zephosthefaedemon · 8 days
Zephos found Blitz rather charming, if a bit lost in his thoughts. After he'd entered, she shut her door, ensuring it was locked. Didn't want some strangers or someone worse to arrive inside. She headed toward the kitchen to make the tea, finding something calming for herself and him to drink and speak over.
If he wished, there was a couple chairs at the table that should accommodate an imp, the chairs appeared to have holes for a tail to slide through while the back was against the seat, a comfort she needed for her particular anatomy. There were also cookies at the table, appeared to be soft and homemade too, perhaps where some of the sweet scent came from.
Zephos found his question rather sweet, giggling while her tail swished pleasantly while her back was turned toward the imp, setting water on to boil. Her ears would twitch about, turning toward Blitz so she could ensure if he said anything she'd hear him. "Call it a little pinch of fae magic and a little bit of ingenuity. I had seeds from above before I got here, and our kind can grow just about anything with a combination of seeds, stems, leaves and a bit of dirt. Dirt doesn't even need to be native soil of our homes, any will do. Our energy can do the rest, even in harsh conditions, such as no sunlight."
Well, that was an interesting turn of events, the way this man interacted with her. Zephos tilted her head curiously, noting at first, he was somewhat taken aback, then the shift to a semi-polite cascade of introductions and questions. Then he pulled that packet of seeds out, thyme.
She could smell it even in the package he carried. Thyme had a certain scent to her that was familiar, a welcoming gesture once again. He surely meant no harm with that kind of introduction and mispronounced fae speech. Was he here upon his accord or was he here upon the demands of another?
Zephos would chuckle, similar to a babbling brook, finding this Blitz person rather charming, if a little awkward. She would take the extended hand in both of her small gloved ones, "You may call me what you wish, Zeph, Zephos, or another form if you desire, Blitz. You may come in, should I put on a kettle for tea, or another drink be more your preference?"
She would move aside to let him in, the place she resided in rather small, yet comfortable. He would see that it was rather homey, with plants in most windowsills, and the floor akin to a forest meadow. The home also smelled of kitchen spices, like cinnamon and sugar, with the floral smells adding a nice non-overwhelming touch. The lights were dim like candles, but light enough to see. Odd to note since Hell was mostly a cold concrete jungle in comparison.
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zephosthefaedemon · 8 days
The car revving to life and moving was alien to the fae creature in the shotgun seat. Zephos at first may have flinched and a soft surprised bleat came from her, the speed beyond anything she'd ever ridden in before. Once the speed was steady, she would settle once more, ears unpinning as they adjusted to the sounds of the motor and the car itself.
Zephos would take in all the gothic scenery before them, watching with a fascination that would be obvious to see. She would find that everything was rather pleasant, almost homelike, compared to the rest of Hell she had been attempting to survive in.
With the buildings ahead, Zephos would marvel at the design of the architecture. She found it beautiful, a soft audible gasp from her. This place was more opulent than most fae castles, rivaling even the twin queens abodes of unseelie and seelie.
Zephos would hear the question, and sheepishly answered. "Yes, I probably will require some, this is the only outfit I have. I can sew it back up though if you wish me to." Zephos hadn't mentioned yet much of what she knew how to do jobwise, so sewing would be the first actual skill she possessed aside from what Pearl would know of fae lore.
Pearl eased off her stage, like a snake slithering down a ledge and onto the floor to study prey.
The blonde noted the lingering eyes that followed her, dismissing them quickly with swift hand movements alongside cuing an employee to start some music back up.
A fae? Here? Why?
Pearl circled her some more, noting the tattered robe and rather gentle ones surrounding her, this was certainly not the average sinner.
Golden eyes locked onto the whimsical creature like misses fixated on a target.
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"Are you lost?" She purred at last, demeanor like that of a cat playing with a mouse.
