yugyeomxdd-blog · 9 years
“I’d kinda like to know your name, and maybe your number too but--” Yugyeom cut himself off, suddenly realizing how embarrassingly honest he had been. His lips pressed tightly together as if he was afraid of whatever thoughts might escape through them. Damn, he was completely disarmed and unfiltered right now and he almost felt exposed in some weird way. Like his mind was out there and raw in a way he wasn’t quite used to. He’d blame it on the blood loss.
He shivered in response to the fingers on his neck, somewhat ticklish and mostly just sensitive. Yugyeom’s breath caught in his throat for a moment and dimly he was aware that the vampire was probably doing this whole flirting thing on purpose, but the thought never clicked in the front of his mind.
The boy opened and closed his mouth several times before he found words. “I-- it was-- uhh--” Real good with words, he was. “It wasn’t bad.” Why was he embarrassed? What was he so ashamed of? Yugyeom blinked dumbly, trying to get his bearings and failing miserably. “I-- are you still hungry?” Maybe he was curious about how those teeth would feel in his neck, but the kid couldn’t find the courage to admit it.
can’t keep a secret . markgyeom
Mark could read the boy as if he was book. He was like all the others. As soon as someone got a look at Mark’s face, they were attracted to him. He did have a very nice face. Plump lips, the cutest of noses, the brightest of eyes; he was very aware of how good looking he was. That was the one thing he had been blessed with. He was cursed with a pathetic heart. That was all different now. He would forever be this beautiful and healthy.
“You don’t need to know my name to like me. It’s written all over your face. I saw you look at my lips,” Mark pointed out with a chuckle as he looked at the other. The boy in front of him wasn’t bad looking. He definitely had a beauty about him. The whole innocence thing was cute too. For a while, at least. 
At Yugyeom’s reply, Mark had to stop himself from laughing out loud. The other was so cute. “No, I asked if you liked it. Did you like my lips on your wrist, sucking your life from you? It’s alright to like it. It’s quite a feeling,” Mark released his chin, only to run his finger down Yugyeom’s jaw and down his neck, “I could be nice and bite you here… it’s far nicer from the neck… What do you say?”
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yugyeomxdd-blog · 9 years
The vampire was very pretty. Yugyeom acknowledged that from the beginning, but now as he was held in place and his face was so much closer, it was very hard not stare a little. His eyes flickered around, from between the other’s eyes to his nose and a glance to his lips just in time to get an eyeful of that lip bite.
He swallowed, not sure if his nervousness was from fear.
Yugyeom sputtered, feeling heat in his ears and knowing they must be bright red. “I-- how-- I don’t even know your name.” His mind whirled, not even knowing how to answer the question. The vampire was good looking and absolutely magnetic, but so far his personality really sucked.
“It didn’t hurt that much if that’s what you’re asking and I guess I’ve never been completely opposed to it but it might have been nice if you asked first...” He babbled, not entirely coherent or clear with his answers.
can’t keep a secret . markgyeom
“I’ve heard worse,” Mark replied simply as he ran his thumb over his lips, not caring in the least what the other had to say about him or towards him. His feelings wouldn’t be hurt. It was stupid to taunt him, but Mark easily overlooked it. He could tell the other was scared of him. It was funny how the other was attempting to fight, instead of flight. How funny humans were. He was glad he wasn’t one of them.
He grinned a bit, however, finding the human fun again. He decided to lean close to the other, reaching out with his hand and taking his fingers to grip the human’s chin. He turned his head from side to side, his eyes glancing over his features and even to his neck. He bit down on his lip as he looked at the other.
“Do you like me?” 
The question wasn’t as simple as a yes or no answer. No, the answer was very important to decide what Mark would do next. Anything Yugyeom said would be twisted and decide if Mark finished him off. “Did you like me feeding from you, Yugyeom?”
