zakeklund · 2 years
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zakeklund · 2 years
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“True, I suppose your game is a little different to mine. I have reputations to uphold and you can swarm in the shadows. I think that’s why we get along so well.” Quinlan assumes that is why but perhaps there’s an element of Zak that reminds the older man of himself. There’s a glint of what he thinks Tristin could be like when he’s older, dignified in the way he carries himself. Intelligent and the best trait of all, an opportunist. At least where money, power and business are concerned. Quinlan laughs, almost disbelieving Zak for a moment before he sees the younger man is entirely serious. “No, you’re pulling my leg.” Quinlan laughs. “That’s not right. After so long away too?” Quinlan can’t fathom doing that to family and he hisses slightly. “I’ll make up for it, don’t you worry. We can do something mega, give New York City something to talk about.” Quinlan was imagining important names in his contacts and a night that allows Zak to undo the tension from being locked away. “I’m very interested, you send everything over, we’ll do the rest. You’ll have to let me know your limits because I’m already thinking big.”
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“The shadows are nice, I spent enough time in the limelight for one lifetime.” The anonymity of the internet was ideal. No one knew him, he was only judged on skill, and he no longer had to stand next to Oskar to be compared. Quinlan and the Kelly's knew how to treat each other. That was why it did not bother Zak to associate with them and it was easy for him to go along with any of their requests or invitations. "When I tell you it was painstakingly atrocious, as you can imagine.” Emerald eyes rolled briefly and he took another drag of the cigarette. He wondered what the other man would say if he told him he also never received a visit during the entire eighteen months he was locked up. Zak acted like not much bothered him, apathy was always his strong suit. “Sounds like a much needed escape. I would like that,” he nodded a thanks to the older man. He pulled out his phone and unlocked it. “I can do that, put in the email or phone number you want me to send it to. Encrypted of course. I will send you my new number later.” Zak handed over the phone. “I do not have limits, I will let you know if something is undoable but we both know that will not happen.”
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zakeklund · 2 years
“I believe so but I personally miss the year round sun and beaches. But, Bradford Springs has a charm to it, I suppose. When it’s not littered with old friends or fiances.” she laughed but wished she could wave a magic wand and get Hakan to disappear in particular.  While dancing, Aiyla kept close to Zak and let her eyes scan through the surrounding guests. She hadn’t spotted Hakan yet, but she was thankful. “When he’s looking, kiss me as if I’m the last woman on earth.” Aiyla demanded and looked back to Zak. Thank Goodness one of the Eklunds actually knew how to play a stupid game because Oskar, for all accounts and purposes, was utterly useless. “I don’t know how you turned out so…fun and Oskar is so…not.” she mused, tilting her head slightly. “I was surprised to see him in a fake mustache and costume. Do you think he had to talk himself into it for a few days before finally being so wild?” she chuckled. She laughed at Zak’s decleration of bursting into flames as if he was some sort of vampire and she shook her head. “The pale complexion works for you. Like you trotted out of a Tim Burton book.” she teased but her hand reached up and touched his cheekbones briefly. “Yeah, like the Corpse Bride husband.” she confirmed finally as her hand moved back to his shoulder. The flourish made her giggle and as she returned to Zak she sighed in thought. “A new start, mostly. Escape the clutches of parents that only know how to tie a bow around a car and call it a hug, and then berate you for being spoiled. The usual. Did you come purely because of your blonde counterpart?”
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Zak laughed and nodded in agreement. If he ran into someone else he had any deep tie to, he was officially going to leave. At that point it would be too weird and obvious they were in a simulation. The taller man dipped his head close to Aiyla while they swayed together, glancing around for Hakan. “You sure you don’t want to practice first,” he spoke low, close to her ear then pulled back with a mischievous smile planted across his face. Sure there weren’t sparks of emotion, but emotion wasn’t needed to flirt nor the physical side of things. Zak was not one to have a missed opportunity if he could help it.