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zephosthefaedemon · 8 days
Zephos had to take this all in, Charlie deciding to form an idea of what to do moving forward. After all, it wasn't like Lucifer was going to be at the hotel every day to be a consistent part of the daily routine with Zephos and Xaiden in mind. "Well, we can try to train you on your powers here. Between Alastor and myself for magic use, and with Vaggie and Don for weapon use. We need to make sure all the bases are covered for what you need to be able to do in case of emergencies and when the time comes that we find Xaiden. I know we just came out of the exterminator battle, so you have some ride or die training, but we need to give you proper training and weapons for you since iron isn't really an option, and I'd rather not be just handing out angelic weapons for training."
Lucifer would agree, adding, "I can try to train these powers, but I don't know if I can be here daily to train you on it, and I figured I'd be the main person locating Xaiden and getting him reigned in before you'd even approach him about the deal he made with your mother."
Zephos finally would answer about this whole scenario, a little worked up all things considered. The comfort from Don was appreciated, placing a hand of her own atop Don's. "I think that'd be great to practice and know how to use what I have at my disposal, perhaps I can even use it for good. And knowing weapons outside of just my powers would also be a good thing all things considered."
Zephos also was worried about killing her only living family left. She would continue, thinking over what Don said about the exterminators attacking, "And about Xaiden. I just...I know it's probably the right thing. I just...he's my father. What if he isn't as evil as we think he is? My mother was wicked, but I know him not. And though I swore I'd not kill ever again, the extermination battle happened, and though I fought, that wasn't as one to one as what happened before. The Angels attacking felt like a defensive line, not senseless violence or killing. Plus I was healing the wounded and tending the fallen. This...with Xaiden...it feels a lot like the last time I..." She was trying to keep it together; the pieces were there to imply the differences between the angelic mayhem versus the fires back when she was a youth.
"Think about it: If Xaiden finds you... He could use you to do the impossible: To destroy those ruling both Hell and Heaven, to change the afterlife and even the living world so he can control them to his whims... To be God without any powerful entities stopping him... He could kill... The creator of all life themselves: God." In other words, Xaiden may want Zephos to be a unstoppable superweapon to ruin everyone in his wake.
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"... You are his weapon, his key to the impossible reality... But here's the thing: You are your own self, we can help sever the deal to gain your freedom from his control... You are both his weapon and his undoing... If you break the deal by ending him before he can act on it."
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zephosthefaedemon · 12 days
Zephos taking in the analysis Moxxie had to say would consider what to do with that information. Alastor was a cunning and intelligent man, hard to read under that perma-smile he carried across his face. He wouldn't need too much information to assess what she was toward him.
She would be concerned about how to lose Alastor's interest. He seemed a persistent hunter, trying to capture the item or person of interest to him with a dogged yet suave presence. But how could she change her very nature. Her powers might make him more enticed toward her, an even odder rarity.
Then the mention of Stryker. That might just be it!
Zephos would say with a sweet smile and a hint of that grey blush to her cheeks, "Oh, he didn't seem to care for that one bit. Seems to always insult my Ddraig at every turn when he can, whether misspeaking his name or calling him some 'cowboy hick' or other insults. He even thought I should leave him behind, like I'd do that because Alastor told me to. I think you're onto something Moxxie dear. Do you think me highlighting my relationship might solve Alastor's intrigue for me, at least settle it some?" She wasn't sure if it was the whole solution, but at least it might help aid the situation.
Zephos hadn’t meant to scare off his affection by gasping, glad he hadn’t withdrew the other hand however that she had held in turn from his gentle touch. She would take in his quote ‘armchair analysis’ of Alastor, finding Moxxie quite insightful to the nature of the deer overlord. And once again, she was taken back by how compassionate toward her he was, not blaming her even once for the situation, regardless of the innocence or negligence on her part about Alastor.
She had to think on that idea, how to get Alastor to not like her nature yet still be herself. She didn’t wish to change who she was, and knew that was not what Moxxie was implying here. The fae demon was looking directly at him while he spoke, figuring that imps probably had similar customs in respect of humans with eye contact or looking one in the face. Zephos would smile, finding what he said about her being kind rather endearing. That blush may have been there again, that dust of grey, but from him being kind toward her.
