zannasuksess · 2 years
Welcome 2023!
Second day of 2023 and I already sit in front of my computer (not) ready for work. No mass leave. How could? And I don't wanna waste my leave as long as I can sit alone at home and hold my laptop.
I plan to set a theme for this year. 2022 was "Travel Every Month" and it executed well. There's some months I didn't go anywhere since I can't and had another schedule in town. Hence, I thought I will continue that theme hehe and add some additional theme too since I already had my passport. I bet you now what I mean hehe. Here's in my mind:
2023: Let's Travel More & Stay Healthy!
The travel will be in Indonesia and overseas no limit and the stay healthy to be consistent to do en exercise. If it is possible and I will try with my best hoping no overtime, will do the exercise every day (but I already skipped the first day in 2023 lol).
I should be more selfish to my own self for the sake of my sanity. Not to stingy for my own self and let's do self reward as often as possible.
Oh and I need to add "Reading Book" as my goals in 2023. I already started it in 2022 and already finish 2 or 3 books I think. And there's also some books I still not finished. Will finished them first and will continue that.
So to re-list my 2023 goals:
Traveling both in Indonesia and overseas
Exercise (try to do) every day with or without friend
Book reading (English or Indonesian is OK)
Duolingo apps for new language
I guess that's it for now. I will see what can be added along with the days pass by.
Cheers 2023! Let's make it funnier than previous years!
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zannasuksess · 2 years
Scrolling Facebook
I scrolled my facebook and again, I realize so many memories happened there. The good ones, the bad ones, the funny ones, the warm ones, and many others. I realized, I was better years ago. How did I said that? Many friends, seniors, juniors gave comment on my status updates. Even though just for fun. But I felt loved! I used to sent sweet messages to my sisters, haha hihi in the comment sections with friends, did chat with friends in chatroom, and many more.
How about now? Feels like no one need me. No one ever think that I am exist. I just miss my old self. I used to be a cheerful girl, I know that. Even though sometimes I am moody. I miss my easy going self, my friendly attitude, my kindness to others. Scrolling that platform made me ask myself "Since when did I become like this? What happened to me? Where did all the love I used to feel?
Yes, there must be changes in life. But shouldn't it be a better changes? Is it only me that change to be worse? What's so wrong with me?
And the last one, I re-read my last conversation with one of my old friend from high school, the best one actually. And stupidly I chose to left her just because a boy-problem. I was ashamed for that conversation. She was and is so kind, care a lot to me, and I just felt connect with her. I do ever felt jealous saw her closer to other people than me hehe. I thought she left me since she got new friends. But I guess I was wrong. I should believe her. But this stupid self didn't believe her and chose to hurt her and myself.
I actually do loved her - until now. Well, honestly I miss her a lot, too. It's just so awkward to text her first. So many story to tell her, so many advice I need to ask her but I don't dare to start a conversation for we didn't meet several years. Since the break-up-friendship and the pandemic too. I don't have a gut to hope we can go back to our old days! I just wish we can meet one day, and me can throw away my ego and smile warmth to you! miss you, oldie friend!
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zannasuksess · 3 years
Welcome 28th!
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I've been in this world for 28 years. So, what did I got so far? Much!
I have a family. Not a perfect one, but still a family. My mom called me and said:
mom: "how old are you?" (i know where this convo will go)
me: "28"
mom: "don't forget to get married"
me: "hmm hmmm"
- end call -
meanwhile, dad only text me:
"Tgl 27 Januari 2022 adalah tgl,bulan kelahiran boru pudan kami, semoga SEHAT2, PANJANG UMUR MURAH REZEKI, "TUHAN MEMBERKATI KITA SEMUA" sekali lagi " SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN BORU PUDAN" -thanks, Dad!
and other friends, sending warm wishes, food, and little surprise in the restaurant and hotel room. unexpected and give me warmth!
And I'm trying sending a note to myself:
Thank you for being you! Thank you for being strong enough. I know, sometimes you're uncomfortable in many situation, you wanna give up for the pressure and the unbalance work load, you wanna run away from a meeting you didn't want to attend since you didn't know or it's not part of your task/responsibility, you didn't want to reply someone or many people text because it's not you who should answer the questions or give confirmation, sometimes you wanna get mad to the people who you think not help when they should help for your team resources! Yes, 2021 been a very very tough work life for you, I know. I know that for really sure. You have to handle people, you have to handle projects, you have to handle other little things that shouldn't be yours! But you still manage it very well in my eyes. So be strong as always. It's okay to cry, it's okay to feel so tired, it's okay to ignore people text on weekend, it's okay not to take a phone call on weekend. love your self, and enjoy the new age. And don't forget to be more mature! Love you awesome, girl!
