zacharybiddle · 4 years
Mikel Biddle – Optical Illusions in human relationships
Ralph Waldo Emerson had said once, “There is an optical illusion about every person we meet.” What did he mean when he made this statement? One way of looking at things is that people are not actually you visualize them to be. It can also be that they might have a different perception than you have. It is only when you understand them fully that you get to know the real qualities of a person. Zachary Mikel Biddle belongs to such a category. He believes in getting to know every person he meets before forging any sort of relationship with him/her.
Let us look at one story that will give you an idea about what optical illusions concerning people are. Remember that you begin to judge people on what you see or what you perceive. It might not necessarily be the truth. It is only when you know the truth that you will realize the enormity of your action.
A man was once searching for his wallet everywhere in the house. He just could not remember where he had placed it the last time. He was in a hurry. Hence, he started getting impatient. When you get impatient, you are probably at your most vulnerable self. You tend to believe anything that people tell you. It could just be crap but will end up believing it all the same.
The man’s family was also helping him in searching for the wallet. His son casually passed a remark that the neighboring kid was there just the evening before. The man immediately concluded that the boy must have taken the wallet purposely. He immediately started berating the boy, even though he was an adorable kid and everyone in the house loved him. The man started saying that he could judge the mischievousness in the boy’s eyes right since the first day he set his eyes on him. He even started blaming his poor parents for the upbringing, etc.
The man’s wife dissuaded him from speaking ill of the boy, but our hero’s mind was clouded with doubt. Suddenly, his daughter found the wallet tucked away behind the sofa. It must have slipped down somehow. Immediately, the man realized his mistake and started praising the kid. He said that he was sure the boy would not have taken the wallet as he belonged to a good family, blah, blah.
What does this story convey? It says that one should accept anything at face value. One should look deep within, convince oneself and then start making comments. Commenting loosely on anyone’s character can scar the victim for life. This principle is followed by  Zach Biddle California wherever he goes.
He understands that human relations are also like optical illusions. You must have heard the old maxim, “All that glitters is not gold”. It means that human relations need to be nurtured carefully. If you rub the surface, you will know how deep the relationship is. These are simple facts of psychology that  Zach Biddle San Diego believes in.
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zacharybiddle · 4 years
Are You Connected Or Disconnected With Yourself - Mikel Biddle Asks
Did it ever occur to you that you might be disconnected with yourself? Do you consider it weird? Even if it is weird, it might be true that you are disconnected with yourself says Mikel Biddle. Worse still, if you are not even aware whether you are connected with yourself or totally disconnected with yourself.
According to Zach Biddle San Diego, someone that is connected with oneself reaches great heights and enjoys tremendous success in life. Everyone wants to be successful in life but not everyone is successful. You might say that those are not successful are people that do not work hard. Are you sure? Have you taken a little closer look at people’s lives and how hard they work and how much they slog to achieve their goals and achieve their dreams? Despite their efforts, they do not manage to get what they want in their life. Why do you think that they are not successful in life? It could be because they are not in touch with themselves.
We talk so much about living in a world that is connected. The latest devices and the internet keep us connected. Yes, this might be true that we are connected with the world but the question is what device and what tool and what technology do we have to get connected with oneself. We have achieved tremendous growth in terms of technology but we have not really made any progress when it comes to getting connected with oneself.
We have too much of noise around us that distract us from getting in touch with ourselves. We are oblivious of the fact that we are losing touch with ourselves and we are getting seriously disconnected within while we get closer to the rest of the world.
How are connect with oneself and success linked? When you are connected with yourself, you operate at the optimal level. You perceive the opportunities that are in line with your personality and what you naturally do well easily. When you learn to spot such opportunities, you will be able to do extremely well by seizing those opportunities. The best part is that you will be able to build on your success more effortlessly. You will no more find your life a huge challenge, you would rather start enjoying and appreciating every moment of your life and that is a very good state of being.
We are being driven away from all these values and there are so many avenues and platforms that are busy preventing us from getting connected, remaining connected and why from even actively seeking that connection. Only a limited few manage to remain still connected with oneself. It does not matter even if you have not been thinking about all these all the while, it is important that you give some serious thought regarding remaining connected with yourself. All that it takes is that you make a genuine effort to get started in this direction and you will see life guiding you in the right path.