“I guess I will take that as a compliment, I am not sure I have seen a Tim Burton film but Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite authors and I believe they work together or have.” Zak remembered reading that online somewhere. Seeing illustrations of pale, slender figures with dark circles around their eyes. “I hope mine are not that exaggerated anymore.” A small breath of a laugh fell out and he spotted Bella again. “There she is, that is who I was referring to,” he pointed the angel out to her thinking it was only fair she knew his ghost since he knew hers. The giggle made him smile, it was a bit infectious just like Aiyla’s charm. “It was either I come here and be under my brother’s watchful eye or I go back to Stockholm to live under my parents.” He explained. “While Oskar can certainly be a bit dull and annoying, he is a much better option. Believe it or not, my brother occasionally knows how to have a good time. As rare as it is.” A sardonic smirk followed and he moved to twirl her again.
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zakeklund · 2 years
“Shocking.” She said with the tiniest bit of a chuckle. Remembering their rude greeting.  “You never seen the Disney movie? With the muses and all? Because you are missing out. That’s one of the best ones.” She laughed when he defended his date. “Nothing against her at all.. besides.. there’s nothing wrong with escorts.” She stared directly at him when he told her she didn’t know how the world works. “Unfortunately, I know all too well how the world works for people like you. Rich dudes with nothing but time on their hands and prone to boredom. Nah.. you aren’t the catch of a century. I know how you treat people that aren’t serving a purpose for you or fit into your aesthetic. I’m sure you get a date now and then… doesn’t make you worth their time.. cuz you’re just.. well.. a basic rich boy. A side dish. No meat and potatoes.”
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“Do I look like someone who watches Disney movies?” In fact Zak did not watch much television or movies at all. He would much rather spend the time reading or on the internet. “There is nothing wrong with escorts, but she is not one and just like a surgeon does not want to be called a dentist, she would not appreciate being called something she is not.” While he did not know his date explicitly well, he was certain she would not take kindly to the connotation. “Interesting you find it necessary to judge me when I am here with someone and it appears you are alone.” Zak found her anger and frustration with his existence hilarious. It was quite obvious she knew so little about him. He almost wanted to introduce her to the woman he fell in love with and see what she would say then. Bella does not fit into his aesthetic or serve any purpose besides being the most beautiful human to ever walk the planet. But, she talked way too much, she was goofy, very caring, and overly colorful. Quite the opposite of Zak in many ways. “You nailed it. If I put that on my twitter bio are you going to flag me for stealing it?” His tone stayed neutral with his expression, again not bothering to argue.
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zakeklund · 2 years
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zakeklund · 2 years
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                    with another glass of whiskey in hand , cora was mingling through the crowd just like her grandmother taught her all those years ago , playing a role of a   good hostess  now that dolores disappeared to the other side of the hotel .  of course , not without making a rather alarming excuse that she had to greet her  other  guests , which sounded exactly like it did to the bystanders who started giving each other looks of worry .  after all , it wasn’t a true halloween party without the stanley hotel raising a couple of concerns regarding it’s history .  cora was just about to pass by the bar when she got called out , stopping in her tracks and pushing a piece of her long dress aside so she could turn and face …. well ,  the devil  himself .   ❝  depends on who’s asking ,  ❝  a brow rose as she decided to play , head soon moving towards the direction of the hallway that really did , in fact , contain a lot of family portraits .  including her own .   ❝  ah , i see …  ❝   a nod was soon given , before offering a shrug .  ❝  are you sure , though ?  the pictures change depending on the hour ,  especially after midnight ,  ❝  a pause , as she awaited for a reaction , before cracking a smile .  ❝  that’s a  joke  , but still , ❝
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“A curious newcomer.” He decided on that answer, because there was no real reason for him wanting to know other than he did. Zak was not certain mentioning his last name would mean anything there. He hummed a slight chuckle at her joke. Obviously she was leaning on the haunted history of the hotel and the holiday. “All jokes aside, how much of all that haunted stuff do you actually believe in?” Of course he was a skeptic. The only ghosts Zakarias was familiar with were ones of his own past. “I took the tour and I never saw a single one.” They took a drink of their vodka tonic and shrugged. He did not mean any offense by it but he was curious. Besides, he was not one to apologize either way. 