Thank you, guys! the same wishes to you too! Let's enjoy the world! cheers :)
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zannasuksess · 3 years
I love dream. We can be what we want, get what we want, do what we want. Just like last night dream. It felt so warm. Even though that thing will never ever happened in real life no matter what. Well, lemme tell you that dream.
I met BTS! They come to Indonesia and somehow met me and befriend with me. Like close friend. Crazy right? That’s why it only happened in a dream. Then, when we’re talking like a gang (LOL), V walked fast and I called him. But something funny until I realized when I woke up. I called him Jimin-ssi, and he looked at me. I asked him why he left us behind and walked first. I don’t know what he said, but we just talked and talked about many things. And another funny things, we communicated by letter, since he doesn’t good in English and me doesn’t know Korean very well. But we communicated really really well. Until many days after that, we become closer and I wanted to persuade them to explore Indonesia, specially hiking HAHA. And btw, long story short me and V (with the name Jimin) was in a relationship (SUPER BIG LOL).
I didn’t know what happened after that, I just woke up and ah..... it just a dream!
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zannasuksess · 4 years
Pertama kali dikasih kesempatan SPJ waktu masih trainee (OJT Divisi) selama seminggu ke Bandung (28 Juli 2019 s/d 02 Agustus 2019). Terima kasih, kantor!
1. View dari penginapan pas siang
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2. View dari penginapan pas malam
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zannasuksess · 4 years
After seeing a tweet
Kenapa sih orang-orang masih suka nge-bully di tahun 2020 ini? Kemana akhlaknya pergi? Hatinya terbuat dari apasih? Penasaran! Setega itu ngegangguin bahkan sampe melukai orang lain.
Sekolah iya. Tapi kayak ga berperikemanusiaan! Sekesal itu ngeliat tweet tadi. Kalo emang gabisa bantu yauda diam aja. Hidupnya ga tenang kayaknya kalo ga berulah -_- . 
Hoping that boy (the victim) healthy and become stronger everyday!
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zannasuksess · 4 years
Awal-awal disuruh WFH males. Ogah-ogahan karena ga produktif. Ketemu kasur rasanya kayak hari libur jadi bawaannya pengen rebahan :D Belum lagi harus nyiapin kuota internet sendiri (~dasar kismin!~)
Tapi lama-lama malah jadi nyaman. Karena bangun bisa lebih lama HAHA. Ga bingung mau pake baju yang mana ke kantor (padahal baju ya itu-itu aja wkwk). Ga mesti lari-lari ke lantai 3 buat absen biar ga telat, karena antrian lift selalu rame. Ga ada masa-masa ngantuk kayak kalo lagi di kantor wkwk!
Tapiii (tapi lagi), ada bosennya juga WFH. Ga ada teman ngobrol (re: ghibah), kalo mau diskusi susah. Males ngetik chat soalnya, takut salah tangkap wwkwk! 
Nah, sekarang kita ada aturan 50:50 per 2 hari. Jadi, 50% masuk, 50% WFH dan gantian per 2 hari. Jadi ya sesenang itu kalo kebagian jadwal WFO di masa sekarang ini (pastinya tetap dengan protokol kesehatan yang udah dikeluarkan pemerintah: pakai masker, bawa hand sanitizer, rajin cuci tangan, dan jaga jarak). Ada alasan untuk keluar rumah. Ada alasan untuk ketemu sama orang di kantor. Ada alasan untuk pake baju rapih karena mesti ke kantor meskipun sebenarnya ga rapih-rapih amat. Bisa sekalian jajan, karena kalo lagi WFH sungguh sangatlah malas untuk keluar rumah.
Semoga cepat berlalu masa ini! Rindu “merindukan me time” karena biasanya senin ke senin selalu ada kegiatan :)))
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zannasuksess · 5 years
I just suddenly remember you and i know i miss you!
semoga kita semakin sering berinteraksi yaa!
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zannasuksess · 7 years
Salah satu kata yang cukup mudah dikatakan but hard to be proven. I honestly tired of your "sorry" . Just do what you think good for you, no need to consider me. And that will be better. Guys, when you really mean it saying sorry to someone, just prove it. If you in case can not prove it, then don't say it. Simple. Make sure your heart ready to that sorry. Because it will just hurt the people you apologize. And never be dissapointed, if that people never see you anymore cause all your words maybe annoy her. HEHE
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zannasuksess · 7 years
Dengan mengumumkan apa yang kau lakukan ke dunia melalui status sosmed, itu menandakan kau tidak ikhlas melakukannya. Kalau memang tidak ikhlas, maka tidak perlu kau melakukannya. Jangan terlalu memaksakan diri.
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zannasuksess · 7 years
be thankful!