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zacharybiddle · 4 years
Teachings of Mikel Biddle – Building Leadership Qualities
To become a leader you need not have any official position. If your authority comes by appointment, then you are merely a manager and not a leader. According to Mikel Biddle, being a leader is lifestyle where as being a manager is holding a designation for a certain period of time. Designations can change from time to time but a leader remains a leader all his or her life.
All of could become leaders but for some it comes more naturally than the others. Do not worry, if being a leader is not our natural trait, you could train yourself to be a good leader and be as good as a natural leader or even better. Some of the important qualities of a good leader as observed by Zach Biddle San Diego are discussed below so that you could try to build those traits or qualities.
A leader commands authority not by designation but by his or her way of life. They lead by example and others around them are inspired by the leader and follow them. A good leader never asks anyone to follow him or her but people around a leader so choose to follow them because they find the leader worthy of following.
Another important leadership quality is clear vision about the future. They know clearly what they want and what is important. They leave aside everything else that distracts them from achieving their future goal. They are ready to pay a huge price to stay committed to their vision. They will not be deterred by hardships and challenges that they come across while trying to achieve their goal.
They are good at delegating tasks based on the strengths of capabilities of the other members. In other words, they have a great understanding of each member of their team. They know their team members better than anyone else does this includes their strengths as well as their weaknesses.
A good leader is never a people pleaser. They are straightforward and honest. They are committed only to their vision and will not submit to trivial things that could possibly deter them from achieving their goal. This however, does not mean that they never appreciate the efforts of the others. In fact, they are ready to notice the genuine efforts of their team members and ready to appreciate them.
A good leader does not work for wealth, fame or position. They are driven by their goal and they achieve all the other things along the way. Their commitment to their conviction takes them to the next level in life.
While good leaders are great at delegating tasks and responsibilities to others, they are not dependent on others to complete what needs to be completed. They would be ready to do whatever it takes to get what they want.
Their goals and convictions are never about themselves but about the others, for the society and for the needy. They have a social cause to achieve more than personal goals.
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zacharybiddle · 5 years
Know about Sickle Cell Anemia with Zachery Biddle and His Research
According to statistics, millions of Americans are affected by SCD (Sickle Cell Disease) in the US. Mostly African-Americans are affected by it; however, Hispanic-American births also suffer from it. Hence, Zachery Biddle is quite popular among the patients and their family members as his research would lead to the ideal cure for this disease. Have a look at what this disease is all about along with symptoms and more below.
Sickle Cell Disease
SCD refers to a blood disorder group which is typically inherited from biological parents. The most common kind is called SCA (sickle cell anemia). It simply results in an abnormality in protein that carries oxygen hemoglobin, which is found in RCB (red blood cells). It leads to sickle-shaped, a rigid form in a few specific circumstances. Issues in SCD begin typically when an individual is a toddler around 5 months of age.
From this, numerous health problems might develop which include pain attacks, bacterial infection, anemia, swelling of feet and hands, stroke, etc. When getting old, long-duration pain might also develop. The average life expectancy for people in the developed world is a maximum of 60 years. 
Though it affects 1 in every 500 African-American births in the United States, no universities and research centers are taking a step to find an adequate cure for this disease. Thus, Zachery Biddle San Diego has taken it upon himself to conduct preliminary research and help people affected by this disease receiving ample information about Sickle cell anemia so that they know what their options are moving forward.
Symptoms to look out for
If anyone who thinks he/she might have this disease, should look for the following symptoms:
* Anemia Sickle cells easily break apart and die, which leads to an individual lacking in RBCs. Red blood cells live for 120 days maximum before getting replaced. However, people who suffer from this disease, their RBCs die within 20 days or less. Hence, this leads to a shortage that causes anemia. Without ample RBCs, an individual’s body is deprived of oxygen which is required for feeling energetic, which results in fatigue.
* Frequent infections Sickle cells are known for damaging spleen that fights infection. This leaves a person more vulnerable to various infections.
* Pain episodes Periodic pain episodes are called crisis which is sickle cell anemia’s primary symptom. The pain starts when RBCs becomes rigid in sickle shape and stops blood flow to chest, joints, and abdomens through the small blood vessels.
* Feet and hands swelling Due to restrictive blood flow to hands and feet due to rigid RBCs, feet and hands start swelling up, that is incredibly painful.
