yurayborushko · 2 years
Elden Knights - The Future of Blockchain Gaming Ecosystem |Enjoy Game And Get Passive Income
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Introduction of Elden Knights
Elden Knights is a blockchain based game that is looking to revolutionize the gaming industry by allowing players to earn crypto while they play their favourite games. 
You are a group of like minded individuals who were tired of the same old way of making money in games, wanted something different something better. So you took it upon ourselves to create our own platform where you can allow for people to make real money doing what they love.
This platform is being developed by some very talented programmers and designers which have already got some great looking trailers up showcasing exactly what this new game has to offer. 
In case you're wondering why we say this is going to be the next big thing, it's because of all the reasons that have been mentioned above; the game mechanics, the graphics, the atmosphere. Not only will you be able to have fun, but you'll also be able to earn some crypto at both the same time!
The game will be a space adventure with lots of action, quests, and content. It's an RPG with a futuristic theme that players can enjoy while earning money in cryptocurrency. The graphics are amazing and the gameplay is fun. You'll feel like you're actually in the game world!
The cool thing about this project is that it's not just a game - you can earn money while playing it! Imagine getting paid to play games. With the help of DeFi technology, players will be able to spend their crypto earnings on different in-game items so they can get ahead in their adventures.
The best part? Players don't have to leave their own homes to get paid—they can earn money by playing from their computers or mobile devices!
Mission of Elden Knights?
Elden Knights  are on a mission to be the first blockchain based game where gamers will earn Elden Knights tokens every time they play. The gaming industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and it's no stranger to blockchain technology. 
With the goal of conquering the Metaverse, they took aim at Elvoy for the missing piece of the puzzle in their conquest. Deep in the Village Temple, the Orb of Kitera resides.
Legend has it, the sphere is the power source of the entire Metaverse, anyone who awakens the orb will be granted unlimited strength. And ultimately defeat Lord Kaiden and his entourages to bring peace to Elvoy.
Players will receive their in-game character 1:1 with the purchase of an NFT. Each character is unique in both appearance and base stats. Upon receiving their character in Elvoy, a player will be able to train their skills, upgrade their weapons and gears, and craft boosts to use for PVP. Along the development journey, with each achievement and win, they are rewarded with $KNIGHTS token.
About Genesis NFT
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As long as there is a demand for Elder Knight Genesis, NFT hodler will always have access to play2earn income stream on those assets via Elvoy game in the future. It provides a way for people to become stakeholders of the company without investing money in it directly.
Elder Knight NFT will be used for in-game purpose. We know that most of the NFT projects are just for speculation, but we have a different vision for our game. This platform want to build an online game company. The core purpose of Elder Knight is to build amazing online games that everyone can enjoy. With this goal is to make Elder Knight Genesis a successful game and provide fun, engaging experiences to gamers.
Elden Knights want NFT holders to receive the full value of their assets and generate passive income on their assets when they are not playing our games. That is why we make sure that all NFTs will be tradable on exchanges. Not only will NFT holders be able to sell their NFTs on exchanges, they can also purchase back the assets in the future.
$Knight Token Usage
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Elden Knights is the crypto gaming project that makes use of blockchain technology to make new inroads into a rapidly growing market.
By utilizing the nonfungible properties of ERC721, Elden Knights provides players with a novel means of engaging with one another and the game's setting. The first comprehensive crypto-gaming platform, Elden Knights is both groundbreaking and disruptive.
These tokens can be used to buy or sell rare or valuable in-game goods that other players may have on hand. In-game items will also have an associated price tag in $KNIGHTS. Players will be able to purchase these items using $KNIGHTS tokens from the game directly or from other players within the game's ecosystem.
Elden Knights is an innovative new way to play non-fungible video games. It does this by combining the decentralized ledger technology of blockchain with the value of non-fungible game assets. Using the game's mechanics, Elden Knights gives players a new way to interact with each other and with the world of the game.
