to learn than in a traditional classroom setting because students can learn at their own pace, going back and re-reading, skipping, or accelerating through concepts as they choose.
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It is clear that this pandemic has utterly disrupted our education system that many assert was already losing its relevance. Yet for me although I've encountered numerous stressful sleepless night. I can say that this is a great help to atleast continue our degree. I may have a hard time coping up and working under pressure I still am grateful I was able to study amidst this pandemic.
The effectiveness of online learning varies amongst age and also their well-being. The general consensus on my age is that I need to have a strong will and support system in continuing my studies. I also need a stable and healthy emotional and mental health to overcome dilemmas along the way. A structured environment is required for me to not get easily distracted. I need to get the full benefit of online learning. This needs to be a concerted effort to provide this structure and go beyond replicating a physical class/lecture through video capabilities, instead, using a range of collaboration tools and engagement methods. Luckily I was somehow able to cope up and achieve my expectations due to my mentors guidance.
During my online course, I've learned that to be a successful distance learner, you have to be self-disciplined and able to work well on your own and under pressure. Relying on your classmates is not a must. Since you won't be physically going to class each week, you can take part in class from the comfort of your own home. You must be self-disciplined because the instructor won't constantly be there to remind you of assignments or of project deadlines. Other obligations may mean that you are not able to do the work as regularly as if you were physically attending class, it will be up to you to make sure that you are keeping up with all the work for the course. Also, one of the main objectives of college is to become a well-rounded individual, with the skills needed to successfully manage a busy agenda and schedules.
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yoursweetesthershey · 4 years
One WHO is NOT an ENEMY or a FOE
Hershey Mae F. Rivera
As a child growing up without any siblings, friends are everything. A friend is the one you share almost all your secrets with and trust them not to tell it to anyone. They often got your back when you’re about to fall. They are the one’s who knows everything about you and stands by your side against everything. Sounds cynical I know, but that’s just how it goes.
I’ve been very weary about trying to make friends. Why?, well I was traumatized because I always fail to get a long with the others due to my strong personality. Though I easily trust people and get to hang out with them so often I still can’t figure out how to stick with them. This only happens when I get to make friends with the girls.
People say girls always get a long with the other girls. But in my case it’s the other way around. I usually make friends with men in the reason that they are great at keeping secrets and are outgoing. When men is on your side expect that your going to try things you never wanted to try in shoet expect adventures. Growing up I was really fond of joining the group of guys in the family rather that the women. Women are just too much to handle. There’s just so much drama going on unlike the guys who just listens. Men always let’s you showthe real you. And there’s no competition at all!
As I enter a new chapter in my life, I shivered with just the thought of it. Finally! I’ve stepped on another milestone in my life. A freshie in a University. But the dilemma is I don’t have anyone. I mean is there someone I can talk to ? or get along with?
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This is the time when she enters the story. I’m a bit taller than her which usually causes me teasing her. A black straight hair down to her shoulders, mesmerizing hazel eyes, with her fair skin just makes her so special, just the way she really is. At first I didn’t expect to be so fond of her. I always thought that making friends with her is not worth it and that I will only hurt myself trying to trust her just like the others. But then I was wrong. Behind her cold glares was her kind heart. She build a thick and massive wall to guard herself around people. Always been quiet,snobbish and seems not to care at all. But trust me she laughs so hard only for my lamest jokes. She’s so cute whenever she’s embarrassed, flattered, or too happy because she literally turns like a tomato. Her face, ears, down to her neck just turns red. She hates it when I emphasize that she made a wrong decision or action but in the long run smiles and always thank me for doing so.