Apart from these, other symptoms include vision problem, delayed growth, bone infarcts, heart and lung injury, etc.
Zack Biddle’s research
His research includes finding new ways to transfuse RBCs, gene transfer’s evolution, diagnosing naturally, strategies for replacing affected cells with normal RBCs, etc. Through such work, Zachery Biddle California hopes to encourage people with this disease to get the courage to fight it and gain ideal treatments that would make their lives healthier and better.
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zacharybiddle · 5 years
Team Work and Zach Biddle San Diego
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Mikel Biddle says that he is very strong believer in teamwork. According to him only a team can aspire to accomplish impossible feats but not as individuals. Teamwork has its own inherent benefits.
When you are just an individual all that you could do is to dream of certain tasks and goals and come to the conclusion that it is not possible for you to achieve those goals because you are limited in a number of ways. Those limitations could be either in the form of the required knowledge and skill level, it could be in the form of required human force or it could be in the form of time limitations. All these limitations will not be able to stop you if only you were to work as a team. In a team you will have multiple skills and talents. Similarly when you are working as a team you have the power of time multiplied by the number of people in the team. If you are an individual you will just have 24 hours in a day but if you were a team of two people then you would have 48 hours. What you could not accomplish as an individual would be possible as a team because you will be able to overthrow all the time limitations.
Moreover, when you are working as an individual when you get tired and stop everything stops and comes to a standstill. This is not the case when you work as a team. Even when one person is tired the rest of the team is working and supplying for the one who is tired. The work continues without stalling the entire operation.
Zach Biddle San Diego says that today people understand more clearly than every that complaining and whining will not get any job done sooner and the teams today try to resolve the issues by pooling the resources and to get the task done. Zach Biddle has a very positive outlook on teams today. These days in most of the teams, people are self-driven. They have very little problem among themselves. This is what his experience being in several teams. This does not mean that all the teams operate at optimal levels but the trend is changing for the better these days. Teams are becoming increasingly healthier, which makes the work places a lot better place to invest one’s time and not a place that sucks out one’s energy completely. When you work as a team one of the biggest advantage is that you will feel less drained just because of the psychological support you get from one another. The very dynamics of the team has this positive psychological impact on our human minds.
If you are part of a team consider yourself lucky. You will be able to enjoy all the benefits Zach Biddle is pointing to. The best part is that everyone in the team emerges as a winner and everyone feels happy in a healthy team.
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zacharybiddle · 5 years
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The advancement in science and technology all over the world has changed so many things including how brands and business are being marketed and promoted.  The world is going digital in virtually everything thus making the use of manual techniques and procedures would only leave you lagging behind.
The use of digital technologies mainly the use of the internet and another digital medium in marketing products and services available to people is the act of digital marketing. Most people are increasingly incorporating the use of digital devices into their everyday life making the use of digital marketing for products and services more efficient.
Zachary Biddle added that digital marketing which can be referred also to online marketing or internet marketing is a great channel to market your good and services because it has gain popularity over time. There are several digital marketing methods you can strategies on to market your business. These methods include the search engine marketing (SEM), social media optimization, the search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing and much more. Digital marketing, however, had extended to the non-internet channels such as mobile phones.
Zachary Biddle San Diego says business owners are employing the use of digital marketing to take their business to its peak. These digital channels allow for acceleration, creation and transmission of any product value from the producer to the consumer through the digital networks. Your business stand to get a lot of benefits when digital marketing is incorporated into it. These benefits will be discussed as the following sub-topics:
* Easy accessibility: The primary role of digital marketing in any business is to give way for easy access to a product or a service. The digital devices help to share out information on products and services at a fast rate to people all over the world at any given time since it is not limited to distance, geographical location or even time. Consumers can also ask questions and give feedback when digital marketing is being used.
* Traceable measurable results: Zachary Biddle added that using the web analytics and the other online metric tools, you can track and measure your online marketing in a bid to know the success and the effectiveness of your marketing campaign. Detailed information about how your customers visit, us your website and even respond to your marketing campaigns can be gotten easily.
* Saves your time and money: In digital marketing, you use less time and less money to market your products as it is available in all range to both small and big business.  You can drive the most advertising traffic on your website at the lowest cost and convert most of your traffic to sales. It also saves the time of your consumers on their end as well since there is an easy and fast connection to your products.
