yunayurano · 4 years
🎉💕Happy birthday to the most sexy, handsome, interesting, incredible, intelligent man in the system!💕🎉 Honestly, it should be illegal having that face sculpted by gods😭😍. My princess Vivianne would like you what's one of the favourite spots you've been to, and if you'd ever take her on a date there 🥺 👉🏻👈🏻
“Finally, someone with some sense. If this Vivianne is as charming as you, I'll take her on a date to my--”
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“Just stopping by to make sure Damon is keeping everything under control in here.”
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“Oh, yeah, sure. Of course I am, when do I ever not do a great job, Cal? Can’t you see how happy little Vexx is? And guess what! He’s even about to score a date with this Vivianne gal and--”
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“Oh god, will you take Damon away with you!? Please.”
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“See? I’m doing a great job.”
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“... Clearly.”
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yunayurano · 4 years
hey vexx did u notice that you and damon have matching eyebrow scars? i guess that makes you guys the scarbros 👀
“He liked my scar so much he had to copy me.”
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“I don't know about you, but I didn't have much of a choice in the matter.”
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yunayurano · 4 years
Guess you're not one to fall for your charge then? That cool. Gotta stay on mission.
I guess it's a bit silly to think a guard would fall in love, or even become friends with the person they're charged to protect...
I mean, can you even imagine?
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yunayurano · 4 years
Hey June, what's your ideal relaxation spot? (Gardens, libraries, your own room, etc). Also, happy birthday, i hope you get your fair share of cake :)
“I don’t have a particular place I relax in. I’d say I prefer to be around people I care about, so that’d be the crew and... well, most of all, Traveler--”
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“Wait, shit, I didn’t mean to say that out loud. Uhhh, next question!”
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yunayurano · 4 years
Hello June, you're looking absolutely gorgeous and happy birthday! 💕 For a question, how would you feel about a lot of cuddles with Traveler and Lizzie as a gift? 🥺
“Does Lizzie really have to be there?”
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yunayurano · 4 years
A-Z NSFW | Calderon
A = Aftercare The most chilled out you’ll ever see him. All he wants to do is be close to you. If the sex was rough, which it almost always is with Cal, he’ll hold you softly, very quietly, and just enjoy the moment of peace together.
B = Body part His favorite body part…
Join me on Patreon for the full alphabet! All A-Z NSFW lists will be available this November on the Scribbles ($3) Tier and above.
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yunayurano · 4 years
Scar | Damon
Andromedatober - Day 7  Damon x Traveler
“How’d you get the scar?” Damon turns at the sound of my voice, and I run a finger over my eyebrow to further the point, though he already knows what I’m asking. “Why, do you want one?” he grins as he leans over the counter towards me, and I give him a withering glare. “No, I was just curious.” His dog-tags jingle over the surface of the bar, his raven hair falling into his eyes as he raises a single dark eyebrow at me. “How do you think I got it?” “Somehow stupid, probably,” I say lightly, slowly spinning on the bar stool I’ve perched on and smiling to myself. He huffs a laugh and straightens up, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket before giving me a crooked smile. “What if I told you I got it saving an entire family from a burning building?” he says with a smirk. “Nicked it on a steel beam on my way out… and then I had to go back in for the cat.” “That’s not true,” I say dryly, knowing that Damon would have saved the cat first and left the family. “Alright then,” he taps his fingers on the edge of the bar, glancing from side to side, as though sharing in a secret. “I was trying to learn how to juggle knives. I got up to eight until one of them slipped and came down the wrong way. An inch lower and it would have taken my entire eye out.” I laugh a little at that one. At the sheer ridiculousness of