This ecosystem a groundbreaking crypto-gaming project that uses the nonfungible properties of ERC721 to show that in-game assets are owned by a group of people who are not all in one place. Elden Knights was made by a team of veterans of the industry.
The game is played to earn $KNIGHTS tokens, which are given to the player for their time and progress. These tokens can be bought with other crypto assets or sold for them, and players can also use them to trade in-game goods with each other.
Users can do more than just play games or collect cards, because the blockchain makes the activity more unique and gives it more variety. The people working on Elden Knights are well aware of how fast-paced the industry is and want to make their project stand out from those of their competitors.
The game is played to earn $KNIGHTS tokens, which are given to the player for their time and progress. These tokens can be bought with other crypto assets or sold for them, and players can also use them to trade in-game goods with each other.
For more information
Website: https://eldenknights.com/ Whitepaper: https://eldenknights.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/ELDEN-Knights-3.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/elden_knights Telegram group: https://t.me/EldenKnightsOfficial
Username: Yuray Borushko Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3425366 BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x20E53e9a0e8695bd97e2ef23F7Fad240ecb0615c
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yurayborushko · 2 years
With the FiPi APP, you may take advantage of it on the cryptocurrency market
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Hi, everyone, how are you? In this modern digital era, we must always be able to continue to develop and advance. Fipi App must also anticipate any unexpected events so that we can always live a prosperous life. This application know that the sheer number of people who have become unemployed makes us worry because they don't get enough income anymore. However, we have a solution for you even though you have lost your job. FiPi will help you increase your income even though you have lost your job. So, what are you waiting for? please join our investment program by downloading the FiPi application now.
Decentralization is a key tool for providing security and freedom on the blockchain. In a decentralized network, all nodes or computers work together in a very reliable way. Since no single node controls the entire platform, so users don't have to worry about their funds being lost or hacked or encountering fraudulent practices. Through FIPI, users can see the investment recommendation that is being implemented by the community. Then, users can implement the same recommendation with an initial investment. If they are interested in using other recommendations that are being implemented by the community, they can also implement it immediately, even in small amounts.
By keeping expenditures to a minimum and following the performance of a certain index, passive management tries to optimize returns while limiting risk. All or a representative sample of the securities in an index are held as investments by these funds, and their performance is often assessed in relation to the index that serves as a benchmark. Rather of attempting to outperform the market via security selection, passive managers strive to as nearly as possible mimic the market's moves in their investments. Most passive managers rebalance their portfolios on a regular basis in order to preserve their target ratios, which causes them to purchase assets that have appreciated in value while selling securities that have declined in value. Investors who hold these funds in taxable accounts may be subject to capital gains taxes as a result of this. (This is normally not a source of worry for investors who keep passive funds in tax-advantaged accounts, though.
The FiPi APP can only be accessed via the use of the FIPI Token, which has a limited supply of 100 000 000 and has a finite supply. The FIPI Token will eventually replace all other forms of payment in the FiPi APP. The result of this is that all users who have FIPI Tokens in their wallets will be able to utilize the FiPi APP and its features without incurring any extra costs.
BITA GmbH has developed the FiPi APP, which will enable you to manage your cryptocurrencies in such a manner that they maintain their relative value to one another in line with the FiPi Indexes that have been established by BITA GmbH. Your portfolio will follow the market as a result of this, even if you are not actively involved! Don't rely on signal groups for everything! Passive crypto asset management is something you can rely on. Profit from your funds while being inactive.
In the FiPi APP, we use a passive saving strategy. What exactly does it mean? The program will track the market in the most automated and precise manner possible. It will correctly reflect the changes in the FiPi Indexes since it will be monitoring them. The only strategy of investing in the financial markets that has shown to be successful over time is passive management. With the FiPi APP, you may take advantage of it on the cryptocurrency market.
