yungblackadlet 21 days
this is your sign to block me
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yungblackadlet 25 days
castor oil
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yungblackadlet 28 days
Cuz was cop for V years
Can't bring up abortions or child death due to negligence
A blue city in a slave red state is too woke tho naw ganger make it more woke it's already the most expensive place to live
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yungblackadlet 28 days
PAUSE Humans are made in the image of a creator I like the idea that my physical apparence isnt random but a reflection of my expressions and genetics I never liked it in church when they pastor gay assigned sex to the lord an omnipotent being who would have any form and be incorporeal(e.g angels taking human perceivable forms) and if I'm made in the image that why isn't I do any of that I. should be able to become the fucking princess of Japan or Marcus Garvey with ease but no I'm made in a refractive reflection in a wavy pond mirror image of the lord I love God cause eventually earthians will atomically heatblast itself into another ice age uhhh Avicii Daniel Dumile and XXXtentacion all walk into a bar inb4 shitler found the garden of eden in the magnetic south pole i.e true Nawf pole
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yungblackadlet 28 days
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yungblackadlet 1 month
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yungblackadlet 1 month
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yungblackadlet 1 month
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yungblackadlet 1 month
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yungblackadlet 1 month
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yungblackadlet 1 month
I want a lot of followers so I can post unhinged polls like how much cannabis have you bought at once or have you ever been a fight or have you ever heard live gunfire
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yungblackadlet 1 month
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yungblackadlet 1 month
shout out every voice actor and narrate that just be screaming with every quark they have scxrlxrd too
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yungblackadlet 1 month
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I don't know if someone has already posted this but this is exactly why other women tell you not to quit everything to become a stay at home mother. Tradwife shit is absolute fantasy. You are dependent on your husband for everything. He can leave you with nothing if he wants and you will be left to struggle unless you get a prenup and most of them would be offended that you would even suggest a prenup.
The comments are telling. These women didn't "choose wrong", they were lied to and convinced that they could depend on their significant other.
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yungblackadlet 2 months
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yungblackadlet 2 months
Man where the fuck is evil jordan
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yungblackadlet 2 months
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