it. “I doubt you can juggle eight knives,” I say with a giggle, and his mouth turns down in disappointment. “You’re right. I can only juggle six.” I fix him with an impatient look right as he gives me a sidelong glance, his usually cold eyes dancing with amusement. My face warms whenever he looks at me like that, but I bite down on my lip in an attempt to will the blush away. “Are you going to tell me how you got it, or not?” “It’s not fun if I just tell you,” he teases with a tap under my chin and a devilish grin. “What are you going to give me in return?” “What do you want?” "A kiss, obviously.” I open my mouth to protest, but shut it just as quick. He didn’t say that I specifically had to kiss him on the lips… And it’s not that I don’t want to. I just don’t want him to know that I want to. It’s complicated, okay? “Okay, deal,” I say with a nod, earning a smirk from the man in front of me. “The truth is… I got it in a scrap with Alisa back in the day,” he says glumly. “She caught me off guard. And she fights dirty.” “Ah. So maybe you’re not as tough as you pretend to be, then?” I tease, pulling back as he reaches out to swipe me playfully. “Give me a break, that was years ago. Things have changed since then.” I’m still smiling when our eyes meet, and something in his gaze turns dark. I swallow around the lump in my throat, feeling the effects of his attention fluttering somewhere deep in my stomach. “Anyway, I believe you promised me a kiss.” He leans over the counter, a shit-eating grin tilting his lips. Rolling my eyes, I lean forward on my chair and dodge to the side, aiming to place a kiss on his cheek. Damon, however, turns at the last second, catching my lips with his. “Mmph!” For a moment I’m stunned, letting him thread his fingers through my hair and cup the back of my head, feeling his smile as he kisses me. And then I pull back abruptly, my eyes wide in surprise. I open to mouth to speak, but no words come out, and Damon simply grins as he turns and paces away from the bar, laughing softly to himself. “Completely worth it.”
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yunayurano · 4 years
Haunted | Ayame
Andromedatober - Day 13  Ayame x Traveler
“Quick, come with me!” Aya takes me by the arm and pulls me through the doorframe of my room, surprisingly strong for her size, leaving me with little choice but to follow along. “Where are we going?” I frown at the back of her head, watching her hair bobbing around her shoulders as she half-turns back to me. “The kitchen is haunted,” she says, her breath quickening. “I saw a ghost in there.” “What?!” I pull back from her grasp, and when she turns I stare at her with wide eyes. “What do you mean the kitchen is haunted?” Aya puts a hand on her hip and huffs in impatience, pushing a few strands of hair back from her face. “I mean that there’s a ghost hanging around in there causing trouble. You know what a ghost is, right? A spectre? Phantom? Apparition?” I give her a withering glare, my mouth pulling into a tight line. “Yes, I know what a ghost is. But why is this the first time I’m hearing of it?” “Who knows? It’s Halloween,” she shrugs, as though it’s a perfectly valid explanation. “Lots of spooky shit happens on the day of the dead.” I narrow my eyes at her, searching for the cracks in her story, but she only smiles at me sweetly. I suddenly get the very real feeling that I’m heading into some sort of trap. “Shouldn’t we tell the Captain?” I say in a last ditch effort. “Oh, sure… he’s on his way,” she assures me, her lips tilting in a way I’m not sure I like the look of. Wordlessly, I let her lead me through the ship, my suspicions growing with each moment that passes. I know that I should turn around right now and save myself the pain of whatever Aya’s got tucked up her sleeves. But my curiosity is getting the best of me. The kitchen itself seems the same as ever when we enter, though I take a good look around just in case. Pots and pans all where they’re supposed to be, Damon’s special baking trays untouched, Ryona’s lotalis supply safely tucked away. Everything is perfectly normal. Everything… except the suspicious looking rope hanging in the door frame. “Sit here,” Aya instructs before I can question her further, sitting me down on one of the dining chairs. “You’ll have the best view.” “Of what?” “The ghost!” This time when she snickers, I raise an eyebrow at her. It’s nice to see she’s having fun, but I can’t help but wonder at whose expense. I sit quietly