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FIPI is a gateway early stage investment which attracts large numbers of investors to our platform who are eager to procure early-stage investments. Our large number of investors brings high volumes of capital to ensure projects are adequately funded. Projects selected for investment on the FIPI platform are thoroughly vetted and provide investor confidence the FIPI investment fund invests alongside the platform investors. The FIPI team understands the difficulties and challenges faced by upcoming projects in their quest to bring their projects to market and attain roadmap completion. Through our team’s expertise, we eliminate the pain points encountered by new projects. Community engagement at FIPI is greatly emphasized for investors to understand the concepts and ideas of the projects they are backing. FIPI looks for projects that offer innovative blockchain solutions, and justifiably add value to the crypto industry.
Use useful link for update:
Website: https://fipi.io/ Whitepaper: https://fipi.io/docs/whitepaper.pdf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FiPi-APP-110579838121492/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FiPiToken Telegram: https://t.me/FiPiToken
Forum Username: Yuray Borushko Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3425366 BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x20E53e9a0e8695bd97e2ef23F7Fad240ecb0615c
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yurayborushko · 2 years
STABILA: Decentralized Financial System Leveraging The Power Of Blockchain Technology
What is the STABILA protocol, and how does it work?
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STABILA is a new type of digital currency, which will be based on the blockchain technology. It will allow users to carry out transactions with minimal costs while maintaining their privacy and protecting their funds from being stolen or frozen by third parties. The project is aimed at developing an economic order, which will be accepted as an alternative to the dominance of the centralized financial system. The main purpose of the project is to convert all those people around the world who have been forced in their daily lives due to their lack of financial freedom and inclusion into a single community of people who are interested in sharing resources for mutual benefit and building together a prosperous future for themselves, their children and future generations.
The project was initiated by a group of people from different parts of the world who are committed to working together towards a common goal, promoting equality and fairness as well as using new technologies in a way that benefits society as well as providing everyone with their fair share.
What is the operation of the STABILA platform?
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STABILA is a cross-chain bridge network that accepts both ERC20 and EOS tokens as a payment method. It is being created by the Stabila Network Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to the advancement of the blockchain ecosystem. With a single interface for all kinds of assets in circulation, the project's primary goal is to provide a public cross-chain platform for the immediate exchange of assets across blockchains, which will be accessible to the public. It is necessary to design new and secure protocols that can be utilized by all nodes in the network, independent of their tokens or the kind of tokens they use, in order to accomplish this aim.
In order to do this, we have created a new public blockchain service known as the STABILA Protocol. One component of the STABILA Protocol is a public platform for the creation and exchange of tokens, while the other is a cost-effective solution for the quick exchange of digital assets with no costs on either side. STABILA Protocol as a result offers a secure and dependable service that can be utilized by any node in the network, independent of the token type that they are using.
What is there about the STABILA token that makes it valuable?
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The STABILA token is a utility token that will be used to pay transaction fees on the STABILA protocol. It is currently in the process of being developed. Similarly to other cryptocurrencies, the value of the coin will be determined by the market price of the currency and the usage that the coin will see. The value of this token will vary from day to day, but it will never go below its current value. It is the market's demand and supply that decide the value of this token, rather than its inherent worth, that determines its value. Furthermore, during initial coin offerings (ICOs), it is fairly usual for many tokens to be sold at a greater price than the value of their underlying currency would be in the future (e.g., if an ICO has 1 million coins and there are 100,000 users buying tokens at 1 ETH each). This implies that even if all users held a certain quantity of each currency, they would still not get a proportionate part of the coins in question.
The STABILA token is a digital representation of a STABILA token (STB)
A decentralised database for corporate data, STABILA is a network that ultimately aspires to be a public blockchain for the business world, with the additional characteristic of being a public blockchain for the business world. As a result, the Stabila team has been working on an open-source product that can be used to store, share, and manage data from a variety of sources. They believe that the current business environment is not very well suited to actually storing and handling all of this data (and helping businesses leverage it).
While it is similar to the sort of project you could see in "blockchain for your life" books, there are two critical components to consider in these situations:
1) Decentralisation: You must be able to use your favorite desktop program (or even develop a little bit of code yourself) without the requirement for the tool's central authority to be in charge.
