zeketastas · 12 years
Sima Korenivski
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The Stockholm nightlife is divided into four categories:
1: The party people. 2: The people that party. 3: The people that try to party. 4: Sima.
Sima is Stockholm’s undisputed nightlife photographer, the eye that sees it all, that captures the moment we all will want to hold on to forever. Or, the moments we’d like to forget.
You might think that it’s her technique as a photographer or that she just happens to be at the right place at the right time. But, however true this might be, these are not the reasons behind her talent.
Her talent is deeply rooted in her heart. Behind the hardboiled Ukrainian attitude, underneath the uncompromising hardness we encounter at the Under Bron door – besides what meet the eye, there is a warmhearted sweetheart with a sense of humor to die for.
That might be the rationale behind why Acne is paying homage to Sima by naming the jacket after her. Or maybe it’s just because working the door of Under Bron this close to the north pole is a cold, cold job.  
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zeketastas · 12 years
Jessie Moberg
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I know. I’ve been updating this blog poorly. To say the least.
But you know what they say, some stuff are worth waiting for.
So here it is, me redeeming myself through positing Jessie Moberg, perfectly kitted for tonight’s En Ohelig Allians party. Like a princess, a spoiled brat at a birthday party, being denied whatever she believes herself to be entitled to. Anything, really. The world, probably. And everything in it.
Jessie, you’re worth it all. Let’s go out and claim it together.
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zeketastas · 12 years
Lena Endre
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If you are a frequent reader and devoted follower of this blog you might have noticed that it’s all about love, affirmation and superlatives.
Which leads me to Lena. She is worth all of the above; ravishingly beautiful, impressively intelligent, spectacularly warmhearted and worth more inspired superlatives than my miserable vocabulary could ever muster.
Lena and her perfectly fitted vintage dress, sazzy Marc Jacobs shoes and sweet Finnish lumberjack cap are worth an entire blog of its own and I’d be happy to write it if I thought I could live up to it.
Which I can’t. So you all are just going to have to make do with this entry. And pray it isn’t the last.
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zeketastas · 12 years
Charlie Bennet
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When I first met Charlie he was a young and aspiring Account Director at Ogilvy. Much like a Mad Men character he intrigued and schemed for the good of the clients and the agency.
Since then, a decade has passed. Today he is an accomplished photographer and a beautiful person. You can see the intelligence and the kindness in his eyes, hidden behind the coolness we’ve all have come to accept as his trademark.
Charlie, I miss you and your Austin Tweed jacket, Abercrombie & Fitch shirt, Benetton slipover, Loakes shoes and Uniqlo socks already.
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zeketastas · 12 years
Lin Hollstrom
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We’re hidden in plain sight, us creatures of the never-ending night. Now you see us, now you don’t. Like a luring flare of light Lin travels the Stockholm nightlife, making every place she graces with her presence just a tiny bit prettier. Like stardust, wrapped in a fair face, a charming personality, an H&M dress, an Acne cardigan, Acne shoes and a Filippa K bag.
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zeketastas · 12 years
Jens Persson
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Beware of the master of all things sordid, dark and fun. Beware of Jens, the authority on Stockholm’s underground club scene. And yes, there is one, according to him. A vivid one, he claims.
I am yet to be convinced. By Stockholm’s underground scene, that is, not by Jens. Jens and his Made in the shade sweater, Acne pants, Sebago shoes, Whyred scarf, Triwa watch and Lilla Prinsen tattoos had me convinced from the get go.
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zeketastas · 12 years
Thomas Hanzon
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Pistölerös of the The Pistöl Agency never feel fear. We’ re hardboiled creative hit men without the reflexes others take for granted. Despite this, widely acknowledged fact, our head pistölerö Zeke is deeply intimidated by his father in law; Thomas Hanzon.
Even if his swag (perfectly enhanced by a Prada cardigan, Acne tee, Nudie jeans, NK Trend scarf, Acne jacket and Calvin Klein vintage sunglasses from the 80s), his silverback demeanor and dominant masculinity is part of the explanation it’s not that simple. It can’t be that simple.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s because Zeke’s lovely girlfriend once had the brilliant idea of showing all the movie scenes where her father is a lethal thug, a brute gangster that beats people to death with dark hate and fierce violence beaming out of his eyes.
Yup, that might be it.