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She’s a strong, lovable and fragile kind of person. Behind her strong and serious personality was her pain and somehow chaotic situation. I still admire her for moving forward and staying happy as she really deserve. She loves to eat yet she’s too lazy to make her meals, that’s why I always prepare some snacks for her. I literally don’t know why we got the same vibe. She was someone I wished even before yet I never had,the sudddenly and not until then she came into my life. I always cling my hands on her arms whenever we cross the street, coz why not? I’m afraid of such thing! We always find time to pamper ourselves on weekends. We often go to the mall to shop and get over our stressful day in school, do the laundry every Sundays, we would always drop buy at SM supermarket to buy our needs, eat out at lunch or dinner whenever we felt like and many more. Just like me she's to shy to ask the jeep driver "para". Afraid of traveling alone. And too afraid to share her story.
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We are a total opposite. I’m an outgoing adventurer and she’s a baby who confines herself in a room. But miraculously we really get a long. She loves her furbabies just like me! We often talk about what to do on caring about them and how to sustain and maintain their health. We both love listening to the same music. I would always ask her about her day. If she’s doing fine or thinking about lots of things she don’t even have to worry about. I accepted her with her flaws just like what she did to me. We respected each others opinion. Talk about issues around us, things we both dislike, what should we eat next where should we go and all that. She often calls me and cries like a baby because she misses her mom so bad. I was with her when she was so inloved and I was there when she was devastated because of the same thing. I always make sure to make her feel that she can be who she really is around me. Whenever she feels so down and lonely I just acquire what she felt. Weird for some yet I guess that's the drill when a person is really important.
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I would always choose to be with her even she chose not to. She made me realize that being betrayed should not be a reason for you to slip the chance of meeting someone whom you can trust and care about. She made me embrace the fact that I'm worthy of being not a just a friend but someone she can consider as a family. There's a lot more things I want to share with you yet I'm having a hard time finding the right things and words to say. I'm just so happy I had the chance to meetand get a long with Eunice. Someone who's nice and worth the risk.
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yoursweetesthershey · 4 years
P17M financial grants from LGU-P'sinan to 1700 Pangasinan State University scholars
Hershey Mae F. Rivera OCTOBER 28, 2020
Province of Pangasinan in the leadership of Governor Amado I. Espino III forged an agreement that they would give worth P10, OOO scholarship assistance to 1700 students from Pangasinan State University(PSU) who belongs to Provincial Scholarship Program.
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Photo by Jinver Perez
The ceremonial distribution of the scholarship grant with a total value of P17 million occurred, yesterday, 27th day of October, held at Pangasinan Training and Development Center (PTDC) II located at the Capitol Complex of Lingayen Pangasinan. Gov. Espino along with Pangasinan Board Member, Jeremy Agerico Rosario, PGO consultant Ms. Erlinda Fernandez and Coordinator of the Scholarship Project, Irmina Francisco, Provincial Governor's Office Chief Administrative Officer, together with the student personnel staff and service coordinators of the University.
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Photo by Jinver Perez
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Photos by Jinver Perez
"Be Strong not only as students and not only as sons and daughters to your parents but as good examples to your fellow Pangasinenses, " Governor Espino stated as he deliver he's speech during the event.
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Photo Credits to Province of Pangasinan Official Page
During Gov. Espino's talk he emphasized the importance of patience and discipline that anchors the province's capability to fight against the "stumbling block" like the disease COVID-19 Pandemic which cause so much dilemmas in the province.
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Photo Credits to Province of Pangasinan Official Page
Meanwhile, the money was disbursed immediately through the program. It was released as soon as the scholars attend the event which is also led by the governor.
The total number of 1, 700 PSU scholars came from nine various campuses located at the following: 150 scholars (Asingan), 150 (Alaminos City), 300 (Bayambang), 75 (Binmaley), 220 (San Carlos City), 180 (Urdaneta City), 400 (Lingayen), 150 (Sta. Maria) , and 75 (Infanta).
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yoursweetesthershey · 4 years
"FAKE NEWS" on-board
Hershey Mae F. Rivera September 18,2020
In writing articles the author must come up with a catchy headline to get the attention of his/her readers. New media operates through social media platforms to cater and easily react to a larger population of social media users,viewers and influencers. Some media outlets tend to use catchy headlines or captions online as their bait in order to mislead their readers from the real story which tremendously affects the emotional capability of users that causes irrational actions.
