yuikomdiab · 8 months
What’s your ideal type, Admin-chan?
// Blonde hair, pink eyes, 45 kg, 158cm, Romanian, 0 blood type, former church girl, plushy thighs, short eyelashes, energetic, cheerful, mentally strong, kind-hearted, friendly, kinda stupid but that’s ok because she’s:
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yuikomdiab · 11 months
This is because I am sick of people spitting on Yui’s face.
Yui is the BEST MC Diabolik Lovers could have had.
"Yui is annoying and never fights back"
She is tiny, stuck in a mansion (where the hell do you want her to run to), against vampires who are faster, stronger, and can teleport. Game over for her. It’s not like she never fought back, she kicked and slapped Laito, slapped Kou and Ruki, pushed Subaru almost making him fall down, stomps on Shu, talks back to Reiji… she isn’t doing « nothing ».
She also is smart enough to realize that if she fights back constantly, they will hurt her ten times more.
Then, let’s remember that Yui grew up without a mother figure and her dad was severe and distant. She said herself that they rarely spent time together and she had to eat most meals alone. Then, she also added she never had that many friends. Hence, we can imagine it has always been very complicated for her to bond with people and understand them as a whole, and finding herself in a mansion full of people with their attention centered on her can be overwhelming. Then, her decision is to drown in her shyness and keep her thoughts and feelings to herself. Hence, fighting for herself and keeping her ground is something she never learnt.
Also, Yui is a christian. She firmly believes that violence of any kind is inherently wrong and refuses to partake in any.
Then, I understood why many people were hating on Yui. I found out that many criticized her for liking the girly, pink, cute, fairy like aesthetic, bunnies, and for not being a goth thigh high assassin. That’s extremely pick me. Like, a female character has to be strong and tomboyish and not like anything "girl related" in order to be accepted as a female character? Yui survived (if we take the good endings) because she stayed true to herself, to her convictions, her beliefs, and didn’t change her personality to appear more likable or less "girly" in front of the boys in her household.
She survived because she didn’t act like Y/N in the DL fanfictions on Wattpad because let’s be real, if Yui had acted out, fought or talked back, she wouldn’t have survived one night.
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yuikomdiab · 11 months
i was bored so have some Yui icons
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yuikomdiab · 1 year
I loved the new art so much! It was precious as heck but it saddens me sm how people are so disappointed with it. Sadly that’s how it always happens, always complaining about the art, always complaining about everything. Don’t mind that anon admin, Yui as a cat was adorable!!
// From my point of view, the new art was the best one after Bloody Ghost and I don’t get why it received so much hate from the English fandom when the Japanese one absolutely ADORED it and these are just few of the people who said good things about it. I've actually never seen an event receive so much positive feedback from the fans; it's clear that not only did they enjoy the art, but it also made them happy, which is what matters most.
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I’m not saying the Japanese fandom is perfect, since there are a lot of questionable people too but overall I appreciate that unlike Western fans, Japanese ones are grateful for what they get. The amount of negativity I’ve seen on Tumblr about official DL art in general is huge and that’s really sad. There is no single event that can be labelled as badly-drawn. Sure, some characters will start looking off after staring at them for too long but they keep looking good and official, if you get what I mean. I believe everyone’s expressions are always on point and match their personalities. For example, you can’t make Ruki look very cheerful, nor can you make Ayato super serious, it wouldn’t feel canon like that.
I understand that some people are disappointed; there is nothing wrong with that because everyone has their own opinions; however, I just wish everybody to be less judgmental and more respectful. I do admit that I sometimes complain about the routes, for the reason that it’s really unfair how some characters and their relationship with others get ruined out of the blue but it’s still different when it comes to official art. The route writers can actually come up with better ideas, whereas the artists can’t suddenly start drawing like Satoi, no matter how professional they are, and we should appreciate their effort because without them, we wouldn’t get any new official art anymore. People who compare Satoi to the new artists are really insensitive taking into account that they literally have to mimick someone else’s artstyle, which is really hard to do, only to have random strangers on the internet insult their skills. Besides, Satoi’s style improved and definitely changed a lot. Even if she returned to drawing for DL, I’m sure people would still complain about the characters “not looking as they used to”.
Anyway, I’ve never seen a Japanese fan complain about any event’s art, so the new artists do their job right. After all, these fans are the main audience, and if they like the art and buy the merch, then it’s a win for Rejet.
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yuikomdiab · 1 year
🎶 Shu's jealously on Valentine Headcanon 🎶
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Yui is not a popular girl at school. But she is very lovely and cute. Therefore, several boys invite her for Valentine's Day.
Shu realizes this and ignores her at first .
But more boys invite Yui, including Yuma, which makes Shu jealous and angry.
Shu doesn't like to see someone other than him invite Yui for Valentine's Day .
Although he is very lazy, he invites Yui to a concert so that Yui does not date another boy .
He holds Yui's hand tightly and looks nervous during the concert.
Yui caresses and kisses Shu's hand and looks at him with a bright smile that makes Shu calm down.
After the concert, Shu hugs Yui tightly and puts his head in Yui's neck and bites her.
Shu tells Yui that this is a punishment so that Yui will never look at another man other than him.
Yui laughs and hugs Shu tightly and caresses him. Yui thinks his jealousy is cute.
While sleeping, Shu hugs Yui as if he is holding a precious and fragile doll.
He will say : Yui never leave me .