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zeketastas · 12 years
Richard Teroni
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I’m not easily impressed but I’m impressed by Richard. Deeply impressed. Almost unworthily impressed. By how he is, what he is, what he has done and what he is doing; revolutionizing the world of all things digital, every day and always in style with Samsøe & Samsøe sweater, Playboy shoes, Acne cardigan, Local Firm pants, Vasuma glasses and a Panerai watch.
Beat that, all you drones and buffoons out there, beat that if you can.
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zeketastas · 12 years
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zeketastas · 12 years
Asa Hultman
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We share more than meets the eye, even though the differences are obvious. Åsa is a woman while I’m a… Kind of a man. Åsa creates instant liking while I’m more of an acquired taste, so to speak. Åsa wears jewelry from Kaplans, Acne shoes and a vintage dress she bought in Paris while I’m still wearing these old rags.
So you might think that we’re different but you’d be wrong. We share the same joie de vivre and lust for life, we share the passion for maximizing what life is all about. What it can be all about. We share living to the edge of what living is.
She just does with so much more style than yours truly.
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zeketastas · 12 years
Sami Ahlgren
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Some people go beyond style and fashion. Some people are so unique in their interpretation of what you thought you knew that you just know that you don’t know any more. Well, you get what I mean.
Sami is one of those guys. I grew up around Romani people and Sami is here seen flaunting the same garments they did. In essence. But not in delivery.
He delivers an entirety of coolness, a suaveness and slick roughness combined with impeccable style.
Match that if you can all you bloody bearded hipsters out there.
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zeketastas · 12 years
Calle Carboni, Anders Timell & Jenny Stromberg
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There is place just around the corner, a place that has been around the corner for more than hundred years and you can rest assured that it’ll be around the corner for a hundred more years.
It’s called Riche and it’s a genuinely unique place that we all keep returning to, throughout every phase of life.
And yes, the food is an important piece of the puzzle. And the location. And the drinks. But great location and great binging can be found elsewhere. So it has to be something else and that something else is the people that work there:
Like Jenny Strömberg and her Zara top, WESC pants, Tretorn shoes and the most infatuating laughter ever seen. She is the brightest shining star these holidays, mark my words.
Or like Calle Carboni and his vintage shirt, Docker pants, Muji shoes, Giorgio Reggiana vintage coat and clever eyes matched with an oversized heart.
And finally, Anders Timell and his Acne pants and sweater and Adidas shoes. I wouldn’t be able to tell what his actual title at Riche is but the role is clear; his role has to be stirring things up in order to create the vivid atmosphere that has come to embody Stockholm’s most dynamic square meters.
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zeketastas · 12 years
Madeleine von Feilitzen
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We’ve all heard the rumors and we’ve all heard the susurrus in the dark. They tell tales of a mythical creature, an entity beyond human, a being built out of goodness and cuteness and happiness and coolness and a Rützou jacket, By Marlene Birger top, Local Firm pants and Converse sneakers.
Some call it a fairy.
We call it a Madde von Festen.
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zeketastas · 12 years
Mika Modin
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You can dream about ever acquiring the brutal coolness, raw sensual energy and undeniable presence that Mika has.
Keep dreaming. It's a good dream.
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zeketastas · 12 years
Alexander Weidstam
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Alexander has so many defining traits that I’m forced to focus on one in order to keep this text short enough for a blog.
And this time I’m going to focus on his smile.
Alex’s smile is a good friend of mine and we’ve spent countless hours discussing Goethe’s literary and philosophical influence on Hesse. We’ve travelled the world together and witnessed many of the crucial breakpoints of history. We’ve gone shopping for Alex’s GANT sweater and shirt, Acne pants and R.M. Williams shoes featured in this photo.
But above all, I’ve spent many lazy mornings in bed with Alexander’s smile, just doing nothing. Because sometimes, just sometimes, doing nothing is the most important thing to do.
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zeketastas · 12 years
Mio Tastas
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Few people know this but The Pistöl Agency Of Future In The Making is all about aspiring, upcoming, talent. Our undercover talent agents dig through every university, high school, kindergarten and maternity ward for the pistölerös to be, the ones that will inherit the earth and make it better, prettier and above all – way more fun than it is today.
Mio was their first true catch. He personifies everything we’re looking for; coolness, intelligence, ambition, Adidas jacket, JC jeans and creative urge. He has it all... Besides being dumb enough to choose advertising.
Thank God that the brightest chose other paths than advertising, it’d be an incredible waste to have the sharpest minds discussing logo size instead of curing cancer or creating kickass video games or whatever, really.
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zeketastas · 12 years
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