zahraaaaaa · 4 years
Iam lost.
Butuh pelukan yang menenangkan, tanpa tuduhan.
Pelukan yang menghangatkan, tanpa rasa kasihan.
Pelukan yang menentramkan, tanpa cacian.
Nowhere to go.. I am lost.
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zahraaaaaa · 4 years
People Change.
Someone who came into your life, not all of them will stay.
Including the one who was really care about you more than you to your own self.
He promised never leave you. But people do change. So.. juts let them be..
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zahraaaaaa · 4 years
Saya memang tidak sempurna pun cara saya menghadapi orang lain.
Saya akan memperlakukan orang lain sebagaimana saya ingin diperlakukan.
Begitu bukan cara mainnya?
Seringkali, saya memberi contoh tapi teman saya tidak pernah melakukan seperti apa yang saya contohkan apabila saya tidak memintanya.
Ketika saya menjemur baju, lalu di jemuran sudah ada baju milik teman yang sudah kering. Sebelum saya menjemur milik saya, saya angkat dulu jemuran teman saya lalu saya antarkan ke kamarnya baru saya menjemur milik saya. Tapi, sayangnya dia tidak begitu. Akhirnya cucian yang sudah 3 hari di jemuran harus basah dan lembab lagi karena terkena jemuran teman.
Ada saya di sebelah sedang (berusaha) tidur dan teman saya menelepon pacarnya dengan berbisik, mengatakan rahasia atau memberi kode saya sudah tertidur atau belum. Oh itu sungguh mengesalkan. Kenapa tidak menelepon di lobby hotel saja atau tidak perlu menelepon sekalian.
Dan banyak hal lagi....
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zahraaaaaa · 4 years
Ilmu yang paling sulit dipelajari seumur hidup daan susah sekali lulusnya, saya rasa itu ilmu ikhlas.
Jadi anak rantau kayak sekarang (udah 5 tahun + 4 tahun kalo kuliah dihitung) saya rasa sering sekali dapet ujian ikhlas seringnya sih ga lulus karena sering banget ngeluh nya.
Akarnya sih karena berharap.
Jadi ya, baiknya tangan kanan memberi tangan kiri tidak melihat. Nyambung ga sihh? Hahaha
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zahraaaaaa · 6 years
Kangen bebas cerita apa aja sama ibuk, ga pake mikir bakalan nambah beban ibuk atau nggak.
Kangen ketawa saling ngomongin diri sendiri sama temen2 kuliah.
Kangen main2 ngobrol sharing sama kakak2 di kantor.
Kangen masak sambil tanya2 resep ke eyang.
Kangen jalan2 ke mall dijajanin tante.
Kangen video call sama temen jaman ojt.
Kangen tertawa lepas tanpa beban.
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zahraaaaaa · 6 years
abis nonton pilem D-90
Sedih sebenarnya lihat film ini. Bentar lagi udah 27 tapi belum ada tanda2 kehadirannya.
Kalo udah gini banyak2 istighfar. Jodoh datang nya dari Allah. Allah maha tau yang terbaik buat hambanya.
Ya Allah boleh dicepetin ga?
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zahraaaaaa · 7 years
A word that describes my life right now. I don’t really know what happens to my life right now. I am 26 no bf, I live so far away from home and less passion in work.
But there’s one thing that make me feel blessed to be here.
Allah has sent me the cutest sisandbro ever!
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zahraaaaaa · 7 years
Practice makes perfect (...)
As the only child in the family, Ive been dreaming about having elder brother or sister (honestly, I want brother the most). I know it’s impossible, but when I was in college, I have many male best friends. They were caring me a lot for my ups and downs, when I was in love (Was it love? I doubt) and when someone was breaking my heart. (Not only my male best friends but also my ladies) (even they wouldn’t read this, but who knows. Just mention them all).
At the moment I felt like having siblings which God forgot to give me.
As time goes by…. we’re lacking of communication but when we were meeting up, it was like we were never separated.
And now, I feel blessed. I got more and more brothers and sisters. I got younger brother and sister and of course elder brother and sister.
They always there to help me through all of the dramas 😜and most importantly, they know how to treat me as their little sister very well.
Dont get married soon mas, kakak. Let me be the next who leaves this city. please
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zahraaaaaa · 7 years
Heyhooo what's up!!!! is everything going well? Mine? Make it simple. Its like a roller coaster indeed. I feel happy, desperate, stress, sad, disappointed, excited, etc Now, I'll tell ya what makes me sooo excited. Its because......... This September (Insyaallah) I'll go overseas! yasss! Still in Asia tho but Im so excited of course!!!!! I guess you are curious of where I'll go. I'll go to *Japaaaaan* *applause please* Japan will be my #onceayear trip in this year. I have through all the ups and downs so I deserve this. So tighten up your belt darl 😜
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zahraaaaaa · 7 years
Who is elsa ?
Ketika princess harus menghadapi princess. Harusnya ada elsa dan anna. Tapi disini ada 2 elsa. Fufufu mau pisah aja tapi ya piye ya
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zahraaaaaa · 7 years
Dulu yang kalo ada apa2 ceritanya ke aku. Dulu yang kalo mau beli apa manut pilihanku. Dulu kalo pengin apa rembukan sama aku. Dulu kalo ada ide apa tanya pendapatku. Dulu kalo ada perkembangan terbaru infonya ke aku. Dulu yang kalo lagi makan bareng sukanya sok sokan romantis sama aku. Dulu.
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zahraaaaaa · 8 years
Hey, i was doing just fine before i met you.
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zahraaaaaa · 8 years
Somethin' is missin'
I miss you. Really do. Did I loose you ?
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zahraaaaaa · 8 years
Relax, it takes time . 😺
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zahraaaaaa · 8 years
Yailaaaah, pake jaketnya aja udah ngangetin, apalagi klo berada dipelukanmu mengajarkanku apa artinya kenyamanan, kesempurnaan cinta aaaaa
Anak Sehat Baper Lagi
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zahraaaaaa · 8 years
I could be the blossom and you could be the bee and then I could call you honey
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zahraaaaaa · 8 years
Invisible me
My inner child still in. I hate to see my bestfriends having fun with another without asking me. But that's life dude, people will come and go, but memories won't. So i decide to be invisible, so they could go and I can't blame them. but being invisible is suck.
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