yyyaozhang · 4 years
week 5
Elevator pitch
A product to simplify the process of put on shoes, which will unlace the shoes and flip up the tongue by one single button, and the other button will tie the shoes.
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yyyaozhang · 4 years
I was really inspire by the package design for the Xbox controller, not only the controller is really easy to use for people with disability but also the package is really nice and easy for the target group, all the small thing on the package are all design for people who has disability, the package design itself is really improving the user experiences. I think a good design should be really focusing all these small stuff, the stuff a lot of people did not pay attantion.
For the article itself I reflex it to myself I think I am the type of person that do it first then we will see if it work or not, you can’t figure everything out before you actually do it, it is a learning process while you doing it, so for me I will prefer start doing stuff instead planning forever and then start working on it.
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yyyaozhang · 4 years
 When the interviewee was asked if a better prosthesis would help him to exercise more, the answer was ‘‘No, because I have the best there is.’’. it appears that the prosthesis had no influence whatsoever on his participation in sports. A number of athletes felt that their prosthesis was a hindrance when participating in sports or was unnecessary, and therefore, chose to take part in wheelchair sports or another type of sports in which the prosthesis was not required. ‘‘As a matter of fact, I feel better if I participate in sports without my prosthesis…I actually find it more comfortable, because. the prosthesis just feels like a block on your leg…is not actually yours. If I participate in sports without the prosthesis I’m more relaxed, I don’t have to think about it, prosthesis.’’  
Write your establishing statement: a statement that mentions the purpose of your project. This will be the title and beginning theme of your Miro boards and presentations from here on out. 
A Product that reduce users difficulty on activity during daily bases.
Based off of your Primary/Secondary research, your user maps, competitive product, inspiration & your what if questions, create a list of 4 design criterias for your product. These will be your measures of success. Add this to your Miro board. 
peace of mind
Easy operational
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yyyaozhang · 4 years
Week 2
1-Write on your blog: Research and find at least 4 other websites that describe projects/products related to inclusive design that inspire and/or impact you in some way. What can you take from these inspirations from the links above and also ones you discovered in your research as you start thinking about your own project for this class? Was there any common theme that was insightful to you.
This is a couple of design I found that really inspiring to me, This first one is a blade for runner, it is incredibly fast and really helping the runner themselves to compete, they can run as fast as other Olympic players which is really blowing my mind off the first time I saw the video. The second product shows how complex of amputee can be for professional athletes. The third product I found is a couple of shoe designs that are really easy to put on by just using one hand. Then the last product is a box that able to let people really easy to put their wheelchair up in it.
Marshall, Lisa. "'Leep' Of Faith: CU Scientists Testing World's Fastest Blade Runner". CU Boulder Today, 2018, https://www.colorado.edu/today/2018/08/24/leep-faith-cu-scientists-testing-worlds-fastest-blade-runner.
CASSILO, DAVID. “Shoes for Athletes with Disabilities.” Popular Science, vol. 287, no. 5, Nov. 2015, p. 18. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=110072469&site=eds-live.
Noe, Rain. "A Rooftop-Based Wheelchair Deployment System For Cars - Core77". Core77, 2020, https://www.core77.com/posts/101987/A-Rooftop-Based-Wheelchair-Deployment-System-for-Cars.
2- Competitive Product- what products already exist in your category. (SHOW THE PROS AND CONS OF EACH ITEM)
I found Nike flyease is a similar product, it is really easy to put on and tie the shoes with one hand, but the downside of it is it still needs at least one hand with the strength to get it done. At the same time, there are only a few shoe options to pick. The other product I found is a pair of shoe that can lace itself via an app on the phone, but this shoe cost more than $400, and it has a battery inside so it is heavier than normal shoes and needs to be charged once in a while.
3- Secondary research: show us relevant information about your users and user scenario which will inform your product design (cite your sources)
I try to design a product for athletes with disabilities, this product should be easy to use and affordable. I hope it can improve their sport experience to give them some positive push.
4- Sketch Based on what you have learned so far from secondary research & in-class lectures, draw 40 ideation sketches in your sketchbook that you think could help users living with their specific disabilities.  Highlight 4 sketches (one for each product) in your blog this week. Describe why these are innovative (something that is not already in the market) & clearly show a refined user experience.
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5- Do create 2 rough prototypes out of the 4 sketches you highlighted. Photograph them in use in your own home or with your roomate and tell us what you learned about protyping them. These are quick prototypes simply using household objects or materials. This is a way for you to think with your hands in 3D. The point of these prototypes is to better understand how it works, NOT just to see what it looks like.\
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6- In response to Kat Holmes’ video: Define inclusive design in your own words. How did her talk change your thinking in one specific way. 
I feel very inspire by the part about ability bias, expecially the airport bathroom she mention, the hand signal that people usually don’t paying attention are actrally sort of mismatch. Also such as the swings in playgound send signal for a specific group of people that this thing are design for them, so I think the three question she ask are very important to mix into my design, Who faces the greatest degree of exclusion? Who might have the most to lose? And whose voice is missing?