2) Quickness: You'll need to move quickly. A large number of organizations do not have access to sufficient processing capacity. And this is what they have to offer:
Using the Stabila Protocol as an application programming interface (API), any developer may create programs that are then saved on the Stabila network and executed on clients that run on any operating system without the need for any further setup.
In order for this to function, the stabila protocol has built-in virtual accounts, which allow users to establish and administer their own accounts on thestabila network, and then utilize those accounts as required. All of this can be accomplished with a single click, which makes it simple for end users or developers (who may not be familiar with APIs or how online apps function at all), as well as for administrators to complete (who read up about how things work). Consequently, it becomes simpler for them to comprehend how things function when they install their own apps or when they wish to assist their consumers by informing them of new features or assisting them in obtaining new services, among other things.
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Users who pay more for better services will obtain better services, but those who pay less will receive just basic services. This is one of the things that the stabila protocol has done, and it is based on consumption rates. The cost per hour of service use may vary from 0 cents per user per hour up to 1 dollar per user per hour based on the sort of data you want stored or shared, among other factors. Instead of service charges, users may choose to pay monthly fees, but only if they wish to take advantage of a free trial period during which no service fees are charged, and so on.
The purpose of the STABILA project is to create an improved digital version of the world economy. It will allow people to get rid of corporations and centralized financial institutions, in order to receive a fair payment for their work with minimal cost. STABILA is an ambitious project, which aspires to become a central part of the new digital economy which has only just begun to take shape. The platform has the potential to become an important aspect of commerce in the blockchain era, establishing lasting relationships between business partners around the globe and bringing about a new form of economic order.
The project will solve some of the most important problems we face today, such as unemployment and poverty. Relying on the transparent blockchain technology, this platform can be a means of supporting economic freedom. In addition, STABILA will allow you to control your finances completely.
If you have any queries or want further information, please contact us.
Website: https://stabilascan.org/ Whitepaper: https://stabilascan.org/static-pages/white-paper Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/moneta_holdings/ Telegram: https://t.me/stabilastb Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stabilacrypto Twitter: https://twitter.com/moneta_holdings YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChFtE8tAVlkWGkFrUb-7KOQ
Forum Username: Yuray Borushko Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3425366 STABILA Wallet Address: Si4BJsbnGPycor9Uyb8rPPYBjPAWYktU2Y
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yurayborushko · 2 years
LPI DAO - GameFi And NFT Projects Accelerated And Blockchain Solutions
How Does LPI DAO Works?
In the gaming industry, GameFi is a service that facilitates the transfer of digital game assets from one gaming platform to another. The term refers to a mechanism that facilitates the movement of digital gaming assets from one platform to the next. In the gaming industry, GameFi is a service that facilitates the transfer of digital game assets from one gaming platform to another. Using a virtual wallet and token system, GameFi allows you to buy, sell, and trade your digital gaming assets with other players, all while maintaining your privacy. The non-fungible token (NFT) serves as the foundation for the GameFi platform, and the GameFi wallet operates in a similar manner to that of the NFT.
Vision of LPI DAO
The vision is to create a next-level seed platform for investors by constructing the platform in a way that affords all levels of investors the opportunity of gaining access to seed tokens for upcoming projects.
Mission of LPI DAO
The mission is to solve all pain points of gaining access to seed tokens and the limited variety of projects available on launchpads. LPI aims to bring all the most promising projects to its investors and for the first time offering a platform where token holders can suggest projects and make a private request to seed allocation. A platform for unlimited investment opportunities.
Features of LPI DAO
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Community Driven - The primary objective of LPI is to enrich all members of the community that holds the LPI Token through revenues of the fund, a benevolent incentive structure, and their active participation will drive the fund towards greater success. The DAO will make decisions through a community-based voting process on Snapshot
Decision Making - LPI DAO, grants every LPI Token holder the power to exercise consensual decision-making. The protocol, allows every LPI Token holder to submit their vote on the proposals as well as submit proposals to the DAO core who will, in turn, put the proposal to vote for or reject the proposal. Using the reliable voting system in place, all stakeholders then vote on the proposal (s), thereby having a say on which proposal to adopt.
