yukihime14 · 10 months
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i made a lil graphic for my old sakura roads from my last island! They are a more pink/neutral toned road perfect for cherry blossom season! hope you enjoy!
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yukihime14 · 1 year
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yukihime14 · 1 year
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yukihime14 · 1 year
Who wants to make a peller box?
Guess what! I finally gathered my pages of scribbled notes, my camera of haphazard in-progress pictures, and finally compiled a set of instructions for making one of these bad boys!
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And not only that, but I've got two versions of this baby. I like mixing and matching my unit families because sometimes 1/32 inch sparks joy and sometimes 14 mm is just so convenient, but especially since all of my chipboard comes in english thicknesses, here's a version of the processfor my fellow imperial units weirdos:
And here's one for the sensible folks of the world, raised on a base-ten system rather than dividing everything in half and then in half and then in half-- I won't subject you to inches, when there's a workaround, but I was tempted! Have your localized version of the story and have fun with it:
Mad credit of course goes to Hugo Peller, who developed these things in the first place, but also to Jack Fetterer, who preserved a set of notes from a 1990 class, which, as far as I can tell, are the most complete set of instructions available online. But I'm an engineer, I couldn't be satisfied there, I had bludgeon it into a system of equations, sorted by usage and material. And I also go into some of the hiccups I ran into trying to follow those class instructions, like being a green amateur at leatherwork, or not having the equipment to saw plywood boards in my apartment.
I can't claim any kind of expertise in this type of work, but I beat my head against an interesting problem, and it's time to share what I got out of it! And, secret goal, I want to help more people make more cool things, and maybe improve on my process in ways I can absorb and chew on in the future. Save my work, change it, I dare anyone who sees this to improve it!! I want it to be better. Credit would be cool, and of course the actual experts I leveraged for this deserve all the credit in the world, but that's not my priority. I want the world to have more exciting things in it, and I want more people to have exciting skills. Go forth and go nuts!!
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yukihime14 · 1 year
How to protect yourself during stampede
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yukihime14 · 2 years
Feel free to use my invite code a69t7.
Right now they have a really cute Minnie Mouse and Figaro vampire set for halloween!
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yukihime14 · 2 years
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Even the Sorcerer Supreme had to start somewhere 🎯
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yukihime14 · 2 years
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Okay, I don’t know how true this is, but if it is, we only barely dodged a bullet.
I don’t believe for a picosecond that David Zaslav and his yes-men ever intended to bring back the shows they pulled; the fact that they went out of their way to go through all their websites and social media profiles to memory-hole every last piece of evidence that those shows ever existed should have made that loud and clear.
I can just tell how confident they were that nobody would notice or care. “It’s just a bunch of cartoons; it’s not like we’re canceling stuff people actually watch like White People Renovating Houses or Rednecks Doing Nothing in Particular.” They were so confident about their decision that they didn’t even do it professionally, just announcing it out of the blue without telling anyone beforehand and wording the announcement so vaguely that nobody had any way of knowing that the shows would specifically be deleted later that same day.
This shouldn’t have come as a surprise, since Mr. Zaslav has long epitomized the idea of “failing upward”; he’s the brain trust that restructured the once-aptly named Discovery and Learning Channels to center around trashy, exploitative reality shows, prioritizing short-term profits over any kind of stable model.
He spent years scoffing at other entertainment giants for daring to focus on scripted content which he smugly dismissed as a thing of the past, confident that his primary focus, a niche built on fleeting trends and pandering to very specific audiences to the exclusion of everyone else, would be the future of entertainment and the focal point of all pop culture.
After decades of creating nothing of substance, skating by on the moderate successes of low-risk-low-reward crap, and endlessly patting himself on the back for so doing, Zaslav suddenly had one of the biggest entertainment companies in the world foisted on him by the corporate robots at AT&T desperate to offload an unwise investment, and like a bear cub being handed a PlayStation controller, he didn’t have the first clue what to do with it.
Warner Bros was defined by scripted content that required actual talent and effort to make, and those were nowhere near Zaslav’s wheelhouse. Could this, people thought, be the day that he actually puts in the work to have his company create something of worthy impact to our culture? FUCK NO! Instead, he took the easy route by, quoth John Oliver, “burning down my company for the insurance money.”
Unfortunately, he was so used to nobody knowing or caring who he is that he never once considered that people would actually have reason pay attention to him this time, that if he goes out of his way to destroy the hard work of so many talented people purely out of arrogant refusal to admit he was wrong, of fucking course we’ll all notice!
If the above tweet is telling the truth, we can at least be glad that our voices are being heard and the people at the top can take notice. The HBO Max Purge wound up being such a PR nightmare and made the folks at Discovery so hated among the public that they actually caved and walked back their disastrous decision that they had been so adamant in achieving just the previous day. You can absolutely fuck off if that doesn’t prove that protesting works.
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yukihime14 · 2 years
The Supreme Court’s draft had commented that there’s a “low domestic supply of infants” but yet there’s simultaneously an active push to distract from our stillbirth rates in the US.
1 out of 160 babies are stillborn in the US. That’s 47,000 infants a year. For black mothers/gestational parents, that rate increases to 1 in 80. Stillborn babies are wanted and their parents face insurmountable grief from these losses.
Parents like me who have lost children to stillbirth had presented a bill called the Shine for Autumn Act to Congress last year that would require monitoring of stillbirth statistics in the US in hopes to reduce the rate of preventable stillbirth, and all of the dissenting votes in the House were Republican, including big name pro-lifers:
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As well as the Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act of 2022, which was introduced on March 9, 2022 and aims to add stillbirth and stillbirth prevention to the language of Title V, the largest piece of gestational health legislation in US history- which is likely to face the same dissent when it comes to a vote.
Let these facts continue to radicalize you. There aren’t any protections currently in place for infants transitioning earthside from the womb, and there isn’t any intention from these extremists to put them in place. Parents who have lost babies to TFMR and/or stillbirth are screaming from the rooftops, begging the government to save our wanted children and they’re clutching their pearls over some embryos smaller than an eraser head.
This has never been about babies. It’s about control.
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yukihime14 · 2 years
I am not being hyperbolic when I say every cop who sat around and made sure this happened to these kids for an hour deserves a public execution.
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yukihime14 · 2 years
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Incredibly fucking crucial information for Americans where period tracking digitally is concerned: DELETE YOUR DATA, DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT AND DELETE YOUR APPS
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yukihime14 · 2 years
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Moon knight in a nutshell
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yukihime14 · 2 years
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mini au doodles (cause I can)
(very minor spoilers)
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Little doodles with the little man
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yukihime14 · 2 years
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paper crane polishing effect ✿ by gen_vii on twt
submitted by @queenqueso
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yukihime14 · 2 years
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lemon juice label ✿ by friedPP on twt
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yukihime14 · 2 years
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japanese beer labels ✿ by ariimmm on twt
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yukihime14 · 2 years
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crop signs ✿ by orbmitts on twt
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