For example, you scrolling your newsfeed? Then suddenly an article pops up on your social media account and does not favor what you really want and what you believe? Well encountering disgusting news that bursts your impulse and eagers you too share it right away without even reacting an emmoticon says it all!. Think twice in clicking the share button and stop reacting a hoax news cause it will spur unending cycle that in long run makes it viral.
In the Philippines, knocking out fake news is like eating a cake without checking its expiration. You tend to eat up the idea that would supplement your beliefs without examining its sources that usually happens to help curb the proliferation of malicious and misleading information that wears the shoes that belong to the truth.
It is hardly a shame that Filipinos knows that FAKE NEWS EXIST, thus very much disturbing and to top it all ubiquitous on the internet. Media in the Philippines have to constantly contend with online trolls as their articles that do not aid or agree to the powers-that-be are always tagged as “fake news”, whereas fly-by-night and anonymously-hosted websites have a extent foothold to many, if not majority, of Filipino netizens. Why? For the reason that the lure of fake news is stronger than the truth, even when a certain information is already close to the dividing line of illusion as well as bigotry. In this case, the role of the mass media, referred to as the fourth branch of the state as it can expose abuse of power and corruption in the Philippine government is undermined.
To keep you well informed and avoid being misled by rumors that spread like a wildfire take some time to read this articles that might help you distinguish "fake news";
Even Richard Gomez has fallen prey to sharing fake news
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Credits to memebuster.net
Ormoc City Mayor Richard Gomez has also fallen prey to a piece of information he thought was actually true. He shared a fake story from altervista blog which claims Queen Elizabeth II has called President Rodrigo Duterte a “brave man.” According to memebuster.net, a website that tackles fake news in the Philippines. The blog was even mentioned that the BBC Channel was the one who reported it yo the public hence it was not prove to be true.
Gomez' Twitter post was dated February 21 caught the attention of the many netizens, including Duterte supporters, and called him out to verify the legitimacy of information before sharing it to his followers online. After receiving disapprobation had since been deleted on his Twitter account.
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Screenshot by memebuster net
Fact check: Both of the original source britana.altervista.org and the blog mentioned above that reposted the news were already suspended.
“Pinakahihintay ng lahat! On March 19 BBM will be the new vice!”
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Photo Credits to Wikipedia.com
The website www.dutertefilipino.info published this information this week, misleading its subscribers about a political issue in the Philippines which the Supreme Court has neither even started to hear nor decide as yet.
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Screenshot by Hershey Rivera
“Considering that the revision process is about to commence, the Tribunal directs both protestant and protestee to observe the sub judice rule,” said the PET. The PET issued the sub judicial rule reminder a week after both the Marcos and Robredo camps publicly traded barbs last month over the supposed delay in the electoral protest. No final date has been set by PET to hear the electoral fraud filed by Marcos against Robredo.
Fact check: SC, sitting as the Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET), ordered the camps of Vice President Leni Robredo and her rival, former senator Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr, to observe the sub judicial rule in the ongoing vice presidential electoral protest.
Sad but true from Ethel Booba: ‘Libre ang Google, ‘wag kayong tanga’
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Screenshot by Hershey Rivera
"All that it takes to fight rumors is using common sense, cross-checking a few facts, and then clicking on the ‘delete’ button" - Ethel Booba
The message of comedienne Ethel Booba when she was asked to comment on the proliferation of fake news during her guesting with Ruffa Mae Quinto on Gandang Gabi Vice (GGV) in ABS CBN. Ethel Booba is considered an influencer on the Twitterverse, with more the 1.2 million followers. Although her tone was light and funny on GGV, she took somehow attack clueless netizens and the purveyors of hoaxes. 
