zeke-exiel · 5 years
i checked tumblr by accident and this is the first thing i see. Thank you Twiggy never change.
you can pry drawing nub feet from my cold dead hands.
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
Carolina stood still as he opened her back compartment, it was always a strange sensation, one she believed she was about to have an opinion about. Feeling the chip click into place, she gave it a few moments, the tingling of new code entering her system. 
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It was like a surge of electricity ran all through her body. Heat filing her limbs as the rush of simulated emotions ran through her mind, all of her previous memories now held their own feelings. 
Watching Zeke work himself to exhaustion working on this very chip, carried with it worry and thankfulness. 
Seeing him toss and turn in bed, sweat dripping onto his pillow as he has another nightmare, sadness and obligation. 
His face when he sees her in a new outfit she acquired, watching the blush grow on his cheeks, happiness and excitement.
And just now…thinking about him handing her the flowers…her own face grew shades pinker, her eyes producing tears as her body shook before finally collapsing against him, the compartment on her back closing and her hand going to her head, letting herself take a moment to get adjusted. She turned and looked up at him, a smile, her first real, genuine smile, came to her lips.
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“Thank you Zeke…happy Valentine’s day.”
A moment passed, Zeke simply looking at her in awe; burning this sight into the depths of his mind as... light seemed to radiate off of her. This sort of expression, words couldn’t describe it, at least none that he knew of; she wasn’t a machine or an AI or a creation, she was just... her. Carolina.
Something deep inside of him started to beat once again, something long since forgotten.
His vision begun to blur slowly, blinking rapidly as his face furrowed and he brought a hand up to his eyes; wiping away a tear ineffectively as more began to form at an increasing pace, fruitless efforts to clear his sight became more feverish as his voice struggled to come out as anything as a broken mess.
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“ H-Huh, that’s weird; I don’t understand what’s happening, what is this? w-why a-am I... This... Warmth... ”
A shaky hand comes up to cup one of her cheeks, thumb gently wiping away her own stream as he just looked at her, memories of his own running though his head. 
The time they’ve spent together. What they’ve accomplished. What they’ve struggled against. 
All of it was suddenly incomparable to this moment, nothing else mattered.
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“ I’m sorr-- no. Thank you. Thank you Carolina, for waiting so long, for giving me everything I have. Thank you for being you. You’re so special to me. ”
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
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Carolina’s eyes scan his face as he speaks, picking up his nervousness and spike in heart rate. His words met with her only logical response.
“Of course, it is my primary function to care for you, you designed me to be a companion, a protector. And it is my duty to place even my own vessel on the line for that function. Though, I am aware that you consider me to be something more than simply a device, it brings you happiness to treat me as such, and that is also vital to my directive…And if I am not incorrect.”
Her eyes move down the moment he moves his hand, able to track the incoming movement and have her eyes lock with the chip the moment it comes into view. 
“That will help me really feel and put more into my directive. It will help both of us. It is finally competed. I will be more than model Carolina Bloo, I will be simply, Carolina.” 
She takes his hand carefully in her own, so gently as it doesn’t even jostle the chip. 
“Let us install it. I am preparing myself for the sensation of feeling, as we speak.”
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He clutches his chest for a moment with his free hand, steadying his breath momentarily before giving her a determined yet equally frightened nod.
“ I’ve tried my best to make adjustments that will let you ease into it; but it will still be a great shock. Whether you want to remain standing or perhaps sit down I’ll leave to your judgement. ”
Zeke moves around behind her, pressing his finger to the middle of her shoulder blades as a compartment unfolded and opened; revealing an empty slot that seemed to beckon to be filled by the chip he held. With one last deep breath he steeled his nerves and slowly inserted the product of hours of hard work and trials they had gone through together. Everything had led to this.
“ Installing now, the effects should kick in momentarily. Remember; I’m here to catch you. ”
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
Zeke stood there fidgeting and shifting his weight from foot to foot, anxiety flaring up and down and he tried to keep himself calm.
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“ Carolina, can I have a moment? ”
He moved his hand into his pocket, fetching something quickly before hastily hiding it behind his back; heart racing in his chest as he went through all the scenarios he had thought out of how this moment would transpire. Never would he think things would line up to such a day but it seemed like now or never.
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“ The truth is, I haven’t given you your real Valentine’s Day present. we’ve been together for a while now and you’ve helped me through so much, and all I’ve been is a weight up until recently. But you’ve always pushed me to do better and been my anchor while I was lost at sea, so even though it’s long overdue... ”
The boy pulls out what was hidden, a roughly palm-sized chip glowing with a faint blue light that seemed to pulse and expand endlessly without any pattern, as if it housed a small nebula. “ I’d like to give you this. ”
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
hey tumblr fun fact since you brought out your ban ive been followed by even more porn bots in rapid succession than i ever used to.
great job @staff just a real high iq play there fellas.
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
“I love you.”
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
You mean............... our lord aND SAVIOUR THE FIVE FOOT DONG?
I just realized something
@zeke-exiel @twiggenstein
….I know we made a sacred pact never to mention it again but before this place gets nuked this might be our last chance to breath life into the dong cult once more.