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zakeklund · 2 years
“You’re so much more than those things. You need to see that in yourself, too.” Bella was right there with the words, whispering them back to Zak even though she knew there was more work to be done than uttering affirmations into his ear. He needed to feel worthy of the change, for starters. Which was half of the fight. “You know I’ll always see you as the freakishly tall nineteen year old that told me my Swedish sucked and sat with me for hours afterwards, right?” she smiled slightly because despite the years between then and now, the memory was always worth revisiting.  The warmth from Zak’s forehead pressing to hers made Bella close her eyes, and his faint whisper was almost missed. She shook her head instantly. “That’s not true, you deserve so much more than you realize.” all the while her arms didn’t want to loosen from around him. She wished she could help him, it was one of the biggest driving forces in her life. She could see someone wounded and struggling with themselves but he was so used to it, that change seemed impossible. 
“Squirty cream is whipped cream so I think it’s you with the filthy mind.” Bella teased him as she entered the car and slid along the seat for him to follow. “Besides, whipped is kind of dirty too.” she said it without realising their conversation was now being listened to by the driver and she covered her mouth as she looked to them. “Sorry, it’s been one of those evenings.” Yep, that made it so much better. Luckily, the driver wasn’t much of a talker which usually Bella would try to change but she knew Zak found comfort in the silence. She lowered her head to rest on his as he slumped on her, but her eyes remained watching the scenery unfold through the window. It was only when they arrived downtown and ascending the walk up to her apartment that Bella remembered the small state her home was left in. Mainly clothes from where she was panicking about what to wear. She let Zak follow her to the kitchen and open plan living area first and she gestured awkwardly. “I erm, the guest bed is my office so…” it didn’t feel right to put him on the couch and she sighed before she even finished the sentence. She did a little roll of her eyes as if she was giving in to a question he didn’t even ask. “I also have a tv in my room so, we can have snacks and hot chocolate in there too. If you’re hungry.” she shrugged. And then pointed towards a short corridor. “Bathroom too if you want to shower.”
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All he could do was stare at her in drunken awe while she praised him for being so many things he was not. One of the people he had arguably hurt the worst and had certainly seen some of the worst of him, still managed to bestow such care and love for him with ease. Not one other person would agree with what she said, nor should she. Yet there she was saying it and he was rendered speechless. Lucky for him, he was not much of a talker to begin with. That was until she mentioned their first encounter, an easy memory to access. A joyful smile lit up his sullen face. “Your Swedish was horrendous, but you’re still just as beautiful as you were that day.” He followed with a wink before it all faded again.
Zak scowled at the driver before closing his eyes and leaning against the keeper of his heart. It was almost a threat, daring them to say something out of line. They hardly needed a reason to fly off the handle. “Mmmhmm, whatever you say,” he mumbled somewhat incoherently as he drifted into a partial slumber. It was the type of rest that the body forced upon you in order to replenish some of the energy he kept trying to expend. He found comfort enough to relax around Bella. When the car did stop, the tall Swede groaned not wanting to get up so soon.
He followed her up the stairs while he stretched and yawned. The apartment was cute. Colorful and quirky just like Bella. Quite the contrasting opposite to any Eklund home. Green eyes shot her a confused look when guest bed came out of her mouth. “You’re going to make me sleep on the guest bed?” His lower lip jutted out ever so slightly. If it was necessary it was necessary but he certainly did not want to. Zak removed his suit jacket first and then the vest beneath, draping them neatly on the back of her sofa. Next he removed his tie and untucked his shirt. “Where’s your..” a hand motioned to his head and he made a pained expression. The name escaped him. “My brain feels like an electrical fire.” He was coming down fast and it felt awful.
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zakeklund · 2 years
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Bill Skarsgård — CAFÉ Magazine (2022)
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zakeklund · 2 years
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   “My sentiments exactly. The whole place is still the wild west but in suits. You know how they say about a turd glittering is still a turd.” Quinlan’s eyes shine as he speaks and laughs. The older man relaxes with his cigarette and listens to his younger accomplice. He nods to show he’s present even as his eyes watch the black paper of his cigarette erode away before he continues to inhale it’s toxins. “Nothing compares to the big city but sometimes being out of sight is the perfect place to be seen.” he knows there’s truth to his words. It pays being a known figure just enough. Friends in the right places, active in a local community. All smoke and mirrors. “We should celebrate the fact you’re a free man again. Something grand, you know? I’m sure a wee visit back to the big apple would be easy enough.” he rolls the idea between them for the possibility of it growing any legs. “A snitch you are not, Zak and you know you have the Kelly’s eternal trust for it. You’re practically one of us.” his hand comes to Zak’s shoulder again, this time squeezing in an act of care. He laughs at the internet ban, shaking his head as the end of his cigarette glows with his inhale. “Ack, as if that could fucking stop anything. If you’re in need of work, we’ll figure something out. You’re Zakarias fucking Eklund, my friend. Can’t be stopped.”