Fund Resources - LPI Fund project allows the DAO to choose how funds are allocated. This builds confidence among investors and facilitates transparency, enabling all members to monitor transactions in real-time. With LPI, the community will be able to vote on proposed ways to utilize the funds and distribute profits among Token holders.
Rewards Program - Rewarding the community keeps investors engaged in the project. In this way, holders are valued within the project. A consensus among community members will decide on the major aspects such as the mechanism and type of rewards to be released. Rewards are always going to be for the benefit of the community. In this sense, the community must be able to vote and have a say on what rewards to distribute and how to distribute them.
Ecosystem of LPI DAO
Incubation and acceleration - The platform will offer an array of services to upcoming projects including but not limited to: financial backing, marketing, research, analytics, community building, and project collaboration with well-established projects for beneficial partnerships. With dedicated marketing, research, and administrative teams will be able to provide the teams of upcoming projects this support.
GameFi and NFT specialization - LPI specialize in the acceleration of GameFi and NFT projects to offer developers and designers support in these genres of the crypto market. GameFi is a growing trend while NFT integration and real-life implementation are on the rise and we identified this as an area where teams are lacking support and would like to offer them the opportunity of turning their dreams into a reality. LPI will offer backing to GameFi and NFT projects from any network.
Developer HUB - LPI DAO Developer HUB is designed to provide developers and designers a platform to promote their projects to a vast network of VCs, Investment funds, Project incubators, accelerators, and launchpads. A platform where developers can gain traction at no cost.
LPI Token
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The native token for the LPI DAO Fund. LPI token will be available initially on ETH and BSC networks.
$LPI DAO Token Metrics
Token Symbol: $LPI
Total Max Supply: 10,000,000
Initial Circulating Supply: 1,220,000
Initial Market Cap: ~$779,000
Use cases of the $LPI token
The LPI fund is a DAO project & therefore the foremost use case is for the governance purposes such as decision making, fund resource allocation, investment options & various other aspects of the fund.
Rewards program — the $LPI token will serve as a measure in terms of LPI token holding weight for the distribution of fund profits amongst the holders. When the rewards program is initiated, holders will earn from the funds profits as per the weight of their $LPI holding.
The LPI Platform is a next-generation platform that can accommodate a variety of games while also providing a more enjoyable experience on the card games industry overall. The platform has been developed with the goal of giving a broad range of features and chances that can be utilized by both developers and players, as well as a number of tools and opportunities to create a new and improved card game for the community.
An abundance of various types of gaming tokens are available for purchase on the market. The gaming business may be intimidating for newcomers since there are so many options and options are overwhelming. It might be difficult to tell the difference between an excellent game and a terrible game on the market. There are a variety of approaches that you may use to create game tokens.
<h2>What makes LPI any different</h2>
LPI is a community governed and centered project therefore the LPI team scouts for the highest quality and potential projects which are presented to the community for selection. The investors then have the opportunity to research each project and select the project of their choice, making an informed decision for their investment. As an investor, we value your opinion, and the option for token holders to make suggestions for project deals will be made available through the voting process as well as the independent groups for each tier. Our investors are important and therefore we will have verified telegram groups for investors of each tier where all aspects can be discussed with the team.
In The End
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Additionally, GameFi and NFTs have the ability to completely transform the way we interact with cryptocurrencies, as well as serve as an effective method of generating cash for game development and design projects. As a result, it should come as no surprise that decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) such as LPI DAO are trying to provide teams with the advice and money necessary to expedite NFT and GameFi initiatives.
The team behind LPI DAO are industry specialists with many years of combined expertise in the business of decentralized blockchain-based networks. They are the driving force behind LPI DAO. Their primary area of expertise is in providing assistance for efforts in the gaming industry, with a particular emphasis on projects that make use of the GameFi token and its variants. This organization's mission is to aid developers and designers in realizing their dreams, with a special focus on those who desire to establish GameFi-related apps.