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yugyeomxdd-blog · 9 years
He was afraid. Yugyeom hadn’t really been afraid in the presence of a vampire or a werewolf or anything before, but then again none of them had ever fed off of him without asking or anything like that. He shivered, and wondered if the sudden cold chill than ran down his spine had anything to do with blood loss.
One thing he was sure of, though, was that he was not just a food source. You couldn’t have a conversation with the hunk of meat or vegetables on your plate but here he and the vampire were, talking up until the moment he had been bitten. Yugyeom shook his head, not sure of what words to put together right away.
The boy wrapped his free hand over his wrist, covering the punctures and applying pressure in hopes that the bleeding would stop soon enough. It was warm, wet and gross and Yugyeom vaguely wondered how anything could find blood so appealing.
“You’re a dick.” He blurted it out before he really thought about it, and probably wasn’t the best thing to say to a vampire who apparently had no care for human life. “I mean, wow. Uh,” The boy’s brow furrowed as he tried to say something better, but words were failing him.
He couldn’t go home yet anyways. His friends would worry that they lost him or something. So he shook his head, forgetting for a moment that the vampire more than likely could not read his thoughts.
can’t keep a secret . markgyeom
Just a bag of blood, Mark thought as he drank from the human. He knew he was a human once and he shouldn’t think so awfully of them. With the new heightened awareness of how easy it is to lose a life and how fragile it was, it was laughable now. He was so strong, stronger than he ever was. He was so weak in the past. He could barely breathe without it having to be a struggle. He couldn’t even ran for five minutes without need to stop and catch his breath for another five.
Feeling the other try to tug away from made Mark grip the wrist closer, his nails digging into the white skin. It was a stupid thing to attempt. It only makes the pain worse and could end up ripping the skin entirely. Wouldn’t be his fault then.
The words the human said caused Mark to raise his eyes to look up at the other. Maybe the other was just naive, or maybe he really believed that. Either way, the human was an idiot for believing such childish words.
Deciding he was done, Mark pulled his lips away. Blood trailed down the corner of her lip, as well as down the young male’s arm. Mark lifted his finger to brush the trail from the corner of his lips and place the finger into mouth, He licked at the corner of his lip and smiled wickedly, “You’re just a food source. I don’t care what your name is. All that matters to me is that your blood type is A. Otherwise…. you’re irrelevant to me. Best go home now, you don’t want to bleed out.”
Mark laughed lightly as he leaned back in his seat, crossing his legs, shrugging his shoulders, “Or I could just drain you dry. Whichever works for you.”
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yugyeomxdd-blog · 9 years
What had he gotten himself into? Yugyeom couldn’t really blame the vampire for sucking on the tiny wound on his finger. After all, he knew blood was their life and he was kinda bleeding right into the vampire’s mouth. So he didn’t pull just his finger away, if anything he was a bit amused by it.
His feelings about the situation began to change when the grip on his wrist changed and the man next to him seemed to change in demeanor. It should have been a cue to wriggle away and go find his friends again and ending the night on a safe note, but his reactions were never quick enough and the boy swallowed nervously as the vampire licked the delicate flesh.
It hurt when the man bit him, the feeling of being stabbed by something significantly thicker than a needle and sharper than any knife Yugyeom had ever known of. He whined in protest, trying to tug his arm away but knowing it was in vain. His strength could never compare. He should have panicked, cried out for help, but he was stunned into placidity and just stared wide eyed at what was going on.
When he felt the tips of his fingers begin to tingle, he started to worry fever so vaguely. He could be drained dry right here, but Yugyeom couldn’t believe the vampire would do that. “I don’t think so,” his words were a little muted, a little delayed in reply. “I think we all just do what we have to in order to survive.” He’d really like to survive. He could give a little blood without dying, and the vampire could drink without draining him dry. It never occurred to him that maybe the man on his wrist wouldn’t want to stop drinking in time.
can’t keep a secret . markgyeom
Mark said nothing towards the male’s words. Why tell the other the truth when he could show it? It was more fun that way. Not only that, he could get a taste of the sweet wine that was the young male’s blood. He was healthy, Mark could tell just be having the male’s hand so close. The way his veins pumped his blood. It smelled delicious. 