* Increases brand loyalty: With your products been marketed on your website, Zach Biddle San Diego says anyone willing to make a purchase there would feel secure knowing that you have the integrity to keep and protect.
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zacharybiddle · 5 years
Life Lessons One Can Learn from Zachary Biddle, the Beacon of Success
Following a path of continuous growth Zachary Biddle has mastered all that his heart has desired. With the ability to think, assess and learn beyond limits, Biddle has mastered crafts most take a lifelong to learn.
* Archery * Surfing * Woodworking * Deep-sea fishing.
He participates in all these activities.
As someone with the purpose to achieve the most out of life Zachery has never hesitated to go the extra mile.
His charismatic personality and eye for great ideas led him to take the path of an influencer. With his influencer persona, he has helped numerous people in to garner funds for their businesses. His successful crowdfunding campaigns drew appreciation from kick-starter and Indiegogo, two of the largest platforms today.
So, what has led him to this point, that too in his 30’s?
Zach Biddle San Diego credits his success to hard work, dedication, and continual eagerness to learn. Additionally, he has always tried to utilise what he learns and implement it in his own life.
Today’s youth can learn from his diverse interest, and how he interprets them. Here are some of the topics he has been recently developing upon.
I.Optical illusion
The human brain is trained to preconceive outcomes from interferences, from minor clues. This ability to draw interventions can at times cause people to misinterpret situations. An optical illusion is a phenomenon, because of which the mind perceives an even different from what is.
After delving into the topic, Zachary Biddle realised how an individual’s perception could be different from another. All mind-bending illusions can be perceived in two or more different ways. Biddle, notes it’s a common human trait, to perceive things in different ways. After studying different optical illusion phenomenon, he interpreted that it’s effortless to trick the senses. It’s because with time we condition our senses to expect a particular outcome.
Probably, due to his experience with woodworking, he has been able to appreciate the optical illusions better than most. Zach encourages his audience to maintain a multi-dimensional perspective.
II.Team Work
Having been a part of many teams, Zachary is an expert in commentating on teams. He has always been an effective team player from his experience of being in numerous teams; Zachery has acquired valuable experience in the matter.
Being a motivational speaker, he believes that it’s his responsibility to educate his audience about the things that matter life in the long term. Therefore, he encourages his audience to learn about team work’s efficiency. A team with the right parting of people is self-directing and doesn’t require much supervision. Zach Biddle San Diego has suggested that a team can complete a much larger task than several individuals.
Motivation is repeating theme in all of Biddle’s methodologies. Encouraging his audience to master self-motivation, he has helped many to transform their lives. He has also developed a 6 step method that can be used to boost one’s motivation level.
Sharing all he learns on the way, Zachary Biddle continues to grow. On his way to realising his true potential, he’s taking everyone else with him.
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zacharybiddle · 6 years
Mikel Biddle’s Aura Illuminates the World of Medical Solutions
The legendary freelance entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and surfer at heart, Mikel Biddle is quite close to the zenith of his success. His success came at a comparatively young age because of him being able to relate with his audience. He understands their pain points well and aims to cater to those by providing the best solution possible.
According to him, the peaceful bubble of an individual should remain the same through relieving oneself of stress. He lays down techniques like listening to music, eating chocolates, meditating, having excellent communication skills, spreading love, and staying positive. However, his speciality lies in positively motivating people.
The proficiency of Zach Biddle San Diego in the genre of motivation and teamwork researches is already an established go-to for his steadily increasing number of followers. Along with this, his interest and contribution in solving the hurdles of medical cure is a recent add-on.
He is also taking particular interest in the major environmental concerns that can have a lasting impression on the health conditions of individuals. One of the most read and famed researches of Mikel Biddle include his paper on Hexavalent Chromium’s effects. The topic requires an extensive and microscopic look-into.
Explaining it through FAQs would clear the concept more efficiently:
FAQ 1: What is Hexavalent Chromium?
Hexavalent Chromium is a valence state of Chromium, which is usually produced by industrial processes. That it is toxic is prevalent from the effects that it has. Workers can be exposed to this chemical through mist, fume or dust. The compounds are synthetic, and hence, the chances to avoid it are high.
FAQ 2: How does it affect individuals?
The effects of this chemical on individuals are ghastly. It affects the nose, throat, eyes, and skin.
