My main is @eternalsong513 if anyone wants to see me actively reblogging shitposts, and I have a self ship blog I'm not really active on anymore but I occasionally reblog cute stuff I see, that one's @sanjis-soulmate if you feel like following that!
I'll also be making a sideblog to just reblog hyperfixations on soon, so let me know if anyone's interested in seeing that
Did I forget about this blog? Maybe so
Is that going to change literally anything? Unfortunately not, the hyperfixation is gone and I haven't done anything to get it back 😔 sorry guys
I'm still here though, and I'm not closing this blog in case I get the hyperfixation back again. If any of you wanna unfollow since I'm kind of gonna be on hiatus indefinitely, I totally understand. Thank you for sticking around though! See you guys again someday!
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Do you still do requests?
Not sure how long this ask has been here, but not currently. I haven't had the hyperfixation for a long while so writing for ygo just isn't gonna really happen. Might come back in the future though so stay tuned!
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Hey, you doing ok? I haven’t heard from you for a long time. I thought you were super busy so I didn’t want to bother you.
I'm all good. Just made a post explaining that I'm officially gonna be on hiatus indefinitely. Keeping this blog open but I won't be posting on it for a while. Hyperfixation disappeared and I haven't really tried to fuel it again yet. Maybe I'll come back someday :)
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Did I forget about this blog? Maybe so
Is that going to change literally anything? Unfortunately not, the hyperfixation is gone and I haven't done anything to get it back 😔 sorry guys
I'm still here though, and I'm not closing this blog in case I get the hyperfixation back again. If any of you wanna unfollow since I'm kind of gonna be on hiatus indefinitely, I totally understand. Thank you for sticking around though! See you guys again someday!
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Heyo are you still alive?
Good question. After the year so far who even knows.
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Did it send? My request?
Yeah, it did. It’s just going to be a while before I write it.
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Awwwwwwwwweeeeee yeeeeeeeaaaa!!! Give me a minute to think of a request! XD
Take your time. :)
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Do you also do Headcannons?
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Oh! I hope you’re doing well
I’m alright lolol I’ll get through everything fine, just got a few bumps in the road and all. I’ll get to some stuff in the inbox sometime.
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Hello! I have 2 questions! Can I see the rules of what requests that I can/can’t sent? And also may I make a request? 😄
Here’s the rules!
Yeah, feel free to send one in. I can’t promise I’ll get to it anytime soon for a number of reasons, main being my current emotional state. But I’ll get to it eventually.
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Hey! I was just wondering, are you still accepting matchups and is it ok if we send it in multiple asks or is that too much??
Sure! And send in as many as you need! I haven’t really been doing imagines lately since I’m not as into ygo anymore but matchups are pretty easy for me to do, so hey!
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Yugioh GX Matchup please? I'm an Autistic Bisexual Girl and a Mortician and future Funeral Home Owner. I'm also interested in Folklore, Linguistics, Biology, Fantasy, Literature, Cryptids and Witchcraft. I love Fantasy Races and I'm very introverted, an INFP Gryffindor Aquarius, and I'm very poetic and funny. I'm not very scared of death, hence why I'm a Mortician, and I'm short with glasses and a pixie cut. I often take walks through graveyards, go stargazing and write/draw. Thanks
I have a lot of requests to go through that I’m procrastinating but I saw this match-up request and decided to do it since those are easier for me lol
I’m gonna have to go with Kaiser Ryo Marufuji.
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I was really torn between Kaiser and O’Brien for you but I sort of started to lean towards the former at the end. I believe he’d admire your bravery while also being willing to remain off to the side with you. I see him being more of an introvert too so he would understand any feelings you may have. You could supply a more emotional and humorous perspective to his. I could see you both being able to bond over darker interests as well as your lack of fear of death.
Sorry, it’s so short, I sort of ran out of things to say. Thank you for the request and I hope you’re happy with my response!
Also keep rockin’ the pixie cut and glasses!
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I'm crying bc I just found your blog and?? I love your work?? I was wondering if I could get a shout out for my blog one-shots-my-loves which is mixed but I do requests for yugioh gx?
Ah! Sorry I only just saw this! Thank you so much and of course!
Y'all go check out @one-shots-my-loves!
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That’s all I’m gonna do for now, if I didn’t get to your request yet I’m really sorry. I’m doing the ones that seem easiest first, I still have 15 or so left in the ask box and y’know, I should probably close my ask box in that case but I like getting new requests, sometimes it helps me get back in the groove. So let’s just hope for the best I guess.