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yyyaozhang · 4 years
Week 1
1.In response to Little book of Research Ethics: Write an ethics statement that represents you. This statement will guide your Primary Research, User Interview, and User Testing engagement. In response to the articles on Simulation: What surprised you about these articles and what was the biggest ‘aha’? In response to working with people resources, what new learnings did you find and how do you plan on applying these this term? 
I believe respecting the participant is one of the most important things during research. In this case, respecting the participant including not forcing them to do or answer anything they do not feel comfortable, I should always put this in my head, and at the same time when people doing research they should not mislead their participant to get the answer that “I” want, as a person to research I should not have a frame and try to let the participant fill out the question, instead of people who on research should use this opportunity to find out the real problem and synthesize the information.
I believe I already made myself a frame when I try to simulate on something that not my own experience, it is impossible to simulate something that lasts a lifetime in a few hours.
2. Using 3 SECONDARY research sources that you learned in today’s lecture this week, begin to research the following categories of individuals living with medical disabilities in this new norm.
Rareș, Stănescu. Wheelchair Tennis – An Opportunity For Social Integration Of The People With Disabilities. 2014.
Balan, Valeria. Aspects Of The Swimming Lesson Design At Disabled Children. 2015.
Gegenwarth, Thorsten, and Thomas Reinelt. The 'Adapted Skibob’ – Wintersport For People With Specials Needs & Disabilities Of The Musculoskeletal System. 2010.
3. Create 3 personas based on your secondary research. Create three very different personas of users in your audience. Include diverse personality, interests, and culture. Based on unique make-ups consider how different users will approach your project.  Include factors that will appeal to many facets of their make-ups to add depth to your project for diverse users. Tell us about their values, what they feel, and their medical diagnosis. Answers the following: What societal, technological, environmental, and cultural changes are they experiencing? How do people in this category live, work, play, and survive? How might human behavior, motivation, attitudes, and desire change based on these factors? What problems are experienced? 
Bob: 23 yrs old, Denver, Colorado
Left leg amputation
Live with his 21 yrs old brother.
Love snow and play with his pets, used to be a track athlete
His hobbies include playing table tennis and listen to jazz
He wants to ski in wintertime like his classmates
Darryl:56 yrs old, Tokyo, Japan
Live with his 45 yrs old brother in an apartment
He loves reading and listens to road trip
He having a hard time to use high tech product
Challenged to grab stuff and wishing to read an actual book again
PJ: 25 yrs old, Compton, California
Autism, Learning Disability
Live with his Parents
Love watching the basketball game
Love to talk to people
Having a hard time to understand people and focusing
Sometimes PJ have a sleeping issue
4.Inspiration visit core77.com, wired.com, fastco.design, TheMuse.com, thecoolhunter.net  On your blog share 4 items, articles, photos, or ideas that inspired you. Tell us WHY! Cite your sources.
1.I found this trashcan that able to freeze the trash so that it won’t have any smell in your home, this is a pretty cool idea and it won’t cost a lot of electricity so I think it is fun design.
Noe, Rain. "Yea Or Nay? A Garbage Can That Freezes Your Trash - Core77". Core77, 2020, https://www.core77.com/posts/102034/Yea-or-Nay-A-Garbage-Can-That-Freezes-Your-Trash?utm_source=core77&utm_medium=from_title.
2.In this article Gavin Newsom tries to make California ban sales gas-power cars by 2035, I think it is inspired me that people actually start to consider sustainability and doing work with it instead of taking it as a slogan.
Marshall, Aarian. "California Plans To Ban Sales Of Gas-Powered Cars By 2035". Wired, 2020, https://www.wired.com/story/california-plans-ban-sales-gas-powered-cars-2035/.
3.I found this bookstore in China and I been to their store in Beijing, it is definitely my favorite bookstore, the design is just gorgeous. Love to spend time in their bookstore.
"Zhongshuge Bookstore, Ningbo, China - The Cool Hunter". The Cool Hunter, 2020, https://thecoolhunter.net/zhongshuge-bookstore-ningbo-china/.
4.This is really brilliant idea, personly I love playing chess and this is a really cool design, I always hate playing chess on my electronic device because I always feel like it’s lacking something, this design is perfect for the traveler, and it also comes with the high-end finishing which really draws my attention into it.
Noe, Rain. "Intelligent Use Of Design In This Travel Chess Set - Core77". Core77, 2020, https://www.core77.com/posts/101389/Intelligent-Use-of-Design-in-This-Travel-Chess-Set?utm_source=core77&utm_medium=from_tile_image.
5. What if: Ask yourself 10 ‘what if’ questions to begin to identify areas where you can problem-solve around your target demographic. 
What if there is a product that can help Bob play with his pet better?
What if there is a product that can help Bob to ski like others?
What if there is a product that can help Bob get back to the track field?
What if there is a product that can help Bob play drums again?
What if there is a product that can help Darryl read the book better?
What if there is a product that can help Darryl holding stuff more stable?
What if there is a product that can help PJ back home safe every time?
What if there is a product that can help PJ improve sleeping quality?
What if there is a product that can help PJ focusing on stuff better?
What if there is a product that can help PJ learning?
6. Design/Sketch: Each week you will sketch and post sketches relevant to your projects. This week, based off of your initial secondary research, sketch 10 products that you think could help to aid your personas in their hobbies. Tell us how this product would aid your user in the challenges they face. 
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