zaynph0bia · 9 years
#3 You’re In A Bad Mood
Liam --
You were having a hard time at work, your boss was constantly making you work more hours that you needed too and it bothered you, and Liam wasn’t helping. 
“Y/N, what should I do?” Liam whined wanting your attention.
“Liam, please, I’m tired and I have to go to work in 5 hours please let me sleep.” You truthfully responded, trying your hardest not to hurt his feelings.
“Okay Y/N, I’ll leave.” He said. As he tried to stand up, you grabbed his arm and pull him back down. 
“Please stay.” You begged.
His smile was growing by the second.
Harry -- 
Maybe lunch with your ex wasn’t the best idea. He showed off the whole entire time. Constantly talking about his new girlfriend and how amazing she is. You just couldn’t handle his cockiness and walked out and left him looking like an idiot.
So when you got home you called Harry. 
“I just felt so stupid, he just bragged, she has all the good qualities he likes and I had nothing, I was worthless to him.” You finish and feel the tears pool, threatening to spill out.
“Y/N, everything happens for a reason, he isn’t the one because he would have treated you better and appreciated you the way you deserve. I would never do something like that especially to someone as amazing as you.” He says.
You felt your body tingle at his sincere words, maybe you felt something more towards him more than friends. 
Niall --
Stress was something that you couldn’t deal with since you were little. So when you couldn’t keep up with your courses, you didn’t know what to do.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” Niall sheepishly asked you.
You looked up from under your bed. 
“I just can’t find my textbooks, if i left them at school, I might fail all my classes.” You worried and almost threw up because of how scared you were.
“Woah, we can improvise, just calm down, okay?” He asked before helping you up and hugging you tightly.
“I love you.” He finishes
Louis --
Your mom was getting remarried and you were a bridesmaid. And dress shopping wasn’t the easiest for you. Your mom wanted something you didn’t and it frustrated you.
“What’s wring with that dress Y/N?” Louis asked when you both were alone in the dressing room.
“I can’t do this Louis, she’s driving me crazy, I might just not do this.” You end with a long breath.
“Listen Y/N, this is your mom’s wedding, if you feel like you can’t handle this then lets go, but, if you think you can bare with it then lets make her happy.” He finishes with a breathy laugh.
You two had an argument. It was silly but you were stubborn and you didn’t want him winning you back so easily.
“Y/N, please talk to me, I promise I wont do it again.” He pleaded with you.
You just turned your head an continued to ignore him. 
“I cant do this please just talk to me. Yell at me. Hit me. SAy anything you want just please don’t ignore me anymore. I just want to hear your voice. Baby please.” He begs.
“OK.” You say above a whisper.
hey guys, i got alot of feedback on my last preference ( the most ive ever got!). And I wanted to update again because you all are amazing!  please ignore any errors :-)
 xx ask me questions xx
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zaynph0bia · 9 years
Thank you for continuing to write about Zayn!!
You are extremely welcome, I myself am a Zayn girl, and I just wanted to show that ...
-cadeeja :-)
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zaynph0bia · 9 years
#2 First Couple Moment
 Happy Easter to those that celebrate it !
First Couple Moment -
Liam -- 
It was one of your dates, they happened ever so often because of Liam’s schedule, but tonight things changed forever. 
You wanted to go to an Italian Restaurant but he did not  want to go.
“Y/N why do he have to go here?’ He whines. At that moment you felt your heart break, you planned this whole date out and wanted everything to be magical. You couldn’t help but slump into the seat stare out the window.
“Baby, I’m sorry, we could go there if you want, I’ll do anything for you.”
Harry --
You and Harry were going to a local carnival, you were so excited and so was he.
The first ride that you both went on was the Ferris Wheel, Harry was so excited and you wanted to be excited too, but you were terribly scared of heights.
You didn’t tell Harry because you thought it would ruin the mood, so you kept it to yourself. But when the front of the line got closer you started to shake and get nervous.
“Are you alright Y/N?”  He asked with his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.
“Just a bit nervous.”  You whisper.
“Why? Isn’t this fun for you?”  Harry asks.
“It is don’t worry.” You say with a nervous smile
But before you could think he grabs your hand and squeezes it reassuringly. You feel your heart warm at the sudden gesture. 
Niall --
It seemed like he wasn’t as interested in you. Like he wanted to be anywhere except with you, and the thought of it made you want to burst into tears.
So when he invited you to a dinner date, you didn’t know what to think.
As you got dressed and ready your heart began to flutter at the thought of you and Niall blossoming again.
When you saw headlights in the driveway you couldn’t help but grin, when the doorbell rang, you rushed to the door and opened it, to see Niall in a black suit. 
Your jaw dropped in awe and when Niall smiled at you you couldn’t help but fall into his charm again.