Founded in 2010, the LPI Corporation is a for-profit corporation. It is a company that specializes in the production and distribution of video games. In 2018, they offer a wide range of games that are available on a number of different platforms. Aside from that, it's important to note that the first game on the list is GameFi, which is a PC game that was launched in 2012. This is the second game, NFT, which was launched in 2017. It is a mobile game that can be played on a smartphone. These games are being developed only for the purpose of providing entertainment to the players.
The LPI Company is involved in a lot more than just video game development. A group of persons who like gaming, as well as a group of game producers, are also members of the organization's workforce. It is the goal of LPI DAO to provide a legal and transparent partnership that provides assistance to all networks in order to ensure that the project you choose, whether it is GameFi or NFT, has all it needs to achieve its anticipated development.
Read More For Update Information:
Website: https://lpi.finance/ Telegram: https://t.me/LpiDaoOfficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/LpiDao Medium: https://lpi-dao.medium.com/
BTT Username: Yuray Borushko BTT Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3425366 Telegram Username: @yurayborushko BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x20E53e9a0e8695bd97e2ef23F7Fad240ecb0615c
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yurayborushko · 2 years
Socialogue: A Blockchain-based Ecosystem For Companies And People To Co-create And Collaborate
Socialogue is an open, decentralized ecosystem of applications and services, enabling anyone to easily build and manage a social network. The Socialogue Platform consists of powerful decentralized services, including identity, authentication, provenance and collaboration - all made easy to use with an API for developers.
Socialogue's goal is to make it easier for people to work together on any project or initiative that relies on social networks. Any application that uses accounts can benefit from Socialogue Identity and Auth. With these building blocks, developers can create new kinds of social applications or improve existing ones.
There are several key components of the platform:
Decentralized Identities: Social networks are built on users' identities; we build a system that allows you to easily claim your identity across any service or application -- whether it's yours or someone else's -- and have it be secure, privacy-preserving and portable.
Social Networks: We provide tools so that you can quickly create your own social network or join existing ones; by default the users of these networks control their data, but they can also choose to let a trusted organization manage the network (like a foundation) for specific reasons such as improved moderation or data retention.
LACK OF DIRECT COMMUNICATION: There are many ways to build an NFT community. Channels like Discord or Twitter make it possible to develop the following. But building community doesn't mean building relationships. Many talented creators and curious collectors miss opportunities to collaborate due to a lack of direct contact.
HIGH ETHEREUM GAS COSTS: Ethereum is the most popular blockchain that businesses are investigating and incorporating into their operations today. Statistics show that the Ethereum blockchain is used by twenty-four of the fifty listed companies. Despite being an excellent technology, Ethereum has a drawback, which significantly affects the NFT space - this is the cost of fuel. On August 5, 2021, the London Upgrade was implemented to make Ethereum transactions more predictable, but gas fees still stop many individuals from participating in the space.
SAFETY ISSUE: Following the former, the lack of live communication and multiple channels at play can cause individuals to lose money. The NFT space, like everything else, has a black and white side. The sad truth is that some unscrupulous people use social engineering and other tricks to get someone off the line into a replicated NFT store. The all-in-one platform is a much more secure and convenient solution.
NO OPTIONS TO SHAPE THE FUTURE: With the industry growing, NFT and Metaverse are the future. It's very user experience based. Community members have many ways to express their opinions but no option to influence change directly.
CLIMATE CONTROVERS: Both cryptocurrencies and NFTs have come under criticism for their impact on energy consumption and climate impacts. This problem is real and widespread. An alternative way of using technology is a must.
<h2>What is Socialogue</h2>
Businesses need a lot of things: funding, customers, data, and so on. People have been trying to figure out how to coordinate all these needs for thousands of years. Socialogue is a tool that provides businesses with the ability to request information from their clients and the convenience of managing their assets in one place. It also has a marketplace for trading digital goods and services. The platform emphasizes on its principles of transparency, decentralization, and collaboration.