Hearing the yelp made him want to laugh, but he felt a drop of blood touch his tongue. The sweet aroma was intoxicating, but the taste was far better. He rolled his tongue in his mouth before his grip tightly on the male’s wrist. 
He looked at the other, eyes dark with hunger as he pulled the hand closer, his lips wrapped around the injured finger. The sweet vampire was gone now, replaced with someone else. He sucked lightly, allowing the sweet liquid to come into his mouth, but it wasn’t enough. Mark pulled away and pushed the male’s sleeve down. He grinned as he ran his tongue over the male’s wrist.
“All monsters… are monsters,” he said in a sickly sweet ton before he bit down on the male’s wrist, only to suck on it, allowing the blood to pour into his mouth at a much quicker pace. Nothing was better than the fragrant, warm blood of a human.
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yugyeomxdd-blog · 9 years
A frown touched the corners of the boy’s lips ever so slightly. He just wanted a name, not his phone number or address of social security number or something super personal like that. Whatever, it wasn’t like Yugyeom to let things bother him too much, and though the curiosity pricked at his mind, he would wait. A name had to come out eventually, right?
The fingers around his hand were cold and the kid sucked in a little breath of surprise at the contact. He knew that vampires weren’t really human-temperature, but still the chilly hands had been a surprise when otherwise surrounded by warm bodies, maybe sweaty from dancing or something. 
“You’re definitely a vampire. The teeth might have given it away but y’know you’re a little inhumanly charismatic and stuff,” It came out as a compliment, but Yugyeom had only intended it as a fact. He paused for a moment to let things catch up, since he had a mouth that worked quicker than his mind did. 
He’d never touched a vampire’s fangs before, and the boy would admit he curiosity. Maybe it was a little weird since they were strangers and all, but ever so carefully he poked at the tooth, poking the flat side facing out. He didn’t quite dare to go for the point immediately, but his finger found its way there soon enough and he yelped in surprise at how easily his skin was pricked and pierced by the tooth. “That’s sharp, wow.”
can’t keep a secret . markgyeom
“It would be polite. Don’t you wish I would,” Mark replied simply, but still made no effort to actually tell the other his name and he didn’t plan to. At least, not yet. The fact the male didn’t know his name would plague at his head. A part of him wondered if he could get the other to beg for it. 
He scooted closer to the other before reaching out and grabbing the human’s hand. He smiled as he pulled the male’s fingers to his lips. They were warm and he could feel the blood coursing through him. It smelled beautiful. He wanted a taste. 
Mark looked up at the human again and smiled, “So you think I’m a vampire? That’s funny. Is it because of my teeth? Touch them.”
The vampire grinned, revealing his fangs. If Yugyeom was actually stupid enough to do it, his tooth would cut the male’s finger. It would be completely the male’s fault for what happened next. Still, he couldn’t help but swallow the lump in his throat at the thought of the blood. 
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yugyeomxdd-blog · 9 years
The laugh puzzled him. Did he say something funny? Yugyeom tried to think back, but so far as he could think everything had been pretty basic, if not a little bit serious. The kid had never been much of the deep thinker type, so he just brushed it off with a mental shrug. Maybe he’d file the memory away to store for the future.
There was no reason to decline to sit next to the other, even if it was less awkward to be able to face someone fully when speaking to him. It almost made more sense, since Yugyeom would be able to hear over the music and crowds more clearly once he got closer. 
“You should tell me your name too, that’s the polite thing to do,” he slid out of his seat as he spoke and shuffled over to the spot that had been so kindly offered to him with no thoughts of malicious intent by the other ever crossing his mind. Even if he had stopped to think about it, he was in a public place with lots of people. He was safe.