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
Reblog if you RP using Discord
Message me if you’d like my username.
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
2018 is the year of companys shooting themselves in the foot send tweet
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
A complete list of my adoptables, pictures included
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Ram faunus
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Void bae
Keep reading
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
Carolina stared at him wordlessly, her eyes locked on his face. It was evident she was running a small diagnostic, since she knelt down and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close to her chest. 
“Take a break. Replenishing your aura is detrimental to this process. I will stay with you until you are well enough to continue. Or we could do something to get your mind off of your nightmare. Perhaps a walk?” The nightmares were frequent enough for Carolina to know exactly when they happened, the signs were easy to spot. 
She let him go to grab him a cup of coffee, fixing it the way he liked and bringing it back as she looked over the room, taking in all their work. So much work for such a small chip, but an important one. “We’ve made a lot of progress, I’m sure it’ll be finished in no time, and then I will be able to help you in more than a logical way.”
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Zeke closed his eyes as he was pulled into the embrace, taking deep breaths as he felt his heart settle slowly in the feeling of safety Carolina always provided. He looked down at the weakly dancing flow of blue energy slowly restoring itself over his body; she was right, as always, perhaps a break was needed to get his mind back on track, yet he remained hesitant.
“ I know it’s stupid... but i’m just afraid if I stop I’ll lose all momentum I've gained in the process, I’ve started to even fear my own lack of conviction more than I do the nightmares; which even though I’ve come to understand they’re not real continue to haunt me-- ”
He accepted the cup of coffee with a small bow of thanks, taking a small sip before staring into the swirling liquid with a pained expression; his voice growing slightly anxious as he rambled.
“ ...I just don’t want to let myself mess things up again. I want this flippant attitude to go away. ”
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
His robotic companion had spent the time during his creating, keeping things in order and helping check on the progress of the code development. She could only do so much before she ran out of tasks though, and once she saw nothing else she could help assist with, she placed herself in her charging station and went into sleep mode. 
The sound of his voice activated her once again, her eyes opening as she stands. She scans the room, assessing the situation, seeing him asleep on the desk, she can confirm that he is not in mortal danger, however, his breathing rate and pulse seem to be quickening as it usually does when he suffers a nightmare.
“Zeke.” She places a hand gently against his back and nudges him to wake up. Her head turns to the kitchen, activating the coffee pot as she continues to nudge him awake. “Zeke, it is not good for your health to sleep at your desk, it is not optimal for your back and neck. I am brewing coffee, though if you wish I could instead make a soothing tea.”
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The images kept growing faster and more intense, too fast to recognise yet the fear remaining the same. He could hear the sound of his heartbeat pulsing through his ears, yet still unable to drown out the familiar screams piercing his psyche. The floor fell from under him and he plummeted into the dark void around him, flailing wildly as he felt it consume him; screaming soundlessly as a force shook him and his eyes shot open.
Zeke’s whole body spasmed as he woke, that falling feeling staying with him for a mere moment as his breath became heavy and laboured. Sitting up shakily as he clutched his chest, it took him a few seconds to steel himself and form the words ‘thank you’ to her; wiping away some tears that seemed to have snuck out.
“ I’m alright now. I’m alright. I’ll get better. Coffee would be great thank you, I’ve just uh-- used a bit too much aura is all. ”
It seemed like he was more trying to convince himself than anything, knowing full well he’d completely depleted his internal energy source; standing up weakly at his desk for support while he convinced his legs to start working again.
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
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A sole light in the otherwise dark room emitted from Zeke’s desk, the young man hunched over as he worked on the framework of his latest project; adjusting the magnification on his goggles slightly as he screwed, bolted, and soldered in small detail after small detail. 
Moving the eye wear to rest on top of his head revealed faintly glowing eyes starting to flicker as he lost concentration from lack of sleep, his body growing limp as his robotic hand started to get ahead of the other for a brief moment before that too gave in to exhaustion; his body giving way and falling down onto the desk with a thud, eyelids growing heavy as he stared at the blueprint sitting on the screen in front of him; some sort of computer chip with a ridiculous amount of detail and layers of technology even he wouldn’t understand without the help of his semblance.
Eyes weakly roll towards another screen to the side of the other, showing the schematics for his companion, Carolina, and an exposed core with a small almost hidden extra slot still yet to be filled. As the last of the light left his eyes the screens flickered to black and lids fluttered closed to finally rest.
Or so he should have, but moments later he shook and twitched on the hard surface as his fists clenched and unclenched repeatedly as his movements became more and more violent just as his dreams did; memories and fears flashing though his unconscious mind. After all this time he recognised that none of it was real, yet all he could do was writhe and mumble for help through gritted teeth.
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
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[ Δ ] Hi there!! Could you please Reblog / Like this to spread around my blog if you’re willing to interact with an OC from the animated series RWBY? I’ve just recently came out of a pretty long hiatus so I’m looking for some new buds now that i’m back on the horse. Hope we can have some fun!! I swear Zeke’s a real rad dude please give him love you’ll only regret it a little!!
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
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zeke-exiel · 6 years
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