“I’m glad that you do see that goodness though, I… tend to not see it as often in myself. And that could be part of what Alastor sees in me. Or some sort of fascination with me that pertains to what I am. I mean, he caught on I was fae rather quick, I didn’t even need to tell him, he somehow knew. I wonder…” She would think, lips pursing in thought and ears twitching slightly.
“I wonder if he knows someone who would be able to get information on me…” Zephos wouldn’t even know where to start, Husk probably wouldn’t have known anything about her unless she was intoxicated. Niffty seemed too scattered in her mind to have caught on and Zephos knew their interactions were sparce. She’d add, “I don’t even know all the connections he’d have, if he knew how to find where I came from or my history.”
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zephosthefaedemon · 12 days
Charlie finally spoke, seeing that Zephos had been a bit bristled with this new information and possible realization of why she might be in Hell. She would say, "Zephos, Don's right. You have your own choices to make. After all, it's your life, and nobody has the right to tell you how to live it. You don't have to submit to Xaiden or be a weapon, pawn, or anything you don't wish to be. And we're by your side no matter what."
Lucifer appeared concerned about this situation. He would add, "Don, you're probably right on the money about the situation of Xaiden, I figured him being so hermetic would be no good, but I never had proof of nefarious plans toward us in particular to worry over for him. Until today with this revelation. We need to keep you under consistent supervision Zephos if you are to leave the premises or be anywhere that could be compromising to you whatsoever, I don't want Xaiden anywhere near you without anyone to aid you. You said it yourself, you don't know how to control what you have, and I don't want to force you to use it at all for anyone sakes. His powers are cataclysmic, and if you even have a fraction of that I don't want it used anywhere in Hell without proper training."
Zephos taking this all in was both comforted and burdened. She would voice her concerns and assurances. "I'm glad I found all of you then, at least I'm not alone. But...I don't want to kill anyone ever again. I know him being gone would be for the best, even for myself. But I..." She didn't want to think of bringing more blood upon anyone, let alone on others for something outside her control.
"Because he doesn't know where she is... I think the one that was chasing Lady Zephos at the beginning of all this? They were hired by either her mother or father to find and take her to them." That was a new part added to Don's earlier guess to why Zephos was chased upon her arrival in Hell, still holding the fae in his embrace as he explained this to his allies.
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"I don't want to put Lady Zephos in danger, but we can try to lure her father out from hiding by revealing that she's here at the hotel... There's no doubt the exterminator war is going to be the latest talk around Hell, so perhaps if he knows that her daughter helped fight in the war, then he'll come for her... We can trap and interrogate him for answers... Miss Charlie, what did you see in Lady Zephos's necklace?"
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zephosthefaedemon · 12 days
Zephos hadn't noticed Pearl watching her, but the assurance was quite helpful. It made Zephos much more at ease knowing that iron was not in the vehicle in any way that could harm her. Did Pearl know of a fae's allergy to iron? Regardless, this was going to be her new boss, glad that she wouldn't have to explain this to the sirenesque woman beside her.
As Zephos got herself sat in the seat across from Pearl, she wondered where this place for a cottage could possibly be in this jungle of metal and neon.
The fae could figure out that the metal looking piece that held the strange belt like device was supposed to cross across her body as she saw Pearl put it on that way. She got the seatbelt buckled in place, not too much difficulty there at least. Zephos wondered how these 'cars' worked, wondering what kind of power they used.
This might seem odd for Zephos to have accepted a position from a strange woman she'd never met, of unknown species aside from hellion, but in the fae world working out deals was rather a normal occurrence, especially among the society of them she was raised with. She'd been firsthand witness to some deals, knowing that verbal agreement could be just as strong as ink or blood.
She hoped though that this wouldn't fall through.
Pearl eased off her stage, like a snake slithering down a ledge and onto the floor to study prey.
The blonde noted the lingering eyes that followed her, dismissing them quickly with swift hand movements alongside cuing an employee to start some music back up.
A fae? Here? Why?