Socialogue will be used to co-create a business ecosystem as well as an economy based on meritocracy through its reputation system. The blockchain technology will provide an immutable record for each transaction made by its users that is tamperproof. Socialogue believes in providing opportunities for small and medium-sized companies to participate in the global economy which is why it leverages on blockchain technology to create an open, decentralized ecosystem where every participant has access to capabilities they need at the right time while preserving trust and privacy along with other features such as security and automation.
As a complete platform, Socialogue provides an extra edge for security and experience. Everything within reach of the platform - social connections, marketplaces, game metaverse, and more. Everything today's NFT fans need in one place. Socialogue observed that NFT room participants had to rely on multiple platforms for information, communication, printing and other purposes. And it is self-evident that using one platform instead of multiple platforms will serve the industry and its users.
Socialogue NFT Social Platform brings all social media influence to the NFT space. The importance of social features within the platform is game-changing. It overcomes the shortcomings of the industry and provides unlimited opportunities to the community.
Socialogue members can write posts, like, share, comment or send direct messages to users of any platform. By actively participating in the community, a member can create their own followers and get rewarded. The opportunities with having a following in the digital economy have never been greater.
Socialogue values ​​transparency. Setting up a profile that other community members can see is easy. This empowers creators, collectors or other members to tell their stories and even showcase the collected NFTs (Fig. 2). Strict verification for content creators is also required to keep the community safe. Socialogue has all the features of a social platform. The ability to communicate within the platform creates extra security and closer relationships. For new opportunities and more confidence.
ROYALTIES: The platform uses royalties to buy floor NFTs mainly for two reasons - to reward honored users and provide stability for the community.
RECOGNITION: On the platform, Socialogue appreciates every NFT holder. To praise them, every NFT owner gets a senator member badge. They get recognized among other users as DAO Senate members, who can vote and decide the Socialogue future.
DAO: A unique DAO structure redefines community involvement. Every Socialogue NFT holder becomes a member of the DAO Senate. The goal is to have as many senate members who will shape the future of Socialogue and the whole NFT space. Senate members participate in major Socialogue decisions.
TOKEN: Token Launch will take place in Q1 of 2022. Socialogue will reward every NFT holder.
EARN: Holding Socialogue NFT and being part of the community opens multiple ways to get real economics. Participation in the community, taking decisions in the DAO Senate, and other activities are rewarding.
METAVERSE: Socialogue offers a thrilling experience on the Metaverse. One of the exclusive parts of the Metaverse is the DAO Senate, where the gatherings, votings, discussions, and other activities occur.
PRIVATE: As a close and unique community, NFT holders who are Senate members have a private group to discuss upcoming changes, decisions, and the future of the platform.
SUPPORT: Like one big family, Socialogue offers support and help to its members. Socialogue Senate has direct contact with platform admins as additional support and attention.
The NFT collection allows Socialogue to add even more uniqueness to the platform and user experience. Users can use tokens for various purposes. Again, mainly for a better customer experience, increased loyalty, and stability of the platform.
The stability of the platform is also an important indicator. A part of Socialogue tokens is not sold or given away as rewards. It is important to have tools and resources to keep the platform stable and working if anything unexpected happens. Socialogue has a promising future, but it is always better to have a plan B than have none.Socialogue is a platform that seeks to create a collaborative environment for both businesses and individuals which is possible through blockchain technology. This can be used to improve the way that small and medium-sized companies participate in global trade.
If You Need Information, Please Visit
Website: https://www.socialogue.com/ Whitepaper: https://www.socialogue.com/d143f264fb86a1cb3543b99e519442fe.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/SocialogueNFT Facebook: https://facebook.com/Socialogue Telegram: https://t.me/Socialogue Instagram: https://instagram.com/socialoguenft/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Socialogue Medium: https://medium.com/@Socialogue
Author Information
Forum Username: Yuray Borushko Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3425366 BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x20E53e9a0e8695bd97e2ef23F7Fad240ecb0615c
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