I’m super sorry again for the long wait.
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So I did an escape room with my sister, and now I'm curious...would Jaden be any good at an escape room? With or without a s/o...I'd love to know...(I'll stop with the requests now--)
Oh geez, I haven’t done an escape room myself so most of my knowledge comes from the Game Grumps 10 Minute Power Hour, sorry if any of it isn’t quite what you wanted! Thanks for the request!
Escape rooms involve some problem-solving
Something Judai seems to lack the ability to do in anything that isn’t a duel
If you’re with post-series Judai, great, he can use his Yubel powers to his advantage (if you let him)
Pre-season 3 Judai, however, would be pretty much no help
He’d give dumb suggestions that half-the-time don’t even make sense
Occasionally he’d say something smart or at least in such a way that helped you figure out what you were doing
He’s pretty aware that he’s not much help and that’s why he’s supplying such incredibly wrong answers
If he can’t help much, he figures he can at least make the experience fun and make you laugh
If he were with his friend group from DA, things would quickly go south
In fact, sorry to go on a tangent with this now but I’m thinking about this and it would be chaos
It’s a group of 7 rowdy teenagers trapped in a room they’re supposed to find out how to get out of, how the hell do you think it’s going to go
Judai’s driving everyone insane with his “suggestions”
I’d say Asuka, Shou, Manjoume, Kenzan, Fubuki, and Johan would be the rest of the group
Kenzan and Johan would be right there with Judai making dumb suggestions (though Johan would make more effort than the other 2)
Asuka and Shou would actually be trying to solve the puzzles, Manjoume would be trying to help but hoo boy Judai and co. would be on his last nerves
Fubuki’s making efforts here and there but also tries to calm down Manjoume who’s on the verge of slapping the 3
Shou eventually gives up and sits in a corner waiting for life this experience to end
It’s a fun day overall
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Your family dinner hc - "Family dinner at his house? With his brothers? Oh no". How do you think that'd go down? Like...how would he behave differently?
Ooh, I’m glad you asked. Nice to revisit an older request! Thanks, dude!
Well, we’ve definitely seen that Jun does not like being around his brothers
Even after the episode where he basically shot them a big ol’ eff you he still doesn’t seem to want to disappoint them or anything
Not that he’s worried you’ll be disappointing to them, far from it, he loves you and doesn’t give a rat’s ass if they don’t like you
But you meeting and interacting with them is a nightmare to him
What if they say something about him that makes you turn around and leave him? Not only did he grow up with them, but they’re also so successful while he’s not as much
They could even fabricate or exaggerate something, and he really doesn’t want you to break up with him over something they say
During dinner, he wouldn’t be nearly as boisterous or arrogant as he typically is, in fact he’d actually be rather quiet, maybe even without much appetite
The whole table would be pretty quiet, save for questions from his brothers to you every now and then
Questions about why you chose their little brother, your ambitions or dreams, your relationship with Jun, and the like
If you chose to pull Jun away for a bit to talk to him about why he’s acting different, he’d likely be hesitant to talk about anything especially there
He’d give in if you nudged him enough though and explain what’s been going through his head
The mere presence of his brothers is shown to make him pretty upset
You’ll understand and honestly, I think if you just started praising him to Shoji and Chosaku from then on, you’d make him really happy
He might even gain back some of the confidence that seemed to immediately drain when he saw his brothers
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May I get a match up please? I’m a bi-sexual Female. I’m goofy, charismatic, and pretty fun. I’ve been told by my friends that my more negative traits are that I’m stubborn, hot-headed, and lazy. When it comes to most work, I’m not typically motivated to do much, and push it off to the side to do other things like hang out with friends or play video games. When it comes to people I date, I typically gravitate towards people who are more organized and laidback than me.
I’d say you’re pretty compatible with Johan Andersen.
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I was torn between Johan and Judai for you but I think Johan would work better for you because he’d be more likely to try and help you get work done that you need to while Judai would be just as lazy and probably encourage it. Johan would definitely let you goof off and all, and you’d probably take breaks, but he’d also put his foot down after a point and sit down with you, trying to keep you focused so you can finish what you need. He seems pretty organized, at least mentally, and he’s pretty laidback from what we see with him and Judai along with the way he carries himself. He’d be able to deal with your hot-headedness and stubbornness whenever they showed themselves. He’d be there to help you calm down however you needed if you got mad or frustrated, or if you just want to be left alone he could do that too.
Thanks for the request! Hope I didn’t disappoint!
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