zelfredmejaro · 4 years
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     Technology truly helped us in various ways that we couldn’t even count.  It changed our way of living and helped us to live our everyday life without experiencing so much hassle.  In this era that we are in today, the advancement of technology continues and is being prioritized, as it is incorporated in our daily lives and all of its aspects. It changed the way individuals communicate, learn, and think.  We use the products of technology and the technology itself to accomplish our tasks; whether it’s for school, work, or even for just socializing. During this COVID-19 pandemic, the world gave us a magnified view on how technology is really essential in our lives. One of those is, technology enabled us to conduct classes even though physical classes became inappropriate because of the situation that we’re currently in today.  As a STEM student, Empowerment Technology is one of our subjects for the first semester.  
            Empowerment Technology enables you to learn more and to provide you knowledge about the history, advantages, as well as the disadvantages of technology. During the first half of the first semester, I learned about the web timeline and that’s the time I knew that most of the websites that I use are in Web 2.0 where people can collaborate or interact with the page unlike the Web 1.0. One of the most memorable lessons we tackled is the “netiquettes” or the proper etiquettes when using the internet to keep you safe while browsing. It is very important because nowadays malwares and phishing can easily victim you if you visit an untrusted site. I also learned how to manipulate graphics and texts, create a website, and use different apps. I learned the basics that I am lacking through the years and including those is how to use MS Excel. Meanwhile, during the second half of the first semester, it is more on execution of what we had learned. We learned how to create a magazine and an ICT project. For me, these particular activities during this grading really helped me grow. I know that I can use this knowledge that I have earned if I am going to start a business once I grow older or even just to promote myself as an engineer or doctor – depending on who I want to be. ICT helps an advocacy to reach a huge amount of people in a shorter time span compared to advocacies that do not incorporate ICT. With that being said, knowing the basic and most important things about promoting would really do you a favor towards achieving your goals faster. With all the knowledge I had earned, I also learned how to collaborate with my group mates to reach our common goal. Aside from the technology itself, I am very thankful that Empowerment Technology taught me how to efficiently collaborate with other people because teamwork is really important no matter what field of profession you are in.
            Before, I was not really a “techie” person and I only have a very limited experience and knowledge about technology and ICT. But all of that changed when this COVID-19 pandemic came. I realized how truly essential technology is for us and if you chose not to enhance your knowledge and skills about it, you would be left out because the world is continuously evolving. Almost all of the aspects of our lives became ICT-inclined. However, remember to only use the technology for your benefit and for the benefit of others as well. Technology is a powerful tool, so don’t use it to harm anyone. Because, the true purpose of technology is not to confuse the brain but to serve the body.
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