We should know anonymously-hosted websites are most often the creators of fake news and rumors,but it is you, the social media user, it is all up to us, who chooses to forward or delete a message. Bare in mond that the people who will benefit such actions are the scammers it is not for our own good and it might end up getting ourselves in danger.They know which way the Internet traffic is headed and what information it seeks and they can set traps for social media users.
This may be in the form of false web pages,pop up advertisements, apps whose only function is to install a malware into the user’s system and in the long run tend to harvest each and every personal information.
Let's be wise and always undergo a FACT CHECK!
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yoursweetesthershey · 4 years
Once Upon A Dream
- Hershey Mae F. Rivera September 17,2020
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Some of you might want to be the most respected person in the world. The best singer,dancer,poet or a speaker of some sort. Or to book a travel bound to the best places on earth. Been wanting to finish a degree, getting a job, improve financial stability, find their special someone,settle down and live a life with kids running around the corners.
Everyone has their own dreams in his/her life which they want to achieve as they walk to their chosen paths. But in achieving this goals you should keep grinding, be patient entrusting your success with your hardwork and process.
Wanna know my story? What is my once upon a dream?
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Hershey Mae F. Rivera is the name,or you can also call me Shein, an only daughter and only grandchild of my family who once dreamt of becoming a soldier. I was so sure of becoming one. I planned to take the entrance exam after turning 18, once accepted and undergone the training, graduated and defend my motherland. Giveback for my family, wait for the right time to settle down. And most importantly I've achieved my dream and continued my father's aimed for himself as well. VOILA! Simple as that.
Unusual? Normal? Well, here is my story. It all started when I first step on Camp Lt Tito Abat Manaoag Pangasinan it was a military camp. A camp for Army Reserve Command Unit. We usually went there to visit my granny. She works as a tailor for the soldiers uniforms. Every now and then as I spent my vacation in that place I can admire this people who wore their uniforms as if no one can mess with them. Include their strong,brave and proud aura.
But wait! It does'nt end there. When I was in 6th grade I was able to try holding and using a gun at a firing range, ofcourse with the help aand guidance of my grandfather. Years gone by, and sadly my grandfather died after retiring. Before he was burried he was given a 21 gun salute,a marching band and a Philippine Flag in his casket. I was so amazed. And from there I told myself when I die? I'll experience that gesture and respect. I was exposed with this environment. And at that time I was so sure I'd become a brave,courageous and strong soldier.
My family was so supportive ever since. They always told me that what I want is my priority. That I am free to choose who I want to be. Unfortunately, this dream is not for me. One, I need to finish my K-12 Program. Two, my age was not qualified. Three, my grandma became so emotional and wanted me to take any other course to take with my own choice just to avoid pursuing of becoming a soldier.
From then on, I set aside my dream. As I walk through the doors of Humanities and Social Sciences I did realize that instead of crying my heart out. I should pursue the things that I'm passionate about. My love for writing,making music, photography, speaking infront of the crowd, travels, and adventures are the keys to reach my dreams.
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Finally! I decided to take a path where my skills,talent and passion is inclined. I am now enrolled as a Bachelor of Arts in Communication student. As I venture this journey I am glad I made a right choice. I am very happy and very much enjoying this path! I can see myself in making my own production. Working with smiles and excited on meeting other people! I am greatful to tell you choosing what you love and what you are passionate about no matter you fail or have a hard time? You will always get through it.
Be determined. Keep motivated and keep remembering your goal. Embrace your mistakes, take a break and always stay with people who believes and trusts you that YOU CAN AND YOU WILL!
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yoursweetesthershey · 4 years
Social Media:Tremendous Impact to your Mental Health
In the early 2000’s social media started and this technological advances affects the lives of people in our society today.
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PHOTO BY Wall Street International Magazine
Many of us spend a slew of time on social media using different technological devices such as laptops, tablets, or phones on updating or checking out new updates, from posting, liking, sharing and exchanging messages between other people. Social media has transformed as a digital diary to almost every person using this platforms. It is where we get to know and easily contact our family and friends far from us. From here we can say that social media has a great impact and thus it makes our lives easier. Social media is a lifeline to everyone who struggles not to get in touch with their loveones. It has multifold positive effects, social media is flexible, dynamic and engaging. However, many people believe that social media causes drastic negative changes which affects not only our lifestyle but also our mental health.