while she creeps over to drag the rope to the side, tying a knot around a heavy sack of god-knows-what. Positioning herself against the wall, she holds the sack tightly in both hands, her violet eyes locking on mine as she offers a mischievous smile. I’m about to ask just what the hell she thinks she’s doing, until the sound of footsteps has my head snapping towards the door, seeing a familiar blonde head just about to walk through the frame. And it’s now that the pieces of the puzzle click into place in my brain. Now… when it’s too late. “What the hell is all this fuss about a gh-” Calderon stops mid-sentence as Aya drops the sack and it goes flying through the air, hitting him square in the chest. The parcel explodes in a flurry of white, a cloud of flour swirling through the air like a snow-storm, temporarily obscuring the two of them from sight. “Aya!” I shout in surprise, pushing myself to my feet and starting towards them. I stop in my tracks when the dust eventually dissipates, leaving a seriously pissed off Captain spluttering in the doorway, covered in flour from head to toe and looking like he’s about to commit a murder. “It’s the ghost!” Aya cackles, doubled over with laughter, and I bite down on my lip to keep from chuckling at the sight of Calderon covered in flour, the powder falling through his hair to gather on his broad shoulders. “I told you this place was haunted,” Aya grins smugly at me, enjoying the scene far too much. “I was right, wasn’t I?” “You’d better start running, Ikeda,” Calderon growls through gritted teeth as a cloud of flour drifts around him, thoroughly unimpressed with her antics. Aya doesn’t need to be told twice. She sprints from the room, her laughter bobbing behind her all the way as her footsteps disappear down the corridor. Cal glances at me one last time, flour drifting from the ends of his lashes when he blinks, and I hold up my hands in innocence. “I had no idea, I swear,” I say quickly, hoping to avoid his wrath in the meantime. The Captain curses beneath his breath before he turns and storms off, the sound of his booming voice echoing through the ship. “Ayame!” It’s only then, when I step through the floury mess that’s covered the kitchen floor that I see what was written on the outside of the flour bag. Courtesy of the pilot herself, no doubt. Trick or treat.
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yunayurano · 4 years
Royal | Vexx
skipped ahead a little for this one Andromedatober - Day 31  Vexx x Traveler 
“What if you weren’t royal?” The question catches me off guard and I almost choke on the soda in my mouth, dropping the glass bottle back on the table in front of me with a thump as I look over at Vexx. “I am royal,” I say, confused. “Indulge me,” he replies, throwing a lazy wink between us before leaning back in his chair, and turning towards the view spread out in front of us — the night lights of Silta Vie. “If you weren’t a member of the royal family, what would you do with your life?” I silently think on the question for a few moments, joining him in admiring the view of the city. We’re currently sat on the balcony of a little café, my favorite place, drinking soda and watching the people on the streets below pass us by. We’d snuck out of the Palace again, and I’m glad we did. I’d much rather be out here with Vexx, in the world, than stuck in my room all alone, yet again. “I’d travel, I suppose,” I answer finally, and he gives me a knowing smile, his mouth hooking up at one side. “I’ve never been anywhere besides the Palace, and the parts of the city you’ve shown me. I’d like to see the other planets, to visit some of the places you’ve told me about.” He nods, as though the answer pleases him, and I try to hide my smile as I take another sip from my bottle. The sounds of the city slowly drown out my  thoughts — the whirr of traffic, the conversation of the patrons around the café, the jazz music that spills out of a club a couple of doors down. “Alright, now put yourself in my shoes,” I sit forward in my seat and rest my elbows on the table, earning his attention. “What would you do if you were royal?” Vexx snorts and rolls his eyes, as though the question itself is absurd. “Probably run around causing chaos like Arlo and Celest,” he says, and I can’t help but smile, imagining it clearly. “Or join the Guard, if only to escape the prison of the Pal—” I pull back and he cuts himself off, his eyebrows dipped in regret. He chews on his bottom lip and looks away, clearing his throat awkwardly. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.” “I know what you meant,” I say, forcing a small smile. I don’t want him to know that statement hurts as much as it does. “I suppose I could have joined the Guard, if I wanted to,” I continue, swallowing down the hurt. “But… I don’t think I’m cut out for that life.” “You never know unless you try,” Vexx suggests, and I shrug. I already know that joining the Guard is the last thing I want to do. Taking my bottle by the neck, I relax back in my seat and swirl the contents around inside the glass. Suddenly, I don’t feel so talkative anymore. Looking out over the balcony, the city stretches on in all directions. The bright lights and neon signs of the Gold District blend into the enormous floodlights of Silver in the distance. I know that even further than that lays Bronze. Sometimes I imagine I can see the smog from the factories hanging in the air, against the golden sky. Though I’m sure that’s only my imagination. “One day I’ll take you away from here,” Vexx says softly, almost too quiet to hear, dragging me from my solitary thoughts. I watch him quietly as he looks out over the city, lingering on his sharp eyes, his bright, red hair. He confuses me sometimes. I often get the impression that when he says one thing, he means something else entirely. Despite that, I know that if he asked me, I’d follow him anywhere. “Do you promise?” I ask, and when his emerald eyes meet mine I already know the answer. “I promise,” he says anyway, his hand on the table clenching and relaxing again when he looks at me. I shouldn’t let it, but my heart swells with the possibility. Pursing my lips, I cross my legs in front of me and pretend that the idea doesn’t excite me as much as it does. That it’s not the one thing I’ve dreamed of for half my life. To explore the world. “Where would we go?” I ask, feigning disinterest and failing miserably. I can tell that Vexx knows it by the tone of his voice. “Teranium, Orion, Cursa. Anywhere you want.” His eyes brighten, gleaming beneath the city lights as the thought of it takes form, becomes something we might actually do. “We could  jump a ship to another System, find some new adventures. I hear the Neso System has a planet completely covered in ice. They have these special, glass tunnels that connect buildings and structures all over the surface. "That sounds amazing,” I say with a small smile of my own, knowing in my heart it will never happen, but wanting it so bad it hurts.  When I meet his eyes again, the look he gives me is so serious, so intense it almost scares me. I don’t doubt that if I wanted it to happen, Vexx would find a way. And I know I can’t let that happen, but it doesn’t stop me from wishing it would. “When do you think we’ll go?” I ask, trying to keep my voice light, to keep the dream alive. “We can go now, if you want,” he answers, but he doesn’t smile this time. I let out an ungraceful snort, finishing the rest of my drink before setting the empty bottle back down on the table. “Stop joking around.” “I’m serious,” he leans forwards, and intensity of his eyes makes my chest tighten. “Jump the train into Silver, pay some freighter to let us stowaway on their ship. We’d get off on Teranium. From there, we can go anywhere we want.” “Would you really do it?” I raise an eyebrow. “Right now?” He falters for a moment and pulls back. With each second that passes, I see the very idea of skipping town and leaving the planet vanishing like smoke between us. “No. What I really need to do is get you home before anyone notices you’re gone,” his gaze drops downwards as the fantasy ends, and he twists his fingers together, frowning softly. 
“I’ve already had N sic her bot on me once this week, next time I’m afraid he’ll crush my skull with a single hand.”
“He won’t hurt you,“ I tease him as we prepare to leave and head back to the Palace. “Stick with me and you’ll be fine.”
Our chairs scrape over the concrete floor as we stand, and when we head back into the building I hear him behind me, chuckling beneath his breath and saying softly to himself. “I’m planning on it.”
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yunayurano · 4 years
Per aspera ad astra | June
The bright, white lights from the lab burn the boy’s eyes as he slowly wakes up. A metallic taste overpowers his tongue and he wonders, idly, if he’d thrown up blood again, before brushing the thought off carelessly. It didn’t matter, anyway.