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yuikomdiab · 1 year
Literally the only thing Ayato and Laito have in common is the fact they’re the biggest fanboys of Yui’s legs
// Ayato and Laito are Yui’s thicc thighs enjoyers, as they should! ♡৻( •̀ ᗜ • ́৻)
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yuikomdiab · 1 year
Now I'm convinced that cat is truly her, and Ayato wins the award for biggest Yui fanboy because I've never seen anyone else blush THAT brightly. ;3
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yuikomdiab · 1 year
Vampire yui
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Uh, I just always thinks that if yui was vampire she will stil kind
I love her!♡
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yuikomdiab · 1 year
Now I'm convinced that cat is truly her, and Ayato wins the award for biggest Yui fanboy because I've never seen anyone else blush THAT brightly. ;3
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yuikomdiab · 1 year
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yuikomdiab · 1 year
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yuikomdiab · 1 year
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yuikomdiab · 1 year
𓂅 warnings : nsfw
𓂅 characters : shu, ayato, kanato, laito, subaru, ruki, azusa, kou, yuuma
𓂅 note : happy new years !! and sorry for all my reiji’s lovers i did not find anything for him ( ◞◟)
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yuikomdiab · 1 year
Authour: Rose mori kk
Ship: Shu and Yui -- Ruki and Yui
Genre:Human au and Apple of Eden prohect
Note: Related to Adam and Eve concept mentioned in Diobolik lovers.
Eve (Yui)Adam(Shu)Snake(Ruki)
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Clouds were now roaring and thunder was striking , a thunder landed just beside eve so that she could aware of the fact that she had comitted a great mistake.
Yui looked around in fear ,Ruki was nowhere to be seen and enviroment was suffocating her as she swallowed a buldge that was forming in her throat, her heart was sinking in fear as the black clouds were forming and the thunder that striked near made her tremble.
She felt a sharp pain through her whole body, her lower abdomen was aching as if someone is crushing and twisting it she fell on her knees and noticed blood on her dress alot of blood... she felt tears in her eyes as the pain was abnormal she tried to make it stop but the blood wasnt stopping so she just clutched her stomach.
Shu upon noticing tm the atmosphere was bad and started finding yui as he think weather will get worse but he couldnt find her anywhere and the last place was that forbidden tree as he reached there ,he saw yui clutching her stomach, her dress filled with blood and her face scrunched with pain and fear ,he hurridly ran towards her and supported her arms.
"Eve what happened to you!?."
Yui looked at shu as she felt fear about how will adam react when he will found out what she did , she wasnt a fool she hurridly grasped the situation ruki just left her alone as soon as she ate fruit and she knew she had sinned as the pain and the atmosphere was screaming at her that it will not be the only punishment for her.
"A-adam i-ahhghh have done-agh a sin-"
"And you will punished for it, I will now only throw you out of heaven, I forbidded you to not to eat the fruit yet you dare to go against my order now eve be prepared for the punishment that i will bestow upon you."
Yui felt more tears in her eyes as she thought what could be more worst than the pain.But she cant do anything so ,she kept her head low.
"W-what you mean eve ate the fruit!?"
Shu looked at yui but as he saw that yui was avoiding his gaze his heart sank as he thought he will lose her ,one part of him an image of lilith flashed in his mind but she was a filthy women who didnt wanted him he looked at yui who was scretching in pain no he didnt want to loes yui ,he know God will create new women for him but what about yui how she will survive? she cant even do anything to defend herself from the monsters that lie on land!?.
Yui looked at Shu tearilly as the pain was making her numb.
"As you have comitted a crime eve, I will banish you from heaven and you will survive of your own no one will help you as you have committed a crime."
Yui felt her whole world collapsing she heard that she knew she will die soon because lands life is not as luxirious as heaven and without shu teaching and help she cant survive as she only told her basic things.
As yui was in her thoughts, shu looked at yui in his arms her eyes held great fear his heart sank at the pitiful side of her he prefer laughing and jumping side of her that always poundered him with question his love for yui was more that his love for anything else.
Shu stood up and looked towards the half eatten apple and he picked it up and ate it.
The thunder on cloud increased and at this rate everything became more darker and weather becomes more cold.
Shu looked at yui who was looking at him with surprise but she closed her eyes as the pain kicked her he hurridly reached her side and clutched her to his chest.
Witnessing all this Ruki don't know what to feel he himself can't believe that she will be punished this badly. Yui face filled with fear and pain caused a strange feeling inside his chest she trusted him and he took it for granted and betrayed her.
But isn't what a serpent supposed to do..
Now that they have sinned he can pursue eve as she is from now will be living on land. Ruki looked at yui in shu arm and can't help but feel rage, he looked at them for last time before escaping.
"Hey!!..If..I say I love you what will u do?!"
Ruki widened his eyes.He thought he will tempt eve by eating fruit not by taking her heart from Adam.
"You can't besides you are property of Adam you will bare his children you can't have any connection with me."
"But I love you not him . He always order me around and say things like you are meant for me and i for you..I don't like it while you always listen to me instead of ordering me.."
Ruki laughed at her response."You aren't met for me you belong to Adam and will always belong to him.You can't be mine eve."
"Still if you had the chance will you be with me?!"
Ruki looked at sky and said
"Yes!!" Yui smiled at his response....
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yuikomdiab · 2 years
// I miss Yui so much, and it's so sad that she no longer gets any new official arts... After all, since Ayato is the hero of DL; why can't Yui, the heroine, appear alongside him? 🫠
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yuikomdiab · 2 years
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yuikomdiab · 2 years
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“The rose had begun to wilt. Longing for escape, I drive the stake into the cold heart and it disappears. I lock away the temptation and desire… inside a forbidden bloody hell.
Sup! This is a promo for Komori Yui!! From Diabolik Lovers! Please Reblog/Like this post so I can make more friends. My dash is feeling a little lonely. It’s been a while and I’m feeling…inspired! So if you want to interact with the sweet little angel then come on down!!! 
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