Social media platforms affect mental health and well-being according to the Royal Society of Public Health and Young Health Movement research. Things like the quality or amount of sleep,feelings of loneliness, anxiety, feeling of missing out (FOMO), depression and bullying were some of the negative outcomes of social media. In the study, they also found out that social media is also beneficial. For example, social media allows you to get emotional support coming from the users and also to your lovedones through social platforms/sights, allows you to freely express yourself, establish your own identity and make instant connection to nearby friends.
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PHOTO BY Atlanta Small Business Network
Constant use of social media can lead to various influences. The risks of this influences lead to negative experiences which causes destructive to a person’s mental health. This kind of exposure causes abusive behaviours such as acts of bullying that negatively trigger psychological tendency outcomes. Research studies test the role of personality characteristics and levels of self-esteem and sooner analyzes their level of addictive tendenciestoward social media use (Wilson,Fornasier&White 2010).
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PHOTO BY https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/19262/impact-of-social-media-on-mental-health/
It is important for us to understand the risks of using social media and how can we develop mental illnesses by exposing ourselves with a great amount of time to social media. Though social media has various benefits in our lives we must accomplish our daily routines and avoid prioritizing your daily dose of surfing the social media. Aside from that we should focus on the positive effects aand to attain that use social media moderately to avoid addiction and other harm social media can give you.
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PHOTO BY Bazaarvoice
It is great for us to maintain and making good connections with other people, establish our own identity community building and also gaining emotional support through social media. Lets us always remember that what we put on social media stays on social media and serves as the digital proof ofour identity and personality. Things we don’t tell or say to other people personally must stay the same when we talk to other people online.
We must think twice before posting. Make sure that we don't hurt anyone
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yoursweetesthershey · 4 years
Dark Days have come,FREEDOM seem to DIE out
It may come to an end but soon it will flourish.
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Photo by change.org
“No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.” accorded in Constitution Section 4, Article III of the Philippine Constitution.
In 1972 ,the ABS-CBN was terminated by the Government dated on the 23rd day of September after former President Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial Law. Recently, July 10, 2020 ABS-CBN was shutdown by the Governmen which blows  the Filipinos cool. This incident was believed to be an attact to press freedom.
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Photo by Jire Carreon/Rappler
Chief Justice Puno said “The constitutional protection assures the broadest possible exercise of free speech and free press for religious, political, economic, scientific, news, or informational ends, in as much as the Constitution's basic guarantee of freedom to advocate ideas is not confined to the expression of ideas that are conventional or shared by a majority. The constitutional protection is not limited to the exposition of ideas. The protection afforded free speech extends to speech or publications that are entertaining as well as instructive or informative,"
Millions of Filipinos relies on ABS-CBN’s TV and radio stations have been the core of information,entertainment, and a good service  through the ABS-CBN Lingkod Kapamilya Foundation Inc.(ALKFI). Great number of Filipinos who unfortunately does not have an access to the internet and or does not have the capacity to avail a cable TV, leads them to be not fully aware of what is happening around them thus does not have an access to current affairs. This people are usually living in far flung areas.ABS-CBN shutdown took away the right of the Filipino people to accumulate daily information. This incident is getting worse, many lives are at risk not forgetting we are currently battling with a pandemic (COVID19). It killed the hopes and passion of the people who are working in this company. This annihilate the very purpose of press freedom from the freedom of expression of directory,maintenace, artist and most importantly the rights of the people to affairs, entertainment aninformation.
According to Human Rights Watch with  the  Journalist and Rights groups this only proves that we are under a “de facto martial law”.  The fact that a number of 11,00 0 workers have lost their jobs it is really hard on their part. ABS-CBN shutdown merits a discussion on human rights that includes Freedom in the Press. As stated in an article of Human Rights Watch (HRW) , it is deemed to be a "grevious assault on press freedom”.