Yugyeom really should learn to be less trusting. Of course his mother and father had always taught him not to talk to strangers, but never had the idea that not every supernatural being was as kinda as Umma been drilled into his head. It was just good luck that the boy had never ran into something that was aiming to eat him before.
can’t keep a secret . markgyeom
Mark watched the human, his pout not leaving his face. Maybe it was a bit too much to suggest vampires weren’t real when the human smelled like wolf, but maybe it was just a coincidence. The human could have been completely unaware of what was going on around him. His reply, however, explained otherwise.
The vampire still pouted, until he heard the most outrages thing.
Not all monsters do monstrous things.
The laugh came from no where, but it was hearty and loud. He couldn’t believe the vampire would say something so cute. The other had no idea who he was walking to. Mark would be the one to reveal the truth. He would be the one to make the other realize that Mark was a moster. Looks were deceiving. 
He found the prey he was looking for, he thought happily.
“Yugyeom,” The male’s voice rolled of his tongue with ease. He grinned again,”Come here.” He wiggled his pointer finger at the male before patting the spot next to him on the seat. He was excited and thrilled with how this was going. 
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yugyeomxdd-blog · 9 years
He slipped into a seat across from the stranger, eyes still fixed carefully on him. Yugyeom just wanted to admire, to take it all in for as long as possible. Like being in a prestigious art gallery far from home and trying to memorize every piece because who knows when you’re going to see it again.
A puff of air was blown through his nose; of course the other would play dumb with him. His father had told him they the weres and vamps technically weren’t really encouraged to reveal themselves at all, but had the flash of fang been purely accident? Yugyeom wasn’t smart enough to think too much into it in any case.
It was instinctual to lean forward, his ears much weaker than he imagined a vampire’s would be, to hear the other’s words. “They exist, you don’t have to pretend with me. I know.” He nodded, as if that alone would promise that the secret would be safe. “You’re not scary. Not all monsters do monstrous things, y’know?” He quoted his mother on that one, not that anyone had to know that. He still had a teenager’s attitude to maintain.
Yugyeom shrugged and leaned back a bit, still never taking his eyes off the vampire. It was as if he had been hypnotized without how keenly he kept watch, never out of fear. “My name is Yugyeom, by the way.”
can’t keep a secret . markgyeom
The male made his way over to one of the tables, dropping down into the comfy booth and resting his glass on the table. He brought his hand to his lips again, running his tongue over his palm for the access liquid. It was probably unnecessary to do that, but he didn’t want to wipe it on his pants. He should have just went to the bathroom, but where was the fun in that.
Hearing the other speak up had Mark open his eyes and glance up to the other. What a daring comment, Mark thought as he lowed his hand to his lap. He leaned forward, resting his hands on the booth between his legs. He had a pout on his lips for a moment, but it soon turned into a sweet smile.
“Vampire? They don’t exist,” Mark replied easily, a simply shrug of his shoulders. He lifted his hand to mouth, laughing lightly, “It’s funny though. Does that mean you think I’m scary? I don’t think I’m scary.”
The pout soon returned to his lips, an attempt to fake innocence and hurt. The cute side of him was appearing now, a way to confuse those around him. He just wanted to see if he could convince the other he wasn’t. He was well aware that he showed his fangs, but still. He could always say he got them sharpened. That was very convincing to many of his customers. 
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yugyeomxdd-blog · 9 years
He was mesmerized, to say the least. Yugyeom’s eyes had flickered around the stranger’s face enough in the short moments they had been in acquaintance to convince himself that he had memorized it. Maybe his mouth hung a little agape when he watched him raise the finger to his lips.
It was obscene in the most innocent way, and the boy sort of felt like blushing and looking away. Of course, he couldn’t tear his eyes from the other man if he really wanted to try.