Pearl circled her some more, noting the tattered robe and rather gentle ones surrounding her, this was certainly not the average sinner.
Golden eyes locked onto the whimsical creature like misses fixated on a target.
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"Are you lost?" She purred at last, demeanor like that of a cat playing with a mouse.
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zephosthefaedemon · 19 days
Zephos would smile that gentle smile of hers, glad that she was able to put Moxxie at ease. She would understand others saying hurtful things even when they didn't mean to, or if they did Zephos would find them and ensure that Moxxie was given a proper apology.
With his compliment back to her, a soft grey blush came to the fae's cheeks. That tail behind her swished in a slow and calm manner, comfortable around the imp before her. She would turn her eyes down now, demure and shy.
Zephos would respond however, "I'm glad that I can help dear. After all, we need to build friends up, not tear friends down. And I'm glad people like you are around as well, ever so kind toward others and trying to see the good in them."
She'd take his hands into hers, giving a soft little squeeze. She'd be meeting his gaze now, Zephos' face genuine in its friendliness. She found companionship in Moxxie, finding him rather endearing, reminding her some of that boy she once knew and protected.
Zephos would take a look at where Moxxie meant, kneeling down to get a better angle. She wasn't opposed to checking, a soft hum coming from the fae woman. She would appear to look at him in a non-objectifying way, an objective observer.
She would come to a conclusion, coming around to let Moxxie see her face, "Moxxie, if it's fitting too tightly for your liking I can take it out some, but to be honest, they fit you perfectly for the size and with tail considerations. You dress well. And your bottom is not too big, you're perfect for your size, small as imps may be. If anyone's giving you trouble, I can give them a piece of my mind if you'd like me to."
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zephosthefaedemon · 19 days
Zephos was a bit unnerved by the way Pearl would disregard any competition from those whom were sent away from the speakeasy. As she followed the others leaving the establishment, Zephos would walk with a gentle grace, straight backed, demure, and fair despite her size. She may be a bit rough looking in her attire due to inability to locate a sewing kit, but one could tell she was raised in a proper manner if they watched her.
She would wave as well to the bartender, finding him somewhat endearing despite not speaking to him herself. Zephos once they arrived to the car was unsure if she could touch it, weren't vehicles like this made of iron?
Zephos would state, "I don't know if I am, I've never ridden in a 'car' before. That's what these are called? I'm not carriage sick though, so I assume it's similar." She didn't know many modern conveniences obviously, so the question was genuine.
Pearl eased off her stage, like a snake slithering down a ledge and onto the floor to study prey.
The blonde noted the lingering eyes that followed her, dismissing them quickly with swift hand movements alongside cuing an employee to start some music back up.
A fae? Here? Why?
Pearl circled her some more, noting the tattered robe and rather gentle ones surrounding her, this was certainly not the average sinner.
Golden eyes locked onto the whimsical creature like misses fixated on a target.
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"Are you lost?" She purred at last, demeanor like that of a cat playing with a mouse.
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zephosthefaedemon · 19 days
Zephos would take a look at where Moxxie meant, kneeling down to get a better angle. She wasn't opposed to checking, a soft hum coming from the fae woman. She would appear to look at him in a non-objectifying way, an objective observer.
She would come to a conclusion, coming around to let Moxxie see her face, "Moxxie, if it's fitting too tightly for your liking I can take it out some, but to be honest, they fit you perfectly for the size and with tail considerations. You dress well. And your bottom is not too big, you're perfect for your size, small as imps may be. If anyone's giving you trouble, I can give them a piece of my mind if you'd like me to."
Zephos spied Moxxie appearing to check in the mirror for something, she couldn't tell what for. She would make her presence know, the clack of her hooves heard easily across the tiles of the floor here. "Moxxie, dearest. What are you doing? Is something the matter?"
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zephosthefaedemon · 19 days
Zephos was startled by the appearance of the two demons, wondering just who they were when Pearl said their names. She wasn't sure which belonged to which, but she figured she'd learn with time. She did get a touch frightened with the idea of killing people because they refused to leave.
