yuio-fics · 2 months
Blooming black ༉‧₊˚.
Chapter summary: At her 14th birthday, Raven Branwen discovers her maiden powers during a storm.
Or Raven gets the maiden powers before entering Beacon.
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➸ Chapter 01:
It was raining season and like every year, the tribe had blamed the horrible weather on her brother's semblance.
Usually, after years of misfortune around their lives, Raven would have believed them.
But today felt different; not in it-was-their-birthday type of way, but she felt more active and alive for some reason.
She left the camp unnoticed. The tribe had no use for them until they turned seventeen, so Raven was allowed to come and go however she pleased.
She walked around the woods with nothing but her trusted sword in her back. She earned it during their first raid and there wasn't a day that Raven didn't pass without training.
She became so good, that she was capable of wondering alone in the forest and protect herself from Grimm.
Once she got as far away as possible...
What was she supposed to do? She hasn't thought this through.
She just got this weird feeling. She felt connected to the storm, somehow. She knew that whatever caused it wasn't Qrow.
She climbed a tree and sat in one of the branches. The rain stopped anyone from seeing anything, even in front of their eyes.
Whatever this was, it didn't feel like her semblance. I was completely different... and Raven had the foreboding it was dangerous.
She tried to focus on that power... Nothing.
She screamed in frustration as she heard a thunder in the background.
Raven really wanted that stupid storm to just stop pouring like a crazy.
And suddenly, the water stopped. Or more like it, it stopped only around her.
—Fuck no! How????
After jumping from the tree and moving around to confirm that the lucky hole of the sky follows her and only her.
—I cannot believe I want the damm storm back.
The sky obeyed and the water poured once again, making Raven even more mad.
If the tribe hated Qrow because his semblance fucked the weather so much, her power to make it even worse would probably get them kicked out of the tribe.
How am I going to explain this?
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yuio-fics · 3 months
[Rewrite] RWBY .- 02
Silver eyed warriors ༉‧₊˚.
I like the idea of SEW having their own culture, separated from human and faunus settlements alike
Due to being captured and killed by Salem's followers over centuries, they're basically considered extinct
SEW believe their powers come from the moon; its power and energy fell down from the sky and gifted the people with its light and life
They worship the moon, calling her a goddess of protection and praying at night
They also worship a god of death; the moon's husband, who is in charge of their funeral rites. For silver eyed people being buried with their eyes intact is really important, so when one of Salem's followers kills one of them (and therefore takes their eyed as a gift for Salem) it's considered a really big offense for the deceased
SEW have a separated language from the human and faunus dialects, but learn the languages of their respective kingdoms to blend in society (Ruby and Yang learned the SEW language and use it secretly)
Wearing capes is considered a sign of protection and luck for SEW and is a trait shared by every member of the community
SEW power comes from emotional distress and trauma, as it's used as a defensive mechanism against Grimm; transforming them into stone
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yuio-fics · 3 months
[Rewrite] RWBY.- 01
I have some RWBY rewrite/AU ideas that I'm not sure if it's enough for a whole fic, so I'll post it as notes and ramblings that may or may not influence my other fics
Beginning with:
Grimm ༉‧₊˚.
I'm not changing Grimm as a whole, but I want to specify the rules that the creatures of Grimm will follow in my fanfics
I really want to explore Grimm with more body horror in mind, like these monsters are supposed to be the opposite of life and should move unnaturally and have multiple/missing limbs
I imagine them being a mix between multiple animal parts and human-like bodies with something off.
And you know which Grimm should have the most deformed/creepy look?
Salem ༉‧₊˚.
Yep! She's a Grimm here, a really evolved one, capable of manipulating and controlling people.
[What does this mean for Ozpin? I have no idea yet]
This version of Salem is actually part of the Grimm pool and has multiple arms, tentacles ando eyes that come out of the surface.
Her castle, first built to contain her, now being use to worship her, was constructed above the Grimm pool.
Her followers, known as "Salem's Cult" who perform human sacrifices in exchange for safety against the Grimm
Note: I also have contemplated the idea of Grimm getting some dust-infused powers over time, making them harder to kill and explaining Salem's magic-like powers
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yuio-fics · 3 months
Hi! This side blog is for RWBY and EAH fics, not sure if I would write for any other fandom
I'm not currently taking requests but I'm open to suggestions and comments <3
➸ EAH:
➸ RWBY rewrite:
01 • 02
➸ RWBY Fics:
Blooming black:
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