• In case workers inhale less amount of it, the effect is not permanent. However, when inhaled for an extended period, it may cause sores and hence nosebleed along with sneezing, coughing, burning sensation and runny nose. In the worst-case scenario, the nasal septum may develop a perforation. • Sometimes, people develop a steady allergy to this chemical, and this might lead to asthmatic symptoms. • The effect on the skin is far more severe. Workers have developed allergic skin reactions like dermatitis, which can leave scars and skin sores. • Impurities present in Portland cement. • Chromates added as anti-corrosive agents to primers and surface coating paints. • Excess exposure to this might lead to cancer too.
The focus of researches by Zach Biddle San Diego has also breached the boundary of other ailments like sickle cell anaemia. Prevalent among the African and Mediterranean countries, now the globe stands horrified at a blasphemous number of people carrying these genes.
Advanced treatments though feasible and not becoming pragmatically possible because of limited resources. Treatments like replacement of affected RBCs with normal ones, intake of prophylactic antibodies and transfusion of RBCs need to be made more affordable and easily accessible. Through his research and excellent oratory skills, he has put forth the proposal to try to gain more investments for this cure.
His public speeches bear testimonial to his true desires to ascertain that the patients receive the best possible medical attention. Mikel Biddle and his aims towards a cleaner environment sans toxic elements like Hexavalent Chromium might lead everyone to a healthier and safer life.
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zacharybiddle · 6 years
Zachary Biddle & His Powerful Research on Sickle Cell Disease!
A hereditary disorder that affects red blood cells, sickle cell anemia is a serious health condition from which 70 to 80 thousand Americans suffer. That’s why Zachary Biddle California has made it his life mission to spread awareness of this disease. Consequently, he has undertaken meaningful and influential researches for the same.
Indicators of sickle cell anemia
People carrying the disease of sickle cell experience problems in their early ages. However, those children see fewer symptoms of this ailment and continue living normal lives for the most part of their time.
Nonetheless, the primary symptoms that Mikel Biddle points out are:
* Sickle cell crisis – It’s a painful episode that clogs the smaller blood vessels. This causes extreme pain to the individual suffering from this disease. It takes time to get back to normal and usually lasts up to one week or so.
* Anemia – This is the decrease in red blood cells amount or hemoglobin count. As hemoglobin is the primary substance that binds oxygen and carries it to other body parts, its deficiency can cause serious problems. It includes complications like breath shortness and tiredness.
* Frequent infections – Such a severe disorder often damages cells and organs whose primary function is to help the body fight infections. This makes the sufferers more susceptible to infections.
* Painful swelling – Feet and hands are swollen, and it is excruciating for the patient. As the RBCs become sickle-shaped, they prevent sufficient blood flow that leads to the swelling of feet and hands.
Thus, Zachary Biddle explains with his motivational speeches that individuals coming across symptoms like unexplained pain episodes or other problems should immediately visit their doctors. Other indications that necessitate medical care are abdominal swelling, signs of heart attack, yellow tint on the eyes’ white areas, etc.
Seeing the severity of sickle cell anemia, Mr Biddle contributed significantly with his research studies that aim for the following objectives:
* Strategies to put normal red blood cells in place of the ones affected with sickle cells * RBC transfusion and stem cell replacement with newer and modified ways * Bringing prophylactic antibiotics in play to eliminate deaths * Advancement in transferring genes * Natural ways to diagnose sickle cell disease
How is sickle cell anemia affecting population worldwide?
In the USA, individuals who have this sickle cell disease have their life expectancies decreased by 30 years! Contrarily, in Africa, death due to this disorder is usual at premature ages. That’s because medical facilities are scarcely available in this part of the world. Additionally, sickle cell is a disease with low priority in numerous medical research institutions.
However, Zachary Biddle San Diego realized that this is a global threat and steps must be taken to cure it. Also, researchers need funds to develop advanced treatments. That’s why the incredible motivator started making the common people and professionals in the medical field conscious of this problem.
As of now, the situation isn’t that gleam for patients experiencing this ailment. The treatment option available to them alongside transfusion of blood cells is the pharmacological intervention that increases hemoglobin levels. Nonetheless, Mikel Biddle is striving to improve the cure procedures with his cutting-edge techniques and relentless hard work!