She would watch with a combination of concern for the people and fascination at which the pair could escort and eject the patrons from the speakeasy. Zephos was unsure if a problem would persist for them closing suddenly with her agreement with Pearl, wondering if she should apologize to the patrons, yet deciding against it.
Zephos' attention was now on Pearl with what she had said. Her new employer seemed kind enough, and at the mention of finalizing the details, Zephos would nod and say, "I appreciate you taking the time to help me. I hope that the ones that had to leave don't cause you any trouble, some of them did look rather angered." She was surprised at the idea of a cottage for herself to stay at, wondering how something like that could exist in Hell.
Pearl eased off her stage, like a snake slithering down a ledge and onto the floor to study prey.
The blonde noted the lingering eyes that followed her, dismissing them quickly with swift hand movements alongside cuing an employee to start some music back up.
A fae? Here? Why?
Pearl circled her some more, noting the tattered robe and rather gentle ones surrounding her, this was certainly not the average sinner.
Golden eyes locked onto the whimsical creature like misses fixated on a target.
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"Are you lost?" She purred at last, demeanor like that of a cat playing with a mouse.
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zephosthefaedemon · 21 days
Zephos caught on something was amiss here. Moxxie doesn't just jump and gasp like that, not that she'd ever seen. Sure, he was shy sometimes, but she knew a cover story when she heard it. Used them herself before as well. She figured be kind but get to the point, something was bothering Moxxie.
"Well, I can sew if something doesn't fit, but I don't know dear if that's the issue here. They fit your figure beautifully." She would come closer, saying, "You can talk to me dear if something is bothering you, goodness knows you've been kind toward me as I was concerned about certain things."
Zephos spied Moxxie appearing to check in the mirror for something, she couldn't tell what for. She would make her presence know, the clack of her hooves heard easily across the tiles of the floor here. "Moxxie, dearest. What are you doing? Is something the matter?"
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zephosthefaedemon · 21 days
Zephos spied Moxxie appearing to check in the mirror for something, she couldn't tell what for. She would make her presence know, the clack of her hooves heard easily across the tiles of the floor here. "Moxxie, dearest. What are you doing? Is something the matter?"
He's just checking his ass from different angles in the mirror now.
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zephosthefaedemon · 21 days
Zephos at first when Pearl stood and took that stance of dominance right in her face, she was a deer in headlights, frozen. Her silver eyes widened too, almost backing up from Pearl and that sudden yet sensual move forward. Then that scent, something in the pheromones changed the air.
The scent to her reminded her of bubbling streams, fire in a hearth, a mix of wildflowers, all the pleasant things she could recall. It calmed Zephos' racing heart, seeming to clear her mind of her fears, worries, that fight or flight she had been in before coming to this speakeasy.
She found the idea pleasant at the moment. She was unsure, yes, but while in Pearl's presence, she found herself at ease. The fae would look at the seductress, wondering what she could possibly do that Pearl would want to hire her for.
To an outsider, Zephos would look agreeable, small yet secure toward the idea. Zephos would speak softly, not needing to be heard above the din of patrons and the music. "What work would you have me do then?"
She appeared to be consenting to living here and working here, just needing to know what she would do. After all, Zephos may be a beggar in Hell, but was hoping that Pearl would be merciful regarding what work she'd have her do.
Pearl eased off her stage, like a snake slithering down a ledge and onto the floor to study prey.
The blonde noted the lingering eyes that followed her, dismissing them quickly with swift hand movements alongside cuing an employee to start some music back up.
A fae? Here? Why?
Pearl circled her some more, noting the tattered robe and rather gentle ones surrounding her, this was certainly not the average sinner.
Golden eyes locked onto the whimsical creature like misses fixated on a target.
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"Are you lost?" She purred at last, demeanor like that of a cat playing with a mouse.
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zephosthefaedemon · 21 days
Well, that question surprised her. Zephos had to think a moment.
Zephos had been so long in survival mode since arriving in Hell, she hadn't really thought of that question. Did she want to go home?