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“Is that what they say?” A smirk toyed on Zakarias’ lips and he pulled the black stick for another drag. His lips pursed as he listened to the older man’s response and he nodded slowly. “Not sure being seen is what I’m aiming for,” in fact Zak was quite content not being known as an Eklund anymore. It had been a bane on his existence for long enough. His hacker tag was already known well enough and he could be anywhere to be seen with that. The beauty of computers and the anonymity that went with them. “Yeah? I wouldn’t mind that at all. You should teach my brother a thing or two. You know he made me take a bus here when I got out?” Zak scoffed, still pissed about the situation. It was bad enough he had no visitors during his stay, it was a slap in the face to not even get a plane ticket to his new dreaded home. A smile formed and a silent nod of appreciation returned at the acceptance. Something his own family didn’t even offer him. “I wouldn’t mind getting back to work. I’m bored and I sure as hell am not becoming a ski instructor.” Zak shuddered. “I can send you what I would need to stay anonymous, if you’re actually interested.” 
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zakeklund · 2 years
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zakeklund · 2 years
Closed: @zakeklund​  Location: Callum’s Townhome
“Dude, when I tell you the girls in California are fucking unreal. Everything and anything you’ve ever dreamed of is achievable there.” Eight years in the golden state and he’d come across a handful of women from all various walks of life. It was a good time and coming back home had lessened the pool of potentials diminished immensely. Not necessarily looking for anything serious as he hadn’t in the past, there was just something fun about the company of a beautiful woman that the Knox was constant to having around him. “There was this acrobatics girl from this pop-up circus…and when I tell you mind blown.” It was unreal, but he knew that was all fantasy and wouldn’t provide him with something actually sustainable despite the fun. 
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“Too much sun,” he groaned in response. Mostly because he had spent the past almost two years in exile while Callum was running through a bucket list of women and parties. Zak missed the parties in New York City and the random trips on yachts and around the world. A buffet of substances, alcohol, and beautiful faces to cause chaos with. “Yeah? Reminds me of the yoga instructor I was once with.” The green eyed giant sat on the other man’s sofa and stretched their long legs out in front of them. “So why did you come back here, again? Also do you happen to have any connections around that know where to find high quality recreational powders?” Now that the taste was back in his mouth and he had no one he needed to impress, there was nothing stopping him from escapism.
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zakeklund · 2 years
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It means…
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zakeklund · 2 years
Her arms raveled around him and her mind was made up instantly. That if they stood there in the cold for a thousand years, she wouldn’t care. She’d happily freeze in place with him. While Bella could understand Oskar’s viewpoint, opportunities didn’t equal love or care or the steady patience of a parent that allows their child to grow into their own person. Now wasn’t the time to say this to Zak. Her therapist head knew that people had to draw their own conclusions, you could only help them find the beginning thread. But, her lover side? God, she wanted to hold onto him and never let go and tell him she could give him all the love he needed. That wasn’t quite appropriate either. “As wonderful as opportunities are, they’re not everything. Especially if they’re not opportunities that speak to someone’s soul.” Bella chose the words carefully, as she learned over the years. All the while her arms didn’t relent from squeezing him tighter to her, a weighty embrace to help decompress him and keep him as close as possible. “You’re not a bad person for wanting something different.” she spoke gently, cold air smoking from her lips into the night sky as her hands smoothed down Zak’s back softly. It was his last words that made her laugh, the kind of giggle that happened when someone was on the verge of crying. He somehow could do that, could inject humour where it was least expected. She pulled back, reluctantly, but let her falling hand grab hold of his as she walked to the car. “No whipped cream, but there’s squirty cream.” she chuckled gently, unable to control a growing smile as she looked up at him. It didn’t counteract the pain she felt though. “And you can even..shuush it from the can straight into your mouth.” her free hand did the motion as she made the noise of the cream and sighed. 
