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Script of The Conversation
Yasmin: Good evening, and welcome to environmental truth. My name is Yasmin your host and I am here with one of the most influential farmers in the world. Thank You for being here Mr. Johnson Jackson. 
Johnson: Thank You for having me Yasmin: Okay, lets jump right into this, your farm is known for conserving biodiversity. Some of the benefits of conserving biodiversity include financial benefits, that can help farmers conserve biodiversity due to the heritage values that accompany it .Similarly, conserving biodiversity can assist healthcare professionals to improve human lives through medical interventions. 
Johnson: That is true, it also has an Ecosystem function benefits 
Yasmin: Really? Can You tell me what that is? 
Johnson: You see ecosystems provide the fundamental component which allows humans to live like food, water, and clean air.To do that we need to maintain key ecosystem functions like pest control and pollination. 
Yasmin: I am glad you mentioned pest control. There are many talks about the use of pesticides 
Johnson: My belief in the matter is that pesticides are an important pest management approach and a key component in farming. Think about why it is not completely banned in the world.
Yasmin: There is pest management where the use of multiple strategies in different ways to make sure that pest damage would not cause economic harm to the farmers and protecting humans, animals, plants, and the environment from harmful effects.
Johnson: Another thing is that the first defense against pest issues in agriculture is pesticides. People think that farmers don’t use it anymore but that is not the case in the everyday operations.
Yasmin: Although it is harming our environment and health, farmers still a thing is a good idea to use it, rather than implementing pest management strategies? 
Johnson: If we control the amount is being used it should be fine, after all, we need to make a profit as harsh as that seems. 
Yasmin: What about the cost that it will take to fix the environment and all the health ramification, why create more problems that will result in more cost to fix?
  Johnson: The use of pesticide can not be the blame for all environmental and human impact sorry to say. 
Yasmin: Methyl Bromide is a pesticide that is used to control fungi and insect and other pathogens. Methyl Bromide is most commonly used for pre-plant fumigation of soils before planting, which contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer.
Johnson: If Methyl Bromide is so dangerous, why is it still on the market? And what about imported Dutch tulip bulbs, and tobacco, it used Methyl Bromide as well? 
Yasmin: The amount that is used for those products can not explain the contribution to the destruction of the ozone layer.
Johnson: Yes, for now…
Yasmin: Okay have you thought about the idea that just because something is available for us and we know its effect does not mean we should use it. The government does not have to dictate everything. 
Johnson: The whole situation does not make sense, consumers can get biocides for their home lawn maintenance, yet we need to have a pesticide application permit for crop production? While everyone can get any amount they want, I just think it's not fair.
Yasmin: The thing is farmers are using it for business reasoning, so you can understand that people trust you to give them healthy crops. Everyone knows about the DDT story, and the use of pesticide as resulted in high incident rates of breast cancer.
Johnson: How do we know that it was a direct effect? It could have been the continues use of soil insecticides. Yet, the focus is not on that. We can’t just pick and choose what is harmful acceptable and what is harmful hurtful. 
Yasmin: Good point, we need to end the use of everything for good including insecticides. In Western Canada, there are many burrowing owls dying because of canola seed treatment.
Johnson: Exactly… 
Yasmin: I think it is important to understand and bring awareness, better communication between the lawmakers, and the stakeholders. Breast cancer is not only cancer that pesticide is associated with, but a study done with farmers in Western Canada showed an increased risk of prostate cancer due to the increased exposure. 
Johnson: Oh... maybe they were not careful when using the chemicals, it is important to be safe in the workplace. 
Yasmin: More research needs to be done to make bio-control strategies the first line of defense instead of pesticides.
Johnson: That is a nice idea… but that is all it will be. When it comes to interventions it seems like the problems get worse. The new pesticides can be used in a lesser quantity; however, it is much more harmful because of the ingredients that they contain. Plus, Pesticides has some benefits for people. 
Yasmin: What are some benefits? 
Johnson: Pesticides has killed pests that carry transmitted diseases like Malaria. Malaria is transmitted through mosquitoes, and it is a dangerous disease that because of pesticide use has decreased in prevalence. And that isn’t the only disease that decreased since the use of pesticides bubonic plague present in rat fleas and typhus transmitted by fleas and body lice.
Yasmin: Well, there are treatment plans put in place to treat malaria and it is curable. 
Johnson: Some parts of the world can’t get the treatment…
Yasmin: Did you know that pesticide usage can impact the ecosystem as well, by killing non-pest organisms which can lead to the environment to be changed. This is onto of the many wildlife and humans that are impacted. 
Johnson: As a matter of fact, I did… 
Yasmin: Did you know that additional pesticides can get on your land? Yeah, imagine this you spray your crop plants with pesticides and then it goes under the surface towards the ground and reaches the water, causing it to be contaminated and impact humans as well as agricultural uses.
Johnson: Well, I think we need better water-bearing aquifers 
Yasmin: Okay that is all the time we have for discussion today, Johnson thank you for taking the time to chat with me. 
Johnson: Thank You.
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Have to read
I had a chat with a successful farmer and the conversation was interesting, to say the least. I am going to post it here to continue the discussion.
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