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I’m sorry but the greatest showman soundtrack is my jam and its amazing. 
and yes I know PT Barnum in real life was a bad man but this movie was fun and uplifting and the soundtrack makes me groove. 
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If it was more orange yes
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のせ猫-x-レタス帽子 160806 Lettuce-hat by  かご猫 Blog
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what’s the real mood for november?
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Nah nah nah nah nah nah Meryl Streep
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I don’t understand how people can turn on you so fast like you never even mattered to them in the first place.
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Check out my photos!
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Sometimes there is no right decision. Everything you do before the decision will become meaningless and lack all weight. You will question yourself. You will smile but it will hurt after a few hours. As though the medication for your sorrow and sleep deprivation has faded from your body but it will only be your regrets coating you in new fur. It will be new walls and new floors with no doors caging you in without a window to escape or keep you sane. You will constantly wonder what is right and wrong. There will be people who agree and people who just can't look at you anymore. The people who agree you will forget about their support because the things that support us don't often sting and ring in our minds it's the things that we miss we constantly hear and feel. It's the people we've left. The people we've stung. The people who've left us. They sing songs of torture and bleeding into our ears. They pour the bleach down our throats. They see our mouths shut and let our minds talk loud and obsessing over their silence and unruly absence. But mostly you wonder if they'll ever come back. Because there was no right decision but as always a decision was made. And there is no time turner. If there was pages of bad poems written in ink would been erased not marked in scribbles or tossed in the corner. If I could rewrite lines and make all perfect the world would be perfect. People would love. There would be no politics. There would be food a plenty and I would not have had to hurt a soul. But this is not a world of perfection and most days it's like the world is falling on my shoulder and if I shrug from the weight of it all the destruction would outweigh how much I'm in pain and how much that shrug gave just barely any relief. There are sometimes no right decision. There is sometimes no right thing to say. All we can do is decide and live with the consequence. We cannot erase ourselves or create new options out of smoke. We can only try to forgive our mistakes and try to write a new story hopefully with forgiveness as a theme instead of regrets and too many apologies.
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Why do moms over share things about your life to people who don’t matter
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