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There were many things Zak understood about his family. His place in it, what their name meant, what his parents wanted, and certainly what they did not. Bella’s words did not line up with any of that knowledge. The confusion in his eyes did not lead to a comment, but he kept what she said in his head to think about some other time. When his thoughts were not so clouded and the dissenting noise was not as loud. “Tell them that.” He scoffed a laugh and licked his lips. “I think the whole criminal, pretentious asshole thing might get me the bad guy rap though, what do you think?” The sardonic smile that followed was meant to be a distraction. It had always been a quick force of habit to switch focus, change topics when anything started digging too deep. Zak could make every excuse in the world as to why he was the way he was, but in the end he chose to turn out the way he did. He held onto the anger and the resentment and the pain and channeled into the wrong thing over and over and over again. No one else forced him to do that.
His forehead leaned against hers and he offered a tight lipped smile. “I do not deserve you,” the words were hardly audible but true all the same. Her tight embrace and soothing affection felt like the only thing keeping him together at the moment. The love she showered him with was all that stopped him from running off into the night to do something idiotic, adding one more thing to the long list of mistakes he made in his lifetime.
The car came and he sighed when she let go. An unintended snicker released to her response to his rhetorical question, meant to be a joke. “Crazy Brits and your filthy words. That does not mean-” he waited for her to get in the car and got in behind her. “Nevermind. It will be more fun to hear you say it again and see everyone’s reaction.” She was adorable, and probably the only person in the world who could pull a smile, let alone a laugh, out of him after the night he had. Zak exhaled and slumped his long frame down in the back seat. He leaned his head to rest on Bella’s shoulder and closed his eyes to rest for the drive to her house.
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zakeklund · 2 years
Though Esmeray admittedly didn’t know a lot of details about what the relationship between Zak and her sister had been like, she could only assume they weren’t good. Things had been pretty up and down, which Es would never blame on her sister even if she very well could have been the guilty party for all Es knew. Lips popping a bit, Es nodded, not sure how to feel about Zak being there in town. “I’m sure Stockholm couldn’t have been so bad,” she replied drolly, her head shifting to the side. She probably should have been nicer, she had no real reason to dislike the guy, but the protective instinct she had for her sisters was flaring up anyway. “How long have you been here now?” Bella hadn’t mentioned Zak being back around, so Es imagined it wasn’t terribly long, but it was entirely possible that her sister just hadn’t wanted to talk about it.
“Work, though,” she answered in response to his question. Not an honest answer, exactly, but it was the lie that she was going with for the time being. “I finished med school and figured it was time to come home for awhile so I took a job here.” Es paused for a moment again, nose wrinkling up. “Never hurts to be around to protect my family if they need it.” A thinly veiled threat, but one that Es couldn’t help but make.
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A soft chuckle fell from Zakarias and he shook his head. “You do not know my parents. Believe me, this is better.” He lifted his gin and tonic to take a drink. There was a moment he wondered if she knew he had been in prison the past eighteen months, if Bella had told her or not. “A little over a month, I had some things to finish in New York City before I joined my brother here.” Which was close enough to the truth. His forced vacation was no one’s business but his own and whoever happened to already know about it.
“What kind of work do you do again?” He honestly couldn’t remember if Bella had told him what all her siblings did or not. A couple of them went to college. Zak could not even remember how many there were. A lot, he remembered that. All adopted but that did not matter. In fact, it was better in his head. They were chosen by their parents, their parents wanted them. “Ah, medicine. Doctor or something different?” The tall Swede looked over to her with green eyes at her last words. “It is always good to have family around to have your back. You are a good sister.” Just like Oskar was a good brother, in that regard at least. He may be watching over him for the sake of their parents, but at least he tried and when either of them needed back up they were there. Regardless of how they felt about each other at the time.