His feet tingle as he curls his toes, testing the range of movement he has this time. Every motion takes everything in him; his muscles feel weak, as if they hadn’t been used in days – which begs the question, how long had he been out for?
Letting his head roll to the side, he checks the digital clock on the far wall, struggling to recall what day it is he could last remember.
Three days ago.
He’d been out for three days, yet he’d woken up. Again.
A mix of sorrow and relief flood his chest; sorrow, for all he wants is to end this miserable excuse of a life. Relief, for he could never bring himself to end it and leave his brother alone.
Taking a deep, shaky breath, the boy closes his eyes, running a mental check to see what state he’s in after the last round of tests. He used to do it with his eyes open and on the move, but his senses have been sharpening considerably over the past weeks, about as much as his body has been weakening.
It’s easier to ignore the brutal assault on his senses if he’s in the dark.
All systems functional. Muscle mass decreased considerably, bone density lower than average, nutrients level… acceptable. His lips tighten, it looks like they hadn’t entirely given up on him yet, else they wouldn’t bother feeding him IV fluids. Brain functions intact, processing capabilities increased by roughly 5% since last check. Mild fever, no physical injuries. I am test subject J-XV, formerly known as test subject Alpha 3– no, he doesn’t like it when I call myself that.
I am sixteen years old, and my name is Jules Nyux.
Join me on Patreon for more!
A short story on June and Jules’ relationship when they were sixteen.
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yunayurano · 4 years
Stardust | June
Andromedatober - Day 6 June x Traveler 
“Just a little further,” June calls back as he walks ahead, his long legs making quick work of the hill. Reaching the top, he holds a hand out to help me up the last few steps. When I make it all the way he doesn’t let go, but simply intertwines our fingers and smiles softly. From up here the view is amazing. A sprawling canvas of lush, green fields and crystal lakes, shining softly beneath the overhead hanging moons. “Look,” June holds his fingers out before him, and for the first time I notice the tiny, silver specks of dust falling over his skin, illuminated by moonlight. I do the same, lifting a hand to watch the silver sparkles fall into my palm and collect in the center. “What is it?” I ask, completely mesmerized by the sight. “I’m not sure. It looks like stardust.” When I look up and meet his eyes I giggle softly, seeing the stardust sprinkled over his nose and covering his cheeks like beautiful, luminescent freckles. “You have some… right there,” I brush a finger over his skin to wipe it off, but it only smears across his cheek in a metallic smudge. “It’s all over you too.” June puts a hand beneath my chin, running his thumb across my bottom lip and pulling it back smudged with silver. The world goes quiet as we stand on top of this hill, my eyes locked on his and his fingers still warm beneath my chin. My heart pounds faster, and I wonder if he can hear it. I wonder if his is beating like mine too. He steps closer, stardust falling around us like a curtain and bathing us in the glow of the stars above. My breath catches as he tilts his head towards mine, leans in and slips an arm around my waist to draw me closer. His body against mine is hard and soft, all at the same time. He holds me gently, but when I run my fingers over the muscles coiled tightly in his arms, I know of the strength that thrums beneath his skin. I’ve seen it before. Stardust falls through his hair as I tilt my face towards him, his breath warm on my lips as he leans in closer, closer… And then, a light travels overhead, reflecting in his stormy eyes, and our heads snap upwards in unison. “A shooting star,” he says as we watch the light streak from one end of the sky to the other, blazing brighter than anything I’ve ever seen. “Make a wish,” June whispers in my ear, sending tiny shivers skittering over my skin. Closing my eyes, I make a silent wish. A wish for the one thing I want more than anything, right in this moment. And when I open them again to find June staring back at me, a soft smile pulling at the corners of his lips… I know that it’s about to come true.
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yunayurano · 4 years
His fingers burn against the bare, sensitive skin of my stomach. My every breath comes out ragged, the anticipation building up in me with every feathery touch of his.