Sure, she didn't know anyone here in Hell, she didn't understand the rules of the society, she didn't have the survival skills to make it alone, let alone a job, land, or a way to make a living in what appeared to be futuristic times. But on the other hand, maybe this was a new opening in her life, a new chance.
A chance to start over.
Zephos would externally appear to be thinking, ears turning and flicking about, tail swishing about to and fro. She wouldn't look agitated but would appear to outsiders as rather endearing in her soft animalistic jitters of thought.
Zephos would answer after a bit of thinking. "I..I genuinely don't know." She figured she might need to elaborate to Pearl, trying to find a way to explain the plight in her head.
"I know next to nothing about how this world works, it's much different than what I know. Yet there's not much at home for me to go to either, and I doubt anyone is searching for me. I must admit, I am quite unsure. I don't know how to live here though; I know not how any of this world functions aside from following the baser instincts and surviving by becoming a dark mirror of oneself. I have nowhere to stay either, no resources that I could trade for, and aside from meeting you tonight, I know no one either. You're the only friendly face I've seen since my arrival."
Zephos' heart would be beating like a drum, those soft silver eyes looking for mercy, hoping that perhaps this kinder soul compared to others would show her a way, help the fae in her need.
Pearl eased off her stage, like a snake slithering down a ledge and onto the floor to study prey.
The blonde noted the lingering eyes that followed her, dismissing them quickly with swift hand movements alongside cuing an employee to start some music back up.
A fae? Here? Why?
Pearl circled her some more, noting the tattered robe and rather gentle ones surrounding her, this was certainly not the average sinner.
Golden eyes locked onto the whimsical creature like misses fixated on a target.
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"Are you lost?" She purred at last, demeanor like that of a cat playing with a mouse.
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zephosthefaedemon · 21 days
Well, that was an interesting turn of events, the way this man interacted with her. Zephos tilted her head curiously, noting at first, he was somewhat taken aback, then the shift to a semi-polite cascade of introductions and questions. Then he pulled that packet of seeds out, thyme.
She could smell it even in the package he carried. Thyme had a certain scent to her that was familiar, a welcoming gesture once again. He surely meant no harm with that kind of introduction and mispronounced fae speech. Was he here upon his accord or was he here upon the demands of another?
Zephos would chuckle, similar to a babbling brook, finding this Blitz person rather charming, if a little awkward. She would take the extended hand in both of her small gloved ones, "You may call me what you wish, Zeph, Zephos, or another form if you desire, Blitz. You may come in, should I put on a kettle for tea, or another drink be more your preference?"
She would move aside to let him in, the place she resided in rather small, yet comfortable. He would see that it was rather homey, with plants in most windowsills, and the floor akin to a forest meadow. The home also smelled of kitchen spices, like cinnamon and sugar, with the floral smells adding a nice non-overwhelming touch. The lights were dim like candles, but light enough to see. Odd to note since Hell was mostly a cold concrete jungle in comparison.
The fae creature months ago had found herself hurled through fog thick on Samhain and falling beyond comprehension, to a living creature at the very least. Yet still persisting and alive, this woman was. Unlike the rest of the denizens of this cursed place.
She'd had to navigate this new world, forests of steel and metal, iron that burned ice cold to the touch, nary plants in sight, horseless metal carriages that careened at high speeds, let alone all the strange and unfamiliar species of people surrounding her. Most with ill intent.
This fae-demon hybrid at this point in reality had lost track of time, as if time was really relevant to the situation at hand. No way home, no way to return to her secluded forest, no spells or potions or items precured had proven effective. So she decided to stay in this Hell instead. The concrete jungles were much, but at the edges of the ring as it was called weren't bad in comparison to the urban landscape.
Zephos had been minding the place she'd found herself staying at, watering plants she had managed to find in this nightmare realm. A strange and twisted world this was, quite different from the one she was home to.
Then a knock was heard, along with what could be described as a bastardization of an attempt of fae speech. It was the closest, however, she'd felt to home.