Kemaren aku mimpi tentang 'Bersyukur' Gile ya sampe diingatin untuk bersyukur dari mimpi. Jadi aku lagi di angkot gitu, tapi ini model angkotnya kayak angkot sudaco di Medan tapi jendelanya terbuka semua. Di dalam angkot itu ada aku dan di sebelahku ada anak dan ibunya. Mereka kerjanya kayak nganterin penumpang naik bebek-bebek di danau toba (entah kenapa aku mimpinya di sekitar Danau Toba) dan mereka biasanya penghasilan sangat sangat pas-pasan untuk makan sehari-hari. Jadi di mimpiku, mereka baru selesai kerja dan mulai menghitung hasilnya di angkot itu. Jumlah yang dipegang si anak Rp 80.000 dan itu udah sampai histeris gitu bisa dapat segitu dalam sehari. Dan ibunya mendapat Rp. 100.000. Ibunya lebih histeris lagi. Mereka sangat sangat senang bisa dapat sejumlah itu dalam sehari. Ibunya sampe bilang ke aku "saya jarang bisa pegang duit Rp 100.000 dalam sehari, nak" Aku merasa yaampun, kasihan sekali. Padahal aku masih suka mengeluh ke Tuhan, dan masih suka merasa kurang dengan apa yang kudapat sekarang. even from my dream, God reminds me to be more thankful!
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zannasuksess · 7 years
We meet again. Ahh many many stories i wanna tell you. Just wait, i’ll come soon and never let you alone now.
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zannasuksess · 10 years
Love vs Sex
A teenage girl about 17 had gone to visit some friends one evening and time passed quickly as each shared their various experiences of the past year. She ended up staying longer than planned, and had to walk home alone. She wasn’t afraid because it was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away. As she walked along under the tall elm trees, Diane asked God to keep her safe from harm and danger. When she reached the alley, which was a short cut to her house, she decided to take it. However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man standing at the end as though he were waiting for her. She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for God’s protection. Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped round her, she felt as though someone was walking with her. When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived home safely. The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young girl had been raped in the same alley just twenty minutes after she had been there. Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she began to weep. Thanking the Lord for her safety and to help this young woman, she decided to go to the police station. She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story. The police asked her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could identify him. She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the alley the night before. When the man was told he had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed. The officer thanked Diane for her bravery and asked if there was anything they could do for her. She asked if they would ask the man one question. Diane was curious as to why he had not attacked her. When the policeman asked him, he answered, “Because she wasn’t alone. She had two tall men walking on either side of her.” Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you’re never alone. Did you know that 98% of teenagers will not stand up for God? Repost this as Love vs. Sex if you truly believe in God. PS: God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter what…..and if you stand up 4 him he will stand up for you. I bet 93% of the people that read this wont repost it. I read this and reposted it. Well I bet you read this note because of the title.. didn’t you?
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zannasuksess · 10 years
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Happy 21 years old my sister Zanna Simarmata. Wish you all the best and keep smile 😊 #latepost #sisters #family #birthday
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zannasuksess · 10 years
21 MY AGE !
so by today im officially move to new age, 21! (sudah tua adek, bang :D) but first, i wanna thank to GOD for everything, for blessings, miracles, and for all people without any exception, lovers haters (lovers?? haha)that already know me and i know. even some of them accept me and some reject me (HUMAN!) :D harapannya di usia baru yang sudah semakin menua ini bisa semakin menjadi dewasalah, yang baik-baik makin bertambah yang buruk-buruknya berkurang, dan yang terpenting bisa menjadi GARAM dan TERANG seperti ajaran Yesus :) im not good in words, so that's just it. may GOD bless!! and thanks for GOOGLE for this.
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zannasuksess · 10 years
Jesus at the center of it all Jesus at the center of it all From beginning to the end It will always be, it's always been You Jesus Jesus Jesus at the center of it all Jesus at the center of it all From beginning to the end It will always be, it's always been You Jesus Jesus Nothing else matters, nothing in this world will do Jesus You're the center, and everything revolves around You Jesus You So Jesus be the center of my life Jesus be the center of my life From beginning to the end It will always be, it's always been You Jesus Oh Jesus Nothing else matters, nothing in this world will do Jesus You're the center, and everything revolves around You Jesus You From my heart to the Heavens Jesus be the center It's all about You Yes it's all about You [X4] Nothing else matters, nothing in this world will do Jesus You're the center, and everything revolves around You Jesus You Jesus at the center of it all Jesus at the center of it all From beginning to the end It will always be, it's always been You Jesus
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zannasuksess · 10 years
so, by today, i officially an employee in JCSS after 3 months probation. Just hope i can do all better in everything :)
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