“Y/N , i’m sorry that I haven’t been giving you that much attention lately, it’s just I have a lot on my mind. But it wont happen again, your my #1 priority.”  He finishes with a smile.
The arguments were nonstop between you both. Sometimes you wouldn’t call each other for days. It killed you but you both liked having distance when you needed it.
But tonight was different. 
You were both leaving the cafe from having lunch but he made you so angry. He constantly flirted with the cashier and he knew it made you jealous, so he continued.
You were fuming and you could see your anger radiating off yourself, but it just made him angry himself.
“Do you even care Louis?”  You asked out of curiosity.
You heard the engine completely stop and see Louis’ angry body face your calm one. 
“Are you fucking kidding me Y/N”  He says.
“I love you so much.”  He confesses, then starts the car again and drives as if nothing happened.
Zayn-- (yes he’s still in the band to me)
He just won an award for his painting of you. You were beyond excited for him. When it was time for his speech, you were nervous because you had no idea what he had planned to say.
After the applause died down he cleared his throat and stepped closer to the microphone and opened his mouth to speak, his cheekbones made him look even more handsome in his all black suit and tie.
“This painting,”  He started. “Is one of the most creative tings I have ever made, the inspiration of this treasure of paint and perfection is my beautiful girlfriend Y/N.” 
You felt the tears brim in your eyes as he continued.
“When I first met her, she looked beautiful in just a cardigan and shorts, she made me want to get to know her and make her happy. I made this mere treasure to show you all that beautiful, confident, intelligent women exist. And my girlfriend Y/N is the best example of that.” 
When he finished all you could do is wipe your eyes and close your mouth because of your dropped jaw and await until he came back so you could attack him with a hug.
if any of you are offended with me continuing with putting Zayn in my preferences let me know, because I don’t want to offend any of you :-)
happy Easter, and i hope to never wait THIS long to uodate haha
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zaynph0bia · 10 years
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Zayn Malik - 17th Feb. ADELAIDE!
ojg he si sdjnf sdpdnposifn  son ncute :D 
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zaynph0bia · 10 years
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Liam while a fan was telling a joke
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zaynph0bia · 10 years
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I love this
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zaynph0bia · 10 years
#1   How You First Meet
Liam -- You have to have coffee everyday, so you go to your favorite coffee shop every morning and today you scan the room to see a new face  in the corner just scrolling through his iphone, until his brown eyes meet yours and he gets up to walk over to you and asks :  "Whats your name?" 
Harry --   It was after work , you had a long day and you just needed some time alone to relax and clear your head. So you took a walk in the park , you sat on a bench and stared at your feet. It calmed you. Until you felt a hand on your shoulder. You quickly turned around to see a person who would change your life forever.  
Niall -- You and your boyfriend where out at Olive Garden for your 6 month anniversary and you weren't feeling it. He was being rude to you all night and didn't care about anything you had to say and the only thing that was stopping you from slapping him and walking out of the resturaunt was that he was your ride and your feet were swollen from the heels that you were wearing. But anytime he'd go on a rant was the time for you to sneak a glance at the blonde boy across the room. His blue eyes would pierce into yours when you would look away to keep a steady conversation with your boyfriend. But when you got up to go to the bathroom he followed after you to ask you one question.  "What's your name ? "  
Louis --   You were never one for parties , they just weren't your thing. But as you best friend since high school turned 21 you just couldn't let the opportunity slip out of your fingers. So you put on a white dress that wasn’t too short and had your best friend put makeup on you for the first time. "Y/N you are going to look so pretty!" She exclaimed. So you slipped on a pair of white heels and you all headed out.   The party was loud and hot and crowded and it didn't help that you were glued to the wall with no one to be with. Boys would pass you and stare and smile but no one stared at you as long as he did. His eyes were glued to your body and it made you get butterflies. You couldn't help but let your cheeks get hot at the thought.  Everything was a blur until you felt  his hand touch yours and his mouth to your ear.   "Hi , I'm Louis." You grinned from ear to ear.  
Zayn -- He was so cute, you couldn't stop staring at him. It's just like he could never get ugly. You were currently at the mall in a Arts and Crafts store picking up Mason Jars but you were distracted. He held different color paints in his hands as he picked out a canvas , he smiled and took if off the rack. You turned and picked up the three jars you needed and when you turned to leave the aisle , his hand touched your waist and when you turned around he smiled at you and says :   "You are so beautiful , can I draw you ?" You couldn't decline the offer.
i hope this was good :-) 
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zaynph0bia · 10 years
; )
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Sydney, Australia. February 7, 2015
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zaynph0bia · 10 years
pls read
im gonna start prefs really soon .... but i dont know about requests since my updating schedule will be all over the place
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zaynph0bia · 10 years
hes so cutee 
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zaynph0bia · 10 years
asdfghkidsnsvdhns oH My GoD 
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February 7, 2015 Sydney, Australia.
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zaynph0bia · 10 years
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