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Image from Phillipine Government
If you were to realize this incident seems to be repeating an event happened years ago. Dated last Sept. 28, 1972, Marcos issued Letter of Instruction No. 1, which authorized the military to take control of assets from major media outlets including ABS-CBN, The Manila Times and Daily Mirror among others. A proof that this situation is likely the same with what the former dictator President Ferdinand Marcos. Throughout this period, where Martial Law is uplifted, media practitioners as well as the journalists’ does not have a chance to freely publish stories.
ABS-CBN being closed down amidst this crisis seems to be eventful like the old days. This remarkable years (197 2 and 2020) is a living proof that press was silenced and thus the dark days of media practitioners and outlet unluckily came. Yearning that 2020 would end up like the past where democracy was uplifted. People get to fight back, withstand, and reveal the truth. The people will unite upbridging what is right and just freedom in the press and even the freedom of expression will flourish. Freedom, unity and peace will conquer it all.
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yoursweetesthershey · 4 years
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Mind Voyage
“Do not believe a thing because you have read about it in a book. Do not believe a thing because another man has said it was true. Do not believe with words because they are hallowed by tradition. Find out the truth for yourself. Find out the truth yourself. Reason it out. That is realization.”- Swami Vivekananda
The fulfillment of oneself or the so called self-realization is achieved whenever a well-being has accomplished something great. After oneself finally achieved the things that which you set or opt to do.
Countless numbers of books and articles have been written on trying to help a person achieve self-realization and self-growth. Yet this numbers were no where near the amount of published stories with a main and or supporting character, and that the characters voyage to finally find who they really are. A voyage for them to realize and know what there true values are,who will they define or “end up as” with rest of their lives, versus the façade they started their story with.
It have been several months ever since I spent my days at home due to the threat of COVID19 pandemic. COVID19 has brought drastic changes in our lives. The COVID19 outbreak affects all segments of our population. In recent weeks, we have seen the significant economic impact of the coronavirus on financial markets and vulnerable industries such as manufacturing, tourism, hospitality and travel. This crsisi affects many people, mostly the least well-paid and those self-employed or working in informal environments in the gig economy or in part-time work with zero-hours contracts. The government gave financial assistance and provide the people relief goods but it will not suffice their needs for the rest of their lives that is still at risk. The governments have also announced economic measures to safeguard jobs, guarantee wages and support the self-employed, but there is a lack of clarity in or country about how these measures will be implemented and how people will manage the loss of income.
Behind these statistics lie the human costs of the pandemic. From the deaths of friends and family to the physical effects of infection and the mental trauma and fear faced by almost everyone. Not knowing how this pandemic will play out affects our economic, physical and mental well-being against a backdrop of a world that, for many, is increasingly anxious, unhappy and lonely. Fear of the unknown can often lead to feelings of panic.For example when people feel they are being denied life-saving protection or treatment or that they may run out of necessities, which can lead to panic buying. Psychological stress is often related to a sense of a lack of control in the face of uncertainty.
Recently, I was actually exposed with a lot of this dilemmas that our society is currently facing. We have so much going on our plates. But I realize one thing, this crisis was able to open a door in my mind, I was able to open my eyes with the political system that we have right now. I was able to weigh things better. I was enlightened that there are really people who only think of their selves and used their power to oppress the less fortunate people. And also no matter we do good things, sacrifice our own sanity, It will never suffice people’s demands. Just like movies, I’m the protagonist and the people who keeps there eyes shut seems to be the antagonist. A system without the hands of right people is like a dark home without lights.
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yoursweetesthershey · 4 years
Mga pangakong muling binitawan,
Ngayo'y aming pinanghahawakan.
Pero bakit wala itong pinatutunguhan,
At muling nagsusumigaw ang kaguluhan.
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