And suddenly everything made sense when the stranger smiled, like the last piece of the puzzle finally clicked into place inside Yugyeom’s head. The inhuman charm, the way he couldn’t bear to pull his own gaze away from the other’s eyes. A vampire, he should have guessed.
Yugyeom opened his mouth to say something, never afraid of anything not quite human and maybe a little excited to meet another. Not that the kid was inhuman himself. Really, he could do with a better sense of self-preservation around the supernatural instead of such an acute interest.
Before he could say anything, the vampire was turning away. As was expected of him, Yugyeom followed with wide eyes and the name of what the pretty stranger really was on the tip of his tongue.
“You’re a vampire.” There wasn’t much awe in his voice, just stating a fact as if he had been calling the sky blue or the sun bright.
can’t keep a secret . markgyeom
Humans were funny, Mark mused as he weaved through the crowd of people. Several girls looked his way, even grabbing his wrist and asking to dance. He had several guys take a double take, many with looks of disappointment in the realization he was a male. They didn’t have to be disappointed, but still, he had no interest in any of the ones who stopped. Too easy.
Mark was looking for some who was tempting. Those who were so willing to entertain him were too easy. There was no challenge. Mark wasn’t saying he wanted someone who obviously didn’t want him. Those types were far too troublesome. He wanted someone who was a mix of the two. If only.
The vampire held the glass of alcohol in his hand, but he hadn’t taken a single sip. It wasn’t like it was going to do anything. It was tasteless, much to Mark’s disappointment. His eyes wondered the crowd as he weaved in and out, trying to find the perfect pray. 
A bump to the shoulder had him turn his head to glance at his finger, now covered in the sweet alcohol. He lifted his fingers up and eyed them before looking over at the male who bumped him. It was odd. The male was human, Mark could tell, but there was a faint scent of werewolf on him. Very strange.
He looked the young male in the eyes as he placed his fingers against his tongue before wrapping his lips around the three digits. He soon pulled his fingers out of his mouth and smiled brightly, not even attempting to hide his fangs from the other. Mark was never one to be particularly discreet. 
“Perfectly fine,” he sing-songed before turning in the opposite direction he had been headed and moved towards the lounge area. He lifted a finger to his lips, a devilish smile appearing on his lips. The young male would follow. They always did.
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yugyeomxdd-blog · 9 years
can’t keep a secret . markgyeom
He liked the atmosphere, the fact that he had to lean in close to hear whatever his friend was trying to shout over the music to him and the feeling of the bass in his chest. Yugyeom thought it all felt somehow intimate, despite the fact that they were surrounded by strangers on all sides and no one really cared for the loose group of barely legal kids.
Yugyeom was the youngest of the little clique, having a lbirthday fall so late in the year, so when his friends leaned up against the bar and ordered drinks and started chatting up the crowd over there, he just wandered. On the dance floor, off it, weaving through groups of strangers and laughing along with the snippets of jokes he heard (or only just because everyone around him was laughing at something he had missed).
The boy liked to be among people. Even when he blended into a crowd and didn’t matter to anyone, it felt good to buzz around mindlessly.
Yugyeom felt his shoulder collide with another body as he tried to slip through groups of people (which was a lot easier said then done, given his stature not unlike a small giant) and immediately halted in his tracks, a worried frown etched onto his face.
“Sorry, I’m sorry.” He was used to looking down, but the man he had collided with was much prettier than most of the guys he knew. Maybe that was why Yugyeom didn’t immediately continue on with his wandering and instead wanted to stick around for a bit. “I didn’t mean to bump into you. You’re okay, right?”
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yugyeomxdd-blog · 9 years
just leaving a quick note that i adore your welcomes but i’m lou (taehyung/sungjong mun) and i’ll write up some plots for babby yugyeommie here soon~! but in the meantime if you don’t already have me on aim already i’m happy to give that to you to brainstorm or whatever because i absolutely suck in inboxes :’D
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yugyeomxdd-blog · 9 years
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yugyeom on his noble steed
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