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zakeklund · 2 years
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NINE DAYS (2021) dir. Edson Oda ››› Bill Skarsgård as Kane
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zakeklund · 2 years
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    Quinlan closes the tin with a light click and quickly hides it within the inside pocket of his jacket. “I’m sure they existed.” he replies about Irish cowboys, flicking the building ash from the end of his lit cigarette. “Plenty enough cattle in Ireland for them to round up.” he laughs momentarily.   Zak’s words curated a nod from the older gent while azure eyes glanced to the mixture of pretty costumes and makeshift ones. “It’s virgin land, my boy. Almost.” he laughs while referring to the opportunities that await and looks back to Zak, a hand coming to give a soft pat on his shoulder. “You don’t like it, I’m guessing. It’ll grow on you, sure of it. I heard about all the shit in New York, eh? Tough luck, kid but you earned your stripes the way we see it.”
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Emerald eyes rolled at the retort but a smile followed nonetheless. It made his mind wander to the idea of a Swedish cowboy and that image pulled a full on chuckle from the young Eklund. 
He exhaled smoke into the night air and watched it swirl into Quinlan’s. “Did not know there was such a thing left in America, did the whole place not stem from corruption and criminals?” Zak quipped but he knew what the dark haired man referred to. Untouched by the likes of the Kelly finesse and from what the demon had gathered, there were plenty of wealthy names settled in the tourist town. The view and the slopes pulled far too many people to the state in general. His eyes flicked to the blue eyed devil beside him when the next words left his mouth and he turned to lean back against the bannister. “Not nearly exciting as the big city but who am I to complain, at least I am a free man again, right?” He looked the older man over. “Lucky me. I was bestowed an amazing legal team. If my parents are good for anything, it is protecting their name so I got off easy.” As he always had, though this remained the first real consequence he was given. “Besides, I am not a snitch. But they did take away my computer privileges with the threat of losing my pretty little green card.” Though he still did not know how they could tell if he used one or not when it took them nearly a decade to figure out what he was doing in the first place.
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zakeklund · 2 years
Why? His question immediately sprung the answer in her head. Because I fucking love you, idiot. Instead she shrugged lightly. “What’s an angel without her demon?” she said gently, the tiniest of smiles flickering across her lips as she looked to Zak longingly. There was an inexplicable pain within her own heart, as if everything that was hurting him was tied to her. Whatever he was feeling may as well have been coursing through her own veins. 
Bella’s dark eyes watched the demon that captured her whole heart and soul move to his feet, the sight of the tears created a heavy weight that crushed her. All the while, she couldn’t stop hearing his words that were shouted in desperation to be understood by his brother. She allowed Zak the space, not only to throw the wine bottle but to collect his thoughts and she nodded understandingly. Slowly, she moved to her feet and carefully approached him. “Everything you said to Oskar, I believe you.” she said with a decisiveness as her arms opened again for Zak to choose whether or not he needed or wanted the embrace. “Things can change, I promise. But it’s okay to be angry and sad or feel stuck. And we don’t need to try and change anything tonight. We can just…be.” she smiled but it was one of pain because all of Zak’s hurt was starting to spill out from her too. There was the notification about the nearing ride home, making Bella look down briefly before her eyes found Zak’s again. “I have marshmallows and hot chocolate at home.”
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An unintended smile quirked at the angel’s answer. He could not help but wonder if she knew just how on point her metaphor was. Of course she did, she was well beyond his intelligence. So before he left her side, he pressed a quick kiss on her forehead. If there were anyone in the world that could pull him from the dark depths he had put himself in and bring him into the light he had not seen since he was young, it was Bella. 
His leafy gaze met chocolate hues, waiting for her acknowledgement that he was right. That he was fucked in every sense of the word, but he knew well enough that it would not come. “Not like it matters. Oskar was not wrong.” He bent down to rest his forehead on her shoulder and took comfort in her arms. Of course she heard them fight, why else would she have changed her mind from only a couple hours before? “They gave us every opportunity, all we had to do was what they wanted and I chose to rebel.” Truly, in the end, he had no one to blame but himself. He was not a child anymore and if he wanted to get out of their control he could, all he had to do was go out into the world and fend for himself. Zak chose to come back to Oskar, which was the same as going to his parents as it was them who asked him to watch the younger Eklund. He nodded to Bella’s statement, straightening again. Not tonight. Zak was not sure he could shut it off so easily but he would certainly try if it meant spending the night in her arms, trying to suppress a heaviness that weighed down his entire being. “Is there whipped cream, too?” Large sad eyes peeked at her, a twitch at the corner of his lips attempted to make it playful when the night seemed anything but. 
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