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zacharybiddle · 6 years
As told by Zach Biddle San Diego - Negative human impacts on the marine biology
Life had originated in the seas and now we are very close to demolishing our own source of origin, says Zachary Biddle of California. Over the years, we have utilized the vast bodies of salt water for our own advantage – trade and commerce, tourism, food, warfare, recreation and dumping our wastes. We thought that we could use the seas and the oceans as our dustbins and free amusement parks as long as it keeps our terra firma out of the equation. But the climate changes and global warming has distinctly proved how wrong we were. An ecosystem as large as the marine is bound the effect the rest of the world – land, and air, and if we are incapable of sustaining it, we are going to drown along, quite literally perhaps.
But in spite of the quite imminent danger, humans continue their harmful activities that leave negative impacts on the marine biology. Zachary Mikel Biddle explains below the various ways how humans and their actions are constantly affecting the marine ecosystems:
1. Dumping of wastes
Like all ecosystems, the marine world has its own cycle to deal with its own waste and pollution. But what happens when tons and tons of additional garbage is poured into it every day? Certain pollutions are accidental, like oil spills or storm water draining. But for some reason beyond comprehension, humans once started to believe that the oceans might have an endless capacity to absorb the wastes we create, organic and inorganic both, and will continue to do so forever.
We have long used the ocean as the dumping ground for sewage, industrial run-offs and toxic chemicals that immensely affects the marine biology.  Turns out it cannot. And the most ironic part is that humans fail to understand the consequences of their actions. Continuing on this path has not only affected the marine biology but has significantly affected ours as well, since we eat, drink and breathe in this same world.
2. Fishery techniques
People have long depended on the ocean as the primary source of food, especially those living near the seas and oceans. And extensive fishing techniques have managed to make that a reality. However, these practices have affected the marine biology significantly, as is evident from the much reduced or almost exhausted amount of fish stocks now available near the continental shelf areas. Some fishing techniques like trawling or dredging have caused widespread damage to marine habitats and the habitants.
Other than that, unethical practices like whale hunting in the earlier years have left irreparable damage to the oceans. No one is saying that we should give up on fish, but the methods should be sustainable and ethical.
3. Indirect ocean acidification
Human activities that are not even in direct relation to the water bodies are also harming the marine. The Cascades of effective actions over the centuries have led us to the concerning amount of global warming, which is an excess of CO2 in the atmosphere. At least one-third of this CO2 is absorbed by the oceans, which decreases the pH level in the ocean making the water more acidic and toxic for marine biology.
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zacharybiddle · 6 years
Zachary Biddle and his 6 secrets to motivation
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The classic Robin Williams film Good Will Hunting has a great dialogue where the lead character tells a student that sometimes when we run out of inspiration, someone comes in our life to reignite the flame of inspiration. Motivation is one the few things that keep us moving on even in the face of adversity. Sometimes our motivation meter might go low and hence we need someone to make us feel optimistic. Zachary Biddle effectively plays this role. His successful advice and years of experience bear testimony to this. Motivation is what made the student from San Diego University called Zachary Biddle a leading entrepreneur and kickstarter. Here are 6 secrets to motivation offered by Biddle which can help you a great deal:
1. Meditate
Meditation is an activity that is necessary for freeing the inner self from frustration and anxiety. It helps us in calming down our nerves, helping us to think about our actions in a clearer manner. Zach Biddle in San Diego spoke extensively about the importance of meditation and summed up his first step to problem-solving as "Think. Breathe. Think.". You do not require being a pro-yoga Guru for this. Just some simple breathing methods early in the morn go a long way in keeping you healthy and pumped up for the tasks of the day.
2. Music
Sometimes work feels boring and to add more energy to your everyday work; you can put on your headphones and play a random playlist that can make you energetic and ready to work. Research and studies have successfully shown that music of your favorite genre is a great help in keeping you motivated. Some light optimistic tunes are great alternatives. We are talking about those Bob Marley and Beatles vibes.
3. Chocolates
Yes, it sounds weird, but it is a factor that would bring you instant happiness and energy. You will be an emotionless android if you do not like chocolates.
4. Positivity
To feel motivated, to feel positive, you will have to be positive. Mikel Biddle has always said that your objective for the day should be smiling while doing whatever you are doing and making others smile too in this process. A smile triggers a reaction of contagious laughter, and this helps you keep a positive attitude even under times of stress.