“Damon, please,” I breath out, trying to tug my hands free from the restraints on the bedposts once more, desperate to close the distance between us, to pull him closer and end this blissful torture he’s putting me through.
“Getting restless, are we?” I can’t see him through the blindfold he has me wearing, but the smirk is clear in his voice as he replies, his fingers leaving a burning trail on my skin as he drags them between my breasts.
He’s been teasing me for a while now. And I, tied up and blindfolded, can do nothing to speed things up.
Damon moves his hand up to my neck, and I gasp. This is driving me insane.
I wish I could touch him. I wish I could see him, run my hands through the smooth, dark strands of his hair, lose myself in his deep, sapphire eyes – eyes I know are watching my every reaction.
But more than anything, I wish he would touch me.
I swallow thickly when Damon runs a thumb over my lips, pulling my bottom lip down. “Open up.”
Join me on Patreon for more! Kinktober | Damon x f!Traveler - Sensory Deprivation
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yunayurano · 4 years
Ryona, by any chance, do you possess any kind of embarrassing knowledge on your crewmates that you could share with us? It'll remain between you and I, promise!
"Hmm, let me think..." 
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"I'll sometimes catch Cal watching interesting videos on his holo-pad when he thinks he's alone on the bridge." 
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""How to be a good Captain", "Five minute meditation techniques", "The best hair products of 3025", and things like that... though I'm sure he wouldn't want me telling you any of that."
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"Did you really have to bring that up?"
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130 notes · View notes
yunayurano · 4 years
hmmmm thinking about vexx & travller + i had all and then most of you, some and now none of you + i took a little journey to the unknown, and i’ve come back changed, i can feel it in my bones + i fucked with forces that our eyes can’t see, now the darkness got a hold on me + i have seen what the darkness does, say goodbye to who i was + lost in time and space, aimless searching for a long lost face. i don’t know who i am i don’t know where i am  + my one and only love, i’ve been lonely long enough. tell me where did you go, i’ve been searching high and low + you are my sweetest downfall, i loved you first, i loved you first + and I am the fire and I am the forest, and I am a witness watching it, i stand in a valley watching it, and you are not there at all + ‘cause I see you in the daytime, and I hear you at night, there’s a pale imitation burnt in my eyes, i don’t wanna be here, I don’t know what to do + oh, I take it in vain all the plans and moves that we made, half a heart is aching to grow, soulmates aren’t just lovers, you know + I will wake her in the morning, once the dew has dried, i will say it to her face “you’re a conjured lie, a figment of my mind.” + he’s good and he’s bad and he’s all that i’ve got + who is the betrayer? who’s the killer in the crowd? the one who creeps in corridors and doesn’t make a sound +
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yunayurano · 4 years
Hey Devs, hope you're doing well! IDK if it's already been asked, but is there a height chart for the Li's???
Hi! We just whipped up a quick chart here 😀
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yunayurano · 4 years
It looks A-M-A-Z-I-N-G 🌸 It really feels like Erie is walking through the streets of Cursa
I'm no good at drawing BGs, but I was charmed with Cursa xD So i present you this piece of a city with my traveler OC -Erie~
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yunayurano · 4 years
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Sitara Peg’asi 
cheeky. honest. emotional.
forbidden in her time as a princess, first thing she did visiting Teranium was getting rid of her long, pinkish hair 
was about to get tattoos as well..but considered Calderon getting a stroke would dampen the mood
small scar on her temple since once fell from a ladder in the library trying to reach books not meant for her. at all.
slapped Vexx. fought Vexx. unsuccessful, but so worth it.
I don’t care for love
There’s much more fun out there in the world
Sisters tell me I still have a long way to become mature
I’m sorry sorry, I don’t want to be mature, nope
mentioned once or twice, but I can’t draw for shit. although I would love to show you my OC’s just the way I envision them
so this is just me playin around a bit
let my have my romantic fantasie with that woman -Queen-, ok?
talkin about Ayame of course
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