When the door opened, Blitz would be greeted by a soft beauty, buxom and sweet, short by human standard. Her eyes shown curious with silver hues, shadowed by black lashes and black curls of hair cascading down her back, grey antler like horns poking through the mess of black hair. She would have a curious smile, black lips standing against the porcelain of her skin. Well...he was no fae, but anyone attempting to greet her in such a manner was welcome.
"Well, Sir, what might I be able to help you with? You're the first friendly face I've seen since arriving here. Even if the fae language needs some work." She would have a voice soft as a bell, a lilt suggesting an accent from a place one might hear of in faerie tales. Yet a warmth to it, like freshly baked bread. Her tail swished behind her, wondering who this stranger might be.
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zephosthefaedemon · 21 days
Charlie was rather confused, letting Lucifer take the reins here on this part of the conversation. Zephos was just as curious, though concern was evident in her soft features. Lucifer would explain himself, pacing slightly as he spoke.
"Well, Xaiden is not like others in Hell, he was here before the great creation, older than the natural beings like imps and hellhounds, even myself. He's not under the umbrella of overlords, hell denizens, princes, or I. He lives outside Hell's general grasp of control and prefers it that way, bit of an isolationist. Doesn't really want to deal with people outside his own terms. He could wipe out the vast majority of Hell without even trying, he'd even be trouble for me to reckon with. What Adam brought here would look like child's play in comparison to what Xaiden could do. No wonder you don't want to use your powers Zephos, what you can do is probably a taste of what Xaiden can if he put his mind to it."
That did not help Zephos in the slightest to be calm about her supposed father. She looked between dejected and horrified, eyes downward to not expose her concerns too much for the others. She would ask Lucifer, "Well, if he's that dangerous, why would he do a deal with my mother or want a creature like me? Am I some sort of pawn for him, a curiosity, a trivial pet? What could he possibly want if he's a hermit by choice and that violent upon a whim?"
"Because he doesn't know where she is... I think the one that was chasing Lady Zephos at the beginning of all this? They were hired by either her mother or father to find and take her to them." That was a new part added to Don's earlier guess to why Zephos was chased upon her arrival in Hell, still holding the fae in his embrace as he explained this to his allies.
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"I don't want to put Lady Zephos in danger, but we can try to lure her father out from hiding by revealing that she's here at the hotel... There's no doubt the exterminator war is going to be the latest talk around Hell, so perhaps if he knows that her daughter helped fight in the war, then he'll come for her... We can trap and interrogate him for answers... Miss Charlie, what did you see in Lady Zephos's necklace?"
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zephosthefaedemon · 21 days
"Well, that's the part that's easiest and hardest to explain. I was tending to my garden, planting seeds to grow this spring, and ensuring the plant beds were prepared for winter. It was about Samhain. Then this group of rough vandals approached me, as if to accost me or steal. I attempted to stop them, but they ended up cornering me, and I tripped into this strange fog. And I know I wasn't near any sort of cliff, I know the forest better than the back of a hand as humans say, but I fell and fell through the ground and through sky, then I was in this world."
Zephos would tell her tale, not leaving much out of the description. She was quite unsure how she fell into Hell, even though Samhain was the weakest part of the year between the living and dead. She however hadn't assumed that a living soul could survive Hell as she had so done.
The fae was rather interested in Pearl's eagerness to learn about her. Was there something that Pearl saw in her, did she know a way between the worlds? Perhaps this might be advantageous that she wandered into this den of sin, that there might be hope after all?
Pearl eased off her stage, like a snake slithering down a ledge and onto the floor to study prey.
The blonde noted the lingering eyes that followed her, dismissing them quickly with swift hand movements alongside cuing an employee to start some music back up.
A fae? Here? Why?
Pearl circled her some more, noting the tattered robe and rather gentle ones surrounding her, this was certainly not the average sinner.
Golden eyes locked onto the whimsical creature like misses fixated on a target.
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"Are you lost?" She purred at last, demeanor like that of a cat playing with a mouse.
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