5. Communicate
Communication helps you open up to others and express yourself. If you are having any troubles, you can talk it out with others to feel a sense of relief. On the other hand, if your communication skills are good, people themselves might seek your help if they have any issues. Communication helps in sharing happiness.
6. Learn to love
Everyone craves for love, but love is not a FedEx package that is placed on your doorstep every morning. Learn how to love others, and you will be loved; that is the gospel truth.
So here were some tips by Biddle which would fill you with optimism and motivation so that you lead a better life. There is a lot of negativity in the world anyway. Some motivation would help you to play your part in eradicating this darkness.
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zacharybiddle · 7 years
Zach Biddle San Diego – Secrets of achieving motivation
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Zachary Mikel Biddle is a firm believer in motivation. In today’s stressful life, people need a lot of motivation to carry on with their daily chores, leave alone achieving success. He opines that failures hardship and hurdles come in the life of everyone. In spite of all these obstacles, he believes in staying positive and motivated.
What are the prime requisites for being motivated all the time? According to Zach Biddle San Diego, a positive framework can help in motivating individuals to do better. “Don’t ruin a good today by thinking about a bad yesterday.” This is what Zach Biddle professes to people. One should learn to let go of the bad memories and start life afresh. Yesterday is something you cannot bring back into your life. It has passed away. Hence, it is always best to leave it where it belongs, in the past. If you keep on thinking about yesterday’s activities, you will not be able to concentrate on the things you need to do today. Thus, you end up ruining today as well. This today will come back to haunt you tomorrow. Remember, this is a vicious cycle. Break free of this cycle and move ahead in life. This is what motivation is all about.
There are various ways to stay motivated. Let us look at some of the most useful ones.
* Take it one day at a time. You have a target before you. You need to achieve the target within a fixed period. The best way to approach any target is to take it one day at a time. Can you go directly to the seventh floor of ant building? Even if you take an elevator, you have to cross the first six floors before reaching the seventh. The same logic applies to motivation. Think about today, the task on hand. The tomorrow will take care of itself.
* Have positive people around you. Remember, the world is full of negative people. They will not leave a single opportunity to pull you back with their negative thoughts. You have to surround yourself with positive people at all times. Their positivity will rub on to you and give you the necessary boost to go ahead in life with full vigor.
* Have a clear plan in mind. How do you think computer programs work? They work on the basis of a flowchart. It means that it works in an organized way. Adopt the same principle in life. Have a clear plan of what you have to achieve in life and how do you propose to approach this. This vision will help you a great deal and prevent you from getting lost anywhere.
* Now, you need to have belief in yourself if you plan to achieve an objective. If you do not believe yourself, who will do so? Remember, you can, if you think you can. This should be your principle in life. This self-belief is of utmost importance.
We have seen four simple ways of being motivated. We shall see some more in the articles to come.  
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zacharybiddle · 7 years
Fight Sickle-Cell Anemia with information from the research of Mikel Biddle
The number of American patients affected with Sickle Cell anemia increases every day. Also, African patients die at childhood due to less medical care. Here, the research of Mikel Biddle plays a significant role in which he promises to find best cures for this disease.
Know more about Sickle-Cell anemia: When a person’s body produces red blood cells in crescent shape, he/she is likely to have sickle cell disease. Now, as these blood cells contain a lesser life cycle compared to the round RBCs, patients incur anemia. Thus, due to their shape, these cells often prevent proper blood flow by blocking paths in blood vessels.
Various institutes are aware that this disease comes from the genetic cycle. But even after that, they do not think of including this in a research topic. Therefore, Zachary Biddle California took upon his shoulders to conduct intensive research to provide all round knowledge on Sickle-cell anemia. What are the symptoms of this disease?
There are certain symptoms of sickle cell anemia that patients should not overlook to avoid further complications and see a doctor immediately.
  Experiencing pain – Acute pain in chest, bone, abdomen, etc. happens because people have a certain blockage in blood vessels.
Swellings – Patients often experience swelling in their hands & feet due to blood flow blockage to the veins.
Increasing infections – People get frequently infected from small cuts because sickle cells damage the organ that fights infections.
Problem in vision – Blockage in blood vessels of eyes can cause severe damage to the retina and also a portion of vision.
Thus, research conducted by Zachary Biddle California aims to elaborate on all the symptoms. This way, people will get more information and also receive treatment at an early stage. However, he also shows that neglecting symptoms of this disease will cause serious complications.
Complications that arise in patients: The patients affected with Sickle-Cell anemia often suffer from the following complications: * Pulmonary hypertension * Stroke at an early age * Damage to organs * Acute chest syndrome * Permanent blindness * Gallstones * Ulcers in leg
Researchers around the world turn a blind eye towards this topic resulting in less information available for people. Moreover, insufficient fund for research work is also a reason. However, Mr. Biddle hasn’t abandoned his ideas despite the problems; rather he has taken his research to new levels.
Contribution of Zachary Mikel Biddle: His research aims for inventing - a.Strategies that would play a role in replacing affected sickle cells with normal RBCs b.Newer ways of RBCs transfusion, stem cell transplantation, etc. c.Evolution in gene transfer d.Natural ways of diagnosis e.Role played by prophylactic antibiotics in eliminating deaths
Thus, his contribution to this field of research is immense. But, he didn’t stop here. For him, happiness is finding more logical ways to prevent this disease. He believes that the ordinary people will get extra benefit from this research.
So, he aims to enlighten common men with essential facts about this disease. He explains how a sickle cell can happen because of genetic disorders caused in hemoglobin. Biddle’s research encourages people to gather more information on their disease.
Also, his works influence the affected to get courage and receive the best treatment. The study of Mikel Biddle comes as a bright hope for people. And the research lets them avail modern facilities to access more information.
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zacharybiddle · 7 years
The linchpin to the world of crowdfunding
The concept of crowdfunding emerged as a lifesaving approach to entrepreneurs and newcomers. It raises monetary support for a new venture by initiating campaigns that reach a large number of people. Few eminent names have emerged as successful crowd funders in this world, and Zachary Mikel Biddle is one of them.
Having respectable associations with Indiegogo and Kickstarter, Zach has devoted his life and career to the welfare of new and upcoming ventures. A childhood shackled with hardships and zeal to confront every obstacle has made Biddle a ray of hope to every inventor weaving a new thought somewhere.
Dwelling in antiquity:- Born to an average American family at 37-year-old, Zach was a bright kid. A shining prospect as his teachers described him; Biddle soon went on to pass his school boards with distinction. But, this was just the prologue to the novel.
His competence and ability saw him gain admission in the heritage San Diego State University. A few months into his semesters and the name of Zach Biddle San Diego was already spreading like wildfire in his University campus.
With an athletic physic and sheer talent, the Southern Wells Football team (people call them the “Raiders”) chose him as their prime forward. And the rest was history. Zach’s historic touchdowns at the Annual Football Meet are spoken of till date.
Zach’s crowdfunding - How it began? After completing his graduation, Zach looked forward to giving his surfing career a professional recognition. However, lack of funds and financial support instilled a sense of self-realization in him. He took a self-oath claiming that he would never let other entrepreneurs suffer and struggle the way he has dealt with life. Thus began his journey with crowdfunding.
Zachary Mikel Biddle became a crowdfunding enthusiast with Indiegogo. An iconic company as it is, Biddle took up a few flabbergasting strategies to success. He began by sharing his own life story with entrepreneurs buckling them up with motivation and inspiration.
Zack made a comprehensive study of every new product that came his way and carved out a strategic growth by generating a market craving through his immaculate speeches. His spectacular marketing skills soon made Indiegogo the largest crowdfunding platform for entrepreneurs. Moreover, the website also converted itself into an e-commerce platform to take these new inventions to the world.
More feathers to his cap:- Kickstarter, another crowdfunding venture began their affiliations with Zach Biddle San Diego. This is where Biddle made significant contributions to the world of technology by supporting several new gadgets and inventions.
Apple recognized this contribution and effort by endorsing a fraction of his crowdfunding campaigns. With such an association and immense talent, Biddle soon became the linchpin for new investors. People started looking up to him for inspiration and took appointments for consultations. Today, he is one of the leading influencers in the world of crowdfunding.
Footprints on the sands of time:- What Zachary Mikel Biddle has attained at the age of 37 is truly commendable. The blood and sweat put by him in the journey to glory will lay as footprints for newcomers to follow. He is an inspirer, a legend, and a true icon.
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